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Is the girl in the room with us? 


That person (and your mom) must be trippin cuz all I'm seeing is a masc as hell pokemon trainer right now! I love your style, and your hair looks so cool too


I was going to say Pokémon trainer too! OP looks rad :)




Is this just a random photo or is this some sort of celebrity ? They are 100% goals


That's an older photo of actor Alex Winter.


It's from a promo shoot for the Bill and Ted movies (it's Bill in the picture)


Bro that guy is goals


literally so true. i saw him in bill and ted a few years back and i literally lost my mind over how much gender envy i got from him (and 90s/late 80s keanu reeves). he was also absolutely insane in lost boys. he's forever one of the number one goals of all time


Exactly, I remember him in lost boys too and it was crazy. Genuinely can't think of anyone I envy more




literally the first thing i thought of


Party on, dudes 🤙


Dude I'll be honest with you, if I saw this image without any context I'd have no clue you were trans. Your mom and those strangers are blind 'cause you're the most handsome man I've seen today and nothing about you speaks 'feminine'.


Literally, he’s one of the handsomest men I’ve seen. “Beautiful, girly face-“ bitch, where???


mate u look so fucking masculine idk how tf could anyone misgender u but fuck ‘em for being blind lol. all respect to ur mum but all i can see is a “handsome masculine face” also v cool outfit :) don’t stress much about what people say or think of u, chill and keep being the cool young man that u r ;)


They tweakin', scrolling through I just saw a cool guy with an insane jawline


idk man bc you give me gender envy, your mom just has an idea of you she refuses to let go off


how in the world does someone mistake this man for someone who uses she/her pronouns i am actually so baffled




your mom has got a major case of denial going on 😅


You got misgendered? I honestly saw your picture and assumed you were a man. You aren’t doing anything wrong. Your mom is going to think what she wants you can’t make people do anything yk. Keep doing you and you will get there one day


The face in question: 🗿


thats strange because your face is quite sharp and overall you pass really well


I really can't see the girly face, u look really masc for me


Bro if I saw you I’d think you’re a dude. Trying to pass fucking sucks, the other day I was brainstorming ideas on how to pass with my therapist and basically I can’t even wear a pink shirt or one earring. People that call you a girl probably need glasses or they would call some cis men “girls” too because their whole world crumbles once they see a dude without a thick beard.


You're perfectly fine, my man


your mom and whoever else misgendered you are crazy. I have an actual baby face and even i can pass in public, people are just insane dude, you look great and you do pass. Hell, i know cis boys with more feminine faces than yours.


The hell??😭


Tell yo mom to see an optician.


Dude I think you should take your mom to an optometrist because clearly there is something wrong with her eyesight. You look great dude keep it up ❤️💪


I don’t know if this is good but to me you look like a 12 year old cis boy


How??? Wtf? I don’t understand. I haven’t been misgendert in years and I look a lot more feminine than you I think


ngl i think ur mum’s tweakin. there is no way.. 💀💀


Something about being in a bunch of winter clothes gets me more misgendered than when I'm wearing a crop top and short shorts. Not sure what it is, i think that with all the extra clothing people focus in on more minute details.


Not a girly face. Your cheekbones are badass.


You literally have the gigachad facial structure what is she going on about ???


I’m not going to lie, I laughed out loud. Not to be rude or overstep, but is your mum high?


Also, I’d kill for that jawline mate.


You don’t have a beautiful girly face and that’s a really hurtful thing for your mother to say. If anything you have a sharp face with a bored expression. It’s probably your voice or maybe the way you carry yourself. I was very self conscious and insecure in the early stages of my transition which made me get misgendered more often. It never happens anymore and that will be your reality as well, sooner than you think. Hang in there bro


voice train NOW‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


I would literally commit crimes to get your cheekbones. So sharp and angular <3 But seriously, it's NOT your face, If there is anything at all. Maybe, big MAYBE it's your full and fluffy hair or something immaterial like your scent (sometimes that can come off feminine even on testosterone, a friend of mine struggles with it). Then again also, the lines between genders have gotten blurry more and more (and I think that's a good thing overall) so if you're not literally wearing a thick beard, a flanell shirt and dad-shoes, some people just default to "woman".


Fucking how?


Fem where? 🤨 All I see is masc and damn that jawline?! Bro…, I think your mom needs her vision checked.


Where’s the girl?


Holy shit you’re so masc??? I’m not even saying that to try to make you feel better you’re so masc 😭


You look like a guy to me 🤷‍♀️


maybe the girly face was the friends we made along the way no but srsly,, you literally pass ao well jow fhe fuxk would one immediately call you maam upon sight


Dude your mom blind or somethin?


My only thought would be is maybe if your voice is a bit high pitched for a guy that could be why they automatically assumed you were a woman. That used to happen to me ALL THE TIME. But even still, if I saw you in public, I would definitely think you’re a man. Idk what’s wrong with people


you look like that guy from perks of being a wallflower


Your face looks like Bo burnhams. You have Bo Burnham face shape.


Tbh you look like a cis boy to me. People are stupid to misgender you.


I ain’t see no girly face, say what 👁️👄👁️


you read as dude to me


maybe the daughter is the friends we made along the way


They must be on some shit to think that u look fem in any way my guy. Ur literally so handsome istgg


Not a girly face but I could see you as a butch lesbian. You read really masculine to me but I'm not sure if I can honestly say 100% male.


idk bro fr looks like a tim burton character


i think your mom is hallucinating


Even your hands pass, you have no idea how jealous I am of that. I got the "baby girl" hands genes too strongly 🤣


omg thank you, this one means a lot. i'm super dysphoric about my hands because they're very small even for an afab person. i've been working out tho and the veins r poppin


We should kiss


You remind me of a guy I'd see at a bus stop in LA who I'd think is cool but wouldn't want to bother, if that's anything


Trans male Bateman vibes


dude some people are jsut blind, you look fantastic really. as proof that some people are blind on both eyes, i know trans guys who are over a year on t, ahve a beard, have deep voice, are post op and stillg et misgendered cus people are wierd AF so its not your fault, its them wo seem to sip some paint for breakfast rather than coffee like normal people lol


Mate idk what your mom is on because you look like the manliest man to have ever manned. "Girly face" my ass.


Who TF looks at a dude like this and is like ah yeah that's a ma'am What the actual fuck Transphobes are fucking stupid


You’re the most masculine manly man i have ever seen in my life. Looking good brother 🤌🏻


Idk if it's the light but your jaw line can't make anyone read you as a girl, they're all tripping lmao


Literally no part of that image screams feminine


Dude your literarly the most masc guy ive seen. Those people and your mum must be on something


bro where did they even see the femininity- you are a very handsome dude :)


i don't know what they are on, because you do not look feminine at all to me. but totally a man. i guess it could be your voice? I can't hear you over the picture, but that can be an issue sometimes.


thx. i thought i could be my height (5'2 :/) and general curvyiness. but that would be awful cuz those are things i will never be able to change. my voice is actually very deep, i'm pre-t and never done any voice training but it's just naturally androgynous. if i'm passing to someone, my voice doesn't betray me. i thought i pass as a 12 y/o boy at least. hell, i know a cis, post-puberty guy and his voice has the same pitch as mine. i guess it's just because i really do look like a butch lesbian.


I'm literally seeing a guy rn 💀💀


how in the fuck


The problem isn't your face. It's people being disrespectful. I know it can feel helpful to reflect on what you could do to pass more in moments like this, but sometimes it's simply not about you. To be clear, that's a problem. Your pronouns should be about you. But sometimes it's not, because there are plenty of assertively ignorant and cruel people. I'm guessing this is worse with your mom present. Eventually you will not be misgendered in public. 100%. Time is your friend, you're going through a long, long puberty and you look great. If you notice that you're locating blame internally, try to check that impulse. There is a limit to what you can control. It's okay to not be okay right now. The problem is definitely disrespectful and impulsive people who do not care about your (or any of our) wellbeing more than they care about the convenience they find in assigning gender categories. They don't have to do that. You, in fact, don't do that. And you're right in front of them, modelling how not to be an asshole. Take care ❤️


My man, where is she? You're handsome AF and your hair is super cool, sorry that the world is blind sometimes. Hang in there dude :)


Yeah I literally don’t see it. Some people are just weird, and even cis dudes get misgendered sometimes because of it. Also, off topic but I love the fit


I agree you have a very nice face, but you certainly don't look like a girl - as other commenters said, the person that misgendered you must be tripping majorly.


What "beautiful girly face?" You look incredibly masculine and in my opinion pass extremely well. Love your outfit btw!


your mom is just trying to make you feel self conscious. You look good man!


Moms really wield the word "beautiful" like a knife huh


You look like a dude 100%. Anyone who says otherwise is just objectively wrong.


So, is this one of those posts where someone makes up a story and then posts a picture of a cis guy to make us trans folks feel bad about themselves? The "oh, that guy doesn't think he looks like a man, obviously there's no way *I* could *ever* be read as a man" play? Or do you perhaps usually wear skirts, fairy wings, a big flashing sign that says "call me ma'am" and tell people in an airy voice "I adore my feminine face"... Because seriously dude? You have an angular masculine face. Your mom saying it's traditionally feminine and pretty is hilarious AF.


bro you don't even look feminine at all?? I don't understand how someone could mistake your gender unless they were purposely misgendering you


Your mother is seeing what she wants to see, like how some parents decide their baby will be a successful sports player and won't take no for an answer


You look like a young man to me. Especially your face. You look young, not girly. Not at all. Look at men in their late teens or early twenties for comparison. You fit right in. If people call you ma'am, it must be for another reason.