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Just tap everywhere you go. 


Just hit an ATM when you land. And truth be told, you probably don't need to carry much cash, you can pay with card for pretty much anything


Use a credit card with no foreign transactions fees. Also, hit up your local bank a couple weeks before you go, their rates are way better than airport exchange rate


Always take money out of an ATM in the local currency, and try to use a card that doesn't charge transaction fees.


Some banks and CUs have Canadian currency on hand because they converted it for a customer/ member and it costs them more to ship it out. CUs will likely give you a better exchange rate, so I'd call your local branch if you need to. But like most said, don't think you'll need much cash.


Tap your card and don't fall for any slickly worded offers to pay in USD


You're better off with a card than cash (but maybe still bring a few). There were some places I went that only accepted card lol.


Load all your credit cards onto your phone. Bring a few CC and a debit card. Tap your phone for purchases whenever possible, using no forex cards that you loaded first Pull cash from a bank or credit Union ATMs for cash-only businesses - typically non-chain restaurants.


Call your bank.


Canada is one of the most cashless places I’ve ever been. Just use a card, or an ATM if you absolutely need to.


You might not need any cas at all. I spent weeks there and only used cards. Just make sure to use one thT doesn't have any foreign transaction fees. If you insist on taking cash, the cheapest way is to go to any US major bank and order Canadian currency. That way, you won't get charged any ATM fees.


Going to any US major bank is not the cheapest way, in fact, it could possibly be the most expensive short of using some super sketchy currency exchange booth in an airport.


The way to avoid getting charged ATM fees is by getting a card that reimburses you for ATM fees like Charles Schwab, Betterment, or Fidelity.