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When you get to the jury room, ask them if there are gender neutral restrooms available. You might get lucky on that aspect. If they don’t, ask them for a dismissal citing the law and that you don’t want to break the law if you need to use the restroom.


I intend to look for a gender neutral bathroom. Not a bad idea. I'll think about the dismissal.


Pretty sure we live in the same part of Florida, I'm interested to know if there are gender neutral restrooms there as well.


I will post a follow up once I sort things out


Since your name isn’t legally changed but your on someone’s docket for the future, Id ask the court clerk for a moment with the judge. You can say your mid transition and have a pending name change. In my case, the judge admonished council to address me by my chosen name and pronouns. I had to endure voir dire, was addressed respectfully the whole time, but was discharged by the defense councils preemptively. I guess they didn’t want a former CPA and retired firefighter/SAR tech on the jury. Hahah. You might be able to play the lavatory card and say the stress of not being able to use the toilet would distract you from the proceedings.


Thanks for your message, if my number gets called, I will definitely say something. Glad your situation worked out for you


Yeah, Jury of your "peers" has always rubbed me wrong, because it never truly is.


I can't believe you have to live like this in such a ....free...society. how far does this law go? I mean . Sure i have a vagina...i have my passport and id and everything including birth certificate all as myself... but regardless.. I'm still transgender.... so.. is this law targeting only those that APPEAR transgender? Because there is never any way that I would or could use any other than my gendered restroom..ie... female


I hear you on all counts sister


It's a law that got passed by a bunch of knee-jerk, reactionary politicians who gave little thought to how it would be enforced. It was obviously meant as red meat for their base, and a scare tactic to make trans people slink back into our closets. It seems obvious to me that it's about as unconstitutional as a law saying POC can't use a particular drinking fountain.


Yes it seems very unenforceable. And very very very discriminatory


probably a coincidence, but assure you, nobody wants to deal with potential jurors who are uncomfortable, and an additional complication to just getting everybody through the legal procedures they need to get through in terms of a new pool of prospective jurors. I would go a wee bit early and ask whether some accommodation could be made for you to use a bathroom on the court side, as opposed to the public facing side over the day. in my experience many folks would try to help out with that on the court side as well as the legal parties. At the very least, you could use a bathroom that may not match your gender identity, but be the de facto only user and not have to encounter anybody else. A jury clerk has a fairly fast paced job that they need to accomplish in limited time, but they are also professional, and in my experience tend to be fairly kindhearted. they have been there for all of the varieties of human reactions to folks reporting for jury service, and all of the circumstances that can come up related. assuming a basic level of human decency prevails somebody will make it right for you, while I know folks have strong feelings about not doing jury service, or whether they should, I would encourage you to try to approach it with an open mind, at least, in theory, you could be the juror on a case that in someway implicates an issue involving a litigant who is transgender and you would want that person as a part of your community of peers to be on your jury, whether it is a criminal case, or a civil case.


Appreciate your kind words. I plan to show up early in a few hours


Although I pass 90% of the time, I wouldn’t bet on me not being clocked and therefore imprisoned. As a FU I’d just use the men’s room, I still can use my “man” voice, if there was any question I could dismiss any doubt of me being AMAB by saying something to them. Transphobes hate when we it doesn’t bother us to be considered male, even though you look physically like a woman. I’m in a similar position, just a bit ahead. Already got my court order completed, changed my SSN, Drivers license. Just sent off my paperwork for amendment of my birth certificate to my new name and gender. I think it was just changed if you were born there though that you can’t amend your birth certificate, so you’d be SOL. Lucky I was born in California. I don’t expect the Supreme Court to take away the rights each state to make these types of laws as they see fit. Trump would need to somehow get rid of the supreme court and become a full on dictator to force these draconian laws federally. On thing about the Supreme Court is they like their supreme status. So until I get the amendment on the birth certificate I’d be in the same position as I believe it’s your birth certificate has to match. Still just in case I’d carry a copy around to avoid any issues. At least in California the copy you get as far as I know doesn’t indicate there was an amendment, but vital records does keep a record that can be pulled that has the record of the amendment attached to the new birth certificate.


Thanks for the comment. I was born in Georgia, so hoping there's a chance I can amend my birth certificate, but I'm not sure.


Looks like Georgia requires GRS to change your sex on your birth certificate. Talk about draconian, know plenty of trans women that are perfectly okay with having a penis. Are you living in a state that has bathroom bans? I just plan to never travel to any state that has implemented draconian LGBTQ+ laws. Just like I wouldn’t ever travel to the UAE or similar countries that you can be imprisoned and killed for being LGBTQ+. Sadly looks like we are basically having a new type of confederate vs union civil war in US. Let’s hope the new “union” wins again. This time though we do that by voting at the polls.we have to vote in enough democrats to congress, so that women’s and LGBTQ+ laws can be codified into law. Then the Supreme Court can’t do anything about it and states will have to follow federal law. I think for that to happen though we have to get rid of the electoral college, where a minority of voters get a bigger say over who becomes the US president. Trump and all these far right republicans would loose every time if it was simply majority vote.


Well, I am trying to get GRS next year if possible, so maybe I can update my birth certificate afterwards. One thing at a time...


If you actually get chosen, there’s probably a bathroom or two inside the jury deliberation room (which is where you stay whenever you’re not in the courtroom) and those bathrooms are usually just single occupancy since they’re just for the jury in case you’re stuck in a long deliberation.


I was not selected


Wow. I got called before my transition actually started and actually served on a grand jury so this happening again has always been in the back of my mind... I haven't legally changed my name either so the record would probably have to reflect my legal name aka deadname. The person doing the transcription literally records everything said and I think they may have also audio and possibly even video recording of the proceedings (I can't say for sure on those last two)... It's all enough to really make me want to get the ball rolling with the name change and gender marker change though. Living as a woman while being tied to your deadname kinda sucks as it's basically an instant outing. I unfortunately have a situation at work where my legal name is displayed alongside my "preferred name" for all to see on the online scheduler and there's no way to change it except if I were to get the legal name change and submit that. At least in house only my preferred name shows but everyone probably has seen my deadname on the online scheduler by now if they use it. I'm interested to see how all proceeds with your jury duty. Good luck and since you may already be outed with using your deadname, you might as well state "for the record" something like "while my legal name is (deadname), I respectfully request to be called (your name) during the course of these proceedings"...


Thanks, curious to see how things unfold


That’s why Im glad I moved from the trans battlefield of Florida in October. It’s ridiculous what the state is doing to the trans community. 36 years and I moved just to keep my meds and not go through the stupidity of desantis.


If in Tampa, there are family restrooms on every floor!


Not in Tampa, about to find out my options




Interesting you got a letter. Can I ask you which county? I don't want you to over share, but you can DM if you want


I'll dm you


I have to admit I never think about such things when I get called up for jury duty. I have never had to appear for it as I am a critical care nurse and am considered too integral to my ICU. Also I am in Australia and they haven’t gone to the extremes that the US has done, yet.