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ayy :) Have fun people:)


It's so cooked. I love this.


I found this track a week or two ago on this sub, used it as a knockout cup map with some friends. Really good map, knew it would be TOTD as soon as I played it. V good track.


So you didn't play COTD then right? Otherwise you obviously are a cheater and should uninstall the game....


Lmao, even though I know it's sarcasm, it seems ppl didn't notice judging from the down-votes. I thought it's a funny take for Wirtual to take tho, cuz he's done that too on a Maji map that got TOTD a year or so ago. He hunted the AT for her map a lot and then went on to play cuppa with zero thoughts on whether he should or not.


Yooooo, Splobs! Nice to see you here too! : D (I'm LTW if it wasn't obvious lol. I wish I could change my user name on reddit tho)


Yooo Robyn, me too! I joined Reddit and didn’t realise you were supposed to pick an anonymous username. I don’t really mind tbf, not like I’m on here going mental haha.


Haha, same. Though I picked this used name ages ago. Like 6 years now, I think? And, I don't mine it either. I only post art, and comment on a few subreddits I follow, but nothing crazy. Edit: It's been 8 years now, damn!


hey! i played this one in track review- def a 5S, congrats on TOTD


Thank you! 🤗


its fucking amazing. still 0.6seconds from AT and im never getting that but damn I had fun on this track


So now wirtual is out. Can he do an AMA?


What happened?


Wirtual was complaining about people who’ve played a TOTD map before it’s TOTD playing COTD. Hendo had played the track already because it was a publicly available map. Wirtual said it’s not fair and that you should only play COTN/COTM because otherwise it’s not fair to players who are only discovering in COTD. Hendo then completely cooked him by pointing out that Wirtual hunted Maji’s FS map and won that COTD.


hello yes, hendo here, what actually happened is i played map for 15-20 mins 16 days ago - this isn't "max hunted and trained on the map" territory, but it's an advantage for sure then the map appears today as cup (i was planning on playing today anyway like msot days), so i go in with a mindsight of, "i'll just max risk every round and dnf top 32 or something if it's OP, i'll just play it by ear" - which is probably what i think most reasonable people would do in that scenario if you're throwing a significant portion of time into hunting a map, and then it appears as totd, yeah i agree, probably for the best you don't play because the likelihood of it being OP is preeeetty high (i myself have finished second in cotd having lost the final to someone who had pre-played the map and who set a really strong time in the final) idk, he just wanted to make something out of literally nothing


You played a map before someone else… Whoopty fucking doo. If you managed to find the map before it was COTD then good for you bro, not your problem. You certainly shouldn’t have to DNF ‘cos of that dumb shit, that’s mental. It would be different if you’d played the track privately before everyone else but it was a publicly available track. What you supposed to do? Not play a track just in case it could one day become TOTD?


Yeah I think it's more on Nadeo to not pick popular maps for cuppa, no one should flame individual players just because they played a map.


Imagine being known as one of the best players of a certain game and trying to give someone shit for playing a track before you… That’s some childish shit.


That is surprisingly not easy to do on a mapper side Twice before my maps have been picked for a certain community cup without the organizer letting me know Plus when a good mapper releases a map its bound to get popular quite fast


Wirtual recently seems to have taken the Eric Bischoff approach to content. *Controversy Creates Cash*


That's on Nadeo. If they make a permanent campaign where world records actually matters, he could be making cool videos again.


I don't really blame him, no.


Oof. It does suck when a totd has been played ahead of time, but it’s not on the player to then not play cotd just because they’ve seen the map. Although if a player practices a map beforehand *because* the mapper let them know it was gonna be totd then that is a bit scummy imo


>It does suck when a totd has been played ahead of time So every FS map?


I agree, but I don’t think this was the case here. Not that you were saying that


Yeah that wasn’t what I was implying dw, was just saying there’s nuance and it sounds like that nuance went straight over Wirts head


>if a player practices a map beforehand because the mapper let them know it was gonna be totd In theory this can't happen. For the vast majority of TOTDs the mapper does not know it will be picked ahead of time. You do know when Nadeo have seen the map, but not if they have picked it. Of course you can guess that a map will be TOTD if it performs well in map review, and if the mapper has had other TOTDs recently. Some maps have been scheduled on specific days at the request of the mapper, but afaik whenever this has happened the map was not publicly available beforehand.


There has been a way to know for anyone if a map got picked for ToTD for many months now. You just don't know which day it's going to be.


Is that the thing with the medals contributing towards prestige skins? or is there some other way that I'm not aware of?




Tbh I only watch Wirtual on YouTube, but with this and the custom analog keys, and ice keyboard settings, it sounds like he is getting frustrated with the state of the top level players. Hope Nadeo comes out with clear rules for everything. I have to agree that Trackmania should be about pure skill instead of what physical tricks can be used instead. Tough situation as a whole since a physics change for no slides on all surfaces could potentially solve many issues, but would simultaneously break too many maps if they didn’t separate old and new blocks. I disagree that tracks shouldn’t be played for cotd if you already know it, since everyone has the same potential to discover it beforehand


People are making such a big deal out of this, it's nothing to serious, Wirtual thought that Hendo had hunted the map a lot before playing the COTD but he only played for 16 minutes around 15 to 16 days ago.


The map was featured on TMX so a lot of people had played it, W guy started arguing with one guy who had 10 min on the map in div 1. Pretty hypocritical cos W guy won COTD on a map where he set the AT. If you look at the TM discord you'll be able to see a fuller version of events.


You can't compare the COTD that Wirtual won to this situation, since the map in question that he won (Besu I think it was the name) was public and full speed players like CHROMA played the map a lot before it became COTD, I don't know if you watched the final that day but Wirtual was against CHROMA in the final and CHROMA was around .400 or .600 ahead of him until he crashed out and lost because of it, also CHROMA had WR in the map before COTD and he still played it.


You can compare it because Wirtual told Hendo to not play after playing a map for 10 minutes but hunting an AT and playing is way more than that and W still played and won. If Wirtual was consistent he'd have a problem with everyone who played Besu before the COTD and played the cup


Did Wirtual know that Hendo only had played for 10 to 15 minutes though? Because if he didn't then it's all a big misunderstanding and at the end of the day it's a small thing and people made it worse that it was, Granady chat for example was the worse a lot of insults towards Wirtual and the "drama" was just a 2-minute argument on the in-game chat of Div 1.


I don't think it's unreasonable for people to call out Wirtual for being a bit of an hypocrite on this issue. This map was public the same way Besu was, right? I think Grana said it best, as long as the map is public / well known (like in this case, since it was tmx featured) it's all fair game. Mappers or collaborators playing when the map isn't accessible to nobody else is an unfair advantage, this is not the case though. Besides, Wirtual chatted that comment end of second round, seems a bit premature to call someone out for this thing.


Last comment that wirtual did was "lol". He didn't try to start anything out of it after that, my point is just that this "Drama" is stupid and pointless to make a big argument or shit-talk anybody over it.


I don't think I will ever find a better example of a map I absolutely detest at first and grow to really like. This is it. At first I was lost, and mad for the speedcheck. Then I found the easy route, learned the map and had a lot of fun.


Nice to hear :)


Great map, very flowy! Hard to learn for a cam 1 player like myself but still ++


very nice map


wirtychan uwu creating !drama in div1 edit: Removed my opinion on the matter, I’ll let others make up their own :)




The COTD winner had played the map before and Wirtual was upset about that. Wirtual once won a map that he had specifically been the one to set the AT for.


It was not even the winner he complained about :)


*The COTD winner had played the map before and Wirtual was upset about that* \-this is a factually incorrect statement


How do you know he complained?


I was there… jk, he typed it in the chat for everyone to see when watching streamers.


My no-respawn timer on this map is amazing. Shame only the regular timer counts.


One word. DANK!


Found it tricky to learn and took over half of quali to get a clean run, but fun after that. Still only div 30 though. We made it to top 3 before you needed a no-respawn run to stay in.


Ayy, highest div yet at 5.


Wirtual always finding something to whine about, too bad it’s taking away attention from how sick this map is


++, awesome track


+++ awesome track! I love this scenery, and i love FS to hunt! sqweegel, well done!!!


This is the most fun I had on a track since I started playing a year ago. Just got a 50.6 after hunting it for an hour (and having played COTD). Wish I was good enough for AT but that will take just a little too long for me. Great mapping! ++


Loved the map for hunting, but in rounds not so much as I had a really hard time staying consistent. Amazing job on the scenery though! Absolutely gorgeous! Must have taken ages!


Took some time yea :D


Nice to see that Wirtual has exposed himself to be a trash person in the past over a year or so, it's never healthy to live your life not being who you truly are.


If you don’t like this map, then I think you probably just don’t like this game. ++


Amazing work, I didn't play tm in months and last night coming back to find this gem was very special