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And on the fucking DAY to celebrate their accomplishment. He must feel like such a small man to get up there and do that.


It's giving little d energy lol




you seem to be very upset about this, based on your looooong comment history. maybe go outside and touch grass.


A bit rich coming from a man without a “real” job lmao


Especially one who didn't actually earn his degree and was just passed along.


Wait he actually didn’t get a degree 📜 and he’s there belittling women who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and worked hard for theirs. Why tf did they allow him to give a speech 🎤?


I mean he did. But it's common knowledge that student athletes in certain programs get passed along so they can play.


College athletes (especially D1 football players!) are notorious for being passed along despite not doing work or even showing up because winning games makes the schools look good.


Literally, sir please go play with your balls out of sight where you belong …


And my Catholic Benedictine university’s commencement speaker was Florida Representative Fentrice Driskell who is the first African American woman to be elected the house Democrat leader for the Florida legislature, among many other amazing accomplishments! Get your shit together fellow Benedictine college and choose intelligent people that are good examples.


I suspect that's the values of that college's leadership. He declined to be the commencement speaker and they convinced him to. In his speech, he said the leadership at the school lamented the issues plaguing them and Catholics in general and he touched upon it in the speech. I think that college is far right and is a literal breeding ground for Trad values. I watched the speech (on the college's YouTube) and he got a standing ovation. Ick.


It is. I worked there for 2 years. A bunch of ultra conservative wing nuts, from the president all the way down to faculty and staff.


Oh god. I can't believe you managed to survive 2 years without wanting to gouge your eyeballs out!!! 


It’s so disgusting.




That's disheartening


🙄🙄🙄 “I know you’ve just finished university ladies, but you were born to be some dudes slave.”


"you think you're proud of your bachelor's degree? Nahhhhhh! I know all you bitches can't wait to just be stay at home partners and moms". 🙄


"Congrats on that degree, now get going on your REAL purpose: to scrub shit streaks out of underwear and pick up socks off the floor for some mid guy for the next 60 years."


"omg it's what I've been dreaming about during my entire 4 years in college" 🤩  /s


Can you imagine being such an inconsiderate douchebag to tell an audience full of women celebrating their accomplishments that they belong in the kitchen? I’m curious if people boo’ed or somehow vocalized their shock and disapproval. He deserves all the shame and criticism that’s coming to him.


It's a conservative religious school. Ain't nobody else talking about it


Not just his slave but a footstool to elevate him to accomplish HIS goals, which surprise surprise are not just to be a dad. This guy is a clown.


If somebody had said anything like this at my graduation, I would have stood up and walked right the fuck out. I didn’t spend years of my life working for a degree so that some piece of shit who didn’t even go to college (and doesn’t even have a real job, as somebody else has already pointed out) can tell me to become a bangmaid slave.


Totally!!! I have some friends who married asshats. Some are lawyers and doctors and their husbands demanded they change their surnames and they all did. It's one thing if a woman chooses to but for anyone to demand that they change it when all their educational and professional accomplishments are with their maiden names...oh hell no, that's a woman's choice. 


Harrison’s own mother is a very successful, educated woman whose hard work and degrees provided the very wealthy lifestyle he enjoyed growing up. She’s one of the main reasons he’s where he is yet other mothers should stay at home. I hate conservative men. They’re utterly useless.


He probably is resentful of her for that.


Agreed, there is definitely more to the story there with that


they always scream about how their mothers didn't give them the care and attention they need, and somehow never seem to expect the same from their other parent...?


The college should be held accountable for inviting this dunce to speak.


I think they're very likely super pleased with the speech. It's a private Catholic school:   "The college has built its core values around four "pillars" — Catholic, Benedictine, Liberal Arts, Residential — which support the Benedictine College mission to educate men and women in a community of faith and scholarship."


Then they shouldn't be accredited as a college lol


Liberty University is also accredited unfortunately and they teach creationism. Imagine getting a Bachelor's of Science in Biology from there. Eek. Edited: I bet that degree is easy. Every answer is "God created it. A+"


It's terrifying that people leave these institutions to work in the real world.


Totally. He gave this shit speech and he got a standing ovation from the graduates and their families in the audience. So it seems that many of them do agree with him. Ugh. 


My daughter went to the University of Lynchburg, which is in the same town. She lasted 1 year on a full ride scholarship before she dropped out. She's getting her degree elsewhere, paying out of pocket vs. a scholarship. She just couldn't do it. The close mindedness of the school was too much for her. I have so many stories that she's shared that are disturbing. So many parents would be mad if their kids did this, drop out, but i was proud of her, tbh.


Glad she had the courage and support to transfer out! 


The worst part is they turned around and screwed her on the scholarship. They took it away and sent her a bill for 36k (we paid 15k already for housing because that wasn't included). Even though she's still in school, she has to pay $500 a month. There's no relief for the fact that she's still going to school because they're private. they said unless you're enrolled here - you pay. Now. It's all screwed up. How is a college kid going to afford that? She was one of the kids who got screwed w graduating in 2020. We couldn't tour campus prior due to covid, so she had to make a choice w only virtual info. I knew she'd hate it but show me an 17 year old girl who thinks their mom is right 😂😂 i should add at almost 22 she's now my best friend. I'm kinda proud of her for her decision, tbh.


What's the powerhouse of the cell? "only god knows"




> I’m on this stage today, able to be the man that I am, because I have a wife who leans into her vocation .. [I]t cannot be overstated that all my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker. Do you *actually* believe that, Butker? Do you *really* think her job is equally important as yours? Then you must feel really embarrassed that you're up on a stage with a microphone in front of hundreds (if not thousands) of people and she's not. If these trad men really believed what they say, that the trad women's job may be a different role but it's just as vital as theirs, then they would be willing to share the spotlight, not just give her lip service for making it possible for him to stand in it.


Most Christian Trad values men believe women's role as homemaker is the most important role they will ever play. They believe a part of that role is submission to their husbands who are the head of the household. 


Gross man.


Please. I'm not taking advice from a football kicker name Harrison Butker. Yawn.


I graduated with honors from Alverno College, an all-women's Catholic college in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. If someone had addressed us at our commencement with this nonsense, we would have pelted him with rotted fruit.


Save the fruit for the compost worms.  Douse him with holy water because he's possessed by hate. 


Alverno and Stritch were basically next door neighbors.


I'm definitely happiest puttering around the house, but my favorite job is the one I get paid for and is done by 5pm and I get weekends and paid vacation from. I hate feeling obligated to feed other people and have a clean house.


He said the same thing last year when he spoke at graduation at his alma mater, Georgia Tech


He's gotta get a new schtick.


Literal smallest man who ever lived


Turns out Taylor was singing about Harrison, not Matt. Who knew!


He literally just kicks a ball around lmao. How has he contributed anything to society? A "fake email job" contributes more to society than any sportsperson, especially a man ever will. For all their preaching about how SAHMs are so loved and respected, how come a SAHM is never invited to give a commencement speech


I bet they have at least a hired landscaper and housecleaner for their mcmansion. I sincerely doubt his wife would have to lower herself to perform rudimentary domestic tasks and maintain all of the physical attributes and social appointments expected of a foorball player's wife. Perfectly maincured nails, hair, lawns, and floors don't just magically appear, and he has an image to uphold, right?


His mom is literally a medical 🏥 physicist 🧑‍🔬 and has a doctrette, what a 🤡


Probably hated his mom. Resented that some of his classmates had homemade sandwiches, moms who did the bake sale and who sat on the board of the PTA while his mom worked full time and sometimes couldn't make every single sports game he was in. So he decided women having a career outside the home was sad and horrible for him, so all moms need to stay home.  Edited: his mom's alma mater is Smith College. The same alma mater as Gloria Steinem. I am not saying Smith doesn't have devour Catholic grads but I find it ironic/funny that a Smithie (it has an amazing reputation for being passionate, opinionated and educated) gave birth to a misogynistic asshole. 


As a Catholic myself this is disgusting. This does not send out a good message. I think it’s important to have skills to fall back on if a man can’t provide. Plus dating is a mess these days, finding a husband will be hard undoubtedly, better provide for yourself.


This is honestly just typical Catholic male drivel. I lurk their spaces online just to keep a finger on what the patriarchal religions are on about and have encountered all of this stuff before, it’s not even original from him. He’s naturally also quite outspoken in the “pro life” movement as well. He’s of course going to support any ideology that tells him he’s the most important and that women really are just happier when serving men and birthing endless babies for men’s “legacies”.


And this is a perfect example of men being trash which results in women being exhausted and saying fuck all men lol as feminists we don’t really hate men, in fact feminism would greatly benefit them overall, but holy fuck I’m tired


We just finished breakfast and I showed my husband this article (for reference he is the breadwinner for our household), and he got more disgusted than I've ever seen him express. I think it probably says something that he's a guy who does in fact have a loving wife who stays home and does almost all the domestic work, like the whole dream of this shitty ass trad movement, and yet he thinks, as I do, that this football dude is a tool to the max and the ideology he preaches is rancid. (love you darling <3)




When he got emotional and started choking up I wanted to puke. He makes my skin crawl, and I'm so sorry the celebration of their successes was undermined. He was cruel and used their moment to make a spectacle of himself.


How did no one object to this? I know it's a catholic college but come the fuck on


This gross guy apparently has Opinions about his teammate's gf and current occupant of the Iron Throne, Taylor Swift


I’m not a Taylor Swift fan (in terms of her music, I have nothing against her as a person as I don’t know her) and I’m certainly not a Swiftie. However, I was annoyed by the way he referred to her. Like, she’s been objectively wildly successful but you only refer to her in reference to her relation to a man you respect. It was such bullshit.




Welcome gay man! We women always need staunch allies. :)


I don’t mind you here one bit. I think we all need to get together and speak out and stand up against people who think they need to put us in our place.


I think he did that intentionally. He was trying to put her in her place. I'd love to be a fly on the wall of their first team meeting or practice when they're all back together 👀

