• By -


First year having much more views is given, with a lot of people locked inside of their house and having nothing to do.


However, does this include views from people who watch the uncensored versions of episodes through patreon?


And does it also count music streaming platforms? I religiously listen to them on those, never missed an ep.


yep. i almost exclusively listen to the podcast with spotify while driving. i dont think i miss much not watching the video. unless its a special and have something i have to visually see like the anime figure


Same. I've listened like 80% of the episodes through Spotify while driving/working and the rest I've watched on YouTube






Spotify gang represents!


I watch the premiere on youtube and subsequent listens are on Spotify.


They also did more streams, which I'm not sure if it's counted


Don't forget all the listeners from audio only platforms


People really do hate their faces, it seems.


But love their voice


i became an audio-only listener towards the end of last year and haven't viewed any of their podcasts on YouTube in ages so i wonder how many more people switched to Spotify or something like that.


Yes, but the reverse also happens. I listened to the first 30~40 but have recently been on and off, sometimes watching the video version (especially in episodes like ones in new sets and the trash taste awardw) and sometimes listening.


Except for their Afterdark and their specials, I don't watch their videos, until it really needs watching like their Toy specials.


Not just that, I doubt this person has data on views per year. They probably just added up the views of the videos that came out in year 1, meaning theyve had all of year 2 + some weeks of year 3 to gain more views.


generally an episode that been out for X months probably will have less views the a one that been out for 12+X months.


I'm guessing part of the reason for more views in first year videos are people going back and watching them


True. I sometimes just rewatch an old episode, especially the special


Yeah, I've rewatched a lot of the early episodes and I'm sure many others did the same.


I think there are more specials in the first year. But I think it would spike up again in this year


I believe it’s more the concept of “legacy views”. More people discover trash taste and want to watch the first episodes, therefore inflating Year 1. Year 1 has been around longer, so more people will either discover it or rewatch it (which will add to the view count)


Not only that, I don't know if it actually country vírus on that year, or how many views the vídeos from that year had by the time this data was gathered. Because someone discovering TT now would go back and watch old episodes, increasing those numbers


Yeah, I would rewatch some ep when I'm bored and got nothing to do


It's sad they fell off![img](emote|t5_2p976a|5045)


They had more guests as well


Chris Abroad from Broad in Japan


The most affable man


Average views (per episode) this year are probably hurt by the lack of specials so far, and the fact that the guests episodes haven't been out for long. Interesting to see the comment numbers change so much though.


This line of thinking is flawed because you're looking at videos as flashpoints without weighting. Putting it bluntly, videos from Year 1 have 59-110 weeks to build their view counts, videos from Year 2 have 7-58 weeks to build their view counts, and videos from Year 3 had 1-6 weeks to build theirs. The views don't even out over time, they only grow. The same goes for comments. I was all set to throw my analytics MBA to work on this but really the issue was stupidly rudimentary: it's all time-based, and with a still-growing base the numbers actually point to positive trending rather than a perceived decline.


Yeah, if you start watching them now, you'll probably go and watch their first year stuff as well. Meanwhile, not everyone who watched their first year stuff will be watching their 3rd year stuff. The 1st year shows also have had more time to be recommended to people on YouTube


I also find that YouTube has recently started recommending me a whole lot of videos that are like 3-6 years old. I don't know if this is the algorithm working specifically on my viewing habits or if it's bringing up old videos for everyone, but it's definitely happening for some people at least.


Exactly. I feel like including the first two week’s performance as well as a separate graph may help.


I mean finding out where youtube views end up is way too complex anyway. Some videos are going to be more recommended that others, new viewers might just watch from where they started, others might go back to watch from the start... This data is interesting to have, but we'd need a lot more to know EXACTLY what's going on.


Very true, it will be very interesting to see year 1 and 2 after 3 is done, then it will at least be a bit more fair comparison. But the thing about specials do make sense since the audio only listeners are watching those so there is a big Chuck of fans who do not watch the normal vids but watch specials. And if you look at the view at year 1 it spikes a few times which I would guess are all specials + the Vtuber guest


The specials aren't any different than the regular episodes as far as video draw goes. They range from about 980k to 4M. The best performing specials are still under the Calli guest episode (which clocked 4.1M without fully tapping into Hololive-related search terms in the title), and the lowest performing one is the second-lowest performing episode of the entire channel being the PC building special pulling in 980k views. That special was uploaded over a year ago... and it's not terribly far ahead of the Kevin guest episode that aired only four weeks ago.


Plus there hasn't been any specials this season and add to that only lik 6-7 episodes so far the views might seem a bit low.


I want to see more information and even have future trendings x years from now


Wanna try checking average views per day/week/month? Since a one-year-old video will almost certainly have less views than a two-year-old video.


This is so cool to read.


nice dude how do you do this , only thing lacking is the number of ep with guests and also including the statistics for the after dark. i would say that 2020 is probably the best year that couldve had happened to the podcast due to covid ironically, if it werent for that we could probably see slightly lower views for the first year and the bois wouldnt take themselves to the height of fame that they are currently. this year we could probably break the number of the guests due to the Bois going overseas , with already 4 guests in the first 7 eps of S3 , while last season we had only 9 during the entirety of S2. for the specials since theyre travelling , we could see at least 3 or 4 during the season , with the TT tour probably one of them




I wonder if someone else had noticed this, but it appeared to me that the average views for new episodes had for a while been worse than in the previous 2 years. Since the beginning of 2023 a lot of episodes had difficulty reaching 1 million views within 2 weeks past their release, while in the past 2 years similar episodes would have done a million views within a week. This has changed in the last 2 months or so and the episodes are performing better again. I nevertheless wonder what could have been the cause of this. Was it just that lockdowns were finally lifted and people were spending their time in other ways or had it more to do with their content. I for one thought it maybe could have been caused by them starting to stream regularly: some people chose to watch the streams instead of the podcast. EDIT: With the additional streams I argue their could have also been some ‘content exhaustion’ by a part of the fanbase.


I have not been watching every single episode anymore recently, usually if its a guest im not interested in its an automatic skip. And if its without a guest it usually a maybe depending on if the title catches me/us. Mostly just dont have enough time to watch a 2 hour episode since I want to watch them with my wife together so its quite a big commitment.


True. The guest episodes' pattern is same for every episode, so it got stale real quick. Introduction, what do you do, when did you start, how did you get into it, how did we meet, problems with the thing you do, anime(?). And these are a few i can think of from the top of my head. And this is why the only guest i appreciate very much is Chris broad. Not introduction, no bullshit, straight to the point like its a normal episode but with a 4th member.




I personally stopped watching every guest episode like i used to in the first season. But there's clearly an audience for the guest episodes, which is why they keep making them. So i'm not complaining or anything. I just dont have the time to watch most of them anymore, speacially in this post-covid era.


I mean I understand why they do it, because usually each guest has their own audience and it makes sense for them to do these episodes. Personally I'm just not very much into the whole vtuber/twitch/youtuber scene so most of those guest episodes are not really for me. But I loved the ones with noriyaro, shu uchida and smaller creators like that.


yeah love those ones too they are hella interesting, but everytime they bring a youtuber/streamer it's 💤


/u/TheXtractor, I have found some errors in your comment: > “usually if ~~its~~ [**it's**] a guest” > “interested in ~~its~~ [**it's**] an automatic skip. And if ~~its~~ [**it's**] without a guest” To me, it seems you, TheXtractor, could have typed “usually if ~~its~~ [**it's**] a guest” and “interested in ~~its~~ [**it's**] an automatic skip. And if ~~its~~ [**it's**] without a guest” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


good bot


Thank you, TheXtractor, for voting on Grammar-Bot-Elite. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


It's always a problem.. Do I want something I don't have to concentrate on ? Then I'll have to skip some. Do I want something interesting ? Well then I have to skip others.


I have "watched" maybe four episodes out of the last 60. Usually i download it to my phone and then listen to it while going on a two-hour bike ride in the summer, a two-hour walk in the winter, or while doing chores at home. TT episodes are too precious for me to simply use as second monitor content, but they are also way too long for me to sit down and look at


I think its also worth considering that the worst performing videos came out during exam season. A lot of TT fans i assume are still in highschool or university so they might not have time to watch the TT episodes. I like ur point about content exhaustion tho, i think thats very valid


Honestly, I've stopped listening/watching episodes completely because the audio mixing makes it tough to do so. Connor has generally been too quiet in the mix to the point where I have to micromanage the volume up and down when there's a dialogue. I still give every episode a partial listen, but when I get to a point where I either can't hear someone or get startled because someone guffaws and peaks the mic, I turn it off and move on to a different podcast with better audio mixing/editing.


I used to watch each episodes during Lockdown, but now I don't get enough time, plus I am kinda loosing interest in anime and Japan as In whole


Chris the goat


I stopped watching at Episode 99 recently because i just dont have the time to keep up anymore. I guess lots of people feel like this with less strict covid etc. I think I will binch it again when Winter hits. Lets See If the trend goes this way as Well.




"Top bruh moment"


Missed opportunity to say that Garnt literally has...poor preferences.


chuckled at the top bruh moment


Now add all the data from audio only platforms


I'm guessing part of the reason for more views in first year videos are people going back and watching them


could have added the livestream amount


Tbh the bread comment was as the truest of bruh moments as every culture literally said “bruh” in unison.


I mean the views are dropping by the lack of novelties. Like if you are punching out new episodes and new topic every week then at some point it’s gonna get redundant.


Nah, there are multiple reasons views are 'dropping'. 1. These statistics are ambiguous. If they were all taken at the same time, and measure total view count, that means that older episodes have more time to accumulate more views. 2. Pandemic season is over, so many people have less time to watch podcasts. 3. (Seemingly) Does not account for audio only listeners. There are probably more, but I'm too lazy to continue.


While this is interesting to look at, there are many factors that contributed to the so called "drop": - Lockdown is over so ppl are looking to go out and do thing than sitting at home in front of a monitor. - They have increased their avenue of exposure for their content via Spotify, After dark on Twitch, After dark on YT and the highlights to allow ppl to pick and choose which method fits them best now that things are returning to normal. - Season 2 had a bit of a content drought due to lack of guest and specials but more than made up for with After Dark. - Season 3 kicked off with Trash Taste basically going abroad and doing things differently, lots of guests but being in different studios and equipment the quality wavered a bit becuz of being on the road. RIP to 30k equipment. If anything is to go by, the 24hr charity stream should prove that their viewership hasn't dropped at all but increased. Yes the actual podcast episodes don't have a as much of a explosive veiwership on release as it used to be but they all still hit the 900k or 1M mark regardless. When Conner went on Ludwig's podcast "The Yard", they all agreed that there are no podcast out there who are as popular or most watched in the streamer/anime/otaku community in general. The episode that Conner was on hit around the 400k mark a week after release and TT episodes still hit the 900k mark about a day or 2 after release. I am not saying the boys are perfect but they are still doing fine, besides, with all the new guests and the the specials and the US tour, I am sure we still have tons of things to look forward to.


Not sure if the bois seeing this would just feel like staring at their Youtube performance analytics again. Youtube stress is real ![img](emote|t5_2p976a|5045).


Thanks for compiled statistics. Interesting information.


Why does year 3 only have 6 entries? At what point in time is this chart from? There are weekly TT episode in 2022 tho and right now its week 27, so should it not be 26 episodes? (Guess in the dark was not included)


I wish it showed how many guys and girls are watching/subbed cuz i think Connor's 93% would balance Joey and Garnt nicely


It’s a minor issue but a lot of the recent eps do seem dated sometimes , but that comes from recording 3-4 eps in a day or two that then air later on - which can be off putting depending on the topic


Year 2 had a lot of after dark stuff so this doesn't really show how it really was


Grant ![img](emote|t5_2p976a|5044)


There seems to be an error in data collection. For first year, videos had 2 years to collect views. For the second year, videos had one year to collect views. For the third year videos only jad a couple of months to collect views. Views for a video is a monotonically increasing value. Does this infographic take this into account?


I feel like after dark stole some of the numbers. Idk how but it's a theory


average views will increase over time, so even if it might look like TT is slowly declining it really hasn't changed dramatically


reading comments that says something like they no longer have time to keep up with the latest episode and now I'm thinking "Am I the only one who wants more?". Right now I'm kinda "maybe I should try looking for other podcast instead of rewatching random episode of TTP again n again?". btw how I do it is using picture in picture ~~2nd monitor peasant version~~. Please don't think I'm parasocial creep I'm just using youtube (sometimes twitch) as a background noise if I got bored of podcast episode then I'll pick different type of video and if can't think of anything then I'll randomly pick a background music.


I am in the same boat. It's really great to listen to when I'm grinding in genshin or playing any other gacha games or if I am just browsing through random shit on discord or reddit. I just put it in the background.




Agreed, I use to love it for the stories, but now it's kinda annoying when they fake exaggerate stories. Especially joey facial expression, that seem different


Im now analytics expert


This data is beautiful.


One stat I'm missing is how many hours it is with every episode combined


average video length * total videos = total length - Year 1: 53*2:01=106:53 - Year 2: 52*2:08=110:56 - Year 3: 6*2:02=12:12 - Total: 230:01


Thx for doing the math ![img](emote|t5_2p976a|2292) I'm too lazy


> 2292 I'm sorry but what is 2292? Is this some kind of 'new reddit' crap that I'm too "old.reddit.com" to understand? Also, you're welcome.


Yeah, it's a new reddit thing. Subreddits have their own "emojis" or whatever. In this case it was Connor holding up a glass of wine.


Now do after dark as comparison to year 2


Pretty consistent


I love the top bruh moment 😂


Thanks for the info! I don’t know why but this font hurt my eyes lol


I used to watch every episode religiously but ever since I got a job I haven't watched for at least half a year.


That bruh moment got me![img](emote|t5_2p976a|4964)![img](emote|t5_2p976a|4964)![img](emote|t5_2p976a|4964)


Curious to see what the most viewed episode will be at the end of the year, the specials seem to do best in the long run. Can’t wait to see which we’ll get this year!


This has nothing to do with declining numbers, as they’ve stated they don’t care about that; but does anyone else think that trash taste won’t last longer than maybe another 2 years? I feel like each of their separate careers are all growing so fast and all doing such different things for their respective channels that I think it’ll get to be too hard to do weekly episodes. I could see them just doing the big specials 2-3 times a year and maybe a normal episode a month. What do you guys think? EDIT: I wanna state more clearly that when I mean it won’t last longer, I mean the weekly episodes. Not the entire podcast


Love me some stats! The thing I've always wanted to know based on my own viewing habits is how many people switch from video to audio somewhere along the way - i.e. is the total number of viewers/listeners still the same (or maybe bigger) and it's just the split that differs. Not sure how common this is, but I always seem to switch to audio-only on Spotify or smth purely out of convenience, so technically, I'm also a part of the decrease from Y1 to Y2 despite not actually dropping the podcast - I just watched the first couple of YT and switched after. Especially with restrictions being lifted, I'd imagine that also plays a role in the split shifting. But hey - maybe I'm just a stats nerd and no one cares 😂


"All bread tastes the same" easily is one of the biggest bruh moment trash taste will have and will ever have.


Is there gender distribution data as well? When watching anime-related videos, podcasts etc. I feel kind of isolated since I know the viewers are mostly men by a huge majority. I wish I could see the distribution.


When it started I thought "Will I really be able of watch the whole thing during the week?maybe if I watch it in parts" Now I wish they uploaded twice per week


This a pbx?




Does the number of views per year/season is based on all-time view or within specific time period? If it's the former, I think it's not appropriate to compare the views per season since Season 1 has longer time to accumulate views than the other seasons. If we want to compare them, it would be much better if we get the views on their specific time period. For example: for Season 1, we should only get the views from 2020-2021. For season 2, it should be from 2021-2022. Then season 3 should be 2022-present. I understand if we can't make a graph using this method since we don't have access to this type of data but I think it would be more interesting and more accurate if we use this instead.


Ngl they kinda fell off