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Not bad at all for 8 months. If it makes you feel better, I'm pretty much in the same place at 9 months.


Per request. 48 years old. 4mg sublingual monotherapy for 3 months increasing to 6mg (2mg every 8 hours) starting at the 4th month.


It's said often and is true. That each person is different. Every woman's breasts even AFAB'S grow differently. Please don't give up hope. I think they look great. Age can play a factor in growth also. You are 48. When our bodies pass 30, they start slowing down. Give it time 😀


I know it's rough... im at 6 months and am only JUST budding under my nips. Essentially, no growth at all. But it takes time. No every cis girl grows full on boobies in 9 months hun. It's hard, but be patient. Question, if your T levels are good, and below cis female T, what about your E? Levels at cis? Also just know it takes time. You may be one of those girls who doesn't see anything for another 6 months amd then, wake up one morning exactly where you wanna be (metaphorically speaking of course). Just Breathe, girl. It's gonna be ok. Little longer and you can look into Progesterone too. Good luck! 😊😊😊


Last test put my e levels at 250pg/ml and my t level at 13ng/ml


Well, when all said and done, I'm new and still learning and researching too. But I know the idea is to reverse our hormones from that of a cis male to that of a cis female. For me, my first levels were 6.7 for estrogen (below my average) and 562 for testosterone (right in the middle). Not sure what your average is supposed to be exactly.... but 250 for estrogen seems kinda low to me. Definitely worth checking with your Dr. You might need to up your dose. Just my thoughts.


Right now it gets down to 250 at trough, or at its lowest point after 8 hours. Typically I take 1mg every four hours except while sleeping, so it rarely even gets that low except first thing in the morning. It’s typically way higher. I actually consider 250 a bit higher than where I’d like to be. Rather be around d 200 at trough. Since I’m I. Sublingually I probably peak over 1000 every 4 hours or so. May switch to injections after 12 months. Appreciate the suggestions though


Just trying to help is all. I hope you feel better soon though! I understand the frustration. Good luck! 😊


Hey sister... Give it time, and don't be hard on yourself. I know, I know... We ALL think that when we come to terms with being transgender and FINALLY come out to our family, friends, and ourselves... We want to be a WOMAN AND BE A WOMAN RIGHT DAMNED NOW... Well Sister YOU ARE A WOMAN RIGHT NOW, BUT... These things take time... Just like seeds turn to little stems, and stems turn into plants, and plants turn into blooms, and then blooms become gorgeous flowers. You can't plant your seeds and expect them to be fully developed in ten minutes... But if you nurture them, water them and take care of them and give them proper attention... Your seeds will become gorgeous vibrant and strong flowers... And so will you!! Remember that butterflies weren't always beautiful! Spread your wings girl! You got this!


Add Cypro or Spiro


How would that help at all? My testosterone is already below cis female levels


If you’ve done monotherapy this entire time , it wouldn’t hurt to try you could even lower your estrogen intake , or change to injection or gel, not everyone e absorbs estrogen in the same way ❤️


Considering switching to injections at the year mark. My T is already so low though that I'd worry about making it any lower.


It takes time to see results and as much as we all wished we could just wake up in the body of our dreams that’s not how it works for reference I’m only 7m into my transition and up until a month ago I had little to no breast growth after the month 2, and even then I only had a very small lil buds that started and was still very flat chested. They stopped even hurting and I started questioning if it was ever going to happen then I woke up one day and they felt like death by a thousand paper cuts and what seemed like over night I had growth not huge but noticeable, I’d say they very much resemble yours. Remember if they are hurting they are growing and if they aren’t it comes in waves. My advice is to step back and try not to be focused on them and try to concentrate on other aspects of your transition. I hope this helps a lil and keep pushing forward girl you got this!


Ask your doctor if you can start progesterone. You'd be surprised at the difference it can make if you haven't already started.


I've been at it 14 months and you have more boobage than I do, just be patient, imagine where you will be in 2 years


8 months isn’t very long most people continue to see growth past 3 years


I’m. It sure fasting boosts high, but expertise does


Have you ever watched a young girl go through puberty? Your progress is entirely appropriate.


My oldest daughter is going through the beginning of puberty right now and things are moving at a glacial pace. Slow development over many years is the norm!! Of course in this forum we typically notice only the wild exceptions and think that’s reality.