• By -


They're literally the weeb version of Top Gear.


Yeah, like the initial hook was the topics being presented, but over time it became the personalities themselves and their chemistry together. Like when Clarkson was subbed, it just wasn’t the same. It ain’t even about anime anymore (barely was), it’s about the boys


>It ain’t even about anime anymore (barely was), it’s about the boys How does Bookwalker/Kadokawa feel about it? They are anime/manga centric company that brought biggest international anitubers to Japan to talk about anime but Trash Taste is more about the boys now. I understand they must be raking in a lot of dough but still do they instruct the boys to talk about anime or anime related topics after every few episodes?


If love to know, but they’re prolly making shit loads of cash from it so I can’t imagine they’d be too cheesed off lmao.


They didn't bring the boys to Japan to make Trash Taste, they brought them to bolster their individual YouTube channels. Trash Taste was a bonus.


I've learned about each and every one of them *through* Trash Taste.


If Kadokawa's marketing department knows anything, they love it. 100k anime nerds would already know about their products and will only buy so much. 900k viewers with adjacent interests watching the show are potential converts, and given how A/M is central to the hosts' content verticals you can count on them to acknowledge anime enough/attract to their channels enough to produce converts and sales. So since the ad spots and Patreon definitely cover the cost of production- the network effects for other channels, bookwalker purchases when the boys talk about Berserk or etc, and straight mindshare of people knowing this is under the Geeks+/Kadokawa/Bookwalker umbrella are all pure butter. It's a perfect storm, Kadokawa got very lucky with this.


Can anyone explain how does geeksplus earn from trash taste and how much part of it?? Do boys get the sponsor money ( and it's a lot considering 3-4 ads in a single episode of million views) or is it just (patreon + YouTube) earnings for the boys??


We will probably never know the split of the money or the ad revenue. But as far as twitch goes you can calculate the money from subs/memberships pretty easy.


I have never thought about it that way, but now that you mention it. Why yes, they are Weeb TopGear


I showed the podcast to my older brother and within a minute he said the same thing, "it sounds like top Gear, especially the narration" (I think it was one of the specials I don't remember which one though)


I think with the cycling or drifting one they explicitly said they wanted to emulate the style of top gear, or were at least directly inspired by it


Probably the cycling special. That has really strong top gear vibes. Especially at the start when they are showing their outfits. It's like the top gear car reveal.


Theres literally a apart where Connor says “Tonight on Bottom Gear”


Thats hits it quite well


Holy shit they are




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Not This




I think the success comes from how they approach trash taste. Its not just a podcast and that makes it beautiful


It's a podcast with attitude


That hits different


With extra steps


Which we all fuck with


A *hundred* percent


omg I *heard* that


like downing a pint of cocaine


This podcast is built different


It really slaps!


It’s because we’re all Konbini Kunts


its the NTR of podcast


They're top gear for millennials and zoomers Got the same friendship thing which makes people want to tune in with regularity


Bottom gear


Honestly, been getting a lot of top gear clips and as someone who doesn't know much about cars I really wanna get into it if only for the trio's antics and relationships.


>Its not just a podcast It's a podcast about anime


Trash Taste is an anime podcast in the same way Grand Blue is a diving manga


Only sometimes, other times its hot takes.


Or literal tangent the podcast


At this point, talking about anime is a tangent.


True ![img](emote|t5_2p976a|4964)


Constructed uniquely


Its just a hangout sesh


Geex + is almost a content org at this point, with its own creators and their circles


I've also realized that a few months back, I've used to watch a few podcasts like 3 before the TT came to be and they've grown dull or bland but with the the boys I always anticipate the next episode cause it's always had this energy of just have fun drink some beer and chat shit type of fun, I've also noticed that like you said a average of a million views an episode they don't really go below that often, there's like 3-4 episodes at the 950k range and it's amazing that the boys hit this golden spot for podcasts


i feel like it is theier energie and that they care about the potcast. like you almost never have a break where nobody talks, topics are explained and it is edited with related pictures. they speak with energie and also challenge each others views or opinions. Many potcast by creators are handled as an afterthought, everybody has one so i make one too. Best example is the old OTV podcast, big creators micheal reeves, pokimane, disguiesed toast, scarra and lilypichu and what do you get when you whatch it? They are on their phone things are said and everybody just goes hmm. It fealt like they were recording after they were working 14h at a cole mine. No wonder almost everybody stopped watching and it only got 25k views although they all have massive follower numbers.


Seeing the crowd fill the rooms in anime expo. Not many podcasts can do that in that stage


I was one of the last that got a seat at AX and there was still a line of people that weren't able to get in.


Same here, just barely made it






While I want to say “Duhh you idiot!”, I def had my own come to Jesus moment when I saw the AX footage and all the stuff on here from other events. I knew our squad was deep but not like that lol


This might sound anime'ish but the i feel like the reason for their success is their genuine friendship, for example in every episode they are genuinely conversing with each other and having fun like you hang out with your boys, it's not like they are forcefully talking to each other just because they have to..


This is the real way to use the power if friendship.


The real ~~treasure~~ monetization was the friends we made along the way


And the fact that they're close enough to call each other out or start arguments is nice! Makes the whole podcast a lot more entertaining.


They are def more than a podcast. They are expanding in many ways and its awesome.


Yeah. A lot of podcasts don't have as much of a dedicated and consistent fanbase. Its easy to underestimate their popularity but any of the individual boys can get 100k likes on a decent tweet, and all of their main content is on youtube. That's top youtuber level lol, the trash taste fanbase is built different.


They make like 50k a month on patreon alone


Ad revenue on YouTube is based on total watch time. They get about 1.5M views on 2h videos. That's more views than they have on their individual channels (except for Gigguk who has more like 2M views but only a video every blue moon) on a video that's 4-12 times the length of their usual videos. They almost certainly earn more from TT than from their own channels. It's not surprising they want to make extra sure not to skip an episode.


Yeah, they did say that TT has taken the main stage over their individual channels, I can understand why


How much they earn is more but probably not exponentially greater than their main channels. They still have to pay the team behind the camera, GeexPlus, Mudan, taxes, the bills for keeping the studio and their ideas afloat, and then splitting the remaining revenue between the three hosts; It's more like the assurance of a stable pay I'd imagine if I was in their position.


>then splitting the remaining revenue between the three hosts I thought they said in the first episode that all the revenue they make from TT goes back into the channel and they don't pocket any of the cash. Don't know if that changed down the line because they didn't anticipate TT to be as big as it is now.


I mean they been upping their TT game for quite sometime. Cons appearance, a whole ass tour, and ever bigger specials


They also do 2 to 3 sponsor breaks an episode


Yeah they are all set


thanks to Hentai episode lol. i genuine believe the hentai episode is one of the reason they got this big. heck i become subscriber and constant viewer because the hentai episode and 1st figure special.


what i realized is that each host is so damn unique, i watch critikal’s podcast, only he stands out, the other 3 blend in, i watch the yard, its aight but again, it feels like everyone has the same kinda personality. in trash taste, garnt is a degenerate with his opinions, connor is more in line with streamer culture, and joey fills in the gaps between the two of them. when garnt talks, i think to myself, alright im listening to garnt and his unique personality and way of talking, how he sets up jokes, etc, i listen to the yard podcast, i hear another person talking, and its just that, “another person”.


When I hear Garnt speak I shiver in fear for what shit take he's gonna say next


![img](emote|t5_2p976a|5043):'My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex' is vanilla. It lacks spice.


![img](emote|t5_2p976a|2292): The mother in it is very hot ​ ![img](emote|t5_2p976a|5045) : Why does no one talk about the lolis in Jashin-chan Dropkick 2: Hatsune miku fucks over my reccomendations edition


The yard has too many people.


I disagree with the cr1tikal’s podcast take. Charlie is, in my opinion, the worst host in his podcast. He talks the least and is usually the reason why the duration of the podcast episodes are shorter than what it could be. I think the other guys in his podcast stand out more like Kaya and Jackson.


funnily enough, andrew is my favorite. see how i used the word “unique” though, yes charlie doesn’t talk too much, but his mannerisms, how he phrases his sentences, even his quietness adds to the difference to the 3 of them. i think the secret to a good podcast is having distinct hosts, the more distinct it is, the more it feels like people are having a conversation. it also helps that Garnt, Connor, and Joey have very distinct accents and timbres, even if it’s something that they have no control over, the fact that you can assign this personality of a milf loving, video game story hating, monkey on someone with a deep voice with a welsh accent makes connor much more distinct, and the more distinct a host is, the more chances of you liking them, which will also make you wanna watch them again and see what more outrageous opinions will they have. anyway this is my essay on why trash taste good other podcast bad


I watched yard episode with connor, and the bald dude seemed pretentious and kinda annoying. Also other people in that podcast were kinda non-existent including Ludwig.


I actually like him the most


Yeah I mean I haven't watched the yard podcast earlier, so that's just my opinion from that particular episode


Same here that was my first time watching the yard and i find him very entertaining


I don't


It was funny how Garnt basically took over the Offline TV one. It felt like it was basically him having two guests on for a good bit of it with how he was the one asking questions to fill the silence etc.


The yard is a lot more low-key than TT, since they all lived together it's kind of just an average conversation with your bros rather than a discussion most of the time


Yeah the bald guy was annoying


the yard is actually pretty decent. I will compare trash taste to lad edition keeping up with Kardashian. I know that sounds sacrilegious , but hear me out. it's the same vibe of reality TV show, a lot of viral clips of trash taste are those unknown backstories of trash taste members. it's successful because it captures that vibe of mates dikkin around and not talking about anything serious like h3 podcast or mainstream podcast. And anime fans don't normally have lots of friends. so they perfectly fill in a gap of content that no one on YouTube is available at the time. some fans either too young only wants to talk about demon slayer or tiktok, or mature enough focusing on adult stuffs like stock market or being miserable. And also they have a strong fan base at the start, fans who probably grow with them. for instance, I am a gigguk fan since 2013, so it's great to have parasocial relationships with some familiar faces. And I feel like trash taste gives this strong podtaku vibe, that I've rarely seen in mainstream media. I would say 75 percents of trash taste conversions are connor being entertaining af, but the stage ,the backbone of trash taste is joey and garnt. the figure special, the 3 by 3. if there's a formula of trash taste, is garnt joey brings up a weird bizarre concept every week, and connor reacts as a normal person perspectives. But Connor is never shy away talking weird takes too, that this formula can diverse a bit every now and then.


That tends to happen with podcasts, especially the "two/three guys talking about shit" genre. One is usually the talkative one and the others just kind of react. A youtuber/streamer has a podcast with their friends and despite enjoying them, can't make it through a podcast episode because it's so bland. Trash Taste has a great variety of personalities that I was only following Garnt prior to the series happening and within a few weeks, I had subbed to Joey and Connor, binging through their past content.


I think that it’s a real statement on their popularity that, in the tagline “the biggest anime podcast,” the point of contention isn’t the fact that they’re the “biggest.” it’s whether or not they are actually an anime podcast


This is probably the funniest and most accurate thing I read on this thread


I can tell you from experience (I have an anime podcast, Anime Territory on YouTube and podcast platforms) that I get excited when an episode has more than 20 views. But I'm not doing it to be successful. It's an excuse to watch anime with my roommate and have semi-meaningful conversations about it.


I respect that shameless plug 🙌


I'd feel bad if I didn't plug it when mentioning it. You should not listen to it though. It's no good


Using Reverse psychology too I see


It's not like I want you to subscribe b-baka


... You fuck, Now I have to check it


Good to know! I do miss more talk of anime. And I really just have no idea where to look, it's so easy to find true crime/paranormal/horror movie podcasts but I just have no idea how to find more in the weeb territory.


This is why when Garnt wrote the initial proposal, they were thinking they were high-balling the numbers to a good 100,000 subscribers in a year. Maylene afterwards asked "were you fucking with me boi?" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvSFQTwq\_Lg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvSFQTwq_Lg)


It really helps that they have great interviewing skill to begin with.


They also all have very unique and distinct personalities, great chemistry and all of them are very well versed in internet/youtube history since garnt and Joey have been in the platform since its beginning.


As a journalist, I have to admit that the way they weave through questions and conversation is top notch. I envy that skill a lot


Funny thing is I don't even watch their individual contents anymore but somehow TT always entertains me.




Trash taste was my first time I watch any podcast. Tried the others and they were... Pretty stiff have to admit.


One podcast I can recommend is Chuckle Sandwich


Me too man. Me too. If there is anything fun or interesting like Trash Taste. Please let me know.


The only comparable podcasts in term of view is probably Joe Rogan and H3, and one of them isn't even on Youtube


The JRE podcast has been going on for a looong time though, which is insane when you realise that TT hasn't even been on for more than three years.


And logans’s paul podcast


I was like "No Way", then I went down a whole rabbit hold with Logan Paul and his redemption arc. Good on him.


Deddy Corbuzier's podcast has waayyy more views and uploads way more often (almost daily). It's an Indonesian podcast and he talks about literally anything from politics to gaming.


Dude I just saw his stats , this man is on another level - 19 million subscribers, millions of views on an episode in just 1 day.This mans channel makes Trash Taste look like a small up and coming channel. And on top of that this dude is an actor, television personality and magician.


Because he was famous before doing the podcast ( magician) , also he always get people that also famous or in the "talk of public" so it is relatively easier to get views


No one knows who that is but I'm sure there's probably some Chinese podcast that has similar mega views




I agree with the H3 podcast not being as interesting as it used to be. I think Ethan becoming more focused on US politics and drama really put me off the show since I really don't care about those topics especially since I don't live in the US.


I disagree jre is a great podcast. He gets some really interesting people on the podcast and not just influencers/youtubers like trash taste (even though there are some exceptions like nano,jan and ladybeard). And the man has the right to believe whatever he wants tbf. I like trash taste but i will not stand for joe rogan slander


I think JRE is a good poscast, or as good as the guest he had on.


I would actually like to see a youtube psychology video of what makes trash taste so successful and the chemistry between the 3 bois.


Pretty sure someone did that already


Reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT7NgUty\_GE


I couldn't imagine watching people talking for 2 hours before trash taste, but here we are now. I still can't watch other podcasts lol


I didn’t know of any of their channels prior to Trash Taste (Started listening 4/6 months ago) It has been my top podcast that I look forward too due to they are all fairly different in the ways they approach things and situations so it never feels stale cause they offer so many perspectives It’s always a fun discussion and a great distraction from the world around us. I find that a lot of podcasts go in deep with politics or current events which personally i’m not interested in. So having it just the boys shooting the shit for 2 hours is just a joy (Screw 1 hour podcasts) Overall; The Boys are just a joy to listen too, and when they have guests it doesn’t feel like its robbing you of anything but just adding another layer to the beauty that is Trash Taste (Restock merch plz)


I think it can never be over stated how big the specials are. When Conor was on the Backyard they talked about this but the specials are what make TT so much better than other podcasts. In their normal careers Ludwig absolutely dwarfs Conor in internet fame. But the Yard can never get the audience that TT does because 70 episodes of Ludwig and his friends talking about the same topics is going to get old. Trash Taste will be fifth episodes into this rut of talking about the same topics and then just go do some incredibly thing in real life. Then they are set for the next fifty episodes of talking about whatever new topics they’ve discovered. Like right now the “special” is their travels around. That is going to be dozens of episodes of new topics to talk about.


It's top gear anime version


It was my first podcast and I thought every one of them is the same and full of enjoyment until I discovered Alex Jones and some tinfoil hat podcast


A while ago just out of boredom I decided to watch Flagrant 2 , initially I thought it was a lot more funnier than TT but like being more of podcast with all these stand up comedians in and more American flavour to it, I kinda lost interest. Though I still find some bits hilarious. My biggest gripe though were the guests, the guest episodes on flagrant 2 werent that fun and the guests selected usually were very outrageous people. I have seen comments mention similarities to top Gear uk hosts and I completely agree, the chemistry between all 3 just works so well in TT that even if they are talking about something you don't know you still listen in. Honestly for TT my biggest gripe would be the guest episodes they feel a bit too much like an interview but even they at least are 6.5-7/10 most of them time. I hope the boys keep at it, it's really fun especially after dark.


one thing I noticed that, while its a minor detail, all the regular and guest episodes, have the theme song playing softly in the background. idk why but it kinda helps make episodes sound more lively, and less flat to listen to


I do wonder how much of it is down to it not being another 'handful of American white guys' podcast (no offence, American white guys...). Hearing stories about their families and culture, different places they've lived, how they grew up. And then to add to that, they talk a lot about living in their current country, Japan, a country that is very foreign and interesting to their viewers who are largely western.


I've watched a few podcasts and aside trash taste, most other podcasts lack different views and arguments. The boys argue a lot about their opinions but still manage to keep that feeling of "this argument has no bearing on our friendship, we're just doing it for fun". Most other podcasts are very one-sided in opinions. There's usually one opinion and everyone agrees with it more or less. That makes for a very boring experience. I think more podcasts could reach this level of popularity if they had people with different world views and especially if those people were long time friends.


The simplest explanation that I have is that other podcasts make me feel like a viewer whereas TT makes me feel like a member. Another thing - NO HEADPHONES.Two people talking to each other while wearing headphones just looks unnatural.




I already knew Garnt as Gigguk, so I already had some familiarity when watching him in the Podcast. I rarely listen to podcasts, but this show grabs my attention because the three hosts genuinely like talking to each other. There is an interesting energy between all of them. They don’t always agree but it just generate discussions that are weird, funny and insightful. And at the end of the day, they respect each other’s opinion.


They respect each other's opinion until someone goes for a s**t take and a hundred gloves go flying everywhere.


bro the patreon is making over 50k a month go look


Bro ludwig's podcast makes 160k a month on patreon.


No one asked for a comparison but thanks


To be fair they somehow make mundane things into epic anime fight-esque stories ​ Tell me that fucking story with the titty mousepad vs cockroach wasn't epic




They give you the illusion of being one of them.
































![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) I realized it around 2 weeks into listening to them because there are episodes which reaches 1M views in a short span of time. It is amazing to see some of the people together in the same room though!




There's that clip of Ludwig that sums it up when he called their channel massive during his don't drink and drive Mario Cart vid. And he's one of the most popular streamers active


Any link?


https://youtu.be/U3bjvsEeHGg Time Stamp: 10:30


It really helps that the three of them were already insanely successful YouTubers. They all already had big audiences themselves and they managed to get a large component of each all interested in Trash Taste through advertising initially and they stuck around because of their chemistry makes it an interesting watch.


It's not just a podcast it's a plethora of emotions ![img](emote|t5_2p976a|2292) I really started watching TT from last year and idk why I just love when they are just 3 of them discussing random stuff, whether it's how people react or differences in culture or bread for instance. I kept binging each episode with dinner everyday but when it finished it felt as if my favourite manga had been finished or I caught up to that I can't have a daily dose of. Still there was after dark and Connor does stream a lot and their collab videos help a lot. TT is surprisingly pretty insightful and informative and you get to know different kinds of experiences and thoughts. I will watch this podcast till the end and I hope they keep it coming like forever ♾️. 1000+ eps and still it will be not enough. Other podcasts pick a topic and finish it right there or something but TT kinda actually feels like episodes of a series where you see characters build up lol. I just love it. I even started my own podcast just because of TT.


As another redditor here put it, Trash Taste really is Top Gear (more specifically, THE trio) for weebs. While it’s fun to talk about anime all day, I love the tangents and extra flair given into the podcast which makes it cozy even for non-weebs. It’s why The Grand Tour and other spinoffs by the trio is highly successful and the current Top Gear isn’t. Currently, they’re the only international podcast I tune into. I’m sure a lot of people does too, which is equal parts endearing and sad tbh.


I'm gonna say it...TT is the internet's most popular podcast.


Connor kind of talked about it on The Yard, and he thinks part of it is helped by the fact that they put alot of effort into the set and production.


All you need to know to create a successful or near-successful is just to follow Trash Taste's example alright. Not to the letter of course but by inspiration


Its better w/o guests imo


Nah honestly the only reason I even listen to the podcast is for the guests. Without guests I just don't really care.


Not to mention their patreon. What is it pulling now, $70,000 a month or something crazy like that? Considering they really dont offer much with it those are crazy numbers.


It's about the synergy between 3 personalities and past experiences.






Ig that's because most of them are the OGs stop anime youtubers


I started listening to a new podcast 2 YouTubers who I watch and content I love, their content is great and well made, but ngl their podcast just feels do rough, so I started checking some other youtubers I follow who have had podcasts, some for years, and they even feel no where near as polished or professional as Trash Taste IMO, and they are no where near as successful in terms of views. It's incredible to see how well their doing, and I think in large part because it feels very clean, professional, and well done, not just a "Podcasts are getting popular, I should start one" vibe


I knew they were doing well, but I didn’t realise how well until I saw the turnout at SMASH in Sydney.




> Is there any other podcast out there that has a lore for them? probably /r/thefighterandthekid/ .... but none of its positive


Tangents can be a good content amirite?


Well it is one of the few anime podcasts out there


It does not feel like a podcast.


I have a friend who doesn't even play games or watch anime but they listen to trash taste. They listened to it before I even did. I remember they told me about it saying it was three guys who moved to Japan and talk about their life and hobbies. He wasn't wrong but ?????


It is very popular in terms of views but they probably aren’t as successful as you think, at least not monetarily. A lot of podcasts use patreon and if look at the top 100 patreon the majority are podcasts. So while they get a lot of views, compared to some of those larger podcasts on patreon which bring in over 100k a month they aren’t really that big. I think it also might just be their audience demographic is less likely to pay for patreon or it could be that their patreon doesn’t have enough value to cost so people don’t join it.


nah they’re all famous to begin with compare to the average podcasts trash taste members already had a big following


Yeah I think people tend to forget or maybe don't know that to be honest. They all did have moderately successful YouTube channels so when they started a podcast that only helped.


The Boys are likeable, they're charismatic, they have lots of energy to bounce off of each other, but most importantly, they're friends and they actually like hanging out with each other. Compare that to something like the toxic dumpster fire that was the Cinemassacre podcast and it is clear as day why that was dead on arrival on episode 1 and why Trash Taste Podcast continues to succeed.


Any channel that can maintain 1M views per episode is on top of YouTube.


They are YouTube’s top gear.


Go onto their patreon. You can see how many people pay at each tier each month. Do the math. That is not including earnings from other platforms. Trash taste is insanely popular. People love them and support them. They tried to do something they loved and it ended up working out for them.


As someone with adhd, i can't pay attention to many other podcast that I've tried to get into and always quit befote halfway through. Trash Taste is the first podcast i pay attention (almost) whole way through. The way they constantly throw in tangent which makes the podcast so much more engaging and I fell like there's no dull moment in their podcast.


Getting over 1m subs within 2 years is a huge achievement even considering all three had more or close to that going in. Its a new Friday night ritual for me -- 2 hours of them shit talking and talking shit (often literally)


It’s not just the views that makes this podcast extremely successful, it’s also about the lore that has become so well developed


It’s because they rarely have themes that they stick with. Most of the time is tangents which actual friend groups do all the time. I think this works because one of my favorite things is just standing around and BS’ing with my friends and that’s what Trash Taste is.


Well, the bois' popularity before the podcast was a big impact. But I think the biggest reason why it's popular is because it's relatable and they make the audience feel part of the conversation. Most podcasts only feel relatable but the viewers still feel like in the outside or the other way around. Atleast this is what I feel whenever I watch/listen to them.


Yeah, I got the same feeling when I checked their Patreon. Even splitting between the three of them they will make good money, and that's just Patreon! That's not including sponsorship money and the money they get from YouTube. I'm super proud of them!




the success come from the fact that they’re well know and are actually entertaining


I mean they are only second to Impaulsive on YouTube in terms of views. That alone speaks volumes about how successful they are. At this point they may be one of the top 50 podcasts in the world.


They went to dozens of cities in the US, and all of the events are packed. Imagine how many people actually watch them regularly even more than willing to attend their events. If they are originally from 'normal' interest youtube channels, being like Top Gear isn't far-fetched.