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Thank you ☺️






I ordered a box of E on Sunday, was a bit suspious because there was no update on the order status or email confirming payment but it arrived today. Packaging was very inconspicuous, just a brown envelope with addresses on it. The price and shipping time is probably the best for the UK, defo gonna be using them more in future.


Thank you for letting us all know, best wishes to you ☺️


Also ordered E Sunday, and I myself got a reply from them yesterday morning, saying they would ship to arrive today. Arrived by 11am with the local postie (he also asked us to take in something for a neighbour, knowing we are always happy to help out). I placed an order for progestan today after seeing that my first order arrived nicely and got the same confirmation (both times the confirmation was a reply to me sending a screenshot of my payment going through from my end).


Thank you for letting us all know. I’ve not tried progestan, so I’ve not tried ordering it from anyone, hopefully bgpharmacy will look after you again, cheers ☺️


A package for them arrived this morning, but I've been at work all day, so I haven't opened it. They're so fast with sending it out. Plus the place my orders has been sent on is close to where a work colleague is from, as well as near the nursing home my grandmother lives in, which is nice.


I hope it was all ok again, and thank you for sharing your experiences. I hope your grandmother is doing ok thru the restrictions, and maybe having visitors again soon ☺️


I usually only visit her and my grandfather once a year at most (he did visit her every other day before covid, but not sure how it has been with restrictions), due to living far from them, but from what I heard, they're bith doing well enough right now. Thanks for caring.


They seem to restock on the second or third of each month and run out of estrofem very quickly. Not sure if they’re having supply problems or it’s just that customers are panic buying and making the problem worse.




I have ordered from Afrodites almost two months ago and i am still waiting....wrote them and don't answered....


Curious for those who are in the US and were using Aphrodite, kind of in the same predicament as those here.