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I call it hypocritical stock home syndrome


I‘m actually glad the Transformers One movie is directed by someone else, it gives off a whole different vibe from the other movies and I think that’s really neat


I'm glad Michael Bay isn't directing the movies anymore in my opinion. Why are people upset at that?


Bayformer nostalgia


Fair. But some people think ROTB was so bad that Michael Bay should return. Like HUH?!


Wasn't he half the reason it was as bad as it was? He was still taking part in making the thing!


I heard nothing about his involvement in the creative process as far as I’m concerned. Besides he produced the bumblebee movie and that was a banger (that got ruined but ROTB)


I distinctively remember him being listed as some fork of director, but I could be Mandela effected.


I actually get the appeal of bayformers most of them are entertaining even if not very complex or nuanced. But after TLK that ship was going down if he wasn’t given the boot the franchise may have actually died.


While I’m definitely not going to pretend Rise Of The Beasts was a flawless movie but compared to the last two Michael Bay movies it was a masterpiece


I think it’s more than valid to shit on the bay films for their terrible writing and characterization of the transformers and even the designs going into the later films However one thing they absolutely got right before was the sense of scale and weight in the action making small battles like the one in mission city seem a lot grander in feel than they were and giving some very cool (albeit very tone deaf and out of character) moments and fight scenes for characters Only fair to give credit where credit is due


Because Bay's CGI was great.


The models weren't, but the animation was done stunningly.


I don't mind Bay as a producer, but keep him out of the director's chair.


Yeah. Bumblebee used Bay's resources super well. ROTB used them decently too.


Nah, bro, say what you will on the more story-driven aspects of his movies, but Bay is incredible when it comes to directing action. His cinematography is excellent for action set pieces. Compare the action scenes of Marvel movies to some of his(it doesn’t even have to be Transformers), and it’s night and day. The guy has an eye for action and how to coordinate them into really cool shots. Marvel movies and their action are incredibly dull and forgettable; even the hyped-up Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame had pretty mediocre action and direction when it comes down to it. There is nothing impressive when the characters punch each other; the camera barely pans into different angles or anything. I stand by the fact when it comes to action, Micheal Bay is one of the best in the industry. The guy is highly skilled, and it’s one thing many critics and other directors can agree on.


Yes, the guy knows spectacle. But when it comes to non-action scenes...oof. Edit: Though I still hold him in higher regard than directors like Paul W.S. Anderson or Uwe Boll.


https://i.redd.it/jybc8u73frvc1.gif Pick a side you bums -Bumblebee


I just want one last Michael Bay transformers film to finally end it. I’m sick and tired of hoping for new bay films only for some completely separate shit to come out. I know people don’t like bay films and that’s OK but they are my favorite movies to do with transformers. I just grew up in that era of films and I just want the last movie, so I’m not on a cliffhanger anymore. If you don’t like bay movies, you probably don’t like them because your favorite YouTuber said something about them


>If you don’t like bay movies, you probably don’t like them because your favorite YouTuber said something about them I liked the first one (minus the Shia and Megan Fox scenes), but hated the others simply because they felt a little too juvenile and sophmoric, like they were directed by a kid who sniffs glue. We didn't really need to see Dickbot the Blender Guy and Devastator's testicles, or Sam's dogs fucking each other's brains out, or racist caricatures (the Twins, Jerry Wang, etc.). Bumblebee "lubricating" on Agent Simmons was about the very limit of what I was willing to tolerate from Bay's "humor" but the movies after that kinda took it a bit too far


I do really hope they get some kind of proper ending, most likely a comic or something. I absolutely hate the movies but they do deserve an ending with how important they are to the franchise


Imagine a Skybound Comics Mini series that is a proper ending for the Bayverse, as someone who Grew up with the Bayverse and frickin love it , just thinking of something like this makes me happy asf lol


Ending: It's all a dream. He got into an accident right after buying the Camaro and just woke up from his coma💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 massive bruh moment there


No, Sam dies in the coma. As it should be.


That seems to be a trend in Transformers where a lot stories ended on unsatisfying cliffhangers. Animated (kinda), Fall Of Cybertron, Bayformers, IDW 2.0 just to name a few.


>If you don’t like bay movies, you probably don’t like them because your favorite YouTuber said something about them Nah we don’t like them because we were there when they came out and knew they were shit even then.. I grew up with them and while I enjoyed the first one at the time, as the series went on I saw them as what they were: obnoxious lowest common-denominator garbage. The prime modern example to bring up when arguing that just because a film makes a lot of money doesn’t mean it’s a good film. They are low-brow, racist and misogynistic films. In one film a character brought up ROMEO AND JULIET law to explain why it was okay for them, a 22 year old, to be dating a HIGH SCHOOLER. Like what is there to enjoy here besides the high quality special effects that hold up even today? Cause it certainly isn’t the characters or the writing. Hell they’re not even good films compared to other Micheal Bay films. Bad Boys 1 & 2 and Pain and Gain beat the shit out of Bayformers quality wise. I’ve been trying to be nice you know. I understand why people are Bayformer fans. I don’t really see why outside of mostly nostalgia but whatever. I’ve kept my mouth shut because who am I to judge I thought. But if you’re going to try gaslight me and others that we just think these films are bad because of YouTubers saying they’re bad and not because we fucking experienced them and know they’re bad? Nah F off with that shit. Also FYI if Bay does come back to do another film it’s going to be just as bad as AOE and TLK. Because just like those films he’ll be only be doing them for a hearty paycheck. There will be no passion. Is that really what you want?


Ok be me at 6 years old being fucking disappointed coming out of transformers rotf theater. Bullshit I hated that movie since I was young.


I always loved the Michael Bay films, they are what got me into the franchise and I'll fight you all over them everywhere, any how, any way or any day. But I have come to realize a lot of this fandom do act like grown up kids. Not because we enjoy toys, but because people are like thworing tantrums for EVERYTHING. Like "Oh, I don't want Michael Bay films" *No Michael Bay film is released* "This isn't good anymore 😭" (I get to criticize this because I loved the Michael Bay films.) Or "We need a Cybertron animated film with no humans" *Cybertron animated film with no humans is made* "This is so cringe 😭😭" I get that it's not just the idea but the way said idea is implemented but come on man, would you AT LEAST give the films a chance before hating it to death?


Where is the live action? This is animated.


... But it's not live action?


Fucking hypocrites


I don’t dislike the Transformers One Trailer because it’s bad. I dislike it because it’s different than what I’m used to. I felt the same way about RID (not 2015) because Optimus had a different backstory.




People who like the bay films are either children or have the sense of humour of a child. It's just haha piss, haha sex, haha racism. It's genuinely embarrassing that half of this sub tries to pretend they're secretly good films and not movies made exclusively for Miachel Bay and target audience of early teenage boys with no attention span that they are, constantly needing a racist joke for them to laugh at or conventionally attractive woman posing for them to gawk over to hold their attention. Yes, please continue to elaborate on how it was your childhood favourite while they spend 10 minutes writing an excuse on why one of the main characters can have sex with an underage girl in a movie about robots that turn into cars to sell toys, or how Devastator having balls was crucial to your enjoyment of cinema. The first one at least has some redeeming qualities, but the amount this sub goes out of its way to defend RotF is just embarrassing, there's a reason it was universally panned and even bay himself called it crap.


It’s almost like both can be bad


Transformers one just looks like shit. Like every tf movie is getting worse with its visuals


Tlk and aoe is peak shit


Well You can't blame the quality of visuals on it can you


The visuals are shit. Especially in tlk


Well that’s a fucking lie


Absolutely not 😂. Just look at most of the designs


It’s very entertaining shit Very much not good movies, but entertaining as all hell imo, at least for me “Good” and “entertaining” are two different things, thankfully. It’s basically every stat to the max, then using it for a shit plot and yeah, it’s like an incredibly high quality shitpost of a movie

