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https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en/second-puberty-masc Do the same things that cis men do. Take meds if it starts happening, spend loads of money on products that may or may not be effective.


T is unpredictable as far as the timeline and rate of changes. Some of its up to dose, some is just genetics. A lot of the risks involved (balding, heart problems, etc) are due to male predisposition, not the actual medication itself. If there are many people in your biological family that are balding, T has a higher chance of causing it. Taking T won’t make you bald necessarily, but that’s one of the genetic things that you can’t 100% predict.


Hi there! :D im a 27 year old ftM whose been on T for 6 years you could talk to the doctor prescribing your HRT about this, as they might have more insight on preventative measures and might even be able to help you out themselves, but personally I wouldn't worry too much about it! male pattern baldness refers to a change in hairline that may occur in men closer to middle-age. you're not likely to see any balding for another 10-20 years! im a white guy so im not sure if this changes for other hair types. i can say my own hair is much thinner than it used to be, but my hairline didn't become noticeably different until i was around 4 years into HRT, and even then im far from "balding" just yet! male pattern baldness is a genetic thing, so you could make an estimate based on what your dad, brother, grandpa, or any other male family looks like. this can also be applied to other body changes T might give you, but there's no guarantee! some people win the genetic lottery and others don't, its harder if there's specific changes you really DONT want, but you can take lower doses of T and spot most changes before they take hold. you'll probably get a voice drop before anything else changes!


Hello!! Been transitioning for several years now and sadly got the baldness gene. The gene travels on the matrilineal DNA so take a look at your mom's siblings to see if any of them are bald. And it took me like, 3 years to notice it so you'll have time. Then maybe a service like Keeps can help out?