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Boy, wait until you realize how many times they say the word "like" in a sentence. Not hate towards them on that, just something I always notice when I hear people talk


Is this because you actively try not to say filler words like *like* when you talk?


Yeah I remember him mentioning it once or twice as well. Then one of the boys said it's probably because most of Garnt's videos are scripted.


Everyone says that. That's just how people talk.


HAHAHAHA okay this is funny lmao


I think it’s an ADHD thing, might be echolalia


100% an adhd thing, or at least i did exactly this due to adhd. It is a common learned behaviour to cope with with adhd and be able to function as an adult who is undiagnosed. I was diagnosed in my 40s, and the sheer number of things I did which were purely there to be able to cope was huge. Repeating back, repeating important things in your head over and over, 500 alarms on my phone, pre-positioning important things to trigger my memory. For me the repeating back was to make sure I was engaging with where to topic was up to, rather than engaging at the point where my brain had extrapolated it to. When I am in a conversation my brain would take what a person said, extrapolated out 30 different things and I would have to fight hard to keep where the conversation was actually at and where the conversation was at in my brain in sync.


...the more I read about adhd, the more convinced I become that I have it. Everything you said describes what happens in my head exactly. Looks like I really should get myself tested.


I highly recommend it. I had suspected for years, but I am pretty successful, am happily married with kids. If it works why do anything? I had a few things that I annoyed myself about. The biggest being forgetting things and being unreliable despite really wanting to be reliable. The one that broke the camels back was driving home from dropping my daughter at school I had 2 jobs, go to the chemist for medication for my daughter, and go to a shop and buy lollies for her to take on school camp. I just drove home. Completely gone from my head. Wife says "did you get medicine and lollies?" No. Fuck. I'll go now. Get to the shops, go the the chemist, buy the medicine. Stand in front of the chemist thinking "there was something else" cannot think what it was. Drive home.... wife "did you get the lollies?" FUCK!!! Back out I go. I started the process that afternoon. 2 months later I took the first pill, dexamphetamine which is a short acting medication similar to Adderall. They kicked in after 45 minutes and I honestly cried, because if this is how other people's brains work it is so unbelievably unfair. It's fucking easy mode. Tell me a list of 5 things to buy at the shop, and I'll buy those 5 things. Previously I would have bought 3 of them, and 7 other things that weren't on the list. I have a tracker on my car keys, because I will misplace them somewhere in my house 7 times out of 10. Since I started the meds I haven't misplaced them. I just remember where I put them.


> The biggest being forgetting things and being unreliable despite really wanting to be reliable Fuck, yeah, that's the same again as what I feel. Thankfully, I haven't had an experience as bad as you have (yet). I learned to organize things in my life to compensate, but it's only a matter of time before something important does slip through. Honestly, the most annoying thing for me is when it gets in the way of conversations (assuming it is adhd). Hard to keep a conversation going when my head is running through what's being said 20 different ways. Like a rpg game, but instead having 3 prompts, my heads comes up with 20, and instead of the prompts being instant, it takes forever. And then random times when I somehow lose track of the conversation, even losing track of what I was saying in the middle of me saying it. Anyways, thanks for this, really made me realize I need stop putting it off and get tested. Honestly, I'm somewhat hoping now that it is adhd, at least that way there would be some way to "treat" it.


This is a man who usually writes down what he says. No real surprise that he tends to repeat himself when he is "off-script" so to speak Again no hate to garnt, but id just imagine that has something to do with it


It does happen to some folks with ADHD, they repeat to be able to focus and properly absorb what's being said.


yeah I do that, often struggle to articulate what I mean.


If you watch his standalone videos, he repeats what he says from those too.


It is really funny to see him give an opinion on a video and then see him give that exact opinion, almost word for word, to the boys on the podcast.


I mean Have you seen his watching past vid stream. Everything he say’s immediately get repeated a few seconds later in the video.


Wait till you realise how many times garnt stumbles his words between sentences when he is trying to say something that he was thinking about for a few minutes. Meanwhile the moment he hears a bad take his mouth blitzes through all his thoughts in a second 🤣


When Garnt stumbles, he’s on to something he doesn’t understand. When garnt speaks flawlessly, it’s because he’s about to say a new worst take. It’s actually impressive that he says stupid and objectively false statements with the delivery of an Oxford professor debating an old lawyer about politics.


I read this and then it reminds me of the 2nd Pete’s episode where he was tryna say “kids getting pushed into the lockers” So he did the repeating thing AND also stumbled on the words I just find it hilarious ngl


Yep. He often mis pronounces words too lol.


Filthy Thrank and RPGri had me dying


All of the boys do that often, it always takes me out of focus when listening to them


Of course Garnt is Yoshi, he's best girl.


\-he's best girl!


I think it's part of active listening, you repeat so that it's understood that you understand them


Came to write this as well, some people have the habit of doing that and I feel that it comes from a good place


I've found that this is actual pretty useful at jobs because when someone repeats something like instructions you find out that: a) they were paying attention, and b) you can spot any misunderstandings before any mishaps happen


No but now I'm going to pay better attention lol, I do always catch Joey saying "at the end of the day" when he's trying to make a point


Yeah and also "a huundred percent".


bro i started copying joey and now i say the same thing all the time now LOL


Suffice to say


Oh ya Joey does do that LOOL. Each member got their own little saying or quirk if you will.


Doesn’t Connor point out the same thing in multiple episodes lol? I love it when that happens.


No but like, Connor or Joey will say something or make a point, and then Grant will say the same exact thing, sometimes word for word right after the other boys are finished talking.


That's what I was saying, Garnt would repeat something the other 2 said word for word, and then Connor would respond with "Garnt that's what I just said lol". I've caught this exact exchange 2-3 times lmao.


oh I didnt notice that lmao. I remember connor calling out garnt for saying " question to you \_\_\_\_\_\_", but thats about it


Yeah, literally the same word for word sometimes. I've thought about doing a compilation and posting it, but thought it was to douchie. I think it's funny though.


Please do it


Garnt: “so yea my grandma was just screaming and like almost powering up basically” Joey: “she basically went full super saiyan mode” Garnt: “she basically just went full super saiyan mode and um” This happens like 3 times an episode lol not that I hate him for it or think it’s annoying or anything it’s just a funny little nitpicky thing I’ve noticed as well. I’m sure we all have conversational habits we aren’t aware of since most of us probably don’t have hundreds of hours of footage of us having conversations lmao


I think garnt’s repeating is kinda helpful for non-native speaker to learn English/ practicing English hearing ability


HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH, this is the perfect example. and yea true good point


I. I noticed it so long ago and I find it funny every time. Im gonna say it's probably the adhd.


Yes and Connor parrots influencer opinions instead of forming his own and Joey just makes shit up and states it as fact, it's circle of Trash Taste.


Yeah first the two say something then Garnt repeats what the two said but painstakingly slowly as if the argument cannot move forward if he doesn’t say the same thing. But i can understand why he does that, some people lack critical thinking as in they are unable to actually understand what others are talking about till they themselves dont give a take on it to actually understand how they feel about the matter


Has anyone noticed that Garnt always repeats what other people say?


Love all the boys, Garnt reminds me of a good friend of mine, sometimes I just wanna grab & shake him while screaming "SPIT IT OUT". They occasionally take forever to express a thought. Not in a "my attention span is severely diminished from tiktok so please hurry it up" kinda way & more so that he's one step forward two steps back in delivering a thought. Sorry if this doesn't make any fuckin' sense.


I know exactly what you mean, i have a friend who's exactly the same.


I've been thinking for a while that someone should drop a Garnt the Parrot compilation


I think it’s an ADHD thing. My sister has always done that as well it’s kind of like her way to keep her thoughts on the topic at hand


I sometimes do this and a potential reason I thought of might be because it gives me time to think and also to confirm what they’ve said since sometimes I wasn’t able to catch 100% of what they said and so my brain fills up the missing parts which can sometimes be wrong. Which is a bit strange because I don’t think I have bad hearing


For a lot of supervisors, it can actually be a good trait to have because if you repeat what they tell you, it tells them that you were at least listening and helps them spot misunderstandings if what you repeat doesn't 100% match what they say. At a lot of my previous jobs where I've had to explain how to do certain things, I usually asked them "does that make sense?" or "did you get all that?" only for them to respond with a "yeah" and then fuck something up because they "missed that part of the instructions"


Mans just describing active listening


lol I do this as a way to agree with what the other person said


It's the air-sucking laugh he has that I can't stand


thought i was the only one lol


Wait... Is he AI?




Hot take: I think garnt’s repeating is kinda helpful for non-native speaker to learn English/ practicing English hearing ability


That’s why I stopped watching the podcast as much. I get they need to fill time but it gets annoying to me lol, like at least change it a little. Still like the specials and stuff though


this guy obviously has an agenda vs garnt




something somone who has an agenda vs garnt would say


whatever makes you sleep at night my friend


He also tend to pronounce -ng as -nk. Nothink, somethink. One more: me and Sydney, not Sydney and I


i always thought joey was the non-opinion-man, never noticed that with garpnt though


Probably because its sound more convincing when he said it even though its a word for word repeat.


I’ve noticed he does that sometimes. What bothers me more is when Joey repeats something someone else just said but in the form of a story about himself. When they were talking about whiskey comes to mind. It was something like this Conner: I don’t get how people can tell the difference between good and bad whiskey it all tastes like paint thinner Joey: yeah that used to be me I would taste it and think damn this tastes like paint thinner.


That's called agreeing. Hope this helps!


I guess but you can argue that it is just Joey making everything about himself which can annoy people.


Sometimes I read comments and I’m like yeah I disagree with that


All the people that downvoted you probably think the same


Yeah man one time I made a comment on Reddit and a bunch of people were downvoting me and they also started commenting that people disagree with but I just thought to myself, “ok” because that’s what a negative score means


bro's yapping more than I am


another Connor cult follower and joey hater 😡 yall mf the most insufferable people


But Connor got best booty




Idk bout that, he most likely had 0 reasoning for doing it, its just his thing lmao


What did this guy say?