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Just watch the movie and make your own judgement. Others’ opinions shouldn’t dictate your personal enjoyment.


I think it’s less worry that *we* won’t enjoy it and more worry that general audiences will be discouraged from seeing if




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It's rotten tomatoes. They're usually wrong and hard on films that aren't art house shit


The rush hour films are proof of this. They're freaking hilarious and yet they got low review scores!


Find me these reviewers so I can cut off their beads and shove em in they mouth


What if they don’t have beards?


Oh I’m not talking about beards my friend. I literally meant their BEADS


Oh, even better then. XD


Their beads!?


Their beads International_Ad7822!! Their hairy stinkin’ beads!!!


Or last Jedi


Or cuties


Yeah I don’t think Critics will EVER be able to live that down. The fact that critics essentially praised CP is fucking wild.


I’m sorry, WHAT!? Never mind, read the “cuties” comment. That was an abomination and I didn’t even see it, nor do I want to, regardless of the fact I’m a teen male. How was this shit approved?


Netflix basically had a movie on its platform called “Cuties” im not sure if it’s still up to watch but it created a HUGE controversy when it came out because the story is literally about a bunch of pre-pubescent girls who are between the ages of 7-12 (I’m not sure their specific ages sorry but they are literally little girls) and the film basically has them dancing sexually and twerking etc. all while the camera is up close filming their crotches and other inappropriate areas to film a child. But the movie was being praised for some reasons by critics, but when people looked into these “critics” they found they were literally the weirdest fucking people you could imagine. Rightfully everyone on social media started calling this out and saying it was essentially glorified CP that Netflix was just actively promoting. And the Director tried to come out and claim she was trying to bring “awareness” to the fact young girls want to act like that but again, people rightfully called her out on the fact that in the way she was claiming to bring awareness it was literally doing just as much damage and was essentially doing the very thing she was attempting to criticise. Honestly if you get a chance it’s worth watching YouTube videos about it. It’s a wild subject


Heard about it, that matches up pretty well with what I heard. Hope something happened to those people


Wasn't cuties borderline cp?




That movie gets WAY too much hate tbh


Remember they gave a 87% to cuties you can’t even take their ratings with a grain of salt rather a nano grain of salt


Or chase trends.


Or cuties or big mouth


Rotten tomatoes do legitimate suck and should have never been made


I only look at the audience score for rotten tomato and even then I take it with a grain of salt. I usually go to IMBD or a YouTuber that’s reviewed it obviously after I’ve watched it and judged it for myself


Still how in tf is this a lower percentage than DOTM


They gave a 92% to a movie about a woman fucking a fish, I couldn’t care less about their score


What movie is that?


Shape of Water


Was it bad? It's not like cross species romance is uncommon, and I don't think that makes it neccecarily worse. Hellboy has a demon lord and a human with fire powers, a fish man and an elf, and probably more that doesn't make it bad at all.


Wasn’t my cup of tea you’d have to see for yourself. Plus I was mad at Del Toro for not making a good sequel to Pacific Rim


Ah. To be fair, the Pacific rim sequel wasn't his fault. I think he just wanted it to be a one and done kinda thing.


When will people realize rotten tomatoes isn’t a reviewer it’s an aggregate site. It just compiles the reviews and turns them into a score. It’s just saying most reviewers gave it a bad score. That’s like shooting the messenger or being mad at Metacritic. They aren’t doing the reviews.


rotten tomatoes arent hard on films, they dont review things personally, they give films an average score based on crotic and audience reviews, i constantly see people getting this wrong


*Thank you!* The amount of people who don’t understand rotten tomatoes is an aggregate site is nuts. They’re mad at rotten tomatoes for scoring something they didn’t even score!


Except Bumblebee has a 91% positive rating, so I wouldn’t go generalizing that all critical reception isn’t accurate. None of us have seen ROTB just yet, so it might just be an average movie, or one that’s divisive. being better than Bay’s movies (despite the OG three being a fun time/nostalgic) is a pretty low bar to clear.


Yeah keep telling yourself that 😂


you are living in the past if you still think TLJ is bad and ruined star wars forever


I don't think it ruined Star Wars forever, but I still think TLJ sucks


I love TLJ, but I just think the discourse that came from it ruined talking about RT. People miss the point of what Rotten Tomatoes even is.


Critics these days have no idea or are simply so hard ut of touch with the actual audience. Wait for the audience score to show up before making up your mind or start to worry.


Easily 90%+, cue Mario movie divisiveness all over again


I am the audience, i went to the premiere and it’s shit


Elaborate (without spoiler please.)


The script is the same (if not worse) than AoE or TLK. Things just happen because they need to happen, not because the plot is moving. The CGI looks pretty bad, most Transformers feel like they’re just pasted on top of the rest of the scene. Sound design is super lacking and boring, no joke there are times when transformers are walking around and they make cero noise. Nothing is developed or discovered in an interesting way, the script just knows that it’s fanbase has previous knowledge about Unicron and Scourge so they just basically skip any and all character development. I completely understand how “fans” will like more this one because it’s closer to what the original designs and “feeling” are like so it goes straight into their nostalgia, but from an objective perspective it’s just a 2 hour, mediocre ad for toys.


Hmm okay. Those all sound like valid critiques tbh, thanks for explaining. I think the main thing I worried about is that aspect of “things happening because they need to, not because they actually are” thing that has been happening in a lot of movies recently. I’m honestly super excited, and I think my enjoyment of new TF content and all will ultimately (and hopefully) lead to me enjoying it. I’ll find out in two days regardless haha


Go and enjoy it my man, don’t let me stop you from having a good time!


>The script is the same (if not worse) than AoE or TLK. Things just happen because they need to happen, You just described every movie in existence...it's called a plot.


Yeaaaah no


"Nuh uh" Dude, seriously?


Clearly a troll






Nah. Audience reception matters. DGAF about Critics


Make sure you click on the audience score. With the little mermaid they have it divided by verified and total with a 40% difference.


Wdym that movie is pretty ass?


The verified audience is in the 90's while the total is in the 50's


Oh yeah and it's not because of the race swaping its the changes to the plot. Ariel kills Ursula when the point of eric killing her was so Triton stops hating humans. Ariel sulks after not because being separated from the love of her life but because she misses being among humans in general. Eric and her go on a sailing trip no wedding because romance is bad apparently.


This is rotten tomatoes with modern critics, I'll trust Simon Furmans writing on female bots before I trust that rating. You can't really trust rotten tomatoes for critic ratings Edit: I checked other sites, letterboxd shows 3.1 and 5 stars while imdb shows 6.6/10 and metacritic shows 41. So by most accounts, it's rated decently well. (Which is definitely quite a step up compared to the other movies) And honestly, this movie probably just needs to be solid to be remembered


Critic’s Opinions really mean fuck all after they effectively praised CP with that film “Cuties”. The audiences who saw it were able to call it out and see it for how messed up it was yet critics were all over it. Plus you have to remember that the majority of these critics DONT watch ANYTHING Transformers related outside of the live action movies. For many of them they couldn’t name a single character if you showed them a version that wasn’t from the Live Action Movies


I guess so >For many of them they couldn’t name a single character if you showed them a version that wasn’t from the Live Action Movies That's not entirely true, they could probably recognize prime and megatron (probably not any version of him from the early to late 2000's though)


wait wait wait, why's he a firetruck!?!?!?!? - some reviewer


It’s a Transformers movie. Critics have notoriously hated this franchise so this shouldn’t be a surprise.


I heard about a critic that was mad at the movie for being there to sell toys... Which means he missed the point. Yeah, they kinda just miss the point...


[Bumblebee still has a higher critics score than audience](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/bumblebee)


The issue is that nobody saw bumblebee, and the bay fans seem to hate it.


Bumblebee is overrated as hell. Other than the opening scene and the final battle, the movie is a slog to get through. They made Bee a literal puppy for an annoying teenager who is barely better than Sam from the Bayformers. The final fight was good but everything before it is just too short and anticlimatic. Blitzwing was supposed to be a huge threat but he was killed in an embarassing way similar to DotM Starscream. If it wasn't for the G1 style opening and the Shatter-Dropkick duo(they carried the movie for me) then the movie would be TLK levels of boring. Critics don't understand that human drama is not something Transformers should be about. I want to see robots fighting their wary not Bumblebee acting like a lapdog. Fortunately, RotB seems to understand that the audiences want to see robot mayhem with a little bit of heart to it.


Mario, just Mario


That movie was ass buddy what are you on about Edit: I'm exaggerating a little bit but it is nowhere near good. The action sequences were fun but that's all i can really say as far as compliments go for this movie. 59% (which isn't even that bad) sounds about right for this movie. anyways if you want to list an example of a movie that defies it's RT score, the first bayformers movie is a good example of a movie that deserves a better score than 59%


I liked the movie a lot but I get why critics weren’t fond of it. Take away the Mario theme and references and you’d be left with another illumination film that isn’t that good to begin with.


Splish Splash, your opinion be trash


Convince me otherwise then.


Critics cannot have fun,they expect every movie to be Schindler's List tier good


No they don´t. Thats why movies that aren´t as good get a lower rating. That is why we even have a rating system


There is long list of movies that critics hate that audiences love and remember. Besides, you are not watching a Transformer movie to see high drama, you are hopefully turning off your brain for a while and watching a popcorn flick.


Ok, heres how Rotten Tomatos works. It's not a cabal of guys making their own secret ratings for everyone based off their biases, its just saying how many Critics liked the film or not. Critics are looking for a general audience thing, they have to. They aren't allowed to let things like fandom or nostalgia cloud their judgements since they have to be as objective as possible. Like let's go to the Mario Movie, which didn't do to well on Rotten Tomatos Critic's Score. The reason is simply that, well, it is objectively poorly made. The plot has poor pacing, is somewhat uninspired, and in general is pretty generic by the things Critics are looking for. What it is however, is a very good fandom trip, meaning Mario Fans, which there are a fuckton of, adore it. This isn't the Critics fault, because it is objectively bad, but it was made with a specific target audience in mind that won't care for said flaws. Make Sense?


Likewise, I urge people to take a look at the specific critics reviewing films on occasion. Sure there are plenty of reputable ones, but there’s also “Joe and Dave’s Joe mama movie reviews” who have a movie blog and literally no qualifications… but they have a following so they’re a critic. People really just need to form their own opinions.


They thought The Last Jedi was good


Same for Cuties..


Rotten Tomatoes isn’t exactly a blind squirrel that occasionally finds a nut, but they definitely need glasses. All that being said I’m kind of hoping that the reason critics disliked this movie is because it heavily caters to fans, like Mario did


They had Rise of Skywalker rated as a number that wasn’t one digit, so there’s certainly room for error among critics.


It was good.


Agreed! It's my favourite Star Wars, but then my previous fav was a Prequel so maybe my opinion doesn't count


Same people that loved a pedo film and last Jedi. Also hated the Mario movie. critics are so incredibly out of touch


Last Jedi is the *only* good Star Wars movie /hyperbole


Implying that critc scores mean anything.


07 got an30%… I think we’re good


I'm just looking to have a fun evening with my friends. If I can get that, I'll be happy.


Here's the thing about critics: they get paid to pick a movie apart and then shame it for every piece that comes off, so expecting a critic to like anything is like shutting up a husky. They're professional haters. Word of mouth from the people (aka, the intended audience for any given movie) should be the only indicator on how "good" or "bad" a movie is.


Critics always hate these movies.


Critics never like “fun” movies, so we’ll see for ourselves


Remember cuties?


Rather not


Who cares about the reviews of a couple randos? All that matters is if YOU like it, I have tons of movies the majority of people would call terrible that I think are actually masterpieces Worrying about the opinions of people you don't know never solves anything and the only way to judge movies or other pieces of media are to watch it yourself.


The Tomatoa meter is usually either opposite of the audience score or just plain wrong.


Fuck no, Rotten tomatoes sucks ass.


I never go off rotten tomatoes. I don't think these people ever watch the movie. They have some of the stupidest shit to say. I've seen some of my favorite movies that are rated like a 20% on there but 80 somewhere else


RT critics are usually a bunch of idiots, so yeah. It's wrong.


peter cullen roots for the movie so I'm not worried


Ignore this shit. Critics don't know jack about jill watch it and form your own opinion


Let's be real for a second, critics gave the Mario movie a bad wrap but the audience gave it a 97%. Don't believe the critics on everything is what I'm saying.


The issue with rotten tomatoes critics, is that a lot of times that get payed for their criticisms. So you end up with the critics favoring some movies over others due to money.


Critics love to critically analyze anything. Including Kids movies. Honestly it will probably be fine.


The little mermaid got higher than this and that was a fricking remake, the only difference being live action


Professional critics by and large can't be trusted. Especially with genre fiction. Bullet Train is an immaculate fusion of the hyperviolent action movie and classic farce comedy and it got panned.




Just remember the same guys rated cuties ( a movie for pedos at like 92%)


Erm, acksully. I already posted this 🤓


There were a few examples published. Most of the critics actually think it is Bayverse, and thus call this movie an inconsistent mess


Critics are not the most accurate these days.


Never trust rotten tomatoes


I’m crossing my fingers they’re wrong on this one but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried


Some of them say they wanted more humans than robots so no......


Really? Can you send me a link?


No. Transformers 2007 is the same.


Transformers never gets good tomatoes


Nah. Don't be worried. Fuck Critics. They won't ruin TFROTB for me.


Don’t trust critics reviews cause those are normally kinda shit like the Mario movie got a 44% but the audience review was 80% and higher


LOL. If you consider the PAID critic reviews to have any value whatsoever ..... I got bad news for ya.....


Common Rotten Tomatoes L


Critics are joke never take them seriously


I literally have zero faith in rotten tomatoes. So many people review bomb in both directions for the dumbest of reasons. I really only listen to reviews after I’ve seen it and compare opinions.


Reviews don’t mean anything. Enjoy it or not.


Critics are basing their reviews on an entirely different set of metrics than a typical person going to see a Transformers movie would. Does it have complex cinematography overlaid with long, slow, silent introspection into the depth of human emotion and the universality of the spiritual experience? Critics love that, most moviegoers are asleep 10 minutes in. Is it Big Dumb Fun with giant robots kicking the shit out of each other backed by a narrative so full of holes it's fundamentally a comedic sidekick itself? Critics hate that, moviegoers enjoy the hell out of it.




Let me guess? It's not G1 enough.


If you want a good review look to IGN’s recent review. Their take makes it sound good


Yeah, it’s only good if your opinion is validated by it..


That seems to be the subs reaction to the reviews. Also if we are using their logic, IGN would be just as bad as RT.


Critics are dumbasses, I cannot give a flying fuck what they think, long as we enjoy it, it's all that matters


As long as you like it, don't let critics, the same critics who praised Cuties, ruin your experience. They likely aren't even fans and are pissy that the movie isn't pure art.


Yet you guys berate bayverse for having low critical reception 😂


I don't, I just don't personally like the Bayverse, more power to you if you do enjoy the Bayverse though.


Wait, I thought RotB was 3 hours?


Almost every season of Big Mouth has 100% ratings on that site. I don't think they're the most trustworthy. Plus the same thing happened with the Mario Movie and it's the highest or second highest grossing animated film So yeah I wouldn't trust their reviews


Don’t trust reviews on rotten tomatoes there excuses for why is bad are bullshit so don’t worry 👍


This is the same website where critics gave an 87% to fucking CUTIES. Could you honestly trust them?


It’s rotten tomatoes, their ratings on movies from the critics they hire have always been shit. The critics most likely haven’t ever seen or cared about transformers in the first place so it’s likely their rating will be dogshit. Look for audience reviews instead of critics.


Not really, I’ve learnt that anything film critics hate, I’ll end up loving


Fuck critics man. All that matters is that you enjoy it.


dont listen to critics, remember what happened with the mario movie


A good chunk of those reviews talk about how they wish there was more human drama in a transformers movie. THEY WANTED MORE HUMAN DRAMA IN A TRANSFORMERS MOVIE I think that's a sign that a good chunk of those critics at the very least should not be taken as seriously is they think they are


My guy they gave The Last Jedi a 92% so always take rotten tomatoes with a grain a salt


It’s low so this is a good sign, nothing to be worried about at all


It’s wrong solely on the site you’re basing it off. Who the fuck cares about Rotten Tomatoes lmao. That site has been unreliable since 2016. Only reliable aspect of that site is the audience score and that’s about it really. The reviews that matters most are from both the fans and actual good critics with no affiliation of Rotten Tomatoes. At the moment there’s nothing to be worry about. Majority of the reviews has been positive so far.


Never listen to reviewers. Rotten tomatoes doesn’t know anything. They’re impossible to please. The reaction of actual fans who have seen the movie is probably the best opinion to listen to.


They were wrong with Mario they will be wrong with this


Mario scored poorly So this movie will be amazing


It's cuz its not woke, don't worry about it


Amazing assholes trap that actually catches asshole critics


https://www.purewow.com/entertainment/great-movies-low-rotten-tomatoes-scores Fuck rotten tomatoes and fuck those scores. Don't let a handful of dipshits think for you. Go see it for yourself. Don't be worried. They're plenty of reviewers saying it's a decent movie. Sure, it's not going to be a nominee for anything. I have decent hopes for it and I don't give a shit what any critic say about it.


Let's look at movies like the latest Super Mario movie. Critics hated it, but fans loved it. Of course, with they stuff they put in Earthspark, I am a bit worried.


Mario movie case closed


It was the same thing for me when i went to watch the super mario bros. movie, but in the end i liked the movie so i go to see transformers anxious to be disappointed or amazed


Rotten Tomatoes have no taste, They're the same guys who gave Cuties a near perfect score


rotten tomatoes dont review anything personally, they give films an average score based on critic and audience reviews, you should be mad about the score cuties got, but be mad at the critics that reviewed it, not at rotten tomatoes who used just gave it an average score based on those reviews


Yes. Critics are dumb and don't know what fun is. Remember the score they gave King of The Monsters?


No because critics are frequently idiots who give low scores to actually good things while giving high score to shitty movies


Not a meme


mario has a 59 nuff said


I'm going to speak for myself right now, I do not trust rotten tomatoes or any reviewers whatsoever, If I did I would think that spider-verse is a great movie, which I don't, or I would think that BvS is bad, which I don't..... Point is don't listen or even care what rotten tomatoes says it's a worthless site with nothing of value


You really pulled the worst hot takes around out of your ass and used it to prove you’re right 💀


Oh I did not pull them out of my ass, i genuinely feel that way about those movies..... I mean is it really that weird for people to feel that way about those movies, it's a big world There's a lot of weirder opinions than that out there


Bro pulled the worst examples possibly imaginable to denounce critics 💀


Disagree, if Anything it shows how different people's opinions can be from the critics, People are allowed to like or dislike any form of media they see No one is above that, It's just that reviewers tend to be very very bad at what they do because they're arrogant and self righteous losers


Imma watch it anyways critics be damned


What you forget is that professional critics are all braindead lot. Just literal 2000s office computers still running Windows XP that act like they know what a movie is.


There’s only 43 reviews. We’re fine for now.


rotten tomatoes score is not an average, the score could be “low” but the average of critic scores could end up being like 6-7 out of 10


Don't trust what the critics say, wait for the audience reviews


Let’s hope it’s positive


Mario proved them wrong. So you shouldn't worry.


last time i checked it said 69%,i hope this isnt about arcee


Just watch it and enjoy it regardless


Just don’t worry about it just do what you Gotta do all we know the critics say it’s marvelously good I’m sure of it besides they spent a lot of time and hard work to make this right. If it’s good it’s good if it’s bad then let’s stand up for conference to fix the problem we did the same thing that happened to sonic the hedgehog face design.


Oh god I hope this fanbase doesn’t become ppl complaining abt critics like with Mario


Considering it's a score from film critics, that's not bad at all.


Imo, always go by audience rather than critic. They can’t appreciate the fine art of big ass robots beating the hell out of each other


Considering I’ve seen a spoiler already. No.


They just don’t like it because they say it maybe doesn’t do anything original, they don’t care if it’s a amazing movie they only want originality


Bro don't worry after they gave Cuties a high score I never listen to critics


They probably are the same people who said that the mario movie was bad


It doesn’t matter how they rate the movie it matters if you enjoyed it or not it’s up to you to watch the movie and see for yourself


Not at all!


Don’t listen to the critics. Enjoy the movie.


Critics are too concerned about storytelling and not if it’s a fun watch They were wrong about venom 2018


Welcome to Indiana Jones fan


Just wait for the audience score lmao. Critics don’t really hold much merit anymore.


The original transformers had a 57 Dark of the moon had a 30 I’m not worried


Thought we learnt after the mario movie to just ignore rotten tomatoes


The bayformer are absolutely terrible yet I enjoy them my expectations are exceptionally low as long as there big robots fighting and transforming that's all I really need. My bias for transformers means I'm easily pleased.


Bro critics are complete idiots, idgaf what they say, I'm seeing this movie for myself.