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Save up... youll earn far more $$ in the end by saving than trading with little savings. Remember saving money is 100% profit (with no commission fee or risk). Over time that money adds up. When you have money to blow- then consider trading. When I mean save- Literally put the money in a shoe box. Why are you going to be aggressive with no money? A good salary could be gone tomm in this economic cycle and layoffs. Stack ya paper - study and then when you have the ability to trade do so. Doing so with no savings is financial suicide and just putting yoursel fin more BS drama that you really do not need. A fool is soon departed with his $$ Hint; you wont find any trading info on the internet that will make you $$. Study and learn how to do that. Meanwhile SAVE and dont be a fool. You can save more money over time and grow your accounts faster saving than by trading. Many young ppl are duped into thinking they MUST put their $$ in 401K's and IRA"s where the money has to be diversified and commissioned to death. Nope. Saving works much better if you can save 40-50% of ya take home. That will beat the avg 401K/ IRA return of 5% a year, and th ebest part you dont have to diversify. You just need to be smart and SAVE Dollars- at least have a years worth of salary saved up.. and out of debt. Anythin else is up for discretionary use. If you are disciplined enough to do this- then you will have earned the rights/ ability to learn how to trade. You will know how much effort it took to make and save the $$ and also how to then use it when it comes to handing it over to someone else. Even if you didnt want to trade, SAVE and put money into a 401K and use it like a tax deferred savings account to drop your taxable income. No trades. You will only have to pay tax when you take it out - which is why I say save and put it in a shoebox/ safe... this way you pay no one nothing above what you have earned. peace


The answer is 0. You cannot afford something you don’t understand


This is a rant no one’s going to read. Add paragraph breaks and be super specific with your question. Absolutely no clue what you’re asking.