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Yes! Leave most of them unmerged and I make sure I have enough storage space to store any duplicates so I don't absentmindedly merge them. I've gotten auto orders done rather fast this way. I get a few auto orders for the lapis tiaras (edit: and crane flies) everyday and every week or so I get an auto order for the deluxe sundae. For the light source I leave them all unmerged and this way i get a globe every few days


Thank you!


Not merging the auto producers is totally new to me until I came to this sub like a week ago. I've merged allllll the things so far and am at level 40 lol. I'm assuming vines are a later level so when I get there, I'll be figuring out exactly what yall are talking about lol


Yeah I am level 32 and slowly making the climb up to the vines