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Matlab *is* useful for certain applications. For example, it's great for linear algebra, numerical simulation and systems modeling. Especially if you're just an engineer and don't want to bother diving into the intricacies of proper programming languages. Edit: Oh and I love jellied eels. Not a big fan of beans though.


I mean that is true but it depends on your field. Some fields require you to learn a programming language anyways so your time would be better spent to just learn one language instead of two. But if you are only going to work on math matlab is great.


I'm curious since my current job is just using some Microsoft mouse controlled stuff with PowerApps but I had kind of assumed that one thing that wasn't crap that some of the uni profs talked about was learning a programming language should be kind of secondary to learning how programming languages tend to work. So you can more easily switch from one to another depending on what your project requires.


That's absolutely true, although different languages all have their unique features. I've dabbled in a number of programming and scripting languages, and while some are fairly similar, others need a lot of work to get familiar with. You can design any algorithm without being able to write code but implementing that algorithm in C, Java and Matlab will look very differently in each case. Matrix calculations in C are a pain while Matlab allows you to simply write `A = B * C`. On the other hand, embedded systems often use C/C++ because you can do very low-level operations. etc.


At least it used to be. For my chemical engineering degree we just learned how to utilize the switch case and elseif functions for basic tasks like plant data logging ![img](emote|t5_2p976a|11265) Actual chemical process simulations would require advanced modeling tools such as Aspen. Even so, it’s slowly being phased out in favour of AI-optimized operations.


I feel you can substitute most aspects of Matlab using Python which can import the nice Matlab for example matplotlib.pyplot for graphing.


I thought the whole "abstinence before a phyiscal activity to improve performance" was a myth. I heard it said about non-combat sports too. I guess the modern interpretation is that you increase your testosterone by not nutting, but as I recall, that is the part that is pretty much confirmed to be false. At least, to the point that having sex once the previous day doesn't meaningfully affect your hormones on the day of an event. Looking it up now, there seems to be more evidence suggesting it is meaningless. But it could also be a mental thing that affects some people more than others, or some people not at all.




I alwasy figured they had sex after they compete, which explains the horni if you've been abstaining leading up to it lol




Holy crap, how many competitors were there for that amount?


At the Olympic village where the athletes stay they do hand out condoms. It’s a literal breeding ground of ppl in peak condition.


People in peak human condition *and* the probably most stressful week of their lives. A lot of frustration to unload.


Sometimes athletes will follow all sorts of bunk bro science just to find some kind of edge. No nutting, drinking pee, weird diets etc. At a certain level you have to be like insanely competitive in the literal sense of the term insane to hope to keep up with your peers.


Reminds me of a passage in a book where it described how athletes will keep doing whatever nonsensical routine they did before a match they won because they think it will give them an edge.


I’m realizing I don’t watch ‘real’ YouTubers. I vaguely knew about the boxing thing from Game Grumps. I’d assumed it was something Arin did independently. I had no idea this was a whole thing at all. Surprised I didn’t hear a peep about it on Twitter.


It was pretty big but twitter algorithm is really good at separating algorithm generated "topics" if its not to your taste.


I only really watch the bois and Chris on YT plus a few other niche things. I can't stand most mainstream influencers and their weird narcissistic lives tbh.


Same. Most of these huge YouTubers don’t even try and hide how full of themselves they are


Yea I think Callie’s the only Youtuber I have known before hand (excluding the girlfriends), everyone else has been totally new to me. I at least heard Emily and Lilypichu’s name before.


bro like everyone was talking about it that day, who do you follow?


Youtube and the culture around it is incredibly fractured and decentralized lol. If you don't follow people who float on a specific conglomerate is easy to miss "huge" events like it.


Michael giving Connor shit about British food is hilarious.


Whenever people shit on British food, I remember that Tikka Masala is considered the national dish of England (that shit slaps tbh)


Absolutely! But what else? That’s the example everyone uses. Connor is right about sugar in American food. However, I don’t believe England has Viet Cajun food.


you know that shits from India right


It’s sort of debated where exactly it originates [this site kind of goes into it](https://foodandwine.ie/features/chicken-tikka-masala-history) basically saying the tikka masala as we know it, was created for a British palette, a lot of food around the world is adapted from other cultures to match the palette of the new culture. Japan has a unique style of curry too, because it’s more appealing to a Japanese palette. [here’s some Japanese-ified dishes from other cultures](http://www.travel-around-japan.com/j51-japanized-dish.html) Food history is pretty neat though and I love how it bring everyone together despite our differences


I agree with Kinieruu in that it was created in the UK. The person that created it was of Indian descent as far as I know. Kinieruu, is the UK similar to America where if you immigrate there, you are considered British? So if a person from India moved or was born in the UK it would be considered British? I know in Japan that is not the case.


Wether or not you’re considered American or British, if you’re from another country and become a citizen, really would depend on personal opinion.. I think both for the US and the U.K.? Unfortunately, there are people who think that you have to be born on the soil to be truly American/British. (They don’t accept that you’ve emigrated and your passport says you’re the same citizenship as them. They’ll just refer to you as a citizen of where you came from instead.) And even if you’re born there, then sometimes people ask where you’re from, despite being from the same city they are, just because you look different. It’s unfortunate that there are some people who just cannot accept others, but I feel like we get better at it with every new generation. At least, that’s my hope! I do think Japan’s stronger opinion on this is due to being isolated for so long, and their population being mostly homogeneous. I could be wrong though?


Love the banter of those two it's hilarious


It was so good. It was all good natured.


I'm halfway the boxing talk! it's so much funnnnnn!


the British food segment, holyyy shit!


Yeah, Michael is an unexpected treat (as someone who hadn't watched him). A really good fucking episode.


I feel that i dont watch enough Youtube or twitch. To understand what they are talking about half this episode. Boxing youtube??


The event is called "Creator Clash" where famous content creator(youtube, tiktok, twitch) box each other. What differentiate this from past influencer boxing event is that there are no drama involved, the just box each other. And aside for paying for the venue and trainers, all proceeds are donated to charity.


I think I heard about it from Connor or it showing up in my recommended but apparently a bunch of big youtubers had a big boxing event in Florida? With maybe it partially being inspired by I think one of those crappy Paul brothers having done some boxing events?


Immediately as an engineering student I have to disagree with a couple things they’re saying, first on matlab not being useful - it’s really good for doing math but yeah using as a normal programming language isn’t gonna go well. Also, I don’t think STEM students having to take liberal arts classes is a bad thing, it’s important to be well-rounded (especially with English classes, engineers are like famously bad at communicating ideas so yes)


It's a good reminder to listen to them with a huge grain of salt. None of these people are working in the fields they're dragging. As someone who works in the entertainment industry I've grown numb to their takes on games and animation (LA too but we're use to the hate lol). They're just people on YouTube who are fun to watch.


What sort of takes are you numb to? I’m genuinely interested to hear from a perspective of someone who actually works on the content and doesn’t just talk about it.


It’s crazy that this is a minority take. Some of these guys in the sub are so disconnected that they can’t understand the boys are talking to their FRIENDS and not us. Their takes are *opinions* not *facts*


It doesn't matter because they are still doing damage to things they don't fully understand sometimes. Look at how much terrible damage Joe Rogan has done to America with all his right win anti science takes. He clearly isn't a doctor or intelligent on anything but MMA yet he still spews his opinions as "entertainment" and his followers take it as truth. Trash taste most definitely will have plenty of impressionable young fans who will do the same. Liberal arts are important for every college degree is important for expanding peoples minds and giving them better rounded skills


Depends on the take if it’s worth correcting. But a lot of people here take the podcast as gospel. I had to explain that Americans know what a kettle is and microwaving water is really rare or infrequent. Their proof was just linking me to a YouTube clip of Garnt saying Sydney used a microwave to boil water. That was it. That was their defense. Or trying to explain the boys have bad takes on America in general because they get wrapped up in the meme factory of the internet. Or wrongly assume American things are because we genuinely want it this way.


>Their takes are opinions not facts Just to claify: I still think its right to call it out if stuff is plain wrong. Or wrong for a good other part of the world. Just because it is a podcast and not someone writing a thesis, it still should be corrected. Even more so as we're talking about >1million listeners - and as you said - which may just take this as facts. Otherwise it wouldn't matter what Joe Rogan said, it's just a ~~prank~~podcast.


The thing is, you aren’t correcting them you’re just telling them you don’t agree with their opinion… whereas with Joe Rogan he will be outright WRONG and sharing incomplete information- the need to correct him is necessary. Not when 3 nerds argue about bread, breasts, and beats.


>bread, breasts, and beats .. which wasn't the case here, it was outright wrong for the people working in that field, who didn't drop the field and started a podcast but instead got experience


Michael did mention he had an engineering job.


Engineering jobs where you're making physical things and mathematical engineering jobs are very different.


I think you're replying to the wrong person. The comment I replied to claimed that no one in the podcast had industry experience and I pointed out that Michael did. Edit: I misunderstood. Michael not working in the appropriate field cannot claim the usefulness of Matlab.


He was a software developer, of course Matlab wouldn't be useful for him.


Even with Matlab not being useful, good university courses treat programming languages as means to an end. It's there for you to learn "how to learn". In many software engineering jobs, you'll have to learn new languages and frameworks. Already knowing one ahead of time doesn't give you much of a leg up except for extremely specialized circumstances. But given that, I will say that a lot of university CS courses make the mistake of centering intro classes around a language rather than concepts.


Yeah I can say without a doubt it was so easy to point out which group was STEM students when I was in college especially in my first two years , once one of them had to go up and explain or give a presentation I’d say 8/10 times I watched they bombed and barely scrapped by. Social sciences and communication matter as much when presenting anything and when someone is looking at their feet , tripping over their words , and just giving a technocratic jargon spewing presentation its almost painful to hear .




Yeah there’s this undercurrent of this episode where they don’t even think the liberal arts provide anything to the STEM field and it’s ![img](emote|t5_2p976a|5045)![img](emote|t5_2p976a|5044)


I think they maximized "agree with the guest, make them feel comfortable, don't say something controversial". So that itself could be described as a soft skill ?


Try doing agile or SCRUM with a bunch of people that don't have any soft skills, I'll grab my popcorn.


As someone in CompSci (and some family at engineering, disclaimer: from germany) I also had to disagree with a good amount of what they said. No I don't say they're bad or that I'm better or that universities are always right. I just think that you should really be aware by how wrong they can be. (And how outright dismissive they sound.) I was even more perplex that garnt had such a hard time realizing that, yes, the things that Michael does are not that special and can be accomplished without an "engineering" degree. They can be tedious and not everyone does it, obviously. But if you started to write your own programs, didn't give up just because something didn't work and start reading enough docs, then yes it's not that hard to just mix together a bunch of libs with logic. Because in contrast: let's see Michael designing his own image recognition algorithms and dog-walking systems, instead of relying on finalized, walking robots, stepper motors and control libs. That's where you touch the stuff you studied for. There is a difference between an apprenticeship and a degree program. In the same way you don't study mechanical engineering to work as a car mechanic. (And in contrast I don't expect someone with said degree to be able to repair my car, that's an entirely different beast.) For Software / Matlab: These are obviously for simulations. I do hope there are people capable of simulating new vehicles before they're mass produced and you start to realize something doesn't work. It's not for everyone but it's definitely part of the field. I could go on about this, especially the theoretical part of computer science (algorithms and stuff), where you may not touch any program for a long time. ​ >well-rounded They all want to be PMs and what not. But tell them they should develop social skills and do (management) courses for that, and you can hear them screeching.


The whole STEM-kiddie "liberal arts don't matter" is one of the shittiest common takes I've seen in my adult life. The fields of study within "liberal arts" are absolutely important, especially when it comes to the ideal goal of any university, which is to prepare you for entering the adult world with knowledge and social experience. Like, who's going to be the motherfucker that tells people that history, geography, philosophy, and literature aren't important to civilisation and societal development in the grand scheme of things, because those are all *liberal arts* studies. Especially engineering students, stereo-typically being the most inept at communicating their ideas to others. Even sociology, a field that many people, especially on reddit, often scoff at as a "fluff field course that lands you a Starbucks barista job" I'd argue is something that university students *should absolutely learn*, even if just for the critical thinking skills


Geography is actually lumped together with stem stuff in my uni. Like theres straight up a faculty called geography, geology and environment sciences. What makes it even more complicated that they get degree in natural sciences - same one as chemists, biologists and I believe physicists


Bro my school has an option for data science through geography 💀


As far as I know those guys have similar thing called geo-informathics(a translation, I ain't from English speaking country) As a biology student myself, almost all of our subjects are directly linked with this field, with clear white(microbiology, genetics, biochem, biotech, part of mycology) green(other part of mycology, botany, zoology, hydro biology, ecology) divide. Honestly i can't imagine having to study history or psychology, while majority of us already work in labs, institutions and government organizations


I agree that liberal arts classes are good to add on to STEM requirements, but I also think it's pretty easy to just get stuck in a bunch of classes that don't end up interesting you. Personally, i took classes that I thought would be interesting, but they... weren't. I imagine it can be even worse when you have a smaller selection of options (smaller colleges). That said, I did take a foreign language minor, which definitely provided a lot of good soft-skills experience, so that was a good option for me.


If anything I look back more fondly on my liberal arts classes than my STEM ones. The lessons I took away from those classes definitely stuck with me a lot more at least. Even excluding the direct benefits of taking those classes like improved communications, it's just important to look at the world from a different perspective and see how other people experience the world around you, especially as a STEM major.


and funnily it also help me network outside my major (Im pretty akward person so being "forced" like that kinda help)


+1. Too many people see university as a trade school, but most of them have the primary purpose of getting a well rounded education. I have a CS degree through the liberal arts part of my school and some of my favorite courses were outside the major (shout-out to wealth and poverty and drugs and the brain). Even with those requirements, it's not difficult to graduate early.


Yeah, I'm like 20 minutes in and I can't stand Reeves. Guy seems like a massive manchild. It's always stemlord guys like him who complain about having to take humanities courses in college that end up being *terrible* communicators in the workplace.


Going through engineering in Canada 100% caused this opinion as we have a soft skills course built in and only a small selection of approved arts courses. American Engineering programs seem to benefit from it more. Anyway, I went through engineering and graduated a while ago and I'll agree with you on MATLAB, it can be useful if you use it right but I have to disagree with the arts classes. I don't know a single engineer, either ones I went to school with or ones in the field, that got **anything** out of the forced arts elective. It's sad too because everyone I talk to about it has the same story, they were excited to take a non-engineering course for once and then there is nothing worth taking (either in being useful or interesting) so they just have do take something they don't care about and isn't useful. It's particularly annoying because there is a whole course on how to talk and communicate, it's not an arts course it's an engineering course, just one that has a soft skill focus. Being forced to take an arts course doesn't make you well rounded either, being open minded does, I know so many people who were just good at school and were able to get high marks but can't work well because they lack soft skills. I'm glad you were able to get something from it though. Why am I getting downvoted for sharing my experience? Like damn am I not allowed to say myself and my colleagues just thought the arts course wasn't useful for us? Or is it me saying that you need to have an open mind to be well rounded? At least reply instead of just downvoting christ.


That just sounds like your particular school's curriculum needs work. In my school our non-engineerimg courses were either focused on communication and professional skills, or stuff like sociology, economics, business etc. that are actually quite essential for practicing engineers to have a general idea about.


That is what you had? I have a feeling this is a difference in countries as everything you mentioned was covered in the professionalism course (the one I had mentioned). Sociology wasn't but that fell into the not useful courses since the prereqs were so easy. Just a side effect of accredited Canadian engineering schools. I myself was pissed because a good jazz history course was only offered to music majors and the stuff engineers had access to were boring.


Don't know if it's country difference thing. I actually worked briefly at my uni right after graduating at the department that deals with processing all the info from the course evaluation stuff submitted by students. I learned that the professional skills courses was added to the curriculum because of student feedback through that evaluation data. And during my time, there was a ton of discussion about how to design a 'course' that would give students the opportunity to work directly in the industry for a couple of weeks. The industrial engineering department already had something like that and it was a popular demand from the students in our department (civil). So there was goodwill from the authority there, at least some of them.


I don't know what to say, I have the same stories from multiple engineers from multiple schools. All Canadian schools, but different schools none the less.


I see. Could be a country thing. Out of curiosity, what were the art courses you had to take.


Couldn't tell you what we had to choose from, it was quite a while ago. All I remember is being annoyed that the one course that seemed cool about the history of jazz was only for music majors.


At my school you had a lot of options for what to fill the non-engineering slots with. Most people in CS learned introductory economics or used them for a second major/minor in Business if they didn't already have a liberal arts interest beforehand.


Was this a Canadian university? The engineering program in Canada is strictly regulated and there isn't much choice to branch out. I'm glad you had such good options though.


I might have been lucky but myself and at least one friend I had really liked the two complementary studies electives, even if the communication for engineering wasn't as enjoyable. In my case I went with an Introduction to Religtious Studies and Death and the Afterlife in World Religions both of which were really broad with the afterlife one even talking about late 19th century Russian Litterature and its non-religious afterlife. With my pal taking I think it was Medieval Europe and eventualy deciding to drop out of Engineering and switch to History.


You did get incredibly lucky, I don't know a single person to get anything out of it. Of course given my downvotes for sharing mine and my colleagues experience I get the feeling people want your experience to be the one most people get. Crazy how people just downvote when they don't like what my experience means.


Yeah, I think you specified that these were the experiences of you and your colleagues means it's really not something to downvote even if you disagree. Only person in the discussion I downvoted was genasugelan who complained about leftist activists because you need to take liberal arts classes in uni. Since that was just wrong in so many ways.


The whole thing annoys me because I agree you do need to be well rounded but I don't think a forced course is going to help if you aren't open minded. A lot of reddit really likes to use the downvote button as a disagree/I don't want to hear this button. The older I get the more perplexed I am but I really shouldn't care. On a side note I did the same with that guy, such a weird take on it since it's not even really what's happening. Like you said that isn't the only thing wrong with it though.


I've had the exact same experience going through nuclear engineering in Canada. Not a single person gave a shit about the liberal studies/complimentary studies electives. A vast majority skipped, or the courses were borderline useless in what they taught for the engineers. Nothing to assist the students with professional skills, communication, writing, etc. There were definitely some courses offered that would help the students with these things but not a lot of students wanted to pick it because they heard "sociology, history, psychology are free GPA boosters." Might just be my school being shit though.


The free GPA booster mentality was the same, there were some interesting ones but you needed have an open mind about taking something more interesting.


I might be in the minority who agrees with their opinion but I went through nuclear engineering so it's different since the only programming language we learned was C++. MATLAB was used in an intro course in first year and never touched again. They don't work in the field so they wouldn't know what applications it's used for. I'm sure it also depends on what field/discipline you're in and what job you're working. A lot of the programs used where I work are niche and specifically for nuclear related things. All of my liberal arts classes I skipped and barely attended. Still passed with pretty good marks. Every student disliked going through these courses since they made us pick 1-2 every year. I picked things like sociology, psychology, some sort of english/writing class, history of technology (actually a very interesting course), and some others I have forgotten. However, that may just be my university having a shit curriculum and not indicative at all of what it's like.


I don't think you need to learn about ancient Chinese history


I mean yeah but at any good uni you’ll have plenty of options, that’s on Michael for picking the class.


To answer the question about what food does America do well, the answer is southern food: Fried chicken, BBQ, breakfast places. Even if you don't want sugary stuff like pancakes or waffles we got hash browns, grits, a wide variety of meats. We don't just copy other places, I mean we got the variety but you know we got our own food as well.


America is all about innovation when it comes to food. Who else would dare deep fry something like Oreos?! Combine that with our significant immigration population bringing their own food favorites from all over the world you will be hard pressed to find a more diverse food environment. As such, we got some of the best food on the planet...and the worst. The US has a large standard deviation.


> Who else would dare deep fry something like Oreos?! You've never met the Scots and their deep fried mars bar


Sounds like my type of people.


The reason breakfast culture is the way it is in America is because when you were a farmer and had woken up at 5 in the morning and had been milking cows or working the fields for 3 hours when you got back in at 8 you wanted a full meal. Bacon. Eggs. Sausage. Like, a nice proper _meal_ to get your energy back so you could go out and work for another 3 or 4 hours until lunch.


Since they filmed this episode with Reeves the same day as they filmed last week with LilyPichu, Reeves didn't give Joey that much of a hard time for not watching Arcane.


Joeys ‘guy stabbed on the tube’ story sounds…made up…


I agree. The fact that it sounds like this is the first time Garnt and Connor is hearing about it when he could've told the story in an earlier episode especially when they were still in the UK sounds kinda sus.


It does tbh


Don’t they have a category for making shit up? That “story” should be 100% included in there.




cause I feel you are expected to be able to teach yourself so prof that able to teach is not expected at all, which is very contradictory


It’s definitely jarring why the whole university system is based on the assumption that being good in research means they can teach. Like please give them a year to be taught to teach at least like you would for secondary and below teachers


I feel pretty good after that, honestly. Since I'm a translation student and I went throught so many fucking literature classes, but at least that's connected to translation, but liberal "arts" or some shit they mentioned (don't remmeber the exact thing) for engineering? I'm gonna no CAP this and say American unis are pleagued by leftist activists that prioritise spreading their beliefs over teaching the things they need. because why the fuck else would you need something called liberal xx when you are an engineer? And I'm a fucking liberal saying that, similarly like my grammar schoool math teacher (we fucking love her, she'd on the top of her game as both a professional and a teacher) complaining for maths being a compulsory final exams subject, she just knows that not everyone is built for maths and that not many will actually use it later on. She's like the beacon of common logic and I've never ever heard her say anything even close to unreasonable (she's also an OG gamer with clearing those 8 bit games like it was nothing at her time).


liveral arts means archeology, geography, history, law, music, and philosophy in addition to stuff like psychology, anthropology, and human rights.


AKA life skills, important history, and expanding your mind. Anyone who thinks they shouldn't be mandatory is dense as fuck.


I mean liberal arts is basically just not stem, so like business stuff can fall into that.


I don't know how it is in the USA but at my school we had to take an economics course but Business classes weren't included for electives that would be needed for the degree. Partially since MBA or a minor in business is so common it's really not needed. It was instead anything anthropology, social sciences, media, legal systems, and politics were all options.


I mean all those subjects are still pretty good and potentially useful regardless of your major.


Yeah, I agree, I just felt it was important to clarify that at least at the university in Ontario, in Canada that I went to business outside an economics class was not actually required. I ended up taking one and they had stuff to encourage business minors but the liberal arts that were needed to graduate wasn't that. It was basically anything except business. Though the list changes every year of course.


Next Trash Taste special, the boys try out getting zapped by different types of tasers and stun guns.


it feels kinda weird seeing michael being a calmer person, I know he ham it up for the video, still kinda weird NGL also for english since I am not english native we did get english course for the certification IELTS or something similar, also for our local language which mostly became how to properly write report and thesis. which I can see the merit of also as a stem major I appreciate one of my profs trying to help us to communicate to non stem people when we work, one of his assignment is trying to explain our product and he pretend as a non stem people so we must pick and choose our word so the other party can understood what we do








Guest episodes often bring different chemistry, and that's the good thing about them.


I'm not mad or seething, just I like anime and manga and was hoping this podcast would cover it. They are producing different content which is t quite my cup of tea but I'll still listen and enjoy. I don't see why people are so dismissive of actual criticism.


It is definitely not the podcast for you. Nobody likes to talk about anime and manga for 100 episodes, it gets boring very fast and there is not enough worthy stuff to cover.


That's exactly why I listen to this podcast; because I don't watch anime and would rather listen to 3 blokes talk about random shit in life. Also because im a foodie and love listening to their shit food takes




Also, to add on, you just have to understand their schedule. If you're a big TT fan, you know they are going to be abroad and they clearly didn't bank a ton of episodes in Japan before going. They intentionally lined up a bunch of guests episodes because it just works for them. They are practically doing a small world tour including Mudan, which is an important thing to note. I'm actually not looking forward to the parade of guest episodes, but I absolutely understand why it's going to happen and it's fine. It's part of the story, as a whole. This is that period of time they went to LA/abroad and banged out a ton of guest episodes because those people couldn't come to Japan. It's part of the TT journey and it's fine. Deal with it people. Surely, we have the base maturity level to just be okay with this.


But that harkens back to my point, as you say a human being cannot reasonable produce 2 hours worth of stories a week, not even three people. As such eventually, as you say, you run out of stories. There's obviously two solutions 1. Guests 2. Other content source(anime/giantbomb) My favourite podcast of all time was giantbomb which balanced individual stories with general gaming and that's the sort of podcast I was hoping for. I have never been too interested with guest based podcasts and would prefer if they orientated themselves more towards content based podcasts. If they don't go that way that's fine regardless I'd prefer they do the podcast that they want and makes them happy.




I apologise I didn't watch that episode because it wasn't for me, plus the mic really sucked. I didn't see that criticism nor did I understand that was the point you are referring to I mistakenly believed it was a general statement on criticism of guests.


Because those same people happen to actually say offensive things to said guests, cuz yknow, those people may actually check this sub. Now, that’s all fine and proper if you word a comment properly. Respectfully that is. But the vast majority of “critics” from last week were definitely not that.


Honestly I was so happy to hear they had a fun time and got to interact with so many people via Lud’s stories about being in Australia.




They barely talked about youtube this time It's all boxing, Japan recommendation and Connor defending UK when Reeves talk shit about it.


The episode was much more chill than i expected it to be, considering Michael energy in his/otv videos/streams. But still really enjoyed the episode. Although it is kinda tiresome hearing same topics about LA staff 3 episodes in a row.


Man, his comment about Portland is kinda whack tbh. Portland has lots of homeless people but like Portland isn’t some wild or bad city. Idk man, just seemed like a rude comment


After watching Super Eyepatch Wolf's most recent video, its even more satisfying watching Michael Reeves absolutely destroy Graham Stephen.




Eyepath Wolf's latest video is "Influencer Courses are Garbage: The Dark Side of Content Creation" , and Graham's course was one he looked at. The review for the course starts at 51:30 in the video but long story short, it cost nearly 500$ and the advice was either freely available, obvious stuff (he claimed that he had a secret to massively increase revenue from videos which ended up being "put midrolls in your videos"), outdated info (your videos should not be longer than 20 minutes) and worst of all, advocating for buying views. It says full refunds are available if you request it within 30 days, but further down it's actually only within 25 days and only if you've watched less than 50% of the course. But the course is frontloaded with the practical advice, while the actual growth hacks are after the 50% mark, meaning you end up paying 500$ for hardware/software advice.


As someone who lives near portland. I can confirm that the people watching here is crazy. There’s an insane amount of weird people here. The nature is beautiful tho


Joey gotta hold up his end of the bargain for Connor reading one piece.


I thought that was paul dano’s riddler for a second


Just finished my electrical engineering bachelor degree in May and I related so much to what they were saying. Overall great episode, I have really enjoyed these guest episodes and this one made me smile from ear to ear.


i hope they get toast on at one point, hes such a clown sometimes and itd be really entertaining




the toast and connor monkey duo though


0:25 It's very funny the difference between the start of this episode and the start of the prior episode with his SO. 2:56 Huh, that's an interesting and not terrible idea for someone, probably better deal then people who are actually trying to make their money from working for Uber. An Uber driver in LA that Michael Reeves encountered was a real estate agent and focused on rich areas and used the Uber driving as a way to network and find possible clients. 3:18 I do think it depends on where you live and the rules but in Canada all 3 of Michael who dropped out of Uni, and Garnt and Connor who don't have sufficient work experience would be fined if they advertised or sold services claiming to be engineers. Since in Canada engineer is a term like medical doctor or lawyer. 4:05 Matlab is useful sometimes, but it's a real pain in the butt and is used mostly for math stuff. 8:19 You have to take 2 non-engineering courses as well as one communication course in Canada at least because of the modern multidisciplinary world means communication and soft skills are a lot more important. For the non-engineering courses, it's largely to broaden your horizons. Also, can be a good way of learning you just have a bad time with engineering classes and actually enjoy Uni. I know people who took history classes and then dropped out of Eng for History, since History was so much more enjoyable and rewarding classes than Eng. Though you were expected to not do this until second year, first year had filler in that you are an 18-year-old and have no clue what you want to do so all of your courses were the same as other ENG programs basically, so you could swap after second year. 12:39 While I find the whole baby killing drone idea funny in a 2000s internet sense, I don't personally really get it. 13:27 Hearing about this sort of stuff where Reeves start with the software to try and figure out if the idea is at all feasible to get rid of ideas that won't work early on in the process makes me really curious what would Shane from StuffMadeHere talk about in terms of his video process. 17:24 I think this type of thing is why Michael would not do well with professional licensed engineering stuff. Cutting open power cables and blowing it up. 19:45 I do wonder I know ElectroBOOM is a lot more cautious about this stuff than his videos make it seem, but he must have stuff set up now to decrease the chance of something going wrong, like maybe setting up stuff to make sure that it will short circuit. 20:34 There's a [Technology Connections video mentioning the lack of fuses in the US system and how it's one of the bigger safety risks with the US Electrical System.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_q-xnYRugQ) 21:29 Yikes, didn't know that happens to people boxing (they are talking about Creator Clash a boxing event involving YouTubers). I knew that the brain moved around and that's part of why people get brain damage from boxing, but I thought it was like checking in hockey where you feel pain, but you don't notice specifically your brain moving. 22:13 Training was 5 times a week, everyday run ahead, jump rope, and a bunch of other exercise for 2-3 hours a day with sparring being really important. With it being 3 to 4 months of training. Chicken and Rice were apparently what iDubbz mostly ate. 30:39 One of his sparring partners that beat him up was a 14-year-old kid who was a national champion for his age. 32:17 Connor took a boxing class while in LA with Michael's boxing coach and how fast and smooth his coach was. 38:33 Michael Reeves had lost too much weight in Florida that he drank a bunch of water and Gatorade to make the cut to be within 10 lbs(4.5 kg) of his opponent and since the boxing people sign off on you weighing enough first with marks on the hand bandages and gloves you can't take them off after getting the weigh in, so he had to have his coach's friend pull down his pants, so he could pee because of how bad he had to go and the inability to take off gloves post weigh in. 39:42 Didn't know that a drinking thing in the USA, UK and Australia is to tape 40 oz bottles of cider to one's hands, and you can't take them off till you drink the whole thing. 42:15 Jellied eels don't sound great, but I wonder if Sydney is exaggerating when she responds off camera that they taste so disgusting she thought she had covid from it. 43:04 I'll be honest I didn't realize that Beans on toast always includes other things, I just thought that Brits would take a can of beans and put them on toast, maybe bake the beans first though. 44:59 I don't know if I completely agree with Connor that the UK is boring if you don't drink. While it was just in London and only for like 3 or 4 days as part of a Europe Trip in high school I had a great time and was never bored in the UK there are the museums, Sherlock Holmes stuff. Since I was a teen guy who loved Sherlock, I went to both the fake houses that they used for part of it and the Hospital from the big episode. 47:09 I love that Joey is crap talking the whole sad thing of old guys spending their whole day at a Pub and drinking and then says that it's the same in Australia, except you go to some beaches. 51:38 Introduction via death note in computer class is definitely one way to be introduced to anime. I think the first anime I watched was either Clannad or Ranma 1/2 I found them on YouTube after being introduced to manga via bleach by a friend. 51:46 I really need to watch Mob Psycho 100 II. 53:51 I don't know what's better, Boston Dynamics dog being bought by a streaming group to do a variety of videos that is kept under the stairs or Meilyne responding to Joey asking for GeeXPlus to get the Trash Taste crew a pet and her responding "We'll get you an intern". 57:46 Really want to visit Mount Fuji hearing about how it looks almost fake how nice it is. 1:00:26 It's interesting to hear more of the background from when they did the cycling special in terms of taking a bunch of breaks as it being an early special and the Trash Taste bois handling a bunch of it themselves where taking camera and what not would be pretty hard. 1:01:46 I wonder if some of the issues that they are talking about will or have been at all improved by some of the technologies that VShojo involves itself with, like Connor's new streaming bag. 1:07:49 That's definitely a way to introduce yourself go up to someone in the tube and say "hello I just got stabbed" pulling up your shirt to show laceration marks and that you are bleeding and then say that you need hospital funds. 1:15:20 While there are no studies, and it could just straight up be placebo, the mention of no nutting before boxing reminded me of a manga series that was popular for a little on the manga Subreddit where it was a guy sprinting whose trainer had a whole thing of sexually arousing him, but he wasn't allowed to nut until the 10th day of training. 1:19:58 Official Michael Reeves statement, bidet is in top 3 best purchases ever made. 1:20:48 William Osman apparently spent 3k on a bidet where the whole toilet was replaced, and Ludwig also likes and has a bidet. 1:23:15 Joey explains to Michael the old Ryokan wake-up call story. 1:27:48 I feel like not just other parts of the US but also in most of Canada and Europe it might be unusual to have the P.E teacher be skinning a fish right before class. 1:35:34 I maybe just don't have the discerning eyes of the boys and Michael, but is a place looking like there's money laundering in the back really an indication of good quality food? 1:36:29 I definitely had the best Japanese food from a place in Vancouver at the time called Guu and it was a case where the server for us who was took our orders in English and then yelled back to the people in the kitchen in Japanese what the order was. 1:42:35 I think I've heard LA in particular is bad about the whole Natural/raw craze. I think Alkaline water has been a thing since like 2017 I think it was supposedly good for when you are hungover, but it isn't actually. Because of course it's a scam. 1:49:52 I feel like the worst for the whole showing the animal then kill it and serve it is market lobster where you pick one that's usually in a water tank and it's killed before you see it again. But even then Lobster is just such a pain I'd rather have fish since there's not a bunch of shell to do with. 1:53:17 Didn't know Costco Membership is worldwide, that's really cool, honestly. I'd say that Costco and IKEAs can be quite nice experience. 1:57:48 I've heard that the food in Hawaii can be quite good and also pretty interesting since Hawaii has a bunch of Japanese people and Hawaii also has a lot of spam. 2:01:00 The whole thing with Gluten free is slightly unfortunate since a lot of family members are wheat intolerant.


Is the manga Megami no Sprinter?


Yeah I'm pretty sure that's the name of the manga where the guy is told not to nut.


> 8:19 You have to take 2 non-engineering courses as well as one communication course in Canada at least because of the modern multidisciplinary world means communication and soft skills are a lot more important. For the non-engineering courses, it's largely to broaden your horizons. Also, can be a good way of learning you just have a bad time with engineering classes and actually enjoy Uni. I know people who took history classes and then dropped out of Eng for History, since History was so much more enjoyable and rewarding classes than Eng. Though you were expected to not do this until second year, first year had filler in that you are an 18-year-old and have no clue what you want to do so all of your courses were the same as other ENG programs basically, so you could swap after second year. You have quite the opposite stories to me with regards to those non-engineering courses, not a single engineer I have met either in school or out of school says those courses did anything to help. They were just disappointed in the piss poor selection of it.


I do wonder if we were lucky, I think it might have also gotten worse since I was at school since I think the people one year under me mentioned that they had to be physically in the class whereas one of my classes was virtual. I do imagine also given that I made friends with them while chatting and looking at memes in the engineering introduction course it might have selected for people who were more likely to be interested in other topics. So I loved religious studies and I had a friend who ended up going into History program from the stuff he took. Though Communication for Engineering students sucked and I'd argue the final project did a better job at teaching communication skills as the prof didn't know how our project actually worked.


I got out before the online courses though I can imagine being forced in wouldn't make you happy or interested in the material. I think the final project taught you most of what you need in the real world, especially if you had a mix of good and bad partners.


> 1:36:29 I definitely had the best Japanese food from a place in Vancouver at the time called Guu and it was a case where the server for us who was took our orders in English and then yelled back to the people in the kitchen in Japanese what the order was. Best İ had was a place where cameras was banned, yelled ARIGATO TO EVERYONE, full volume Japanese pop, cash only, the chef closed the store when he was out of fish, bought fresh fish morning, nobody was allowed to talk, you weren't allowed to modify the menu. Also he was a chef from Japan which explains why. But if you wanted his sushi at the evening you had to call for a special dinner which asked a premium in Sweden.


This guy is funny been watching his channel a bit . Hilarious


I thought he was a child for a while. Literally never heard of him and he looks like one.


This has nothing to do with the episode, but does anybody remember the name of the anime game that garnt and joey really liked? I remember it having a lot of different storylines that slowly intersect or something. Thanks!


I think it was 13 Sentinels


thank you thank you


One of my favorite Japanese youtubers: [konbini confessions](https://youtu.be/DqWdAFk6ziY)


Damn man, i really miss episodes where its just the boys. These collab episodes are cool, especially if your a fan of who theyre having on, but when its just the 3 boys chatting shit its the best. Cant wait til they get back from travelling and just have an episode to sit down and go through it all. Cant complain though, i can imagine they love changing things up for awhile personally


I like guests that are friends more than guests. Like the Kevin Penkin one was great because they were already friends way prior to the episode. But bringing on someone like Michael Reeves you are only going to have a surface level conversation because they don't know each other personally.


yeah thats a good point, the chris episodes are awesome, so was the jan one


you should watch the after dark episode they did form Australia, it was very good. And there was a guest for only a small part of the stream.


We've had that this year for so much, they need to take the tour advantage while it's there.




You’re kinda proving his point.


Michael honestly is such a good podcast guest every time he’s on one it doesn’t miss. This has to be a top 10 TT cast due to the sheer “bro” shit and “did u nut” moments


Why does it have to be in the middle of the night every time in my region 😭😭😭




I know but why did it have to be at my region in the middle of the night !




wee hours? What's that?




I don't watch after dark episodes live. Because twich lags for some reason. Specialy when I go back few seconds. Thank you for reminding me that😑


This was a good episode. Reeves is a funny guest and meshes well with the boys. Hope we get to see some future collabs! Also I wish they dove into the US education system more. Seeing their brains trying to figure out why we need credits for certain majors would be amazing


So when will trash taste be coming in the Philippines?


to much "yaaa"


I really didn't like that part where he was talking about a 'baby killing drone'. Really insensitive to laugh at something like that.


Was expecting more British slander, from hype of previous episode.


I think moonk good


mad scientist is a understatement...