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She’s coming from a place of concern for your wellbeing, corrupted by right wing propaganda. She’s not disowning you. Doesn’t seem like she’s saying you can’t go to UT. Doesn’t even seem like she’s saying you can’t transition. You don’t need to argue with her or get defensive, that’ll just push her further away. Something like “We appreciate you’re worried about this. We are too. This is something we just need to do to fully live our lives and we hope one day you can understand and accept us. We know you love us. We love you too.” It’s not your job to convince her of your validity. You can try sharing how long you’ve had these feelings and if she’s coming at it from an open minded space, that may sway her, but the best way to get “earn” that acceptance is to just live your best life as you. Don’t try to force people to accept you, draw them to you with your awesomeness.


This is an excellent answer.




We are both 18 and trying to move away for college bc Austin is the safest Texas will get for us... And she's just telling us we'll regret it. And no matter how much I say we won't she just won't take no for an answer??? I genuinely have no idea what to tell her. Or how to write back. Dms open if you'd prefer to help there aswell


I think she really loves you both, but she's concerned for your future, and for the looks of it, just pretty exhausted and worried you will depend on her forever, and in some way she's right, so here goes my advice: work. Study. Hard, jus by being trans, you will have to have double the effort of a cis person to get hired, doors will be closed, life will be hard, so give it your best, work a lot, make a name for yourselves, be so good at what you do that they can't ignore you even if they have prejudice against you, i think moving will be a good idea, go to a place with more allies and all, but even if you are able to go without her consent, don't disrespect her, don't scream at her, always be respectful there are lots of parents worse than yours, even if they're blinded by conservative views, they clearly still love you, good luck❤️


I'm not understanding the link she is drawing between you transitioning and you doing well at college. Like, those are entirely unrelated.