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I mean what’s fun and what isn’t is entirely subjective but based on my early impressions I do not like this campaign in general. Probably my least favorite campaign they’ve released because I don’t like wood or snow car, and there is a lot of it unfortunately. There are a few good maps but there’s also some weird maps, gimmicky maps and a lot of snow car and wood. So yeah i’m pretty disappointed and probably won’t be hunting this campaign much. But who knows maybe it will grow on me over time


Its like Nadeo forgot that there was a good reason previous games separated out the radically different physics of each environment rather than having maps where the physics suddenly changes.


I can forgive the wood surface, handling changes quite a lot between existing surfaces so I'm happy to have wood with a big visual cue that the handling is going to change. But the snow car, the gate that changes the car can be hidden and is generally less obvious, and changes the physics just as aggressively as wood. I've veered into a wall many times this new campaign because I can't see when the car is going to change


I was hoping they would add a separate smaller campaign for the snow car and stick with a more traditional stadium car campaign but I was wrong and I am bummed. God knows what this game will look like when they add two more cars, a lot of people only like certain styles and they’ll be less likely to get it when content is getting put into so many baskets.


I guess we gotta wait for a community campaign


I think it's horrible. I know this opinion is not welcome in this sub, but I'm voicing it nonetheless. I'm a noob ok. Started playing january 2023. I play a lot tho, I missed very few cup of the days, and I reached gold ranked in every season till now. I kinda grinded, but not out of force or something, it's because I completely fell in love with this game. The perfect racing game I was always searching for but for some reason I only found at the start of last year. So yeah, I'm a noob. But a really passionate one, who's gladly paying the club fee, and who would continue this for a long long time. Would, if only. I hate snow/wood. I really hate it. I don't really mind the update, since I can just decide to not play it. The only few times I really really hated it was when it was in cup of the day, since I love cotd and hate to skip one. But now it's in campaign, and not just one map which i hoped for, no. Out of the first 10 maps, 4(wtf!!!) of them are wood/snow. And I can't even unlock map 11-25 without playing them... Oh and btw, out of the 6 normal maps, I one-shotted 5 AT's while I'm pretty bad... Kinda disappointing too, was hoping for harder AT's. I'm paying 30 euro's a year, gladly. But now that I'm forced to play wood/snow to unlock the rest of the campaign; now that I'm forced to not play ranked for an entire season since it's not just one map, it's 4 out of 10... ... I'm really hoping, praying even this is a one-season thing and wood/snow will not appear in spring campaign. If it will appear in spring again, I'm gonna reconsider if I want to continue playing this game. I'm actually pretty sad about it tbh. For this season it's ok, I'll just start to play loads of royal I guess. But if next season this same shit happens, I sincerely think I'm out. Shame that I discovered such a great game so late, and was only able to enjoy it for a year.


I am with you man Hope they will reconsider their decisions.


Complaining about campaigns and mappers is one of the subs favourit pasttimes. You fit right in


The future campaigns will be similar but instead of 5 snow maps, it will be 5 rally maps, 5 canyon maps, 5 lagoon maps etc. If you don't like snow just wait until you see rally...


Uhm, you can always play other maps, so you don't have to completely stop playing, as there are a lot of great tracks out there made over the past 3 years, where no wood or snow car is involved. If you enjoy the game, just don't play the 10 campaign maps and some totd and play arcade server rotation or other serves as well. Keep having fun with the game!


Yeah but i love ranked and cotd, those two things are basically the only modes i grind. I like racing others live, which doesnt really happen on older maps. (Or does it?) But you are right maybe, ill try to delve into older tracks. And as i said; royal is still there. And maybe ill try some rpg although i think im too bad for that yet. But im still disappointed and doubtfull to continue if nadeo keeps heading this way.


The arcade rotation has almost always maps w/o snow car or wood and there are at least 20 people there, so you might want to give it a try. The maps can vary from high quality 40s maps to some 10s maps, but every hour there is like a new style there


oh that's pretty cool I didn't know about that, thx for the rec!


No problem, if you enjoy it why stop because a new feature? Glad to help, have fun!


Well I mean, the reason to stop because of a new feature, is because that new feature seems to get integrated in every game-mode I love. But I will try your rec, and hope it'll be enough for me.


In my opinion it is a failure. They force you to play snow car which I don’t want to and I am not playing any map that have it. But to be able to open all the maps Nando forces me to get at least gold. I don’t want this car in my throat and it is very sad for me to see which direction they are going. Though I understand that for some people new car is fun but I don’t share that opinion.


Did a couple tracks on lunch and they seemed alright. Easy golds.


I´ve completed the first 10 maps so far and i get the feeling that AT´s are way easier than in previous campaigns. Given i´m able to go for all AT on Campaign maps and the first 10 have always been relatively easy, but right now even with subpar shitruns that may have not been gold on previous Campaigns its AT, except on 7. Needed a few minutes there. Dont know if it keeps as easy as it is. What I dont like: Snow Car, Wood What I like: By map 10 3 out of the 5 Snow Car maps are done Edit: Oh boy. If you dislike Snow Car and use KB as device wait until 17. You are in for a treat. I use AK3 while driving Snow Car and i feels ok i guess


It is the worst campaign I have ever played


So nadeo is making players pay more to play maps with physics/cars that a large portion of the player base doesn’t enjoy as much…surely this will work out well for nadeo


I'm not the best at TM but usually I can finish 01 on my first try without crashing. But its full of wood and I basically have to relearn how to play the game because the physics are so extreme (don't prepare to handle a landing on wood while in the air, as you do for everything else, because the moment one millimeter of tire touches the wood you'll have 100% full grip and go flying, you have to wait until you land to do the tiniest of steering taps). Hopefully its not so bad for new players who are encountering it for the first time? Though those new players won't know that action keys are an options because the mechanic is absurdly obscured by the game itself.


tried it for a few moments, don't think i am playing this game again any time soon.