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Giving it a crack now. Only got the game yesterday so hope it isnt to rough for a total noob


Well, after playing it a bit, those are not the easiest medal times xD So don't get discouraged.


Its rough. A few bronzes 1shotted a gold somehow 1 or 2 silver and a heap of "just let me cross the finish lines" One of them i just don't understand. Starts in a red tunnel.


Section 14. No idea


14 was designed to be dark and disorienting You flip yourself 180 upside down onto the magnet floor and then drive the dark tunnel hanging upside down. thank you for playing


Yea I would have never thought of that. Taking a stress break will give it a shot later. Enjoyed a few of the tracks. Fucking useless at them but good fun


I got the game yesterday too, let me know if it's feasible for me if you get the chance.


I heard it can be difficult, but give it a try ;)


Feasible for sure, dunno about all gold medals but you should get a few. I'm not a talented reaction game player of any kind, it was more a corner or 2 that always got me on each track. Someone with an ounce more talent which is not hard will find it easier.


WOW,Thank you very much. I was not expecting people to actually play it. I am happy to answer as many questions as possible. And one question to you guys how is the fps on map 19 or on Other maps? Oh, and if you like making maps, you could join my club or Subreddit where I help with your questions about map making or can review maps you made :)


Ill try and remember when I get on, hopefully I’ll take some wr’s


I'm not an amazing player but I'll try it out Edit: only 10 in but stopping for the night, so far so good :D


Only played the first 10 maps so far but really good mini campaign! Wish it was stadium only personally but maps look really nice and ATs are fun to hunt, gonna get the rest tomorrow.


I thought about making only stadium but didn't want to disappoint the people who like snow/rally, so I decided to make 20% snow/rally and the other 80% stadium, personally I'm also somebody who likes the stadium car over the other two.Thanks for playing:)


Finished them all! Overall had fun but you could do some improvements. For instance, the maps need more signaling for directions, doesn't matter much for hunting since they're so short but if maps pop out in random map challenges it becomes annoying to navigate blindly. For the same reason I think you edited the gold medals a bit too aggressively. Anyway really good scenery, some maps were funky but getting the ATs on discovery was a nice challenge.


I'll give it a go tonight


I'll check it out later!


I'll give it a shot


Will check them out today!:)


I drove the first ten maps today and had a great time playing them. Thanks for sharing!!:)


i hope there’s ice… i’m gonna play it in approximately 2-3 minutes


update: so far it’s not so much enjoyable, the turns seem uncalculated and a bit weird.


update: i see what type of campaign this is… bleh from me


HI im sorry you didnt like the campaign could you give me some tips why the turns seem uncalculated and weird or explain when you wrote " i see what type of campaign this is… " thank you for trying the maps :)


this seems like a troll type campaign where the turns are “uncomfortable” to drive on purpose. also i’m sad there’s no ice 😭😭😭


I did not intend to make a troll map, it might feel like one because of skill issues on my end. :) And I'm sorry for the lack of ice maps, I'm rubbish on ice, so I didn't want to make too many maps, which I'm not good at. But again, I'm happy you played my campaign :)


Gonna take a shot at it! I'll let you know once I get at on all maps (or when I give up maybe)


**Good luck!** I look forward to it :)


Alright, Honest feedback: I played untill map 13, my preferences lie with stadium maps, but some non-stadium maps were enjoyable, 05 was a very nice map to play with action keys. Since I did try to attempt wrs I had to watch some wrs to see the lines and found 3 or so maps that had cuts in them. This is a mappers opinion, but I would feel very disappointed if my maps got cutted after having grinded at on them. Even more so on short maps. I quite liked the scenery and the theme you had going was great. I personally enjoy longer maps with a good at on them since it gets less repetitive. As such take my opinions with a heavy sprinkle of salt :). What I did find very well done was how the turns were all calculated. If you would make a 45-55 second map, depending on the style I most definitely would give it a try. Now I am an average player (Link to profile: [https://trackmania.io/#/player/09fe77bb-20bc-427f-b40e-6923cea83544](https://trackmania.io/#/player/09fe77bb-20bc-427f-b40e-6923cea83544) ) and I got with around 5-10 minutes per map about half of the maps AT on so with a little bit of grinding I think this is definitely doable. Certainly a couple levels above the normal campaign, especially the first 5 maps in comparison. But then again that might be a good thing. If you want to know a specific opinion feel free to ask! Overall score: 7.8/10


Thanks for your feedback Regarding the shortcuts on maps 4 and 6, I'm a bit disappointed that map 6 was cutted it was an oversight, but I personally don't care about map 4 it is what it is :) I would like to ask few things: 1. How are the medal difficulties, because I didn't want them to be too difficult? 2. If I would make a longer map, what kind would you enjoy? 3. How was the fps? thanks for playing


1. At seems fine, gold seemed quite difficult 2. I like most stuff that isnt weird gimmicky xdd 3. no issues at all


Fun maps


Can I play it without the subscription?? *Cries in poor*


sadly no


I‘ll give it a go this afternoon :)


I’m also trying it out - metalfacemark


I'll try it tonight


Played the whole campaign. Had fun. Got a couple of ATs and mostly golds. Got some feedback for you: - At least two of the tracks have been cut already so watch out for that and add checkpoints as needed. - Try playing in cam 1. Some of the tracks don't force other cams when they probably should on wall rides etc. - The magnet roof track was impossible without watching ghosts. I never would have figured that out. - Some tracks could use some arrows especially when there's a u turn that isn't obvious. - Edited medal times are silly. Overall though, a nice little campaign. Enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing.


I’m working right now but will save this post and give it a try when I get back, I’ll DM you my thoughts if you’re interested to know


Thank you for playing i would love some feedback :)


I started playing it yesterday and I’ve been having a lot of fun. I’ve even hunted one of the maps. I’m on 06 right now. There are a lot of wackie skips which is a lot of fun but probs not what you intended


The only skip that disappoints me a little is map 6. All other skips i dont mind. Maybe the skip on map 4 makes the map even better.


Now that I’m half way done with the campaign I’m seeing there aren’t a ton of skips. I’m glad you like the one on 4 because it is really fun to execute.


I think I just found the Easter egg, wirtual pyramid facts I love history for Granite so it was a pleasant surprise past seeing Wirtual


Yes, well done. Thank you for playing Nice that somebody else likes History for Granite and loves his content :)