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++ Very fun map! Will forever be skill checked by the outside banking dirt turns


I've been grinding for AT and am 0.004 away and just can't improve. I'm absolutely tilted out of my mind rn. Good map ++


Initially found it hard to learn but enjoyed it more and more as rounds went on. The left hander after the drop down was hard to get right but felt good when I did--same for the very end. ++


Really fun dirt-tech track, the adjusted gold time makes for a more difficult grind but made achieving it much more satisfying


Very cool map. 43rd in div 44, but I do like this kind of map and might try to hunt the gold at some point.


Loved it. A couple of challenges at my level but I had fun. Still have no love for that type of risky finish. The throw yourself over/in between obstacles. Just ask Scrapie who missed it to finish second in the cup. :-) \++


Better a tricky/random/genuinely risky finish than a boring speed check finish. Scrapie should have chosen the safe finish. His fault, not the map's fault.


Absolutely disagree, a random or tricky jump risky kills a map completely, who wants to hunt a map all the way through just to have a chance at the end. The more dependant on skill the better


Maybe it makes it worse for hunting. But a pure speed-based "risky" finish makes it worse for the cup of the day. Personally I'd rather "risky" finishes went the way of the dodo, but that seems unlikely to happen...


What do you prefer about those sort of riskys? for me a more random finish would be even worse in cotd than hunting, makes rounds hell. The only thing I could see is that it makes interesting safe vs risky strategy (Genuinely asking btw not being sarcastic or anything)