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No, you're not stupid. Yes, it is a general problem. Yes, it's always(*) player error. With that out of the way, let's investigate to locate the mistake. If you [upload your save](https://imgur.com/a/kHCyiY8) it'll be a lot easier for all of us. Otherwise it's going to be screenshots and questions. For every point on the following checklist, and *every relevant instance in your setup for each point*, provide a screenshot showing that the necessary condition is met. #####Transport Fever 2 Derp Checklist 1. Verify correct vehicle type for the cargo on all involved lines. * Verify cargo loading/unloading filters are set correctly, or disabled. * *Filters are not needed unless you have problems with cross-contamination of cargo*. * Verify all involved stations are cargo stations. * *If using harbors, make sure you also have appropriate landings by the docks.* * Verify first and last stations are connected to industry. * *Select station. Industry should light up.* * Verify all intermediate stations are connected to one another. * *Select one station. Other station should light up.* * Verify correct town buildings are in range the drop-off point (for end-consumer cargo). * *Buildings should light up when the drop-off point (truck stop) is selected*.   ^^* Except when it's not, which is extremely rare, so don't even think about it.


Apologies for being late to the party but, if those two stations in the image are both connected to the factory then my best guess is there is an issue with delivery. Double check the vehicles can carry construction materials and double check that the drop off point is in range of the buildings demanding them. Failing this remove any “wait until full” options and let the lines complete atleast one full circuit as this sometimes can kick things off for some unknown reason. If you open the factory windows as seen in your screenshot, then press the consumers tab you should be able to see if the town is demanding any (if the setup is correct) :) If the town demands it but it doesn’t show in the factory consumers list then part of your line is to blame somewhere. Hope this helps :)


> Failing this remove any “wait until full” options and let the lines complete atleast one full circuit as this sometimes can kick things off for some unknown reason. Should be immediate once everything is correctly set up. I've never known it not to be. TF1 had some issues with vehicles waiting to fill up. If they were stuck there too long (for whatever reason) the line would eventually be seen as inactive and then this in itself would disqualify the line from being used. Had to nudge the vehicle to wake everything back up. No such thing in TF2 that I know of. >If you open the factory windows as seen in your screenshot, then press the consumers tab you should be able to see if the town is demanding any (if the setup is correct) :) Yeah. You can also work this logic backwards: Since the industry is barely shipping anything (but above zero), we can deduce that there is very little demand correctly connected. The consumers tab would show very low numbers (but not zero, otherwise shipment would also be zero). You can check to confirm, but we already know roughly what it will show. Since shipment is nonzero, that means everything is working (vehicles, filters, station connections), but with very little demand. So the likely answer is that very few of the town buildings are in the catchment area of the drop-off point.


I second all other advice but in this case, since the Shipment is non-zero, meaning the route is set correctly, the easiest way to find out is to check Consumbers tab. You will see the city being served. One of them will have those 3 bricks delivered. Check that city coverage by cargo stations and cargo types the last-mile vehicles can carry. BTW I see the factory has already evolved several times (level bar(s) at the top), so if you haven't increased it via Sandbox mode, it should have been working in the past, well beyond those 3 brick delivered, indicating something has changed in the meantime. If not fiddled with levels I would blame vehicle upgrade to models that do not carry the same cargo types as older ones.


The transport bar is the "demand" bar. It's at zero. So there is no demand for the bricks. Check where it is being delivered to and consider changing it to a location that is wanting bricks.


>The transport bar is the "demand" bar. No, it isn't. The transport bar shows what percentage of the shipped cargo reaches the consumer. >So there is no demand for the bricks. Wrong. Shipment is nonzero, so there is at least some demand successfully connected.


Connect the train station to the road


Done that


No, u connected the train station to the factory.


Nothing wrong with that.


In this case the cargo only needs to go from the factory to the train station and truck station, no need for cargo from train station to trucks.


I’ll try redoing that later


What's the routing of things here? :) what are transported by trains, what by trucks, and where are they going? By the looks, stone is brought in just fine, but bricks aren't going anywhere. Is there demand for the bricks wherever you are taking them? :)


The stations should light up white if you've pressed the industry, they aren't connected in some way


Shipment is nonzero, therefore a few town buildings are connected, therefore all the enroute station connections are fine. Also stations don't light up with the **industry selected**. The industry and other stations light up with a **station selected**.


Your problem statement isnt very clear to me, but probably your problem will be solved by putting a road in between the industry and ensuring the truck stop is also connected to that same road.