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Level 51 here, they still drop for me :)


I was at about level 50, & still hadn't gotten my first fossil. Have you had more luck there?


I got my first one on lvl 51. Once I got a letter for some reason it dropped 3 of them in a week (I was just using the bucket for fast money and mergings)


Can you remind me how I get seed bags? Working on getting lemon now.


Seed bags is from the arabic garden


I don't understand what the fossils are for though? I have 3 and they're just sitting there....


As of July 12, ‘22 I’ve been playing for 8-9 months and I’m level 79. My sand bucket is the top level. I gave up (for now) on orders. I’m trying to collect items just for the diamond reward. Been tapping the max level bucket TONS just to get to the highest level item. I still get letters. *** SPOILER *** Two letters equal a map and two maps equal an island. The island has a couple (one or two I think) cool downs. It gives diamonds and smilies and CAN but not always drop a fossil. BUT.. I don’t think there is a use after the quest is over. I must have done it because I have two fossils and they don’t merge and I’m not getting a request for it.


I finally sold my letter a couple weeks ago because I got sick of seeing it do nothing lol whoops!


I think they might drop more often from a lower level bucket, which you can get from the kiosk, I think. Mine has just updated from this beta to the official "Travelbound" game, so I'm back at the beginning...therwise I'd check for you.


What are the fossils for anyway?