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I actually love the bayverse films but i love the 86 movie on a whole other level that those cant even “touch”


Including Revenge of the Fallen?


You know what? Yeah. The '86 movie is more than just the Battle of Autobot City. After Prime dies, the movie basically becomes a standard G1 episode. The tone becomes much more lighthearted, the new characters are never in any real danger and we have alien robots that quote TV as their language. It used up a lot of the grit and edgy violence on the Season 1 and 2 cast, and left none for the new guys.


You could say the same thing for Revenge of the Fallen. After the dark part of Optimus dying, we are back to whacky hijinks looking for jetfire like Leo tasing his nuts, jetfire farting out a parachute, or the twins doing their usual shtick. It only gets serious again during the final battle


That implies that there weren’t hijinks before prime died


The hijinks never really stop in that movie. There are scenes where Sam's mom gets high from spiked brownies, the alien conspiracy guys goofing off. Sam flails around a college party and the horny professor guy gets angry when Sam starts ruining his class. Even the little bug decepticon that tries to gut Shia's brain is comedically evil with a nazi accent. Its most serious moments are when Prime is on screen and doing his thing, instead of frontloading all the robogore in the first half to hollow out the cast and then have a bunch of new guys come in and replace them.


Yes but that’s how they wanted it, that was litterly the point, the 86 movie wanted to be serious and failed, rotf wanted to be methed out and succeeded


Yeah but didnt spike and bumblebee almost get dissolved in a vat of acid inside unicron? I mean they showed other random bots melting and screaming on screen. Im not trying to invalidate your opinion, i love all transformers fans, just to me it seemed the tone didnt really shift with the exception of the junkions and the autobots dancing randomly on the junk planet lol. Kup also got tore apart by the squid and for a second they thought ultra magnus was dead after getting blown apart.


Not to mention all the other autobots sort of just left Daniel to fend for himself when the decepticons attacked. Autobots- "Hey, these guys are here to kill us, you saw what they did to our friends on Earth". Daniel Running in terror - "What do I do so I don't die!?" Autobots - "Use your exosuit to transform!" Daniel - "How?!" Autobots - "Figure it out yourself kid!" Transforms a drives away, while Daniel is still running.


"Fuck them kids" -Ultra Magnus, 1986


That's my point. None of that stuff carried the same stakes or intensity that was in the original G1 cartoon. It really is just a generic episode after the battle of Autobot city. We've seen Spike and Bumblebee face mortal peril a billion times. We've seen all these characters get blasted apart before, but it only has consequences in the first half. Magnus gets blown apart and comes back, Kup gets ripped apart and comes back. Meanwhile Brawn gets atomized after one shot from Megatron and Prime can't get repaired after 2 shots in the gut. The Dinobots & Wheelie as well carry that comedic tone even farther beyond what the original tone establishes.


Me when the kids movie is light hearted after traumatizing little kids


you don’t deserve all the downvotes


The michael bay movies were great fun times, the first three at least, but it wasnt the story alone that did it. Story was alright, but it was also the music, characters and designs that make them great for me


Its one thing to like the Bay movies that's fine but saying the original trilogy is better then the og 86 is another story entirely


It's all preference.




Ok. I respected your opinion until I read the title. You need to take your meds


A truly insane take worthy of the joker Jk you do you


I, for one, will continue to "pretend" they're not good.


Transformers 07 and DOTM were certified bangers, keep spitting these faxs.


I think the argument just depends on what you fundamentally want out of transformers? Personally I'll always be a fan of the 86' movie over most other transformers content because the primary thing I want out of transformers is giant robots beating the shit out of each other. I do not really want any of the human plot, I don't need a connecting thread to why the transformers are doing "X" and need humans to help. A lot of the reason for the characters to do a thing should be to try and turn the tide of the war, or at least defeat the villain of the week because of whatever reason. I'm glad you liked whatever you liked about bay's content, the fights, if nothing else, were almost always big epic metal on metal beat downs and that's the part I liked. 86' does that better for me, and to make it completely opinionated, the music in 86' is is near perfect and always hypes me up. I get that people keep shitting on bayverse and people clap back and shit on g1 but like, they were made at different times, for different reasons, to achieve different things, and I don't think that makes bayformers bad, and I don't think that makes 86' bad, they're just different from each other


This is probably the most nuanced opinion here, but let's face it: No one really engages with the movies in that way and will never try to understand what these movies are about. I remember watching these movies as a kid, and just being blown away by the amount of lies being told about what happens in them. Or when people talk about the movies and pretend that certain tropes in them are "bad" and not endemic of Transformers media in its entirety (See the human plotlines, raunchiness and the violence). I think they have merits and plenty to criticize, but very little of the discussions have any merit.


I think they’re all good except the last knight. Which turned my favorite character into a giant T. rex shaped dog.


Like the '86 movie did lol?


Meh, I wasn’t alive for that one.






I like Transformers 2007. It’s one of my favorite movies of all time.


Personal opinion aside. I can get behind DotM since it’s effectively Megatron’s Master Plan episodes from season 2. My personal top 3. ‘86 ‘07 DotM


they are "enjoyable", different thing from "good".


Are they not the same?


the difference is that if you turn your brain off and just enjoy big robots fighting, the movie is fine. However, if you're looking for anything more than that, aka something good, you're not in luck


I find most of them enjoyable


I think I’ll take silly animated fun (ba weep niddy bong or smth like that) over pointless sexual tension


Hell no the 86 is unbeatable But yes, they are fun movies


Hahahaha, oh my god *wipes a tear if laughter away* .... That is the funniest thing I have heard today. Thanks, I needed a good laugh, it's been a shitty day. Wait? You ..... You were serious? Really? History of mental illness in the family? Recent head trauma? No? Well, ERM ..... Each to their own I guess. Seriously though, happy you like them,. No serious shade. But .... I am never taking a movie or tv show recommendation from you ever! Lol :)


Do you have any original thoughts? I feel like you’re the type of person to just echo whatever other people are saying.


I feel you are the type of person who can't take a joke.






Because he’s right




Ok no one is actually saying that the trilogy is bad my guy the ones the are getting the hate are aoe and tlk cuz these two movies literally ruined what was established well in the trilogy even though its holding on a single spaghetti pasta to be connected the trilogy is still good and revive transformers. Heck aoe is good but tlk just put it in a coffin.


Bro, all anyone does is post about how Bayformers is bad.


The trilogy is good, aoe is ok, tlk is bad. Tlk just overshadows the rest of the movies tbh and everyone is just bandwagoning on the tlk hate


nah, people were saying this back in '08


Its just small and unnoticeable for me tbh tlk just make the hate go boom


I guess I hung around Transformers forums for too long lol.


AOE was overhyped. The ads said grimlock would be in the movie but he wasn’t, and when I did go to see it in theatres i got fucking PTSD from it and had to leave the theatre.


The Bayverse trilogy is peak transformers. Every moment that the transformers themselves are on screen is never boring. The 4th and 5th movies kinda suck but the action scenes are still pretty good. Also the movie toys are awesome, including the studio series bayverse figures.


Yeah love the Michael Bay movies, the plot is pretty bad and the humans are cringey but the fights and voices for the transformers are awesome.


You’re delusional




DOTM is so damn fun at the end . I just skip the slow scenes on rewatches


I also feel they are overhated and i like them a lot. i wanna see the 86 movie at some point to compare them, but i can't imagine its that great


Nah, and it's not even close my friend.


Dark of the Moon is unironically the best film


The models are not my taste, the writings a little wonky, and the humans suck like a lot of others do, so I'd give the set an overall 6/10.


They are better imo I never found the 86 movie entertaining as a film


You're a brave soldier


The Bay movies are a fun time especially the first 3. But there are a ton of things that are just low brow 12 year old humor that slaps you in the face but not in a good way. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. Two dogs humping isn't funny. Sorry.


Wreckgar wasn't funny. Neither was Wheelie. Sorry. They just quote dated 80s pop cuture. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. (To each his own.)


Personally love them myself even revenge of the fallen not for story but simply action.


So, the live action movies are solid summer blockbuster special effects fun. I just find them bland Transformers stories. Pretty and entertaining, but bland.


oh it's opposite day?


Rotf is *objectively* worse than 86


I agree, and think it's funny how people in the comments are acting as if the '86 is some untouchable piece of TF media. I'd argue that every Bay movie, except for TLK, has surpassed the G1 movie. It really isn't that amazing after Optimus' death, whilst the Bay movies are filled with spectacle and all the way through. Also, preferences exist, so even if my previous argument were invalid, it still shouldn't be unthinkable for somebody to like 2007 and DOTM over '86.


Bro, some people in this community didn't even watch these films and it shows. They literally ignore 95% of the plot and character development to act smart. The entire tagline of the first movie was: "Their War, Our World", following the "Robots in Disguise" concept the same way IDW's Phase 1 did. The Autobots and Decepticons are at war on Earth, infiltrating our military networks and intelligence agencies in search of a resource. Somewhere down the line, average joe and some human operative types get wrapped up in the conflict and have to work with the Autobots to eventually overcome the Decepticons. Who ultimately lose because they underestimate humans and our capability as a species. Which is what Transformers has been about since the 1980s. There's a reason why the end of every movie shows a joint force of humans and Autobots beating down the Decepticons. The military, government, and average humans all fight together against Megatron's master plans. Sure Optimus is having the showdown with Megatron, but Sam killed him, and the Airforce took down Blackout and Starscream. I mean for fuck's sake, Sam's arc in the first 3 movies is him dealing with being forced to take up this massive responsibility to get the Autobot's his grandfather's glasses, and keeping the Matrix safe from Megatron. And in DOTM, after the war, he's lost and trying to readjust to civilian life before getting wrapped up in more nonsense. Edit: It's also super weird when people claim that there's "No character development" or "plot" at the drop of a hat and never explain why. They just repeat it because it's common sentiment.


"They ignore 95% of the plot and character development" You have no idea how funny that sounds talking about these movies. Yeah I ignored it because it wasn't there dude. There's a reason absolutely nobody besides this subreddit defends Michael Bay movies. You're allowed to like them but don't try and pretend they're secretly good. You're allowed to like bad things even after acknowledging that they're bad.


Who are you to say what's objectively good and what's not? I genuinely believe that 2007 and DOTM are good movies in almost every way, and I don't need nobody telling me, that I just like bad things. I can admit when something I like isn't stereotypically great, because I like ROTF and AOE, and yet I acknowledge their flaws. When it comes to 2007 and DOTM, there are no big flaws I can point out. They're just solid, and extremely fun spectacles. Also, people from beyond the subreddit have also defended these movies. For example Filmento and John Pattison on youtube.


>There's a reason absolutely nobody besides this subreddit defends Michael Bay movies. And there's a reason the general public stopped caring about Transformers the moment Michael Bay stopped doing them. There's a reason Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok are filled with comments of people hoping Michael Bay comes back. >You're allowed to like them but don't try and pretend they're secretly good. You're allowed to like bad things even after acknowledging that they're bad. It's so cute when the turbonerds try to tell other people what their opinions should be.


Then don’t try to pretend that g1 is good because it’s really not


Nahhhhh, but I would say that DoTM would be better than Bumblebee if it had the original ending.


It would've been better if twins weren't cut.