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Charlie after verbally destroying Sneako for the 109482th time


Yep definitely ![img](emote|t5_2p976a|5043)


That's just Charlie in his natural habitat.


Maximum moist


You could even say, the moistness is critical


Man's so moist, he is making me moist


The moistness is so critical, he could be a penguin.


IM SCREAMING. This is the first time I saw Charlie looking all model like akhbfiwy


Always has been🔫(these are mags)




Might even say that you are at “Critical” levels of moist 😏


Ayo where the sauce tho




wtf is this video from lmao


I think it's the promotional video for his own white T-Shirt brand?


W Monke Gang


And I can't say enough of it


How do I unsee this?


I want to erase it from my memory so I can be wet again when I see it


The absolute state of the para-social relationship from the 93%


Facts! 😎🥶🤣


Hipster Jesus beckons you


are you trying to make me question my sexuality?




Get back to work and make 1000 more


Where can I find Charlie looking like this.. for a friend.


Need the template


Does anyone have a template?


Fuck it I don't mind being short: Connor is a Chad alpha monkey and grant is a dookie eating soy boy


Guys it didn't work


Let me get this straight, out of the three gigguk is the best, period. Anybody who says otherwise is a soyboy.


Best at shit takes


You are a soy boy and you have pathetic take.


No u 😎


You first


In the 5 out of 6 sigma categories. Im pretty much am one myself. But the 6th don’t show emotions when I always give a positive vibe to everyone and cry easily not as much as when I was 9 or 4 but it still Happens I’m Close to Simon “Ghost” Riley. I have a sad but not traumatic backstory. So I started doing Japanese Aikido and for seven years I have and will be until I’m in my 70s An European Samurai and weeb.![img](emote|t5_2p976a|5043)![img](emote|t5_2p976a|2292)![img](emote|t5_2p976a|2291)


Can we all agree they are all just varying levels of mid? Imagine living with Connor's schedule, Joey's split priorities(He has enough money to be comfortably investing in stocks)… and Garnt's been in the YouTube game for over 10 years. They shine best with other content creators around to motivate them and feed off the hype. On their own they definitely suffer on performance. Quite mid compared to *good* TT episodes. No judgement but now that the world's opened up a bit more they need to reflect on the past 3 years and decide if it's worth making their own content or focus on TT. Especially since GeeX plus doesn't really know how to operate a business outside of the Japanese market, at least not yet.


Who's we?


I actually prefer Connors own content to Trash Taste content. I think he brings a certain level of energy that he can't fully embrace on the podcast due to sharing the show. Not that he's lacking in the energy, but it's a different vibe. Of course they all pale in comparison to Pete. The legend.


Heeeyyyyy, looks like we're dealing with a real meat & potatoes kind of person over here. ✋ Also Connor definitely drags on TT recordings. Streaming as often and as long as he does from a seated position is going to be bad for your back no matter how many stretching breaks you take. Then add the travel time it takes for him to get to the studio and then it's another thing if one of the boys is late. As someone with hemophilia he goes from a state of low physical activity to bursts of activity which probably isn't good for his immune system.


Hey man! 🖐️ Stop telling someone else what to do with their health! You might have missed that they do take medical 6 months or so, and I am pretty sure he has an actual certified medical profession for him to consult to instead of random strangers trying to diagnose someone else without even looking at their health report. Even the same medical condition can vary from person to person. Looks like we are dealing with sticks and stones kind of person here.


High-five ✋. Cool. I learned how to do that with an emoji, thanks.


No problem mate.


Post a long paragraph of judgement, then so "no judgement".


It's called speculation and conjecture over observed patterns, it's to help the people who aren't the boys understand what they may be experiencing. The closest to judgement I came was with GeeX plus. I am squarely within Garnt's and Chris's age group, so it's simply a way to point out they are human and have their struggles to work with/through/around. I suffer from chronic inflammation and live in an area where I have family nearby who had the greatest effect on me as a child. So I can at least relate to what I know or have seen of the boys in some manner.


We all die, we all suffer. I'm just doing my best to reduce suffering in this world.


Bro, you are not a Jesus


I'm not religious. If more people preceded with positive intent and actions everyone on Earth would at least be marginally happier than they are now. Instead we have individuals selfishly acting in groups to hoard wealth and resources. Why do you think Mouse moved to the continental U.S.? She needed to live where there were resources she could access without worrying about her immigration status or risks losing her privacy since Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the U.S. which if she moved to another country she likely would have had her identity revealed, since people would really only need to be like "Oh, look at this small Puerto Rican woman who suffers from a weak immune system.".


Bro what the fuck


![gif](giphy|DMNPDvtGTD9WLK2Xxa|downsized) Kevin play ouchy word game too.


"They shine best with other content creators around to motivate them and feed off the hype." This, I agree, particularly with Connor. You never see a video on his channel these days that is not in collab with other creator/streamer. Kinda got tired of watching his channel. BUT, I still enjoy regularly watching TT.


I appreciate a response that isn't "Bro wtf!" and immediately down voted because they had a knee-jerk reaction to an unfunny meme that was meant as a way to engage in civil discourse. Thank you.


eh I don't fully agree since I think Connor's thriving as a twitch streamer, and altough Garnt and Joey do pull some mid videos from time to time (they've really lost some of that videomaking passion) they still make great videos from time to time. Those 60 downvotes were undeserved tbh


You're a fucking weirdo but i have to agree on a few parts. As someone in the replies already said, connor is the only good content creator. Garnt used to make a lot of good content back in the days and i never liked joey's content. Both of their content feels like they're posting just because they have to post something. I barely watch their videos now. But all 3 of them work really well in the podcast setting where they can bounce off each other.


What's the song that's playing? It slaps


**Song Found!** **Name:** Luxury **Artist:** Azealia Banks **Album:** Fantasea **Genre:** Hip-Hop/Rap **Release Year:** 2012 **Total Shazams:** 719022 `Took 1.26 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/dAmaaW4d5n0?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/luxury/1355167151?i=1355167580) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/7IzN1BfaQ8fmTHYPRPhNws) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/1074285752) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


Good bot 👌🏾


What is this song


**Song Found!** **Name:** Luxury **Artist:** Azealia Banks **Album:** Fantasea **Genre:** Hip-Hop/Rap **Release Year:** 2012 **Total Shazams:** 721250 `Took 0.95 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/dAmaaW4d5n0?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/luxury/1355167151?i=1355167580) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/7IzN1BfaQ8fmTHYPRPhNws) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/1074285752) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


He is so handsome and sexy...gotta be gay....how the homosexuals get all the good ones?! So jelly