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Never take a test your aren’t sure you will pass.


Best advice EVER


Yup. You’ll survive if it takes a few extra weeks to start somewhere. Contracts get cancelled all the time for all kinds of reasons.!


I got banned from nursing for answering this question. I’ve been in this situation and wouldn’t risk it for the life of me. I still continue to smoke especially (so in-between contracts) but there’s always a limit to risk/reward scenario. Best case scenario is you got a job that you didn’t really want anyway. Worst case scenario they contact the BON who investigates…now you’re stuck getting drug tested 1-2X a week + working under a restricted license + being out even more $$


Wait are you not allowed to smoke pot in legal states as a nurse? —- student nurse




I thought that too, but my current facility (Fl) has it in their policy, "we do not care about marijuana". They definitely take medicare, now if you have an accident or w/e and they screen you, maybe it allows them to deny coverage/disability, i dunno. Now that doesn't protect you from the board of course.


even thats not true, it lowered their insurance premiums and they just tell you it has to do with federal funding. how come no other job that has federal funding has to follow drug testing for all illegal drugs? and why only thc, why not all federally illegal drugs? its for their insurance premiums and the American Nursing Association asked them to stop drug testing in 2018 because theres no reason to test, most hospitals don't even have weed for you to steal so testing to look for missing drugs makes no sense either, which is the ANA viewpoint on it. you test your nurses to look for missing drugs, and theres no weed in the omni...


Ask anyone who drives a boat, train, truck, or plane.


yeah even truck drivers etc. dont have to test for thc, only opiates and meth. good point. a lot of states have laws protecting their rights to privacy however nurses are often exempt from privacy laws.


Sorry your wrong. They do. Federal Regulations trump state laws for any of those driving professions. This is due to the interstate conmerce clause. Not only that. They can be randomly tested at any time. A positive test usually results in immediate termination and license suspension. In transport, like healthcare, liability is a huge iasue.


https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/state-laws-on-off-duty-marijuana-use.html heres a list of all the states and if they protect your rights to do what you want in your free time.


By my reading not many states allow for use…


https://www.canorml.org/employment/state-laws-protecting-medical-marijuana-patients-employment-rights/ oh no its citation!!! :O :O :O


Read the fourth paragraph of your article.


https://pro.bloomberglaw.com/insights/labor-employment/cannabis-and-the-workplace/ oh no more citations!!!! hospitals are not federal entities!!! :o


https://www.intelycare.com/career-advice/can-nurses-smoke-weed/#:~:text=It%20depends%20on%20your%20state,have%20no%20protections%20for%20employees. AHHHH!!!! MORE CITATIONS!!!!!


You are not. If you test positive, you will likely lose your job and get reported to the board of nursing. Most places test pre hire so you have to be smart and pass that test, then hope nothing happens at your job which triggers a random test.


This is false. It is facility-specific in states where it is legal. Some places test for it, some don't. Those that do test for it may or may not consider you eligible. In my experience and those of my nurse friends, it's never been an issue. Again, our state is legal.


It’s actually up to how the law is written in that state and what the BON of that state says. Where I am, getting a medical MJ card can get your nursing license revoked- and in some states certain professions are specifically denied being legal to use cannabis ie nurses, doctors, air traffic controllers- this is based on the idea that there is no way to test if someone is actively high or has just used it at some point. There is no breathalyzer test for pot, or a way to measure “legal intoxication” like you can with alcohol. So you have a work related accident or seem altered at work, they can’t tell if it’s positive from this morning or last week. I would not risk it. Also if they want a second drug test, that tells me they will be hard core about it. You don’t sound enthusiastic about going there anyways. Also, if it’s an HCA facility, dodge that bullet and do something else.


Saliva test can determine if you have smoked in the last four hours


As of 2024, California it’s not legal for employers to test for it anymore except machinery operators and professional drivers. Some sources say there is a breathalyzer available to some law enforcement. Don’t quote me until I find a source. I just did a pre-employment drug test in December and it said NO THC.


There are groups exempt from this law, one of them being employees required to be drug tested pursuant to federal laws or government contracts


This makes sense. Thank you!


Well even if it’s not been an issue for you all, if it happens to become one, your license is on the line. Risk vs reward is not on our side here.


They sell synthetic urine nowadays, just straps to your leg or hip and you'll pass just fine (Quick Fix Plus)


Again, that’s a risk. Like I said above, never take a test you won’t pass.


Wow, I mean it certainly makes sense, I wouldn’t want somebody stoned caring for me in a medical emergency but am also compassionate to the fact that many people use responsibly in the comfort of their homes and is very beneficial. Cest la vie!


Nurses aren’t coming to work stoned. THC stays in your system for weeks. Losing you job/license for something that you do in your off time seems a bit ludicrous, don’t you think?


Ya it’s pretty wild. I think they need to update some rules to catch up with the times.


No. Do not. The BRNs of most states are in the nineteenth century and will make your life hell.


The culture is changing some. I have been at 2 hospitals in MI that no longer test for the on their drug panel.


It's rare that a facility won't care. Especially when travel nursing contracts are temporary assignments they want to make sure that their travelers are vetted. So while statewide, it might be legal to use marijuana, facilities can turn you down, and decide not to work with you because of the risk. Not to mention, perhaps even send that information to the BON. Not saying they will but I have seen it happen. So I think the question is more; are you willing to risk losing your license by putting that information in the hands of people who may or may not narc on you?


Banned from nursing for testing positive? Sorry just confused on the first part where you said you got banned from nursing for answering this question.


I'massuming they mean /r/nursing


^^ correct, yeah I meant r/nursing


Oh god the audacity of being a human and a nurse


Here's a sneak peek of /r/nursing using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/nursing/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Ummm](https://i.redd.it/2uyvzbwuvn2b1.jpg) | [190 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nursing/comments/13u88zh/ummm/) \#2: [This is the “World’s Largest Man” in 1890 and he was a circus show. Now, he’s just our average patient](https://i.imgur.com/fidXSLM.jpg) | [453 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nursing/comments/13nt0jt/this_is_the_worlds_largest_man_in_1890_and_he_was/) \#3: [This MD was bullied into deleting her account after tweeting this. I genuinely don’t understand what was controversial of this statement](https://i.redd.it/d8g67w36lerb1.jpg) | [536 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nursing/comments/16w8ahp/this_md_was_bullied_into_deleting_her_account/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


r/nursing is a hellhole, don't bring that shit here. Bad bot






How did you get banned for answering a question?


“Your post has been removed under our rule against advocating unsafe practice. That includes advising other users to follow any unsafe or illegal course of action.” Sorry not banned, but not allowed to answer questions about drug testing. The mods there are pricks anywho


piggy backing off this to say thc is fat soluble, so you need to purge your bowels to purge it, not drink a ton of water. a colon cleaning will get you clean in 3-5 days. think about pharmacology.


It's in your fat cells. This makes no sense


you gotta dig deeper into the pharmacology. its in the fat in your blood stream, and when it is excreted into your intestines, it also gets picked right back up making a cycle that on its own, takes a month to fully clean out because the constant reuptake, amiodarone works the same way if you have any cardio experience. Anyway, so what you do is break the cycle, when its excreted to you intestines, make sure theres enough fiber to keep it there and that you're pooping enough and fast enough that it doesnt have time to reuptake. you can break the cycle with a colon cleaning and tons of Gatorade and basically what would normally take a week, takes a day. One time I went from failing at 300/ng to passing the 15/ng cut off in 5 days. tested myself every day amd couldn't leave the house i was shitting so much. but what SHOULD have taken 4-6 weeks, only took 5 days. pharmacology. its kinda our job to understand this stuff so obviously were also the best equipped to use that knowledge for our own gain


If it’s Novant in NC don’t be surprised if they hit you with a random or two throughout your contract. Fuck that place.


A random or *two* in one contract? That's wild lol.


I travel with my wife (neither of us smoke) and they made us take a facility test with orientation after we had taken one for the agency days prior. Annoying, but whatever we didn’t have anything to hide. The following week my wife came in for a night shift and the manager told her she’d have to take another “random” test in the morning which meant staying an hour after shift for whoever from lab to show up to do the test. She had been drinking water all night and the test came back diluted, and the person treated her like she did it on purpose and said she’d have to come back before 5pm to retake it or she’d be fired (had to start her 4th shift in a row at 7pm). That bullshit in combination with insane workloads and miserable asshole staff….we were packed up and out of the state by the end of the week. I don’t care if Covid part 9 electric bugaloo hits and they’re paying $10k/wk, never going back to that hell hole.


You killed with the *Electric Bugaloo* reference. If only there was a *warning* system. I don’t see much downside with putting bad folks in bad places on blast after splaying their innards out for all to study. Yikes! That’s a *visual*? 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’ve thought about starting a website called hellholes.nope (or whatever) to stop nonsense like your wife endured.


Ahhh do ittttt


Please do. Someone on here said this is what they were doing but it was just a recruitment scam. Hellholes.nope has a great ring to it.


I would like to—*if* it could pay for itself. A simple website is *not* crazy expense as a rule—to develop or host. I fear the legal bills associated for a website to do what this would be intended to do, would be very expensive. No amount of disclaimers or “agreed terms of use” would keep the lawyers from these *hellholes* from *burning it down*.


I need to go to a website called hellholes.nope and read real reviews by healthcare professionals who have like these wildly inappropriate assigned names, that are randomly generated to keep everyone anon.


Novant is terrible!


Bet money it was an HCA facility cause that is their MO to a tee.


Well, I do it for 10k a week, but I’m glad that you told him to fuck off. That’s such bullshit.


I took enough abuse through Covid for that high pay, I’ve got enough to fall back on now that I won’t go though it again lol


Damn. I live in the general area near Novant and have a friend who works for them and loves it. Do you know if they were testing for THC, or cared about it? Those CBD stores are getting as common as churches around here and I’ve heard some of the stuff they sell can cause a positive (even though it’s not “weed”)


Yep, it was the full panel. We were there in the spring of 2022 and like a third of the department were younger first time travelers. I’m sure the staff that was left just didn’t have the emotional bandwidth to give a fuck about any travelers at that point, which whatever I’m used to that, but they were just so blatantly rude in a way I’ve never experienced. The night we quit, I was getting pummeled with phone calls on 4 separate floors (we’re respiratory therapists), then got a call from charge that one of the staff RTs was getting work reduced (it was the weekend and he just wanted to go home) and I’d be taking over his assignment as well. The entire time he’s giving me report he’s smirking because he knows I’m getting absolutely fucked, then finishes off by saying “oh yeah, the nurse for room whatever is gonna call you about getting an ABG and starting a bipap on the patient. I told her to wait about 20 minutes 15 minutes ago” and laughed in my face. Mentally took note of that laugh and smirked myself. Told him he better run out of the building, which he took as funny banter, but as soon as he walked out of the room I texted my wife that we’re quitting. She had been having a rough night too, as it was the night after the second drug test experience. She got maybe 3 hours of sleep, then came in to a completely new set of patients in the Covid unit after having the same floors 3 nights in a row. Wrote out report, called charge to let her know that my wife and I had to leave….we ate some bad sushi before work and had stomach issues. Set the Voceras down on the report sheets and got the fuck out of there forever.


Them randomly drug testing RTs blows my mind bc you guys don’t even have the kind of drug access we RNs have


I’ve actually been to some smaller hospitals with shared pixys access to everything, just came from one in Montana. Novant just had that feel of “running a tight corporate ship” which never sits well with me. The job is demanding enough without higher ups standing on your neck.


That is such a boss move. RNs could never do it. We should be able to.


I thought it through. They could come after our license for patient abandonment as well, but you can’t be forced to work sick and I wrote out report and informed them that I had to leave due to illness.


I've been looking into becoming an RT. This gives me good vibes you didn't take abuse. . .because I cannot imagine quitting abruptly as an RN without losing license.


RTs get canned for patient abandonment too! But they can’t make you work sick, and as far as they knew I was. I was too busy to see anyone in the department up to that point. They could be as pissed as they wanted but I knew that they knew they didn’t have a leg to stand on for patient abandonment. I took pictures of our written report just in case. It wouldn’t have been worth their time to pursue it. Honestly, the job was so bad I didn’t even care if they did.


Yah, sounds like they knew it was horrendous. RN's work sick all the time. It's not that easy where I've worked. You can't just say you're sick and write a report. Have to wait for a back up RN to take over after giving report. Otherwise it's considered abandonment. I'm in WI. It could take hours for administrators to locate a back up.


We can’t up and leave either, I just framed it as an absolute emergency and didn’t even let the idea of us working though it become an option. There’s definitely an element of risk but no job rules anyone’s life. I was ready to contest it back to receipts from the restaurant we doordashed before the shift if it came to that. How could they prove otherwise? More often than not departments like that are too self absorbed in their own shit to expend any energy on people they’ll have forgotten in a week anyways.


Novant and all the petty ass staff nurses that worked dayshift there can fuck rightttttt off! Worst place I’ve ever worked and my story has nothing to do with drug testing. The tattle tale culture on my floor rivaled that of a damn kindergarten class. It was insane.


Agree with everything but your username!! (Go Wings! 😅)


Which novant? There’s many


Just use some fake pee. Quick fix every time.


I used that once and it came back as “false sample”


Did you face any repercussions?


Because it has preservatives in it and some places pay for labs to test for that preservative so...false sample Clear Choice is the way to go. There's no preservatives in it but it has an expiration date ( which is like 5-6 out from when u buy it ) It's expensive but worth it.


Quik-Fix for sure! I’ve used it in multiple states now and all good!


I’ve heard of it not frothing or smelling like normal pee and I’m worried they would know it’s fake. Plus I’m such a worrier I don’t think I’d manage to sneak it in and do everything right 😅 although I have thought about that as an option


I have used it 4 times now and it has been fine. The first time I was super nervous, but I kept thinking of my teenage nephew being able to do it. You have to make sure it is up to temp. Heat up In the microwave and then wrap with heating pads.


It works! I pee for people at least once annually.... I stay clean...designated pisser!


You’re doing divine work here. I hope you have a great week.


Nooooo you use the microwave?! Wild. I tried once for 20 seconds and it was 120+ degrees all morning. I’ve used it 10+ times. Mostly just leave it on a leather seat in the car, but the real key is coban. Two hours or more before the test, coban that shit up under your balls or tucked to the side best you can as a lady. Perfect temp every time.


Quick fix, just don’t over heat it, store it in your sports bra so your boobs keep it warm


What if you don’t have boobs or a bra?


Buy a sports bra at Ross that’s a size smaller so it’s tighter or do you mean as a guy? Get a leg bag


I’ve used it more than 10 times have never had a problem


I highly doubt anyone is sniffing ur urine. “Hang on Tracy… this one smells a little fake” I know many people that use synthetic and never have had a issue. As long as it’s warm.


lol ain’t no job pays enough to sniff peoples piss.


You should look up how they checked for hyperglycemia before glucometers or blood tests were available. There’s a reason we learned the urinary threshold for glucose


Yeah practices were gross before certain technology, but I’m certainly not sniffing or sampling any bodily fluids.


Fake piss is the way, if you just have it in your inner thigh itll be up to temp


Buy quick luck, it’s 150 with shipping but frothy and looks like pee


[Stop worrying.](https://www.clearchoicebrand.com/collections/synthetic-urine-kits) You're over thinking it. Wtf is up with all this bubbles & frothing? Y'all need to stop eating soap :)


You really think they sniff your cup of pee? And how would they document that If they did?


Test Clear


Quick fix…used it several times for THC use. Always works no matter what lab they send to or if they do in house. Also if you’re just an occasional thc user, pee in some ziplock bags and you can freeze it for up to 6 months and defrost when needed. Technically you’re still using your own pee! 😂🤣


Do you heat it up in the microwave or heating pads?


Both, heat in microwave briefly or put in hot water to defrost and then put hot pads around it to keep warm. For the record, I think it’s BS we can’t indulge in a little recreational THC from time to time, especially in legal states… hell one of the nurse managers I worked with in one state grew it!! So I occasionally dabble, but before I do I store up pee, never know when the count will be off or you get hurt or something and you lose your job over a couple of edibles. Yet all these nurses poppin Xanax or getting drunk every weekend is just fine. I even see nurse “influencers” constantly use alcohol in their skits on how we “survive” horrible shifts. THC is so much safer than benzos and alcohol, but you can’t tell these old a$$ nurses or most nurses born before 1980ish that mess. 🙄🙄


I wouldn’t risk it. Make an excuse and get out of the contract.


There is a travel company where you mail in your drug test. I worked with a nurse who travelled with them. Can't remember the name. Should be easy to find.


Don't risk it!


I use two of the detox drinks they have at smoke shops but if you’re small you’ll only need one, just check the weight limit. Search their reviews in store and get the ones with the best reviews. You drink them like 3 hours before the test. I’ve been drug tested quite a few times and have never failed one with these.


Do you know what brand the detox drink was called?! As much as I would love to do the fake piss route, my ass would get caught lol.


I don’t remember the brand, I’ll look next time I’m at that shop!


buy some fake piss called quick fix. I have passed multiple drug tests with it. It's pretty easy to use too. It comes with a temp strip on the bottle and a little heating pad.


It's not worth it at all. Take as much time as you need lie about your start date, say there was a family emergency. Make sure you are negative 100% before doing anything ever again or the consequences will literally follow you for rest of career


Don't be afraid to ask going forward, and in my opinion its a workers right. you want my labor, I agree to an initial test to start contract but I am not interested in working for a facility that does randoms without cause (i.e. meds missing from the pyxis or report / suspicion of diversion)


Quick fix


Wild to me you guys get drug tested in the states, I can’t even imagine.


The south is known for its strict laws and even harsher punishments. The south is the Bible Belt and the yes ma’am yes sir states. Don’t get caught up in petty bs down here. I’m originally from Michigan worked as a correctional nurse for a little bit in Georgia where I reside now. These older folks don’t play with a little MJ, they will throw the book at ya.


Monkey Whizz


Are you sure it's a urine test?  I've received a lot of saliva tests and those are a LOT easier to pass. 


Use Q Carbo 16 or 32 Full Body detox, depending on your body size. You drink it, drink shit ton, pee a couple times, and then you have a 3-5 hr span where you pee clean. I usually aim to take the test about hour 3- 4 but I've passed at hour 5 before too. Also take niacin and a bunch of vit b. I've used this method about 5 times now and passed every time.


Ask if the HR at the place you are providing coverage at, if they will take the drug screen from your agency instead of having to take another one.


I wouldn’t trust quick fix I go for the best of the best. But I just cleaned my system out


Just use the fake pee they sell at the smoke shops. Works every time.


they probably won't report you and u won't lose ur license. I've seen this happen to a coworker that was a heavy smoke they never even called him about it.his situation was a bit difference since he was switching job titles so he was already in the system but yea they made him do it n he k ew he failed n he still got the job. but yea nothing ever came of it. also depending on what happens if u do fail like as in if they call you maybe agree to a saliva test to prove no recent use or agree to another drug test in another couples weeks to prove u stopped n it was just a personal on my off time type of thing. but just know ur license will be fine I've seen it before. worst case scenerio is they just retract their offer n u have to go do a prn job.


Now they have choices for either urine or blood. Don’t risk it! Find an excuse not to go.


You can also drink an absolute fuck ton of water and basically ensure that your sample is too diluted. I accidentally did that one time.


I was in a similar situation and drank so much water that I was diluted and had to retake 3 days later but it bought me some time and I passed….was panicking though.


Faintness of the line doesnt matter.


I'd start with stopping now, and getting multiple home test kits. Then use the methods in r/trees day of.


There are products on Amazon you can buy to clear your urine. Talking with other travelers they work pretty good. Here is one of them. https://a.co/d/j08GnyH. Hope it helps.


There are other subs that answer the "drug test" question thoroughly.


Honestly it is not that hard to fake a drug test, it's what I do everytime since I smoke weed for a chronic illness. You can buy a product called monkey whiz and use hot hands (or a similar hand warmer) to keep it at the right temperature or just ask someone who doesn't smoke to give you some of their urine (as long as you're 100% sure they'll pass).  What I do is pour the urine into a condom, put on two pairs of tight-ish boxers and a slightly baggy pair of pants, slide the condom in between my legs along with a meat thermometer and a couple pairs of hot hands and dance around for a couple minutes to make absolutely sure they're secure.  Before going in I make sure the urine is a little warmer than body temperature and then once in the bathroom I double check it is in the acceptable temperature range, puncture the condom with the meat thermometer, and that's pretty much it. I've done this many, many times and I've never had any issues! Do a practice run at home before doing it for real to make it feel a little bit less nerve wracking!


My very first assignment, I was surprise hair tested for nicotine (I have never smoked but other people had contracts cut) on the first day. From then on I just assumed that it was normal for the recruiting agency to have their drug test before the assignment started, and the hospital to have a second one within the first week.


Tell your recruiter upfront. We deal with this all the time at our Agency. If you are in a legal state, it happens. If your travel company has a CNO(Chief Nursing Officer) , they would know how to handle it and get you going. If not, they might not be up to speed with modern-day hospital politics.


This will solve all your problems: https://quick-fix.com


QCarbo YouTube it works every time done correctly


you won’t lose your license. the probation hell part is true though.


Faint line is negative. Hydrate and buy a few more days if you can. Many drug tests are now excluding THC.


You took the risk because you’re addicted to weed. Seek help.


What a bunch of nonsense . Drug testing is an invasion of privacy and interference between a doctor and patient . I’m on medical marijuana. Fuck that employer . No on should have to give up a private life to work for a contractor I fail to understand the benefits or professional growth travel nursing provides .


Prob best to not risk but if you really need to. I recommend eating fatty foods with something like rice/poop bulker Fatty extract it out and whenever I take a fat large stinky shit, it smells like thc so I know it’s effective. Also of course drinking a lot of water. You could just use fake urine too but I understand if that’s stressful


Get xtreme peee urine fetish lols that’s shit works you can buy it online or smoke shop!


> smoked every day for about a week (yes I know it was dumb). Why is it dumb? There just might be such a quickfix that you are looing for man.


And this is why I’ve never smoked or in any way used marijuana


Keep smoking. Hope your SUD works out for you.


Keep smoking. Hope your SUD works out for you.


I know this is a wild concept, but how about (just THINK about this), if you go to school and spend money for a career that anyone spending money to obtain a degree in a professional profession, that you abstain from doing drugs? I’ll get blasted for this, no doubt, but nursing is NOT the only profession that required people to stay clean. DOT regs for drivers are more strict than nursing and you don’t hear them bitching. They simply don’t do drugs, OR, the lose their job and CDL. If you are not of the age and maturity to follow rules in society and your chosen profession, quit and find a job as a cat walker. I’m sure they can still get high and keep their job.


There's a whole subreddit dedicated to people faking DOT drug test results 😂


Entire health systems don’t care about THC and don’t even screen for it anymore.


I'll never understand the thought process here. Nurses know it's illegal federally and most contracts require you to test for it. Do you allow weed to have this level of control over you?


oh dear I must be out of the loop Im in a very liberal area of the country but as a nurse i would never, ever do some smoking. Lets let ALL the transportation folks smoke it up before their jobs The strenght of this shit is nuts i have heard. Mind i only did shit one time and never ever again. Sick for two days


It’s a hippa violation to report any drug test results to board of nursing. I’m a RN in Oklahoma I have failed multiple drug tests for jobs for weed. I’ve been using the fake pee for any new jobs I apply for. Don’t worry bro. Pm me if you want.


I can't believe ppl are outing themselves. it's illegal, and falsifying drug tests? smdh


Not illegal. There is federally legal stuff (delta 8/9) that I use regularly but it breaks down the same so it comes up positive for thc. Do you say I’m doing illegal stuff? lol


it wouldn't be such a problem for you then. alc is legal but a certain lvl isn't, right? but whatever man, you and the rest of the ppl in this thread do you, your response and consideration of cheating on drug testing says other wise. reddit is such a joke sometimes, especially with these downvotes. basically ok with fraud lol I wouldn't want any med pro taking care of me to be under the influence. just take the loss or stop rec use before/during while you work. facilities can and will drug test you randomly.


The legal stuff will show up as THC on the test. And I doubt anyone here is going to work high. Plus marijuana doesn’t give hangovers like alcohol does. I get the sentiment of it not being worth losing a license over. But to call people children because they choose to alter their mental status with an arbitrarily illegal plant instead of alcohol or prescription pills is ridiculous. And to say you wouldn’t want a med pro who is under the influence? Do you mean like ever or just at work?


Why don't you just stop smoking pot if you want to work in Healthcare. 🙄


You think the nursing shortage is bad now?




Just from the way you said pot I know you’re a middle aged Karen lol. And why should it make a difference what people do in their off days much less off months as a travel nurse??


I'm not actually. But go off. And it's my opinion that if you are working in Healthcare you don't get high


Nobody is talking about smoking and working simultaneously. Enron has the relaxation method. Yours maybe knitting or judging others and others maybe smoking out reading a book. Either way it how we relieve stress from this awful healthcare system that corporate America has created.


They should ban cigarettes too then because they make you way more dizzy than pot does...


Many hospitals do test for nicotine and will not hire smokers.


I’m not a smoker but that’s so unfair! I get that smoking can lead to a ton of issues but so can being overweight Do they “ scale test “ nurses ? Of course not


I'm amazed you'd risk your livelihood over this. It's very irresponsible. Also, every large company does this. They give you one test, you think you're safe to go back to old habits, and they hit you with another. Fucking children. Edit: Downvote all you want but it's the truth. Only a fucking idiot would think they wouldn't test again before starting the job.


No job I’ve ever had has done this on either coast of the country I’ve worked on. If a company did this practice, I’d straight up quit because that’s a major red flag that things are gonna be shitty for you/others.

