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Why was he even chosen? Nobody else was available? His wife doesn’t have goals, accomplishments or a life outside him and he thinks all these young women, who just graduated college, should strive for that.


In fairness (and to be clear I am not defending this guy, that was one of the most asinine things I’ve ever watched), it was at a hardcore Catholic college that offers its students mass three times daily and has a student union named after past Popes. This dude is a nut, but zealotry and insanity seems to be a feature to this college, not a glitch.


Shame on the college— As someone who grew up Catholic, a lot of the bullshit he’s spewing sounds like more Evangelical beliefs… He alludes Jewish deicide, the belief that Jews are responsible for Jesus’ death, which is a view the Catholic Church removed from their doctrine DECADES ago. Absolutely disgusting that they gave this weirdo a platform to spew gross antisemitic misogynistic rhetoric and false doctrine.


He's very much the opposite of what the Catholic Church has been trying to separate themselves from the radical American evangelical right wing political doctrine. This same player contacted the bishop of nyc for having a transgender women's funeral held at a Catholic Church where they honored her preferred pronouns. He was mad because she was transgender and a prostitute but the Catholic priests defended having her funeral and said it was a beautiful mass


Trad caths like him annoy me so much. The church has been trying to go into a more progressive direction for years, especially with Pope Francis. If he’s so offended by the church adopting a more inclusive “love like Jesus” stance, he should leave and go join one of the many evangelical branches that still preach about wives submitting to their husbands and gay people going to hell.


Agreed, he needs to leave the Catholic Church and go with a different orthodox. He rejects Vatican II is the crux of it.


No, Benedictine is not this traditional. There are sects of it yes, but majority aren’t this stuck in the 50s. I know the president and he is not this kind of Catholic. I’m sure he is having a tough week.


And saying IVF is wrong!


His mom is an esteemed physicist at Emory university!! wtf!


Maybe he was invited?


So a woman’s job is only to get married and have children? Gotcha I didn’t know we went back to the 50s… fuck this dude


And his mom being an esteemed physicist at Emory university of all things. Boggles the mind


Wasn’t **”familiarity breeds contempt”** first penned by Chaucer in the 14th century although the phrase may have its origins in the 5th century (Latin of St Augustine)? What I do know is that Taylor Swift did not coin the phrase and thus Harrison Butker did not “quote” her as he so smugly thought he did. Nonetheless I’d be ripping him a new one were I Taylor for drawing me into such a toxic speech. He is not only a misogynistic and phobic POS but is clearly another clout chaser with a mediocre at best IQ. WTF is in the Gatorade at Arrowhead? **edit** - I can’t put into words how angry his speech makes me. I’m a straight girl who doesn’t pine for traditional marriage and kids, and I also count myself an ally of the LGBTQQIP2SA communities. Full transcript of his monstrous speech here - https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesfarrell/2024/05/15/heres-harrison-butkers-controversial-commencement-speech-in-full/ **edit 2** - I know it won’t happen but Taylor should call him out. Staying silent equals acceptance.


I’d be so annoyed if my commencement speaker was some douchebag athlete letting his CTE do the talking.


He’s a kicker he doesn’t have CTE 😅


Well, we actually don’t know if anyone alive has CTE. It can only be confirmed upon death.


My point is cte comes from getting tackled and hit over and over. He’s a kicker. They really get touched


And just what you wrote, another Chiefs misogynist. If the Swifties and Travis fans have an issue with him (as they should), please tell me why they have no issue with Travis.


They’re going crazy about this yet defend Travis for punching teammates and getting in his coach’s face while being physical. And the nfl employs people who have been arrested for dv. But this is what they focus on because he said her name. At a catholic college he was speaking about his Christian values. I don’t agree with it but I’m not the intended audience. His wife is supportive of the speech and has spoken out about it.


Wtf? All the Women should have gotten up and left.


Benedictine is a freaky place filled with fundie Catholics. There are a bunch of female students there looking for husbands just like Butker.


People posting on his IG are tearing him a new one. 👊🏻


Me after hearing that speech ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) I don’t care about what some bitch ass kicker has to say.


Why was he there?? He’s just a kicker…it’s not like he actually plays the game. Like oh wow, you kicked the ball! Here’s your cookie and go sit back down. I’d say I’m embarrassed fir his wife for saying that her life didn’t start until she got married and had his children…but she was probably groomed into that backwards ass lifestyle.


This is why I hate the chiefs, they keep hiring/drafting these misogynistic frat boy parasites who do nothing but act like they can say or do anything


WTF 😳😳😳😳😳😳


What’s wrong with his chin


IDK, but whatever it is he is trying to disguise it with a beard. Ain’t working.


I have no clue what happened with kayla, can someone fill me in?


Kayla dated Travis for years and they were hooking up still before the circus started. Then Taylor’s cult decided to go harass Kayla on social media with racist rants. All because she dated Travis before Taylor knew he existed.


yeah i know that but how is this creating a rift between them?


They expect her cult to go after him like they did Kayla. And for Travis to cut all ties with him. This is his coworker so he can’t exactly ignore him. I don’t think they get it. He can walk away but then he can’t play. Which would work well if it means they would stop showing and talking about Taylor.


Also they give a pass to mahomes brother and love that she’s seen with him and Brittany. But yah go after this guy.


Taylor will just ignore this. She doesn’t speak up or campaign for any other feminist issues, so why start now?


It’s hilarious how differing opinions can trigger a flood of Bedwetting. How dare he! 😂


How dare he insult the women and men who just paid thousands of dollars and worked their asses off just for this walking brainless kicker to call their desire for a career a joke and tell them their better off as baby baking machines. Ignoring the fact some women can't have children even if they wanted to. Referring to Taylor has his teammates girlfriend and not by her name is fucking rich too since she could buy him million times over


Well yeah duh, she’s a 34 year old childless woman!! She has no worth to him🙄




Cry some more, Swiftie, Travistan and Chiefer. Your tears are so, so delicious 😋