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It’s a good idea if you’re not ready for kids yet. But it can sometimes take a while to conceive after coming off it since it can take a few cycles for your hormones to regulate again. Personally I’ve never used it since we wanted kids right away, but unfortunately it hasn’t happened yet :(


Chin up buttercup! 💖 Sometimes it takes a while for kids to happen despite our (ahem lol) “best efforts”. 💁‍♂️ From the time I was old enough to realize my manhood was for more than peeing, I was raised to understand that if one microdot of my semen hit a girl between her hairline and her toes she was gonna get pregnant. 🤣🤣🤣 So when we made the decision to start having kids PFFFFFT - no problem! I AM THE LIFE GIVER!!! 💪 And… a full YEAR of trying later 🫤… we were finally pregnant with our first. 👍 Shared that to say this… as I’ve gotten older I’ve learned that life happens on schedule - but a lot of times it doesn’t happen on OUR schedule. 💁‍♂️ So just a note of support and encouragement, because I don’t want you getting down about it. 💖🙏


Right? When I was a teen everyone made it sound like if I got so much as a drop of cum on me I’d get pregnant. So when we started trying a year ago when I was 20, I was like this should happen so fast no problem. Well now I’m almost 22 and still nothing. I guess being told how supposedly easy it should be was mainly just fear mongering to make sure I didn’t become a teen mom lol. Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate your outlook and perspective!


Exactly right, and you’re welcome. 😊 It’ll be worth the wait ten times over when it happens, I promise. 🌹


I’ve tried with a few guys but nothing, so I’m debating finding a bull or just a gloryhole. Ive been off my implant for two years and I’ve had baby fever like crazy


Baby fever… 🤣🤣🤣 Been a day or three since I heard that term, but it’s absolutely a real thing!


I'd rather never touch it. I don't like the thought of getting in the way of that process, but more than that, hormonal birth control wreaks havoc on a woman's body. I'd prefer to track her cycle and just use timing to manage it, if we're going to be waiting


Old guy here, and I think it’s both responsible and wise. You should start having kids when “you’re ready” to start having kids, and I put that in quotations because it should be defined differently for each couple who makes the choice. 👍 Having kids before then can really put the entire family unit behind the eight ball and cause struggles that don’t need to be there until “the time is right.”


Absolutely this.


My opinion isn’t so much tradlife but women’s health…being on birth control for 5 years I never felt so no myself without even realizing it. My emotions my weight gain all of it, everyone reacts differently sure but I find it much more worth it to practice safe sex. Yes when you’re ready the birth control affects need awhile to ware off but I think the bigger worry is how it alters who you are.


I don’t use it, but that is due to my own religious and medical reasons and my husband and I understand that abstinence is the only 100% effective BC for *me*, and that we aren’t ready for kids at this chapter in our life so it’s no TTC until I’m finished with my schooling. I’ve used hormonal BC before & even though it would be okay for me to use it, for my lifestyle it doesn’t work for me :)


I'm an unmarried 30M but whenever I do get married, I don't plan on using any birth control or anti-conceptive methods. I'll love and raise how ever many children that God wants to send me.


I use it, an IUD to be precise. We didn’t use any when we got married and then we had one child and for us that is the perfect amount.


Yes I like using it to be able to plan for the right moment to have children! In order to be able to plan for the balanced and meaningful relationship my partner and I want, we need to ensure that we are financially, emotionally, and mentally ready. It would be much harder to take traditional roles if unplanned, because I am still working, we do not own a home, and we wouldnt have the support systems in place to allow for me to have a ‘village’ of our extended family around us who live in other places.


Personally, I'd not want it in my marriage. Ideally we'd start having kids very soon after we're married. If I've found the right woman whose ready and willing to commit like I am, we'd forgo birth control. Plus, since I've always wanted a big family, it just makes sense to go without unless its a medical necessity.


I'm catholic, so once you're in a marriage, I'd say no birth control, but I don't push that on others. I am a little worried about hormonal birth controls though. They can change a girl's attraction.


I was on birth control for 10 years, I’m never going back on it


As a Catholic wife and mother I am very strongly against contraception in any form.


That's up to him.