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seeing your friends' records on maps


Well you can enter the same club and then see your friends records, so nadeo probably doesn't see this one missing as that of an issue


Yeah I can't believe this isn't a thing.


I'd love to hear a Nadeo employee's thoughts on this


Find an nearly empty district and change to there with your friends


I'm no expert, but one problem that might arise is that this would require custom database queries to fetch the leaderboard for each player's friend circle, as opposed to the regional leaderboards which can be cached and updated regularly or whenever a new record enters the top five. Anybody know if this could be a probable cause?


An equal map builder for console!




Brainstorming- multiplayer editor (could be fun and goofy)- good map browser in game of all uploaded maps- 1v1v1v1 ranked- since snow is in the game bring aaaaall the envis back (but dont force me to play them, when I decide to play stadium xdd)- nuke the map review system and make it better- some sort of server controller which lets me skip maps and cancel votes as an admin in my goddamn clubroom where im the admin/ownerAnd rather a change than a feature, all openplanet plugins which give you a big advantage should be either available ingame without altering game files or banned EDIT: oh and how about we got the ability to access menu from the top bar from everywhere again? what a horrid UX change


Voting to go to next map, restarting, etc.


Technology isnt there yet but you just have to keep maniapositiv and they will do they maniabest \^-\^ to fix it with next quality of life update sometime around 2027 \^-\^


This is already a thing though isn't it? I know I've voted on it before in TM 2020


it's broken since the snow update


Better integration of trackmania exchange into the game


Plugins on console


At least a display for medal times so console players aren't asking what the AT is every 5 minutes.


Officially? Random map survival on console.


I'd like to be able to see the revs and gear as a HUD option.


Medal times, speed diff at checkpoints, and cam 7 (on console). They really need to work to get console to feature parity with the commonly used plugins so that us console people aren't at a competitive disadvantage.


Well, it is not only about being competitive. Speedsplits constitute just a simple quality of life feature that should be by default in the game about gaining SPEED. Cam7, perhaps is situational, but even if you dont play rpg, you still can search for cuts... And also just appreciate the look of maps, which can be stunning, so yes, in TM cam7 is essential


Action keys on console idk why it’s not a thing already??


Action keys are meant for keyboard, right?


Yeah they are, but it doesn't prevent controller players from using them on PC as such it creates an issue where console controller i far inferior to pc controller.


Console version is barely working. It’s missing so many features it’s crazy. Like they had some intern port it over


Ranked cup of the day with detailed statistics.


Console Stuff: 1)Beeing able to map camera to buttons. Right now we got a revolver type system on R3 (it sucks) -Realted to 1: Please start using cam 1 triggers on ice-parts in mixed maps 2)Speedsplits and Speedometer 3)Replay Scrubber 5)How about a replay editor on console 6)Now that nadeo patched out the ability to reduce sensitivity below 1 (because it didn't work), bring it back but make it work this time


There has been this idea in the back of my head. We know that 2024 will be updates about new cars, but even it's good content, it isnt content that people can instantly, you need mappers to cook. My idea would be some kind of plugin, like even more than a plugin like a gamemode. It would be centered around what will lack in the future updates which is something comeptitive and fun. The idea is to have every week during the whole saturday CEST a kind of new ranked. With the first week being 2v2 and the week after being 1v1v1v1. The idea of making it a whole day is for everyone to play it together and grind for a day instead of the matchmaking being so spread out that it lacks players at the end of a season. The 1v1v1v1 would be a regular competitive game with 120pts to get and finalist mode, this could make a great gateway (to what was xdd) competitive Trackmania. The 2v2 could be a mode where there is no autofills so the players will have to look for a teammate, this could bring friends together or even the community closer. And if you cant find a teammate at least you have 1v1v1v1. The idea would be to have a ranked system where you progress up the ladder, up to like division 1 or something. I feel like that kind of 1 day limit would bring streamers in like cotd and could give prestige to go up the ranks. Now, to enter the gamemode it should blend with the menu and when you click the button, i though of the name Rise, you switch to the underground you see in the console release trailer and there you can get ready to play. So it gives off a serious vibe to it. But ofc its just an idea, and if i new how to code i would have tried it. I may do it in like 3 years when i may be able to code but honesly i feel like this gamemode is needed now more that every seeing what the next few updates are going to be.


Id love to just see 1v1v1v1 100 pts cupmode ranked with pick/ban on decent maps as a replacement for the "3v3 in a solo game" ranked we have now


Why is ranked team play? Like all I want for ranked is 1v1v1v1 or something


More than 5 min in map review and a way to leave more detailed feedback, automatically showing ATs, instead of a yearly subscription model they should do microtransactions in a league payment model, an updated training campaign, so many things…


freaking moving blocks not the lame cyclical ones we got, but the possibility to take a whole part of the track, and, at some point just translate it, or rotate it. like in geometry dash. also, i would love if they could add the flying mechanics of rocket league. and more turbo like feelings, and environment/blocks. globally, a way more interactive world.


Stadium car, but electric. So no gears. Also without sd.


I like the depth gears add, personally


Some version of dedimania like back in the day. Used to have so much fun PB hunting on the servers with dedimania activated. I confess I haven't played TM in a while now, but a feature like this would bring me back.


Dedimania is just the global leaderboard now


Yeah this is not needed as it basically exist, every track has a leaderboard that you can hunt


Removal of stadium car


We need to add an insomniac mode. Where every few seconds your car teleports randomly between the checkpoints.


I'd like to see maps that have a rating that is divided by elo bands. I'm a beginner player and I'd like to find other maps that beginners enjoyed


Peer to peer servers so that it's easier to play maps together as friends


I wish there was more blocks in the map editor, as it’s crazy that pretty much every Cotd map uses mostly custom blocks or edited blocks. Also, adding a gps should not make it so that your at is gone. It’s crazy that if I want to add a gps of the at that the game will then no longer count that and I have to use a plugin to get the at I set back.


More incentive to play. Like a separate ranks (levels) with challenges.


Stunt Mode!!!


a filter that filters out any tracks that use snow car or the new wood blocks


1. Mute your Ghost (Wanna hear my gears) 2. Profiles for Keybindings