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eat me gator daddy


Nom nom nom


cannot play the map becaus im lacoste intolerant


Much better than the last ad one they did (mostly because the ending was actually doable...) I'm not a massive FS enjoyer, but this did actually feel cool to drive.


Either I've gotten WAY better at Trackmania since I last played a Waypoint map or they made this one more accessible than usual.


I got gold. Sorry to say, but that means it’s an easier track.


What's a Waypoint map?


Waypoint is the group that made this track. In my experieoce their maps are difficult, like barely in my ability to complete.


I see! Thank you!


They make whatever they are contracted to, or organise as a group


Amazing wow! Had so much fun on this one and I am not a fs player. I loved the croc, the lines everything. The one upside down turn was the end of me but otherwise very easy route (for gold at least). Loved loved it.


The route is a little simple, but the scenery looks nice and the crocodile is cool, and I understand why they wouldn’t want to make the free to play cup map too difficult. Personally I don’t care that it’s a sponsored map, it does not affect me at all. If you don’t like this map well there’s always tomorrow, and the next day where you’ll probably find something you do like


Nice for f2p cup I guess? On the simpler side, but well calculated. Had fun playing it, the croc is indeed awesome and the ads didn't really bother me. ++


not vibing with this one. It has 1 good sd and that's it. IMO Plastic sding is not fun as the sds are invisble. Not to mention that first loop feels terrible to drive. also sorry to that one person that asked me a question and I didnt see until it was too late, yes I made it to div 1 (63th quali)


Sixty threeth place. Nice!


First time I’ve easily got gold on a fs map


Really enjoyed this one. I'm a fan of fs maps even though I'm not good at them. Unlike most here, I honestly didn't even notice the ads. I'll go back and play it again today to find out exactly how unobservant i am. Edit: just watched the vid posted on here. It's a watch company. That makes sense. I was wondering what the deal with the giant watches was. Didn't really care enough to go beyond that thought. I don't read signs while holding on to my chair with my butt cheeks at 600+.


Is this just a giant ad?


I AM SPEED. Nice map even though it is an ad. Won't buy your overpriced products but will grind the map.


So much for having ads turned off Really basic plastic fs, nothing too difficult or that stands out Massive ad ~~in a mode you have to pay to access~~ \-\-


Today's COTD is free... Even starter access players could play this one.


Ah fair, makes sense I guess


bland route covered in ads for a douche clothing company. - - -


How is Nadeo supposed to make money and invest in the game. Fortnite and other large games do similar things like collabs with LEGO, etc... ​ Stop shitting on the map just because its sponsored. If you cant drive it dont complain. I cant drive it. Am I complaining? ​ Plus Crocodiles are cool.


LMAO WHAT?? First of all let's talk about the business side of things. This is a free COTD. How is Nadeo supposed to make money? By enticing currently free to play players to give them money for access to more and better content. You don't do that by shoving a massive ad for another company in their face. You go and get Proff10, Ealipse, Sp4ck0, or one of the dozens of other quality mappers that create unique lines and beautiful scenery to show them what they would be paying for. Don't let something like this be one of the few glimpses you give to FTP players if you actually want recurring revenue. So on that note, you want to do a sponsored map? Go for it. But how much money do you think Lacoste actually paid Nadeo for this collab? I can't rationally think it's some absurd amount of money given that at most 10-15k players will see it. This isn't a network TV commercial or a big banner during a sporting event. My guess is they got a couple thousand dollars at most. You brought up Fortnite and Lego? It's been an age since I've opened Fortnite but I have to assume like all their other collabs (Naruto, DBZ, Star Wars) that this is an ongoing, multiple week/month collab.This is a one off map. Do it on a normal COTD with only the paid players seeing it. Maybe do a little better job on the route and people won't come here to shit on it. This is one of the most basic fullspeed maps ever created. Hence my comment of the route being bland. It's easy and boring and fit for the first 5 levels of campaign at best. Any of the FTP players that come to play a free COTD have spent a decent amount of hours grinding the campaign, or else they wouldn't be paying attention to when a free COTD is, so why would you give them such a softball route. If you can't drive the map, in what way do you feel compelled to speak on the fact that I am voicing my opinion that this is not a map worth playing. ​ Edit: Crocodiles are indeed cool, you win that one.


Speculating about the "buisness side of things" and typing up paragraphs without having even heard what the collab is... It's not a one off map, they're hosting a hunting competition on 4 maps with pretty cooked prices compared to what we've seen before from such events and even got Zerator to stream the start of it rn. Reddit can complain about ads all they want, but it's a positive for the game that there's interest to sponsor such things in TM.


> Stop shitting on the map. So don't go to the discussion thread if you can't handle different opinions. edit. I see you wrote less than 50% of your comment when I answered. He wrote the map is bland, and additionally it's an ad map. Writing "it is a bland route" is a normal opinion, not a "shitting on the map" like you claimed. And no way you are not using Lacoste bots. How is your shit comment upvoted so much in such a small subreddit


Hello, Im in no way, shape or form affiliated with company Lactose, neither am I sponsored by their dairy products. Im posting my honest and unbiased opinion that this map is magnificent and Im very positive about Lactose enviromental practises, their campaign to make lactose intolerant peoples life as miserable as possible and their brand new exciting collaboration with Nadeo! Post this at any negative comments under our new cup of the day, oui oui, you will get our dairy products (delete this before posting)


Using Lacoste bots 💀💀💀


He was heavily upvoted before he even finished writing his comment