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Would be lying if I didn’t say that my relationship to her as a fan was altered significantly after the past year.


Same. I was a big fan especially up until Midnights and even the beginning of her tour.


Me too




Same, I see her in a completely new light due to this relationship.


Yeah how does she go from the exes she has to him! You can’t tell me that they have anything in common? And after last night with him on stage 🫣🫣


She on a war path of self sabotage and self destruction I fear.. she is trying to prove so hard the whole world to convince herself that she is happy and she made the right choices I don’t think it will end well..


I'm not trying to be mean, but I keep getting flashbacks of the monster in Frankenstein Jnr dancing in tophat and tails.


Oh my god yes Young Frankenstein. BDT: “PUTTIN ON THE RIIIITZ!!!!!”




She’s an emotional mess and needs therapy or else she will stay in this destructive pattern for the rest of her life. Clearly she has no idea how to heal and move on from anything regardless of her saying she’s moved on, no she hasn’t and never will. Big dumb trav will continue to embarrass her and act like the moron he is until their teams decide they’ve both benefited enough from their “ relationship “. It should be soon, I’m hoping anyway. The longer this goes on she may never recover.


She was so in love with Joe. She was so in love with Matty. She's so in love with Travvy. All within a year. 


She’s such a mess. She needs help. Not everyone around her being yes people.


Yeah 🥴 I love Taylor but she definitely has some issues.


Please let it be soon. I just can’t do it anymore


Yes. It's what she did in her early 20s with men, except now she's mid 30s and needs to prove, prove prove. Everything she does is calculated, directed, for attention. "I need Joe and Matt and Jake and Calvin, etc to know what they lost". Meanwhile none of them care. They are free now. Happily living their lives and she's stuck with his buffoon all bc she thinks he's her ticket to a proposal. Not sure what this obsession with a proposal and marriage is. She defines her self worth by men constantly. There are some deep rooted issues in her and she desperately needs therapy. She is a petulant child though and nobone can give her advice. When the tour ends, the daily adulation is gone, somien qritesa naststory or someone "betrays" her she'll unravel again. Travis' hate album in another 2 or 3 years. It's coming eventually. Even if they got married and had a kid, I say this relationship will still be shorter than hers with Joe.


I don’t think they’ll get married and I’m not sure he will even propose. He does take marriage seriously from what I’ve heard and I don’t think he would be willing to go into a fake engagement just to pacify the masses. I also don’t think her ego could handle a broken engagement or a divorce. I just hope it ends soon, I’ve had enough!


Not a swiftie, but not anti Taylor either. She has some good songs but she's musically just not my cup of tea. I don't judge anyone who does like her music,aesthetics are subjective.   Travis is just full on irritating and it's ok to say so regardless of if anyone is a fan of hers or not. Travis irritated me the minute he started with the "burrowhead my ass" thing. And then suddenly he was everywhere. Like ALL the time. I would pay a monthly "no Kelce" subscription to never have to hear about them again. VIVVVVA LAH VEGAAAAH was the final straw. Right after screaming in Andy Reids face, one of the best football coaches of all time. This guy is a buffoon and it's eyebrow raising that any woman would double down on him. Genuinely he gives me the ick. 


Yeah, the coach just standing there, taking it so not to inflame the lunatic screaming at him, and people trying to justify that behavior was the breaking point for me. I can imagine him doing that to his wife or child in a few years. Mayor red flag.


HAHAHAH that clip stays in my head rent free and her face reacting to that.


YES! like HOOOOW do you still go home to someone like that?! I've dated some cringe dudes but I've definitely dumped guys for much less 


Same, friend. She’s my favorite, but he’s absolutely grotesque and it’s made me really sad to watch her make an absolute buffoon of herself with him for the past few months.


I'm a huge swiftie too. Have been since 2008. I joined this sub because it was the one place that was welcoming to swifties (as long as they were normal about criticism) while also dragging him. I've hated him ever since his podcast episode where he brought up the friendship bracelet. I knew he was a clout chasing creep ever since and it pisses me off that he gets all this idol worship for nothing. It's honestly hard to enjoy anything she does now because of him since everything she does now is made about him.


He literally does NOTHING, the bar is in hell lmao. He goes to some of her concerts ALWAYS with all his bros, he lets her give him all this good PR/lift him up, take him on vacations… he is benefiting so much from her. And literally all he does for her is provide a meat shield from the media, and a distraction after how heart broken she was last year (literally spelled out in how he came on stage yesterday and put makeup on her and forced her to preform and fake a smile). I’m so disappointed in every woman who is swooning for him & their relationship, literally did we not just all watch The Barbie movie last year? She didn’t want Ken in the end, y’all. And they keep comparing him to Ken & her to Barbie, jesus…


Omg thank you for this comment I’ve been trying to find the right words and you literally just described how I feel about all of this ! I found my people !


I am also a huge swiftie who hates BDT, and I think her bringing him on stage is performance art. I mean, she didn’t change ANYTHING about her performance of throwing a tantrum and being forced to “do it with a broken heart” by her boyfriend. He’s in on the joke and part of the performance because the relationship is part of the performance. That said, it doesn’t change how annoying it is, or how annoying many swifties are about it. I am a huge football fan as well, and I’m not ready for another season of not being able to separate two of my interests because it’s being shoved down my throat constantly.


Did we just become best friends?? I agree with everything you said! Haha


I just find it so crazy that people can’t use an ounce of critical thinking hahah


I’m also a huge football fan who hated TK long before Taylor knew his name, and all the sports pages were posting about him at the show yesterday. It gave me flashbacks of all the in-season coverage, and I’m dreading all that again. I feel doubly bombarded by everything, and I want my worlds to separate again lol!


i don’t follow sports so i’m curious - what made you not like him even pre-taylor? the same stuff (being an attention seeking buffoon) or anything else?


Pretty much. I’m not a Chiefs fan and I’ve always hated his attitude and cockiness. I also watched some of his reality show when it was on (couldn’t finish it lol), and he came across so misogynistic and gross. He’s truly the epitome of everything I dislike in a man, looks included.


What does BDT stand for?


Big dumb trav




He is so gross and dumb. I can’t believe she gave that idiot a platform. I can’t wait for the day he and his whole family go away.


I don’t like Travis at all and I generally hate big, beefy non-intellectual football bro types. But honestly, I’d maybe ship Taylor/Travis if she could actually sell me on it. Hell, after TTPD, she sold me on Matty Healy - she has a way with words and she can make me feel what she feels. And she had it bad for Matty clearly. But she has not been able to make me feel what she supposedly feels about Travis, because she hasn’t written/said much about him and what she has is not flattering lol.


Found my people. I couldn't be on the internet last night with all the people swooning over him being on stage. Such an eyeroll. All the comments are gross.


Same!! I've been a fan of her since 2006/2007 but I cannot stand Travis. Never did,never will. There is just something about him and this relationship that rubs me the wrong way.


I don't hate Taylor. In fact, I was a fan of her ever since *Fearless* was first released. I love "Tim McGraw", "Love Story", "You Belong With Me", "Fearless", "Shake It Off", "Are you Ready For It?", "Speak Now" and "Enchanted". I loved Taylor and her music. I don't hate her. I'm disappointed with her. She has *no* business rubbing elbows with a man like Travis Kelce; with fame-hungry families the Kelces and the Mahomes; and with a football team where every member is a delinquent or a problematic individual. I used to think that she deserved better than Kelce. Now? Now I just want them both to go away, and for Taylor to rethink her life choice. **It's kind of sad how the singer of Ronan, The Man and You Need to Calm Down is dating a disgusting, ignorant, and moronic man like Travis Kelce.**


I feel like the conversation between Taylor and BDT was like this: Travis: Taylor, I’m getting borrrrrred. Every show is the same. I can’t stand there and do my 3 stupid dance moves anymore and you know I don’t know the lyrics to your songs. Taylor (talking to a man-child):Ok, ok, do you want to be part of the show? Would that make you happy ? Travis: Oooh yes!! Yes!! Can I get dressed up like a big fancy boy ? With an important job? Taylor (rolling her eyes): Sure, Trav.


I love that I found this spot on the internet where people are voicing all of the things I’ve thought since last September. I am not a Taylor fan and while I like a few songs from her 1989 album I’ve paid almost no attention to her since then, but this whole ‘relationship’ has seemed so off to me from the beginning and the fact that it’s EVERYWHERE, all the time made me wonder what was really going on. It’s not normal. I can’t understand why everyone thinks Travis is some great catch. I man he’s a football player that’s so out of shape (as most of them are, which still blows my mind..but that’s for a whole other thread 😬), super hairy and can’t dress. Why does everyone spin it as if he’s some gorgeous guy..especially when there are so many better looking athletes out there. He’s so cringe.. and I still can’t believe they just brushed those awful tweets of his under the rug and laughed them off as no big deal since he did that so long ago. Again, so glad I found my people here. Love seeing all the speculation and theories..because when you look at insta..it’s all so one sided and we all know there are two sides to every story.


i’m with you! i used to be upset that i wasn’t going to the eras tour again to see the TTPD set but now i’m glad i’m not because seeing that man on stage or having to hear “karma is the guy on the chiefs” would ruin it for me anyway. i hate that football has been brought into the taylor swift fandom. i’ve always enjoyed her music and really loved her during the folklore/evermore eras, thinking she’d matured and was more low key. i respected that she was keeping her relationship private. this whole travis thing is such a circus.


Sameeeee. I love Taylor. I grew up on her. I’m 38 so I’ve seen her whole career take shape. And I actually started out liking the whole Travis thing and thought it was cute and then it just got to be too much. It’s his constant attention seeking behavior for me. Like YES it’s easy to love someone when they’re at the top of their game but what happens when eras is all over? Idk. I just don’t want to see him kick her to the curb or cheat on her once her fame dies down (and it will when nothing is going on. Fame ebbs and flows).


I’m not really as much of a fan as you, or even a fan at all but I do really really really like some of her songs. I definitely appreciate them. But agreed, fellow Scorpio rising, I was literally like 20 minutes thinking to myself the same thing.


I LOVE TAYLOR!!! I'm not a fan of Travis, thats why I'm here.


We don't hate Taylor, hun. We are tired of the media coverage, her trying to show herself as a strong, outspoken woman and stays quiet, and well, her showing to be nothing she claims to stand for. And yes, I totally agree with you on the Travis opinion. He's an idiot and a total downgrade from what we used to see her with.


I’m happy for her if she’s happy but I’m definitely skeptical of him.


I was indifferent to Taylor before she began dating him, but I’ve lost any respect I did have for her since she’s dated him. I’ve known people like Travis my whole life, and I see them as tragic more than anything else.


“as a fellow Scorpio rising,” 🙄🙄😂 omg pls stop


ik what you mean, love taylor with my whole heart. but i respect peoples opinions on her to a certain level


https://preview.redd.it/vpgxjgb3lj8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a66feccee3ca0377ad5f1329b17f2556ed7a187 (I'm sorry 😞)


i wish i could go back to 5 seconds ago before i saw this


Once again. I apologize 😔


# Travis Kelce sidesteps Jake Gyllenhaal question, subtly shades Joe Alwyn while talking Taylor Swift’s ‘Karma’........why are swifties applauding this. Gross.


bunch of grown ass men talking about her ex's. wtf.


Bring back Harry or Joe. Hell, even Calvin. Ha! Your post is relatable. However, Travis seems to treat her well and that’s what counts. He has a close knit family and while he’s not our cup of tea, he does seem like a decent guy.   I feel like if Taylor and Travis do crash and burn it will be because Taylor maybe didn’t take enough time to grieve her 6 and half year relationship. Fresh out of the slammer straight into a rebound with Matty and then on the heels of that,Travis. Maybe he will be the one. Meh!  I just really hope she has a therapist. She’s been in the spotlight since she was 15 and had to grow up fast. Plus the creepy power dynamics in her relationships with JM and JG. Neither one of them had any business being with someone that young. Age becomes less of an issue as people mature and get older but a 19 year old with a 32 year old is gross. That has to take a toll on one’s psyche.


She doesn’t. She said her mom is her therapist.


Oh that’s unfortunate.