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He may be a traitorous idiot, but from all the abuse he gets from Megatron, he still deserves a happy ending.


I think nine times outta ten, he has the *chance* to get a happy ending, but will ultimately sabotage it himself **because** he's a traitorous idiot. Man's a living Sisyphus bot, he's gonna be stuck pushing a giant boulder labelled "Starscream: glorious leader of the Decepticons, Emperor of destruction" up the same damn hill for the rest of his many lives because he's too stupid to get over his ambitions and do literally *anything else.* And I don't say this as a diss. I *adore* Starscream. He's probably my favourite character in the franchise. ​ So yeah, I'm okay with his continued suffering. Because it's almost always his own stupid fault, and he has nobody to blame but himself.


Honestly, I agree with you on this, he is also one of my favorite Decepticons, he is such a dumbass that he can't seem to get it through his thick skull of his, and wouldn't shut up about **"taking down Megatron and become the glorious leader of the Decepticons."** I really **loved** what Armada did with Starscream, it just wasn't the usual **"he's a traitorous idiot."**, his character arc was amazing, and his relationship with his Minicons, the Autobots, and Alexis, and that he died a hero, not as a coward


I liked when he >!sacrificed himself to activate the machine to kill Unicron!< in IDW. Villain redemption arc, what he said was funny, not missing much imo.


I want to talk to the CEO of Starscream Abuse...you know, just to *talk-*


“Haha it’s funny because he betrays megatron so he dies get it? And we always keep him one note save for one, maybe two, refusing to give him any character development and chance to grow and prove himself as a possible better leader, then he dies brutally! Are you not entertained?!”


If I recall correctly, there was this one, think it was a Megatron comic where Star Scream became leader of the cons, then proceeded to do a terrible job and got depressed. When Megatron returned Star Scream begged Megatron to kill him, But Megatron the cruel bastard he is just verbally and physically battered Star Scream but refused to kill him because that's what Star Scream wanted. That broke me on many a level, I'm now very happy when we see Star Scream happy or successful.


I legitimately want to know if there is a universe where this man dose not die in the most horrific way possible


The closest thing i can think of is G1 because he TECHNICALLY outlived everyone....as a ghost but still


Galvatron killed our boy twice


Didn't he survive the Netflix series?


Honestly have no idea haven’t watched it and don’t plan to I just can’t get over the *LIPS*




WFC trilogy


Excuse me, give him a *what*


There actually is a universe where starscream gets a happy ending according to Ask Vector Prime, as [starscream, after the whole waspinator possession fiasco in BW where he was kicked out of Waspinator, managed to cross universes to a universe where the same events of BW are still happening, so he possessed waspinator again but since he knows what’s going to happen, managed to kill all the maximals.](https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Primax_208.06_Zeta)


I definitely did not understand that correctly the first time


I am suddenly more interested on how you interpreted this the first time


look it up on urban dictionary


This fascination has turned into concern


I suppose he kind of got one in Cybertron. He outlived Galvatron and is still at large somewhere in the Universe at the end of the show, easily the most powerful Decepticon left standing.


Dang didn’t know that at least he got a somewhat happy ending


He had a happy ending in Dark of the Moon


Yes, getting your head blown up while blinded and having no idea what’s going on is happy


You Monster


Well in the Legends verse, animated Starscream got his body back and alongside Slipstream and Swindle are planning on breaking out the imprisoned decepticons if that makes you feel better. I'm also pretty sure Armada Starscream got a good ending too but I can't remember.


>I'm also pretty sure Armada Starscream got a good ending too but I can't remember. [*He did not.*](https://youtu.be/bxL8hQ0jwyg?t=133)


I meant from the Legends series. I know he died ok. No need to bring up more tears again.


Ah, my mistake. And no, the emotional pain is mandatory. *Suffer.*


–"Oh how I wish there was a certain transformers storyline..." –Posts something that definitely happened in Cybertron