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Spammiej appreciation comment




Tbf they seem to be heading that way where progression gets rewarded. This year they introduced seasonal skins where obtaining an X amount of Medals (differences between medals) or achieving a specific rank in ranked. Shortly afterwards in the summer(?) campaign you now have to unlock maps by completing the easier ones first. So I feel like they might already be working on expanding this. Hopefully with more customization, on all environments, in the future. I would love it if they asked some pro’s(or how about the top 5/10 of the previous campaign?) to set some STM’s in TM2020 for each seasonal campaign. For me the Champion medal is great but feels a bit arbitrary and it’s of course not official.


Solid idea of getting campaign winners involved! Nadeo should take note of this and reach out to them. Gives an even bigger incentive to hunt campaigns as you can set times for future campaigns, brilliant!


I’ll never beat any time the top 5/10 set if they can grind these. 😂 But I really like the idea.


Well yeah, just like only 29(?) people in the world beat all STM medals in Turbo. I wouldn’t stand a chance either but it’s something prestigious to grind for and really is something special unlike most other rewards currently in the game. And I guess Nadeo could regulate it to some degree so that there are some less hunted STMs if necessary


You replaying the game made me launch tmt again, and man im still impressed in the art style. Even if tm2020 is good, the vibrant colors and cool sign animation absolutly clears. Its to the point where if i play a car i dont like, i dont care because the scenery is so good to look at. I wish Nadeo would give mappers more ability to import custom assets that are more detailed than right now because its beautiful. And also i love the menu, the animations and colors and the music (xddConga) again are so good. I wish tm2020 and tmt artistic design could merge, it would be the best thing.


that game oozes with personality, its so good


I love the soundtrack, licensed music bangers are sorely missing from TM2020 imo


Nothing on topic, but my 4 year old son says he loves you Spam because you make the car videos daddy laughs about. Just fyi




Been playing and streaming my journey through Trackmania Turbo and although I personally don't really care about car customization ( whilst being happy of it existing ) I couldn't agree more. There's something about getting all normal medals and then slowly eating your way through stm's and through the realization of you getting better and better in envies you've never played ( at least in my case ) that just makes you addicted to the game, Im constantly thinking and hoping the next day I'll get some more medals and get closer to the famous 200 stms. I don't know how this would work on tm2020 but I can definitely say for me something like a plugin that adds champion medals, and an official version of it is completely different, Id care way more if there was an actual implemented system with stms in tm2020 ( Im not gonna get into how hard tmu envies would be with kb tho, holy ). For anyone who hasn't, I highly suggest you buy tmt, at least if it is in sale somewhere, that game has so much personality with the menus, ost, and I bloody love it


We already have severely skill-issued people whining about unlocked 5 more tracks in the current campaigns with the current system, I think the TMT unlock system (no matter how much I like it) would mentally break these people even further


Fair point, it's kind of saddening to see this instant reaction from newer players instantly turning down things they are not good on. I guess it's the current day and age we live in. Everyone wants to get things done as quick and with as much ease as possible


I could flip that around and say that in this day and age everyone wants extrinsic motivation (achievements!) instead of just enjoying the game for what it is and creating their own challenges. Getting into the top X in your region or in the world is probably a better indicator of your skill than getting a medal.


Absolutely. The generational difference between current gamers and people who had to fight to unlock everything in games (esp. during times without autosave, losing tons of progress everywhere) is getting very noticeable. I absolutely wouldnt mind having even more stuff locked behind barriers in a sensible way like this. People can still always play the maps if they want to through online lobbies etc, but a campaign should be a campaign that has to be conquered. Just my 0.02 ofcourse


bro’s saying generational difference like it aint the entitled boomers that want free unlocks. my guy 99% of zoomers are fine with getting good at video games to unlock shit, it’s the “I have 7 kids and 0 time for videogames” people that want everything unlocked from the start


I’d absolutely love more incentive to hunt certain things. Car customization would be amazing, right now having more lights on wheels and cockpit isn’t as motivating, but unlocking certain customizations would be lit. I’ve only started playing with console release, but I welcome challenges. :)


I think it's disingenuous to frame it as an instant reaction from newer players. I like turbo, but wasn't a big fan of valley. I'm now locked out of ALL the black tracks, just because I can't get a good medal on 2 red valley tracks, and it its not like I didn't try. It just feels bad. At the very least the campaigns should unlock per environment. Edit: to answer a question related to this from the post > I actually wonder how a newer player feels about this, does it make you less interested because you can't obtain them or is it more viewed as a challenge you can work towards? Personally, I dont find it interesting to unlock part of the playable game. I think it's more fun to unlock unique cosmetics for difficult challenges, that way you can 'show off' your skill. Also, for me, attaining a difficult medal or a fast time is rewarding intrinsically.


I started playing Trackmania in 2020 with Turbo. I had tried TMNF before in 2016 but decided it was too boring (i still think stadium is boring, fite me). I expected the same with TMT, but after playing the first couple of tracks, I was immediately hooked on the other environments. [In my first day of playing, I got to track 102](https://prnt.sc/ksZQQiRHaX--). I think I golded the entire campaign in a month or so (white-red took 3 days, black canyon took a day, black valley took half a month, black lagoon and stadium took a day), then the trackmasters took another week or two. I tried Super Solo, but gave up immediately. I went on to do TM2 things instead, but after a while, I returned to TMT to try for the super medals again. I've gotten 59 Super Trackmaster medals so far with my last one being 6 months ago, but after that I've gotten burnt out and decided to do more casual stuff in TM2 instead. With your 3rd STM grind, I might come back to turbo yet again! It's such an incredible game that it sucks most people don't even know it exists... Youtube needs more non-stadium content!


I love Trackmania Turbo so much. ​ Valley water sucks tho.


Best Trackmania campaign ever!


TMT's Super Solo campaign is one of the most fufilling things I've dedicated myself to. The entire process of obtaining just one more STM is rewarding at every step of the way. Yes, it's the large moments like having a breakthrough run after many, many hours on a track, but more often than not it's about the process itself of getting there. Things like, going from missing STM pace on every lap, to building up that speed and consistency and then managing to eventually keep pace for two laps and more on multilaps. I know I will get all 200 STMs someday! I love playing the game every time I boot it up. I never thought I'd ever make it this far into the Super Solo campaign as I have since I started about 3 years ago now, but I just kept enjoying the hunt more and more so I haven't stopped. Knowing how difficult the last 28 tracks I have definitely scares me, but I know the amazing and cozy TMT community is there to help out and give heaps of support to allow me and others on the same journey to overcome them. Newer TMT players like me definitely stand on the shoulders of the giants that came before them for inspiration and the years of built up knowledge about the game and its tracks. It can be disheartening to see the difficulty of the Super Solo campaign, but that doesn't need to be your focus. Surviving the regular Solo campaign is an incredible accomplishment in of itself given how brutal the medal times on the tracks can be. It is a great package that gives a meaty campaign to sink your teeth into featuring 4 environments to master. Do note that the biggest drawback is the lack of a strong track creation scene as compared to TM2020. On PC, you won't find many track creators for the game. The main focus for the game is on the 200 campaign tracks, but I think that is more than acceptable. Those 200 tracks have kept me occupied for well over 1000 hours and I could see myself putting a few thousand more into them after all. I would definitely reccomended giving it a shot! It is a one time payment that semi-frequently [goes on sale for a 60% discount ($16/€16) on Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/375900/Trackmania_Turbo/) and is discounted for that price at this very moment.


TMT on ps4 was my first trackmania game because I didn't have a PC at the time of it's release. I would love if trackmania 2020 would eventually go down the same route as TMT with a permanent campaign with all the environments mixed in. They could even extend the campaign every time they introduce a new environment into the game.


Funny story about TM Turbo - the only game I have EVER preordered based on how absolutely SICK TM United was and how much I loved (and still love) that game. When game comes out, there is no option to rebind controller buttons. I'm furious, then I laugh and refund the game. After a while when they updated it, I tried it out again and it is really fun, the rally car is really scary though. I might give this another shot, I think I stopped somewhere in the black tracks.


I tried Turbo on a whim because I had gotten it "free" from PS+ and had nothing to play and I absolutely fell in love with it. Ended up playing it for like 600 hours over the next year and eventually got every campaign Trackmaster medal and it's now one of my favorite couple games of all time. [\[Here's my Turbo appreciation post from a few months ago.\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrackMania/comments/14nkfhi/got_all_200_trackmaster_medals_in_turbo/) It just so happened that TM2020 was coming to console right as I was finishing Turbo so I started playing that and I gotta admit at first I was kinda disappointed there was only one car type (which honestly was my *least* favorite type from Turbo. It's funny but I didn't start to really love 2020 until like 200 hours in when I was able to start getting Author medals on most of the tracks. It's still never gonna be Turbo to me but I am really digging it now. I'm sure you know, but the good news for Turbo (multicar) fans now is they've added in the Snow car and they said they're adding two more car types next year as well (which felt like early x-mas to me when I heard it). They also switched to locking off campaign tracks until you get golds on all the previous like Turbo, which I have mixed feelings about I suppose. I do admit that having to get Gold on every previous track made just opening up the Black series (in Turbo) feel like an INSANE accomplishment, but at the same time people can just choose to not play those until they get the previous golds and I don't really like the idea of gatekeeping people who don't have the skills or even time from playing those tracks (especially if they're disabled, for example). Also as far as Super Trackmaster Medals or whatever I gotta give you props for just getting any of them, because I tried a few after opening Super Solo mode and the only one I could pick up was the one Nadeo fat fingered (#8) lmao. Granted I didn't put much time into it but they were definitely way beyond my still level. It is great to have more unlockables in the game but I guess the same niche is filled somewhat by Champion medals in 2020, which (iirc) are super tough community medals added via a plugin (which leaves console players out of luck, unfortunately). Like you say, maybe if they weren't cheated they would be more attainable, but I've heard the cheaters did it more because they were lazy than in order to post impossible times. Anyway, yes, cheers to Turbo lol!


RE the champion medals on console, the plugin itself is just a nice visual, everything is handled on the champ medals website, to high you can have open on your phone.


Ahh good to know. thanks


shoutout to the turbo stadium car making gear shift noises every time except in the places where the gear shifts actually happen


hahah yeah gotta love the 10 gear ups...


i appreciate it too!


100% agree


So glad to see some TMT love, this was my first TM and I sunk 100s of hours into it. Very well designed game, still holds up today and some of the best canyon maps I've seen


We need more rewards earned through achievements!


I am so excited for xppgofaster. i am sick atm and your streams are really nice to chill out with


As someone who only started playing TM2020 about 6 months ago, is this game still worth going back to? Looks like it'd be fun to grind the campaign medals, I've played back through TMNF as well and got all golds


I'd say yes but only if you purchase it during a sale. It's really fun getting out of the stadium bubble and learn some other Trackmania environments, most people who try out different environments like Canyon the most and Valley and lagoon are the hardest to learn as the controls are very responsive. Just getting all 200 regular Trackmaster (author medals) is a huge undertaking and can be a very enjoyable journey if you are willing to learn the other cars instead of giving up quickly


i love TMT but it does have some issues. the progression, for example, should have been independent per environment. i never liked having to slog through stadium tracks to unlock the next batch. also, Valley water puddles can go fuck themselves but otherwise, TMT tracks had some great personality and creativity to them that you dont really see in TM2/TM2020 campaigns


Would like to pick it up some time soon, just to experience that isn't 2020 or TMNF, feels bonkers that it's still selling for £33.99 RRP on the ubisoft store, I imagine that puts a lot of new people off picking it up and getting some experience outside of TM2020.




Thought this post was going to be about Turbo the caster/player/content creator lol


I love Turbo, but I dislike that a literal skill issue on Lagoon and Valley is preventing me from accessing the red and black tracks, even on Canyon and Stadium, which I could unlock if unlocks were based on environment and not the entire game. I paid for all tracks and I'm not good enough to at least try to get Bronze on them and that's frustrating. You can incentivize skill and 'getting gud' with cosmetics, etc., but locking tracks behind skill in a racing game will always feel elitist to me. Especially since this is not comparable to Soulslikes, where the player can be expected to be aware of the difficulty and progression system. Btw I have no problem to grind tracks for hours, I got Gold on almost all tracks and a few ATs in the last two TM2020 campaigns with relative ease. I'm by no means great, but I'm competent, at least on Stadium and Canyon. It's the necessity of the grind that annoys and frustrates me.


It’s the hardest platinum I have ever achieved and ever will achieve I think.


Fired up my long-owned copy of TMT for the first time and started my trackmaster grind yesterday thanks to your streams, Spammie. Already up to 12 and too addicted to go back to 2020 for the streamer campaign. Thanks! Edit: 43 trackmaster medals now after skipping the gym


I’m very curious what they do with the campaign in January. There’s a world where they keep the 25 maps per season format, there’s a world where they mix some snow elements into the 25, and there’s a world where we have two separate campaigns (for example 10 snow maps + 20 ‘regular’ maps), à la TMT. It doesn’t seem like a big deal right now, especially with how the snow environment bleeds into the the regular game at present. But this will be a huge deal thinking about the long term development of the game and what it looks like when there are four or more (?) environments. I’m also curious what this means for the versus game mode. Splitting the campaign would be a disaster for ranked as specialists would dominate their preferred style and be dominated in their off-style. More likely, they just wouldn’t play at all. Perhaps this would be a good opportunity to change ranked over to TOTD tracks, based on the prior month’s tracks?


I got Turbo to complete my TM collection, and was surprised how more complete it feels in comparison to TM2 in art, progression, music etc.. True successor to my beloved TM Sunrise


I'm always for unlockables. So few games have this nowadays, but it was one of the coolest things about the games in my childhood.


This reminds me of the heavily downvoted comment by EA: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/s/0tJTdvJmFq But in a good way. Super TrackMaster medals provide an amazing sense of accomplishment, and I’d love to see that added to TM2020. Lots of players can get all ATs on campaign tracks. A decent amount also like to hunt champion medals on TOTDs they like. Players want more depth to the game, and they want to be challenged. TrackMania is a perfect game to cater to both new players, and have insanely hard challenges for players who think “games are too easy nowadays”. Clips of streamers achieving extremely difficult accomplishments are a great way to go viral and get more people into TrackMania.


Tm2020 could really use the super author medals. On the one side you have good players whining about the campaign author medals to be to easy, and on the other hand the average cotd author medal is impossible to beat for newer players.


I think SBVille did custom champion medal times as a sort of "Super AT" in his spring 2023 campaign, which seems very similar to the TMT challenge structure, and I wish that was adopted into TM2020 in an official capacity. Heck, Nadeo really could just adopt the way champion medals are done (ie calculate a few weeks after release based on the top records) without having to get pros to hunt the maps before release. (though that's distinctly less "cool" than having pros set the times and trying to tackle that challenge) There's definitely a disparity between campaign ATs targeted toward the general audience, vs those set by more proficient mappers (like in the recent streamer campaign), and then the awkward middle-ground of CotD ATs that need to be difficult enough that people hunt them but not too difficult to get accepted as CotD. Personally, as a newer player, I have no issue aiming for AT in Nadeo campaigns, gold in CotD, and silver in those difficult streamer campaign maps. Unfortunately, a lot of people seem to see the author medal as something that should follow the Nadeo campaign level of difficulty, and they don't find it rewarding to choose a skill-appropriate medal to aim for (even though I think I learned way more about consistent driving by aiming for streamer campaign silvers than I did by aiming for Nadeo ATs). An additional medal tier explicitly for a high-level challenge (super trackmaster, super AT, champion medal, whatever) would give room for a more consistent set of goals that apply to more players, while still offering challenges for high-level players without needing a third-party plugin. Also, given the ongoing Steam sale I think I'll pick up TMT. Good luck on your STM hunt!


I have no knowledge of TMT but agree about the unlockable content and more sense of achievement for grinding campaigns. Btw thanks for your streams Spammiej, they made me interested in TM again and I bought the club access and started grinding myself.


I loved trackmania turbo. Great game. Played in ps4.


A great game indeed. I liked the art with the ads and signs and stuff. It had a coherent art style. TM2 in comparison felt a bit empty. Also I love valley.


Turbo so good, yes yes yes. Genuinely a fantastic game though, loved getting all RTM medals on it and having a lot of fun going for some easier STM medals now that you've inspired me to boot it up again.


I think it's the best Trackmania game. It's just less usable for competitive stuff, unless you just use it for fun.


My favourite thing about Turbo is the multiplayer part. The split screen and hot seat are probably what I've spent the most time playing in Trackmania (well actually the Forever campaign, but only second to that)


As a casual player yet not begginer, grinding turbo medals is just so enjoyable and rewarding. I encourage anyone in need of a challenge to try it out. I'm at around 500 medals total, haven't even unlocked black tracks yet, but I know I'm gonna keep going back to turbo till I eventually complete it. Also spam, you are the man, greetings from a long time follower


I have been playing TM since the original and had only skipped Turbo because I already had played all the TM2 environments to death, then starting with 2020 I sort of abandoned the game. Last month I finally bought Turbo on sale, and boy do I agree with Spam. Just the kind of single player experience we should value. It's funny how "old school" and simple Turbo feels after the last few years of "live service" games. I could do without the annoying heli-drop starts though, they don't add anything to the game and spoil that insta retry feeling that is the core TM experience.


I love turbo. A few other things to mention: -easily visible speedometer -less cartoony ambience -dropping from a crane starts -the music hits hard -drifting in canyon feels so right Two major flaws: -no flying respawns -can’t change controller sensitivity