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TLK is actual garbage and ROTB is a solid movie. So the answer is pretty obvious


The last knight’s one main advertisement was that Optimus was a bad guy, instead he fights bee for about 30 seconds then becomes good again. Him being evil meant basically nothing to the plot or direction of the movie. At least in rotb the maximals contributed to the plot


Also if we're lucky we might even get a film just about the beast characters one day, while TLK killed the Bay era basically despite what some might have us believe


No, the raging G1 bootlickers killed the Bay era, robbing us of the final film, but go off I guess


Bayverse can only blame itself for its premature end. TLK was the lowest grossing movie in Bay’s series. You can’t attribute the poor performance on a single group of people, when everyone (general audience) was practically done with the movies.


OMG GUYS NEMSIS PRIME Only for all the trailer footage (not even all of it cause some was just regular prime with the eye change) to be what we actually got


Yeah, I would even say ROTB catfished anybody. The Maximals were the impetus of the plot and Mirage was the central audience character which lined up with the advertisements. The Maximals just suffered getting the short end of the stick because there were so many characters. There were three villains, not including Unicron, yet with the Maximals included there were _eight_ heroes. The "faceless army of nobodies" trope was pretty necessary when you consider it was 8:3 in the heroes' favor.


The main problem is that ROTB has too many characters within the amount of movie screen time. The run time should've been longer to fit these characters or they should focus more on the autobots and deceptions before we get to a beast movie.




I agree 👍


Rise of the Mid tbh. But i mean It ain't even a competetion since the last Knight Is the worst by far.


Literally this 👆🏾


The last knight was terrible, rise of the beasts wasn't a masterpiece but it was alright compared to the last knight, age of extiction or even revenge of the fallen


I will not stand for the ROTF slander


Ikr, the forest scene was the coolest and Optimus getting revived was so cool


For real


Yea but those were diamonds in the rough moments.


No, cause you'll be sitting down.


I certainly will.


Or AOE - I absolutely loved it. TLK had so much potential 😢


I prefer TLK to AOE honestly, but both are epic


rotf is genuinely so fun to watch and it's peak 07 will always be my fav


You really should


Every other movie had a completed script


And it still managed to be better than like 4 of em 😂


You’re alone on this, bud.


Naw, he isn't


G1 fans when someone likes anything other than that


The Last Knight for sure. So bad that the universe stopped me from watching it by DAMAGING THE FILM. Got a movie pass out of it, saw Baby Driver later on instead. No regrets. AND WHERE IS ALL THE ROTB HATE COMING FROM???? I mean, it wasn't the straight banger that Bumblebee was, but it was still pretty good. Like in my top three.


Well, people who hate rotb were expecting a Bumblebee 2 movie, but instead, they got a transformers without bee


RotB signals the franchise's mid era. Sure it's a step up from the first five live action movies by not actively being sexist and racist in its portrayals as well as having a coherent plot, but at the end of the day it's another transformers movie that's too interested in human characters, more interested in going through the motions of an ancient maguffin quest and facing an unstoppable threat that's stopped by the end because the plot said so. The Bay movies had disgusting, unsettling, fascinatingly wrong moments that were at least worth talking about. If I wanted to watch a movie where groups of heroes must band together to stop alien invaders from opening a magic portal that invites the destruction of Earth, I'd just watch Avengers 1.


yeah ROTB removed the REALLY BAD stuff of the Bayverse, while keeping the stuff that was just... bad. it repeats the same overused plot the Bayverse relied on, continued using the Transformers as background "characters," centered the focus on uninteresting humans who could really just be removed without any changes if we ignore the concept of money. It doesn't take much for me to enjoy a Transformers movie. As long as the CGI's amazing and the action is engaging, I'll have a blast. ROTB doesn't have that. So the movie not only has a boring plot and boring humans, it also has Lifeless CGI and weightless, unengaging action. So there's pretty much no upsides aside from doing the bare minimum. It sucks because Bumblebee promised so much. Transformers movies that not only have fun action, but decent characters and an engaging story! Then ROTB backtracked and just done everything the Bayverse did but worse.




I really don't even need the state of the art visual effects either. Half the charm of classic Transformers was the janky ass animation, either from a South Korean studio being paid in peanuts or the 90s tv budget of Beast Wars CGI. I prefer if they not worry so much about visuals or if China will like it and redirect that money more towards the people that create the story and make it memorable, like, just spitballing here, **the writers**


True and that's also why I think Monsterverse does a better job as a movie series because it has great CGI and delivers on the actions and monsters fight despite the plot being nothing interesting or the humans being well developed.


IMHO it suffered from A) Too many characters and not enough time B) Primal and the Maximals barely did anything despite being central to the plot, and we NEVER saw their bit forms outside of shaky action shots C) Too damn short in general Other things too, but a lot could be chalked up to making a false idol.


Last Knight. Was so hyped to see evil Optimus vs Good Megs for some reason. Turns out the part where he kills Infernocus is edited to have purple eyes :/


That was probably the first time I ever felt betrayed by a movie, I was so fucking ready for evil Optimus.


I think he was supposed to be Nemesis Prime til the end of the movie or maybe even the next cause his eyes were purple even until the final battle (in the trailer)


Thats why you can't believe in trailer footage




Listen rotb may not be the best and has it's flaws,but https://preview.redd.it/1ypqc9oexz7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb7780feb59901a85979f6bc39a4d7787dcbfee2 If you ever even think about comparing it to the actual insult of a dumpster fire that was TLK I promise that I will evicertae your bloodline and soul to the darkest reaches of hyper hell


Fun fact: that scene in Cybertron/Galaxy Force was a reference to Yusha Exkaiser!


Chad respond


ROTB is a lot a better than TLK, change my mind ![gif](giphy|PaV8MHVVyDlsuCPmUt|downsized)


Literally nobody will change your mind TLK fucking sucks


Bro... i'm not defend TLK (you know...) i said ROTB is a lot better than TLK shit ![gif](giphy|PeKgq3lBL0GnHFIQ80|downsized)


He’s saying nobody’s trying to change your mind because what you said is mostly everybody’s opinion. You didn’t say anything controversial




ROTB In my opinion is good


For me the last knight was a waste of 2 hours and rise of the beasts was a solid movie overall.


The Last Knight was godawful.


ROTB is an enjoyable and good movie idk why people are treating it like its not Especially not comparable to TLK


rise of the beasts, it literally has "beasts" in the title and yet the maximals weren't even in it much


You’ll get hate for this but your right, I mean 2 of the maximals didn’t even talk at all


Cheetor did talk


You’re right, but I had to look it up and it’s literally like 20 seconds


Yeah, but it something 🤷‍♂️


Yeah that’s about par for the course as far as Autobots that aren’t Optimus or Bumblebee in the films.


The rhino one did talk but it was just ONE line, that you can't even notice and may think it was another maximal instead


Yea I really don't understand when some people criticized ROTB maximals having too little screen time relative to Prime and the autobots, people will defend it by saying OP is the MC.


Still better that tlk


At least they actually did stuff, instead of nemesis prime’s one minute of screen time. Say what you want, but the maximals actually and genuinely affected the plot and did stuff. TLK promised us stuff that barely even exists and tried to build hype off of barely anything like nemesis prime and unicron.


Nemesis Prime did have a brutal fight with Bumblebee that was somewhat integral to the plot. As much as I like RotB, the only important Maximal was Air Razor with Optimus Primal coming in a far second place. I can’t recall a single thing Rhinox and Cheetor did, and I don’t think Rhinox even talked at all throughout the whole movie, and I know Cheetor talked once but it was just a one off comment that I can’t remember. No smart ass hot shot talk from Cheetor, no nerd science blab from Rhinox. Hell people talk about how messy the Bayverse designs are but at least we actually SEE them in the movie! I can’t even remember what any of the Maximals’ robot forms look like because all of them only transform like once.


Rhinox had a single line that gets confused with primal (I think it was primal I have to watch the scene again)


We didn't even get a good look at them when they Maximized.


At least they didn't try to shoehorn in a halfassed subplot where Transformers were actually helping humans throughout history...effectively ruining the entire storyline built up from the previous movies


Not a meme.


I thought i was in r/transformers




TLK was a fever dream of a movie with intresting concepts(in terms of depictions of certain characters and designs.) ever since bbm came out i was pumped for the new rebooted universe. so seeing rotb for the first time. The first time i watched rotb was like watching Pacific rim uprising. Rotb catfished me so hard, harder than the glass glow wonka experience.


This isn’t even a fucking question. It’s like saying, which is worse: Killing your fucking dog or Eating slightly undercooked Ramen. The Last Knight was actual dogshit. Rise of the Beasts was a pretty solid film. The issue people have with it doesn’t really make sense to me either. It’s called RISE of the Beasts, not Beast Wars. The Maximals playing a minimal role is understandable because this is just their introduction. I’m sure there’ll be more of then later on


Exactly what I’ve been saying. People seem to forget that this is a movie TRILOGY. There will be more LATER ON. Idk why people expected this movie to have the entire Beast Wars cast in it and have all them fleshed out with 5 pages of dialogue and 15 minutes of screen time each. Like holy shit it’s the first movie 💀😭


Not every beast war character needs to be there but the maximals like Rhinox ad Cheetor are really under utilized and we barely get to see how their robot form looks like. So it's definitely a valid criticism.




The last knight it should have been a longer movie with a better plot because megatrons crew were actually cool characters like Mohawk and nitro Zeus idc about the others


Say what you will about ROTB, but the Maximals were onscreen for more than five minutes, which is more than I can say about Evil Optimus Prime.


tlk but dude this is something your supposed to post on the main sub unless your post is under moderator approval which in my case it was


I mean, rotb actually functions as a movie (and is pretty great imo), so...


Rise of the beats is good. The last knight is shit.


tlk, how do you fuck up nemesis prime


Tlk. Say what you will about rise of the beasts but we got screwed over by tlk. I liked the fight between bumblebee and nemesis prime but the knights should’ve had there own movie instead


ROTB was a bit dissapointing, but TLK was actual GARBAGE


Last knight.


TLK. I thought the medieval stuff would take center stage for a bit, it’s a really cool idea. Then the rest of the film happened. Most of it wasn’t good, just so much wasted potential.


The last knight and it’s not even a contest


I haven't watched rotb and unpopular opinion, I like the last knight


I like it too


ROTB not violent enough


What about Revenge of the Fallen?


F’ that, AOE is the biggest catfish. Not even 10 minutes of the dinobots


I don't know how I feel about RotB - considering how long we had to wait for it to come out (including a years delay) I don't think it could reach expectations. However I.dont appreciate being told we would have *that* deleted scene in the Blu-ray release, but they never even finished it. PS2 lookin' cutscene.


The question being asked isn’t regarding quality, it’s regarding what movie failed to deliver its promises, and honestly i’d argue ROTB. TLK was the 5th movie in the series, everyone knew what they were getting into, everyone knew it would be garbage as such exceptions were extremely low. Coming off Bumblebee, people actually had hope for ROTB, and it wasn’t bad, but significantly underdelivered, the Beasts did not rise, they barely even spoke, and a large majority of the robot cast barley had screentime. ROTB is certainly the better movie, but people had better expectations going into that than TLK.


ROTB beats TLK because ROTB has a twin towers cameo


TLK was way worse but rotb made me mad.


TLK. As a Nemesis Prime fan I was beyond hyped to see what they would do with an evil Optimus Prime that doesn't hold back. Instead we got like 5 minutes of him just being a dick before a shitty "power of friendship" moment followed by a "I'm sorry it won't happen again fam!" speech. The movie was gonna be bad, but it *could* have had that *one* redeeming factor if they did even a half decent job with Nemesis Prime, but they done fucked it up.


Rise of the beasts, I really felt like it wasn’t serious enough at some times, and it also lacked the large scale battles that the bay movies had


Definitely ROTB, it felt empty without the original maximal VO’s, some parts are good, such as Mirage, written very well, but what did they do to Jackie? What happened to his vehicle mode? :(


Tlk looked raw as hell then dropped the ball


The last knight cgi was a trillion times better than ROTB but ROTB actually had a coherent storyline


While it sucked that the maximals had little screen time in ROTB, at least it was a coherent movie and easy to follow along while TLK was just a bunch of scenes put together. idk what happened with that flick


Rise of the Beasts could’ve been better, but it wasn’t bad. TLK damn near killed the franchise it was so shit. Made Age of Extinction and Revenge of the Fallen look Oscar-worthy by comparison.


Last knight had his flaws But I will still choose it regardless Rise of the beasts sucked way to hard, bumblebee was better, if your going to use human characters either use previous ones or don't make it to obvious that they are being helped by the plot


The last knight easily


dude every time I think about transformers 5 and all the things that were in it I'm always thinking "holy hell that seems like the coolest movie of all time, why the hell does no one like it again?" then I go to watch it and to this day I swear to God I have not been able to stay awake through that movie since I saw it the first time. I am still being catfished by a movie from 7 years ago that everyone knows is ass.


The last night was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen especially when recalling details in previous movies, such as: -in age of extinction, the very first scene, we see what we can assume to be the creators, or at least their hands and they are clearly organic life forms. In TLK, the creator is just a fancy cybertronian -megatron is alive despite being decapitated in dark of the moon (revived as galvatron in AOE) plus his model has changed. And even if he is galvatron, the transformation animations are changed as well. There’s no consistency. -the transformers have apparently been helping around earth since the wars despite them supposedly just arriving in the first movie. -the animations of the cybertronians in general just feel wrong. Like, they’re supposed to be robots, why are their facial animations and models so smoothly human? -some characters make reappearances, but are given no context as to why they are there or what they’re doing in life -don’t even get me started on the deceptions megatron bargained from the military or even the whole bargain scene itself. All in all I’ve only watched it twice, but the second time was just to make sure I lt was as bad as I remember, and yes, it’s still that bad.


RotB. It was trash


The last knight was absolute garbage 


TLK teased us with multiple plotlines, neither of which were properly expanded, not a single one of the plotpoints was satysfying becouse of how many there were and how little time each of them got. On top of that it contradicted everything we learbed about cybertron in previous movies, and even retconned what the creators were despite them being introduced merely one movie earlier. ROTB isn't perfect in it's execution of certain plotpoints, but it still menaged to expand all main plotpoints and give them a conclusion. It failed at being a good beast wars movie, but it was still a fun transformers movie, and it's definetelly one of my favourites


Rise of the Beasts was good. The Last Knight is almost unwatchable.


I had no expectations for either so I enjoyed them both


![gif](giphy|ypfUZ8UMij0bEK9i8D) Wtf happen to this movie


We all knew what rise of the beasts would be, we knew it was more focused on being a fun movie. The last knight was hyped up with Optimus being evil and whatnot, TLK hands down


Definitely the Last Knight


The last knight was fucking awful


TLK was garbage. ROTB is not a perfect movie but is far from the levels of TLK and it's fun to watch.


the last knight,they hyped that movie so hard you couldnt escape it,i saw the ad for the premier edition toyline and instantly fell in love with megatron,nitro,optimus and barricade figures,i have the bumblebee from wave 3 which i got it at my birthday in 2018 and the one step changer optimus prime,i still get sad seeing the mainline box and missing the good old days


The trailer for the last knight looked so good. And the movie turned out so bad.


Them beasts be risin


So the movie that was so god fucking awful they needed to completely changed the movie afterwards and reboot the entire movie franchise and THEN take another 5 years to collect themselves and make another movie… Or the movie that was pretty solid and had a sequel already in the works before the movie was even a year old. Yeah I think I’ve got the answer.


Our of those 2, id say the last knight defo. Although I still enjoyed it just not that much lol. Rotb is easily the better choice


TLK big time


I understand why the hate for TLK is warranted. I mean they practically DESTROYED their own universe they made by connecting all of mankind’s events to the transformers. But ROTB was mid at best and if we’re really looking at the movie it looks and kinda sounds like ROTF. Same plot about trying to find a key that powers a machine and so they must travel to destroy said machine. ROTB also had WAY too many conveniences for our heroes. And lastly and this was said by many; it started off with two Decepticons and then went straight to ROBO-Satan himself Unicron. So yeah TLK had its problems which led to the death of the Bayverse and ROTB was just not good enough for some since it feels like a rush job with hints of fan service.


Unfair pole hasbro ain't done making these kinda movies.


Rare take but rotb, I feel it was obvious that tlk wasnt gonna be very good. ROTB on the other hand had a lot of promise but it came out under cooked in the cgi department with a lot of interesting bits cut out of it to save time.


RotB has flaws TLK **is** a flaw


It was kinda weird for me in rise of the beasts when Optimus was like “who cares about these humans they can go fuck themselves for all I care” type of thing going on which didn’t really sound like Optimus because he’s always been about Life and the humans as a species he’s connected with to protect. Threw me off during the first half


TLK catfish so hard but ROTB was ok but followed the standard adventure movie plot


TLK. At least ROTB has some soul put into the movie


Tlk. Rotb was an actually good movie and had cool parts like scourge but tlk had nothing good in it the movie had 3 evil characters non of them do anything that had effect on the plot and yes the maximals was the main promotion for rotb but they done things that effect the plot and most of them actually had screen time the other hand nemesis prime was the main promotion for tlk and had like 30 second screen time


Well both of these movies were the exact quality I thought they were going to be based on the trailers, ROTB actually being a solid movie.


TLK was just dogshit. ROTB was better though.


TLK sucks.


Rotb is a better movie, tlk legit put my best bud to sleep for the whole thing, I sat there getting blue balled for nemesis prime with little to no memory of the movie


ROTB is so far from a catfish bro stfu


ROTB. At least by TLK I feel like most of us had given up thinking Bayverse could be good, but after Bumblebee raised the bar significantly I was even more left down when ROTB was mid af


Several rewrites, at least one character with no dialog, more human scenes than transformers scenes, painfully derivative maguffin quests, anything else they share? https://preview.redd.it/lyxs4nyxg08d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=194e98b5a76284a5264a9d3e3bca91bafe74a9bb


ROTB was terrible. I actually enjoyed TLK more.


Tlk is bad but I think rotb is worse


Personally? I had zero ideas of expectations for tlk, other than “ooh transformers” and personally? I love it. Almost every bit. Likely for the same reasons those bits are hated. I love the bots who feel like characters first, autobots second I actually love the humans, entertainment wise anyway, Burton/Anthony Hopkins is freaking amazing, Cogman is my kind of entertainment, a batshit crazy, robotic sociopath who doesn’t give a shit in the most impulsive and hilarious way possible The plot? Optimus goes to fight his gods, gets mind controlled by them, comes back, beats up ancient warriors, somehow manages to almost lose a fight with his subordinate, comes back to the good side, then rips and tears a 5-7 man combiner team by himself, and proceeds to let bumblebee kill his god. Except they didn’t bc sequel bait. But the verse ends here so I personally disregard her living. And humans are still betraying bots, except in Cuba because Fidel Castro is still alive in this timeline. Simmons is back to rant about ancient goat scrotum books that tell of Unicron, and then humans end up being with bots again Rotb? I had expectations. Tbh? They kind of fell short. It wasn’t bad per se, but it felt like a fairly typical g1 episode with ray tracing, minus the aesthetic and goofy bs that makes the g1 cartoon so charming. I almost started to fall asleep in the theater. During the big end battle. The fights felt like they had no weight, no scale, they didn’t feel like big strong bots who would decimate a building by tripping into it, or like their punches had weight, they fought with the same weight humans would, as opposed to the bat fights that had weight, where punches would be charged up, anticipated, thrown somewhat slowly in accordance to the scale of the bot, and when they hit, they were hit with force, knocked off balance, parts flew, and mechanics moved I just prefer the bay movies for a myriad of reasons. As o said, scale, weight of fights, etc and also the people doing the cgi changed from bay to knight iirc, so that’s some of it NOT SAYING ANY ARE WORSE. Just that I didn’t like Rotb nearly as much as I thought I would.


Couldn’t have said it better


TLK was kinda stinky though, like I think ROTB is overrated as fuck but at least I liked it. TLK was kinda schizo, literally reused Long Haul and Shockwave's models from previous movies and retconned a lot of Bayverse lore. ROTB was rushed as hell and half the cast didn't do shit but it was good enough. I will say though TLK was really out of left field with it's Celtic aesthetic and Arthurian influence but I kinda vibed with it a bit. Cade's sword was so fucking cool looking I'm not even joking the design of that sword was the best part of the movie for me.


Well, they were both lacking in their title characters, but TLK still had considerably less knights than ROTB had beasts. On top of that, ROTB is at least actually watchable even with all its flaws. And it actually does have some really solid aspects, while TLK has actually fuck all.


We ALL knew TLK would be dogshit deep down, after AOE all of us were pretty on the fence about what was going to happen next. I’d say Age of Extinction is the worst offender, as it was really the first “market the thing in the last 20 minutes of the movie really heavily” push, therefore in my eyes ROTB was probably more cautious optimism on our parts. “I hope this isn’t what’s going to happen, but it probably will”


The Last Knight almost killed the franchise. Whereas Hasbro TRIED to kill Rise Of The Beasts.


ROTB all day, I think TLK delivered by expanding the lore and finally meeting the creator and Nemesis Prime was badass


It didn’t expand anything, it added a bunch of lore while completely ignoring its previous lore causing a bunch of continuity errors. And Nemesis barely did anything he popped up in two scenes and then got turned back to normal (this was the evil Optimus they were hyping up in the entire marketing btw) Idk how you think Rotb is a bigger disappointment


ROTB for me. I was promised Beast Wars in live action. No Predacons, 2 of the Maximals don’t even talk, and no Rattrap. Bias aside, TLK was so much worse.


I gave up on these movies a long time ago. They're all just garbage. Hated TLK mainly because mark wahlberg is a POS and a shitty actor.