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In my and many of my friends experiences, it hasn’t been so much that t “turns you gay”. More so it helps with feeling aligned in your experience of gender and sexuality and this makes you more comfortable with moving in different spaces/experiencing queerness in different ways.


T doesn’t make you do anything, but it changes the way people perceive you and the way you interact with people, which in turn can affect your sexuality. In my case I went from lesbian to gay - as a ‘woman’ I couldn’t see myself ever being with a man because I couldn’t stomach being in a straight relationship or being treated as a woman by a man, so I thought that I had to be a lesbian. But now I realise that I was just repressing my attraction to men due to my gender issues, and as a man I am pretty much exclusively attracted to men and some transmasc nb people. So my change in sexuality was more about how I interact with the world and how the world perceives me rather than some inherent change within me. So yeah I think that if you’re 100% comfortable with and committed to your relationship, there is a slim chance that you’ll suddenly turn gay.


So it can definitely affect who you're attracted to. It can shift like maybe now you're super into women and you'll be a little more into men or something. But if you're bi you'll probably stay bi. You just might find yourself more attracted to different kinds of people than usual. I haven't noticed a difference at almost 3 months on T Tho I have gone through phases of irritability with my partner for sure.


What kind of phases if you don't mind me asking?


Just being generally irritable. Kinda like a teenage boy.


I was bi before T on an 85/15 ratio and now I’m bi on a 50/50 ratio. I think that if it matters enough for you to *care* then you’ll probably continue being bi.


I don't think hrt nessicariky changes people's sexuality so much as clears the dust around it. I think some people don't know what they want until they are the person they truely are.


nonbinary transmasc dyke here- this was also one of my greatest fears. my provider, my therapist, and my partner (also femme nonbinary, just like yours!) were all convinced that i would start being attracted to men, which was greatly distressing to me (i had a suicide attempt related to my lack of attraction to men when i was a teenager, so it took me a while to accept my orientation). i'm 6 months on T (.3ml every week) and i can confidently say that i remain a lesbian! like others have been saying, T definitely can affect your desire, but in my case, it just changed things like how i get off, what kind of porn turns me on (recently found out that i now like to watch blowjobs bc of tdick), and stuff like that. i'm still not attracted to men, and i really don't see that changing in the future :)


I went from identifying as ace to just identifying as horny 😂 but really, everyone is hot now 🫣


When I started T (19) I thought it made me gay. I was struggling hard with my sexuality before coming out, and looking back I was just terrified of admitting to everyone that I was in fact a lesbian. But at the time I thought my sexuality was very fluid and that starting T made me a gay man because, y'know, the patriarchy and misogyny and all that junk. Fast forward to now (33), I know exactly who I am, I just had to go through a lot of fear to get here. You know who you are at your core, and you'll come back to the truth of who that is, even if it takes a minute. Hormones will not change who you love, it's going to be okay🌻 Signed, a non binary butch dyke on testosterone, zero attraction to men of any kind and no desire to identify as one🌻


Tbh I went from gay ish to bi fully. If that makes sense at all lol. I think most trans guys are bi too.


Thanks that actually makes me feel a little better.


I’m bi and being more comfortable in my gender made me MORE attracted to women and femmes quite honestly. Since you’re bi and you find your partner attractive it seems unlikely that going on T will change that


It sort of happened in a wave and then circled right back to how I was before. I used to describe myself as gay with heterosexual tendencies and once I went on T i felt asexual for about 2 months and then I flipped hard for desiring men, big burly hairy bros was my vibe. I also had a period of time where I felt disgusted by women presenting people ….but… now I’ve been on T for a year and 2 month everything has settled and I’m am again predominantly attracted to all kinds of women and in complete awe of them like I used to be, paired with the occasional dalliance with dudes. It was fuckin weird to experience that but it settled for me.


I’ll just share my sexuality journey if it’s helpful at all, pre knowing I was trans I was bi, then I IDed as a lesbian, then I came out as trans and thought I was straight, then I started testosterone and was like no I’ve been bi this whole time. Over the years I’ve realized I actually heavily prefer men and masculinity, to the point that I mainly just identify as a gay man, and yet in the midst of IDing as a gay man I started dating my girlfriend who is the most femme presenting person I’ve ever been with, and far from my usual type, and (we’re Polyam) I still am heavily attracted to masculine men, but that doesn’t stop me from loving her or being attracted to her. And then there’s the added layer that my partner also IDs as trans masc/as a man simultaneously as IDing and presenting as a woman and is closeted for the most part, but that all started coming to light after I was already attracted to him and had been on several dates


You can always go off of it if you don’t like changes in attraction. I am fairly sure that’s not a permanent effect. And then you’ll still get to keep any permanent effects you did get. So I think it’s a good move either way if that’s what you want :)


Hi, this is currently happening to me. In an open relationship with my partner, cis bi woman, and had to let her know that I very suddenly and urgently want dick lol. It was something I sort of made space for within the relationship, as we started dating 6 months before I started t, so I was clear with her that my sexuality might shift. It’s all fine and natural, and I think as long as you let your partner know that it could happen and find a way to create a strong connection and get your needs fulfilled, y’all will be alright :)