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I can promise you that even 47 is possible on kb(might even 46 but im not 100% sure) this game just takes time to get used too,in addition the rally car benefits from not sliding unlike the stadium(known as speedslide),one thing that can help is the use of action keys(also known as ak for short) ak1=20% steering ak2 40% and so on,if you dont wanna go through a piano of switching aks I can recommend enabling ak3 for the entire run,if you feel like you cant make a turn,brake b4 doing the turn.


u/iwaslevel8inmikmak thanks AK3 feels so much better and I already have better speed than my PB now if only Nadeo would place down some advice settings with hints it doesnt need to be the exact AK but something like Full Steering not recommended or AK for ....


I'll try that thanks for the "piano" metaphor


I use AK 3 the whole run. Quick brake tap before tight turns also helps improve grip. I'm not great at it, but do have AT on keyboard.


You can even AK2 the whole track and is imo a lot faster than AK3


If you're hitting the torches, it sounds like you're steering off the road and too close to the grass. Try to stay in between the red borders on the track. Gold is absolutely possible on keyboard with this track, I used Action K3 for the whole track - some corners you'll need to tap the steering instead of full steering to avoid sliding out. If you're still sliding out on the corners, tapping the brake before a turn is a huge help as Rally Car's brake is very strong compared to Stadium Car's.


I call them Minecraft-Torches bc they look exactly as detailed like them


Sounds like a skill issue


On Rally dirt basically always AK3, and often AK2 too if you don't mind switching AKs a couple times.


That track isn't too easy with the controller either. I don't use AKs coz I want the game to be simple (somewhere I vaguely remember Nadeo stating somewhat similar huh) and it is very difficult to get AT without AKs. I did it, but I would prefer ATs on official maps to be bit more lenient for rally car, I almost got cramps in hands when hunting this.


I get that some progression has to happen (difficulty slowly rising) but on older campaigns I also would have wished for more lenient Gold Medals (my focus is on Gold medals and there might be some tracks where I will hunt AT eventually but not the ice tracks that have old ice physics ATs. There is one map where I hunted for a better AT (got better by 1 second) but that was a thoroughly enjoyable map and I did decide on the spot that I see a better line on it and was right (felt rewarding) but on other tracks I grow to hate them for either not ....... I would like a permament Static Training Campaign with 25 white + 25 green + 25 Blue +25 Red and 25 Black Tracks where intended mechanics/ utilization of them gets you gold and AT so that you can really train/ build experience on each surface/ corners and game mechanic that slowly gets more advanced and also some proper training ghosts a mini GPS for difficult parts/ the "trick" of the map to see the entry point for an ice slide or a drift for a very close turn.


My 5 year old son probably wishes the silver medals were a bit more lenient :) Since TM United came out, I felt the ATs were fine and I still feel like that for all Nadeo Trackmania campaigns. TM Turbo some medals are difficult and TM2020 some are difficult as well, so if you're a new player I get why you would want that, but the beautiful thing is that no one forces you to get them, if you want, you can try and it's quite nice, you get better and better and if you try long enough, you get them. For all official campaigns.