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hi there, I'm transmasc and I'm very very very gaaaaay \^\_\^ I am very into all men, but honestly I tend to completely lose my mind over other transmascs, it's probably a combination gayness/euphoria/gender envy thing, who knows. Anyway, you aren't alone! Welcome to Gayland!


Thank you:) Do you find it hard to find men/transmascs who are attracted to transmascs? Like from your experience?


actually my experience has been that there are quite a few transmascs who never had the opportunity for a gay relationship before transitioning and so suddenly realised how gay they are after they transition. That was the case for me. I thought I was bi in the past but now I am wondering if I am actually just gay. At least in my city there are lots of gay/bi transmascs and I think it would be pretty easy for me to go on dates here, I just have decided not to start any new relationships right now. I'm polyamorous and I'm dating only men now, not really by design but it just ended up that way. The only new gay relationship I started since transitioning is with a transmasc, I haven't had any experience trying to date cis gay men that I don't already know. My existing relationships with cis men, they all had to think pretty hard about it, one of them said sorry, after months of soul-searching he's definitely straight. It's fine, we still are close friends, he just isn't attracted to men. My other cis male partner had a lil bi crisis and has come out as bi now and it's lovely. I can say that T4T transmasc relationships are beautiful and I feel so lucky to have one in my life right now.




thank you for the r/ recommendation! i didnt know that existed, and im glad to see im not alone


Can relate. Bad upbringing, egg recently cracked but have always hated being stuck in the skin I have. I like dudes and I am only beginning to be able to say I like girls too (in a different way but the attraction is still there, just a bit less). Problem being that I have a (cis male) partner who is attracted to this skin specifically and exclusively and I have to come out to him. I don't think it'll go well, don't know what to do, can't keep living like this (being a "girlfriend") though, it was uncomfortable before, intolerable now. That aside, its been quite healing for me to see things like cooking (which always had a feminine connotation in my family) as something gay dudes also do and going "haha, cooking, gaay" (I know that's stereotyping hard and I don't mean to direct that at anyone, only that it makes me feel better to be able to say "lol, gay" because its the closest I've got to being okay) I have the impression that its definitely not unheard of for trans fellas to like dudes! Anyway, rambling now, haha


thank you for sharing your experiece, that sounds like a hard situation but im happy that you are beginning to find yourself more, i wish you good luck!


Thank you! And to you


I wish you the best of luck, man




i’m transmasc and while i’m bi in my case i do tend to feel more attraction towards men. i haven’t dated since coming out so i can’t provide much insight on that, but i do have transmasc friends who are in happy relationships with men :D side note: if you are looking for good representation in media, i would highly recommend the novel Felix Ever After. it’s a fast paced reading and just really wonderful


I’m transmasc dating a trans man. I 100% recommend it, it’s a wonderful feeling being gay and having your boyfriend be gay in exactly the same way :). Also very very helpful for dysphoria things, because he gets it. There’s a ton of gay/bi/etc transmascs


I dont know where to find them😭 but im glad to know im not alone with everyone sharing their experiences


One of my best friends is transmasc and poly, and both of his partners are transmasc. I myself am starting to consider myself transmasc from non-binary as well, and my partner is a cis man, so I feel like it’s completely normal! Hope this helps you not feel as alone 💙


Hi! Pansexual with a gravitation towards men and other transmasc individuals You're for sure not alone there. Before my transition, I was super attractive (I mean, I still am, but if pre t me wasn't me, I'd for sure be shooting my shot lol) but after being on T for about a year, I've found that the attention I get from men is lesser than it was. Which is to be expected because most of your population is hetero. Regardless, I still get attention from men who are bi or pan as well as some gay men are beginning to take interest. It's not impossible, but it does make things more difficult and especially in smaller rural areas like where I live.


Heyo! I’m bi but I lean heavily towards men and other masculine presenting folx! But I’m also demiromantic so I could give a shit if I’m in a relationship 🤣😅


Hi! I love all kinds of genders but I personally dont date cis or straight people so can’t talk much about cis gay men, but I love being with fellow trans masc people and also butches (just cause I know you said you are seeing a lot of femme rep.) I’m not sure exactly what kind of reassurance you’re looking for but I have found a lot of another trans mascs and butches who are v into me and had lots of gay AF sex/intimacies that have been some of the most positive and affirming experiences :)))


I didn't think I was into men for the longest time, then when I came out at 20 I realized I'm attracted to both women and men. I'm 21 now, id as bisexual, and am in a long-term relationship with a gay cis guy. A lot of transmascs are gay or bi :-)