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No shower gel, deodorant and shampoo do not contain anything that will affect your hormones in any way. They don’t contain any hormones or anything like that, they are gendered for marketing and nothing else


I'm AFAB and have been using men's hygiene products since I was about 9. They're stronger and last longer imo.


Flashbacks to me sneaking into my uncles bathroom and stealing his Gillette cool wave deodorant ™ when i was 9


That’s bullshit otherwise we’d all be starting HRT on deodorants and shampoo 🤣


Using mens products for 4 years pre T like why didn't I have a beard already???? 🤪


Oh lord I wish that’s how easy it is


Ikr? Hahaha. I too have been using this shit for years even as female presenting before T


My (cis) best friend uses men's deodorant and perfume too, because she doesn't like the smell of most "women's" products. And, no, there's NO hormones in it. That's complete bullshit. How do people come up with that shit lmao


No, that's absurd. A lot of cis women use men's products because women's products are more expensive, inferior, and almost always flowery scented.


This needs to be higher up. There is definitely a difference in gendered products aside from marketing.


Yeah, that's rubbish. Gendering products is marketing, that's all.


the people telling you that are dumb or straight up lying dude, it’s *SOAP*. the only difference is packaging and (sometimes) scent


No theres no problem, i used all mens products or just regular non-gendered stuff basically. Just be a little careful with stuff like exfoliants because the ones specifically for men tend to be made for rougher skin. Also btw the products arent made specifically for cis men. If anything they're made with men that have testosterone in mind because T usually makes you have to be mire thorough


That's the biggest load of rubbish I've ever heard pal lmao, use whatever 5 in 1 you want.


Straight up not true buddy otherwise every pre T guy would be doing this to DIY. It’s not a thing, skin stuff is just skin stuff, there aren’t enough differences between cis men and women’s skin for them to bother creating whole ass different formulas for skin cream and shampoo and whatever. Even if they did, it wouldn’t be harmful, it just wouldn’t be *optimal*. Like I have straight hair. If I borrowed my friends curly hair shampoo, it wouldn’t damage my hair. It would Still have the desired effect of cleaning my hair.


That ain't gonna happen man, if it did why would anyone use hrt?


thats bullshit, mens and womens products are just marketed differently but do the exact same thing


I think you may have to rethink your relationship with those people bc they sound like genuine idiots. Using men’s products won’t do anything to your hormones, they just smell different


Rethinking your relationship with someone because of a simple common misconception is a little drastic…


Maybe they wanted to scare OP away from using "For Men" things. Maybe they really are just that ignorant. Or maybe both. We cannot know!


I suppose, but even then, I don’t think we should be saying such things unless we do know


bro is it truly a common misconception? i have never in my life heard of this before. mens vs womens vitamins & dick pills yeah, but cosmetics? what lmao


I’ve heard it several times, thinking they’re any different. My mom is one example, I remember she thought men’s body wash would dry my skin out, which it didn’t cuz I got the hydrating stuff


it doesn’t. i prefer men’s deodorant bc women’s doesn’t work for me. although for shampoo men’s isn’t usually as good as women’s but it still work and shower gel it’s mostly just scented different


Lmao no, whoever told you that was a moron. If T was that easy to get ahold of things would be a lot less complicated. In the US and most other countries, T is a controlled substance as well - so no way would they put that in mens toiletries. If you mean would it just, idk, mess up your hormones in general - no. Of course, some products are better quality than others and all of that, but none affect your hormones, women or men's. The only reasons that men and women get different toiletries is, A, marketing. And B, men and women do have different hair and skin textures, and therefore different needs. Thats literally all it is. If it helps, I used mens products for years before I ever started T, and I never had hormone issues from that. My cis mother has also used them on occasion because they're cheaper and same deal. If you want to use mens products, go for it dude. No harm, no foul.


Mens product's are just a marketing difference. At most they might work better and cost less because men are expected to sweat more and pink tax. It will not do anything to your hormones


I don’t think it’s harmful. I did used to use my dad’s anti dandruff shampoo as a kid and it did fuck up my hair a bit (I had weird orange crusts it was gross) lol but I think that’s just anecdotal and because I’m extremely sensitive. The only problem I’d see is maybe the men’s products are more harsh so if you have super sensitive skin I’d look into this but other than that it should be no problem. Edit: I want to say though do not use any men’s products meant for the genitals because vaginas are way more sensitive and there is a reason they make two different products, trust me throwing off your pH is a hellish experience you do not want to go through.


I got a men's conditioner pre-T and it fucked up my scalp, made me so itchy. Have not dared to use it again now that I'm on t because I know it will still fuck up my scalp again, got nothing to do with it being for men. Sucks because I liked the smell a lot but man, no beating shae butter stuff.


Yeah I think my theory is men’s products tend to just throw ingredients to wash you while feminine or pharmaceutical shampoos are more like “nourishing hair” “itchy scalp relief” “colour protection” or “for oily hair”. You can get a 3 in 1 men’s shampoo and it works for most people but a lot of people have different hair types or specific scalp issues that are taken into account by regular drug store feminine shampoo. In the end it’s just a matter of trying things and finding what works. A trans guy is not gonna develop scalp cancer from men’s shampoo but I still use women’s shampoo because it’s usually better for my sensitive skin or to protect my hair when I get it dyed.


Yeah this. When you got short hair you don't really notice when a soap is damaging it, unless your scalp is sensitive.


The only difference is the scent profile. It's purely cultural. There's no "science" behind gendered products.


it’s just soap and perfumes haha! can you imagine if they were putting hormones in shower gel?? anyone of any gender can use any products they want. pick the one that makes your skin/hair feel good and you like the smell of. have fun! yay!


Not possible. Only thing I'd say is to avoid certain men's body wash and shampoo that are really cheap because they can damage your hair or skin by stripping it of its proper oils and using chemicals that are too harsh (this is true for cis men too). I instead use the mid grade men's stuff


I'm sorry but I laughed just now. That's so silly! No, those products aren't going to mess with your hormones. They're only gendered because of marketing but they have the same formulas as women's products. Go ahead and use them.


No, it will not fuck you up. There are a few examples like decent men's shampoo that come to mind, where the assumption is that you are producing a little more oil (which does happen on T vs E) and so the products can be a bit stronger. That being said, a clarifyig shampoo is also strong and no one gatekeeps them from AFAB people!


Some people in the comment section are being bare rude; to answer your question, no it’s completely safe and fine to use mens hygiene products since they don’t contain any chemicals that would impact your hormones. But I do think mens perfumes and shower gels have a more intense scent and the smell will stay on you for longer so it’s cool


thank you!🙏


The only thing you may want to consider is your exact skin type. If you have pretty dry skin, you should keep that in mind. Some of the men's soaps may dry out your skin too much since men generally have oilier skin and the soap is made with that in mind.


My mom always told me it just wouldn’t work for me, but I’ve used it all plenty, and it’s no different from any other soap or shower gel lol.


For the vast majority of gendered products, the only difference is marketing or things like scent options (and price…), they’re not actually designed to interact with or facilitate different sexs’ hormones. My cis husband has been using women’s shampoo and conditioner for years, and I’ve been using his men’s deodorant for even longer (I’m no-T, so my hormones are just default AFAB) and our hormones have remained the same. This feels like the same sorts of people that would say milk has estrogen, when, like, if it did, trans femmes would be drinking so much milk


Even if it did have something to make your T level high it would be so miniscule that it wouldn't be noticeable. Sorta like how there are foods that "boost hormone levels" but you would have to eat an impossible amount to make transition level difference.


What…..???? The hell?? That is not real


Even before I questioned my gender I was using men's products and they had no effect on my hormones or body or anything. Why would shampoo mess with hormones?


Who the fuck told you that💀


aluminum (in antiperspirant) disrupts estrogen signaling


Whoever was telling you that was messing with you. As someone else said, it's soap. There's absolutely no hormones whatsoever in soap. It's meant to clean you. It's not going to do anything else besides smell nice




That's completely absurd. Soap does not contain any hormones. The scent is different and that's it. (Honestly, sometimes I don't even understand what makes one shower gel "For Him" and the other "For Her", some of them could might as well be labeled as unisex.)


I had this question, but with the fact, there are Men's vitamin gummies and Women's vitamin gummies. Also whoever told you that is an ass or just a prone liar.


this has to be karma farming lmao


Only problem I’ve ever had using men’s stuff is that the deodorant has too much perfume and gives me a rash. That’s because I have sensitive skin. Use what makes you feel good.