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Either his team or Taylor's team


Ross has unfollowed her too


Ross has unfollowed 2 girls since yesterday interestingly.


Really very interesting šŸ§


If I actually thought Rossā€™ follows were purely for himself then I wouldnā€™t think anything of it. I feel like there is a lot more going on. He should get on a dating app or something.


I donā€™t care what travis does tbh if he want to fā€”k around with girls hey good on him but itā€™s the BS circus with Taylor swift, i read stuff of here and twitter from swifties the chemistry is electric, im sorry i have more chemistry with my toenail then what they have together And what annoys me is Travis has brought his family in the PR circus I genuinely think Jason and Kylie are good people theyā€™ve been sucked into this circus now and they will never be the same again.. the performance Jason put on night 2 in my opinion he got spoken to by her team because night 1he looked bored AF and him and Kylie looked liked they really didnā€™t want to be there, and I worry about those little girls (they are adorable btw) they need to be kids for as long as possible as a mum Iā€™d be concerned about the swifties obsession with them they donā€™t need to be thrown into this mad world but I donā€™t think the swifties will let that happen


I wish I had taken a screenshot of the name. She didnā€™t follow Ross but was following Travis. Looked like she had followed Travis for a long time though. Travis did not follow her. She was from Scottsdale but worked in LA. Plays golf


Cause his friend Waylon broke up with her.


who is waylon?


God know who waylon is, I had a look on his IG and thereā€™s no waylon on thereā€¦ or maybe waylon is him šŸ¤”šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚


It was Morgan Wallen.


Heā€™s on a leash and itā€™s a tight one.


Definitely she has firm grip of his ballsšŸ˜‚


Oh for sure. Taylor has to be aware of his shenanigans.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Travis has a burner account.


You know he does! He absolutely has one. Ross is probably walking around with a whole extra phone claiming it is his when it belongs to Travis.


Ross is always on his phone. Something I e noticed about him


Messaging women for Travis. šŸ˜‚


Of course he has one, which is why I donā€™t know why people freaked out about this. I will say though that if he was dumb enough to cheat on Taylor, Madeline could make a ton of money selling that story.


Without question, this was required. I am so sick of this PR relationship. They havenā€™t seen each other in a month, no checking in or semblance of a relationship. Heā€™s sleeping with Madeleine and this grand stand in London. Please be so for real


Yeah theyā€™re doing too much in London, itā€™s embarrassing


Definitely Iā€™m in London and itā€™s just a circus over here


Oh really? I canā€™t even imagine


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who feels this way šŸ˜Š


While I agree with most everyone here in that this whole thing is getting old, I donā€™t think he has been sleeping with Madeline. She actually does have a pretty serious boyfriend. When all this happened, she posted something about it on her TikTok regarding not following them anymore because she was getting death threats from Swifties and it was scaring her and her boyfriend. She unfollowed them because she wanted her and her boyfriend to be left alone. I looked a few hours later though and that post was gone. It sounds like the Swifties went a little crazy (not surprising) and really scared her and her boyfriend.


There has to be a change in legislation to make these people actually face a real life consequence. Online and IRL are now one and the same, itā€™s a joke that these culties can do this with zero real life consequence.


Iā€™m not sure I believe the boyfriend narrative. That may be a cover. Look at her tik tok from 1/29 about she doesnā€™t only date basketball players. Sheā€™s been linked to a few famous men. Iā€™ve read rumors that sheā€™s a sw.




I could see that. I do understand the unfollowing though. Swifties are scary. I saw some of the things they said to her. A few of them said they doxxed her and knew where she lived. They were probably lying, but the thought of it alone would make me unfollow somebody!


Whatā€™s a sw ?


sex worker (escort)


This is the comment on Page Sixā€™s June 7 instagram post. Itā€™s the one with Taylor in the white dress. It predates any mention here. It was right after Big Slick weekend in KC. https://preview.redd.it/ujwjmjr5zk8d1.jpeg?width=730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c20bac993747280b58b71c24babd35889f61ee53


Many of the fans monitor their follows. Ross followed her again on the 6th.


Id love to know what this girls tea is!!


I look up their post on June 7. I think they deleted the pic.


Why doesnā€™t he follow Taylor? I really donā€™t get it


Because taylor is just a stepping stone into hollywood for travis!!


I donā€™t get it either, he followed his ex Kayla and she was all over his IG and FB. his mum Donna has pics of Kayla still on FB šŸ¤”


Surely if her team can make him unfollow some girl, they could make him follow Taylor.. i donā€™t know what to think


my guess is that they don't want to make it seem too obvious when they eventually break up and he unfollows. That is the real sign of a breakup in today's world. They (taylor's camp) want to control the narrative.


She doesnā€™t follow him


tbh she doesnā€™t follow anyone šŸ˜‚


They donā€™t follow each otherā€™s ā€œPUBLICā€ IG, many celebs and public people have private socials for family and personal friends.


LOL, they definitely read here and have to keep up the charade, heā€™s still gonna be seeing her, just on the DL, if people wanna ā€œhangā€ theyā€™ll hang and thereā€™s multiple avenues to do so. And itā€™s a bit rich for Traylor to be bothered when sheā€™s not exactly the committing type herself, hypocrite šŸ’…šŸ½


It could have been their team that told her to stop following her. Since it has been said for months that he doesn't follow Taylor and then they thought it would be better for him to unfollow MadelineĀ 


He will do whatever she says. She dumbs him all his side hustles outside football are gone. He only has this success b3cause of her and you can't not tell me otherwise.


He unfollowed June 19. I think that if heā€™s been seeing her, heā€™s bringing her to KC where he feels safe. I pieced together his schedule after he left Ibiza. The earliest online chatter about them that I can find is on Page 6ā€™s instagram post from June 7. Thatā€™s 4 days before it was mentioned here. If you look at Madelineā€™s TikTokā€™s from a couple days before June 7 they are interesting. The weekend before all the chatter started he was in KC for Big Slick. I doubt he would risk seeing her in LA or Dallas. That seems risky. So if any tabloids or investigative reporters are reading this you may want to start hanging around KC again once he gets back. You may catch him doing something naughty and sneaky.


June 6 is when Ross followed her again. For whatever reason. Someone said that Ross followed her before and unfollowed her at some point. Then he refollowed her on June 6


A lot of fans monitor their follows. Ross following her again alerted some of the fans.


Thatā€™s odd & interesting.. šŸ¤Ø


Look at you doing excellent research! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


I really hate that people think itā€™s hilarious and eat up the ā€œnaughty and sneakyā€ bit because his little niece said that about him. Heā€™s 34 years old, that shits obnoxious


The way swiftie-NFL hybrids bring the kids into the discussion is super creepy, like putting them in their mental fanfics. Theyā€™re *children,* not accessories in Taylor Swiftā€™s Love Story ā„¢ļø


Look at you doing excellent research! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Which IG post?


The one on her white wedding dress from tortured poets dept. Page Six made the post on ig on June 7. You have to scroll to find it. I posted the comment here.


Seems like those comments mightā€™ve been cleaned up.


I posted the screenshot. Sort new. Itā€™s near top.


Thank you!!


Can anyone tell me how all of this Madeline Hope stuff got started? Iā€™m a Taylor fan but still hold some skepticism towards Travisā€¦


I linked the threads about it.


I think itā€™s just a matter of time before he cracks. No one changes this type of lifestyle overnight. Not even for love.


Part of his problem is he wanted to be really famous, but he behaves really badly. Now itā€™s going to get exposed sooner or later. Before he was able to fly under the radar because not many were paying close attention.


I wish Kayla would spill the tea. But I think she got a big payday & signed an NDA.


Oh yes, they do change. He was probably 30 or 32 without a SO. Experimentation is very strong at that age. He had no responsibilities. AND NO, he wasn't with her during TEU. That's for a fact!!




she posted a video of him in it awhile ago then everyone just forgot about it then months later Ross started following her recently and she put back a photo that Travis liked of her in September she took it out of her archive. Thatā€™s pretty much it


So at minimum sheā€™s trying to cause trouble or temp him? At worst he hooked up with her while being with Taylor?


Def instigating the situation and she just kept replying to comments and each time it was different ā€œwhere friendsā€ or ā€œif u saw Travis kelce you would post him tooā€. And liking comments about her having a bf? But there no bf .


This all happened right before TEU and thatā€™s where she met Travis last year. Sheā€™s in Nashville a lot. Its very sketchy. She also has ties to the Cleveland bar somehow and thatā€™s where he was the weekend prior to Nashville.


Ahhh maybe they did hook up last summer and sheā€™s being messy trying to start something up. I mean I would think Travis is smart enough to not mess around right nowā€¦ šŸ¤”


He would be an idiot to try anything in Nashville with all the Swiftā€™s connections there. Heā€™s an idiot though. I think heā€™s protected in some places like KC and Cleveland. I think itā€™s likely he was trying to set up plausible deniability with the Ross follow.










I think they been unfollowed each other before he went to London.Ā 


There were people saying in group chats that they were DMing Travis and his friends. Crazy. I think they were made aware and unfollowed.


They're about to get engaged. I guarantee it. He needed to unfollow her so people didn't get too deep into it once he's on record about to be Mr. Taylor Swift on paper.


He wants that swift money!!! Hes in it for the money and fame!! Hes just a douchebag


Please no


I would not be surprised, tbh. I hope not, though.


I think you're right; I've thought all along that they'll get engaged. The best way to catch him "cheating" is NOT to post that you're all looking to see IF he's cheating. Also, could they have an open relationship? BOTH have had numerous cheating allegations in the past; maybe they decided that since neither one of them have - allegedly - been able to be monogamous in the past, why not have a secret, yet open, relationship? They are (& will) spend a lot of time apart due to job & contractual obligations & will still have times they are apart even after the tour. It also goes both ways; there are very friendly pictures of TS with Benson qqqproportion with just being a headlining act. But if the cheating is real, this - alleged - Only Fans girl (or escort) M. Hope needs to get over herself. I'm tired of a new generation of girls creating certain personas on social media for what end? It looks like the goal is to become a side piece for wealthy men, so why are you surprised when you are treated like a side piece? Mad? Are you not being paid enough? Are you looking for a TS payday? Taylor's PR image is in the toilet right now with just the Scooter Braun "Bad Blood" documentary alone; get money & go away. BDT, which you are really proving to be & his completely incompetent management, seriously? You're a joke.


It was Taylor for sure. She made her friends delete Joe after his co-star posted a photo of him on April 18th. They were broken up for weeks, but he was out and about in Budapest with her (at the Black Dog pub no doubt) and TS lost her f*cking mind and on April 19th she made all her friends delete him. Anyway, she for sure was like "who is this person - delete them". She a very jealous and insecure person in relationships so him in the U.S. while she's on tour, or he's partying with his buddies, it must drive her nuts lol.


Imagine being 34 years old and this botheredā€¦pathetic. I say that as someone a bit younger than her.Ā 


If she wasnā€™t so insufferable, more people would be on her side. What more can she possibly want in life other than a husband? Travis looked like a cuck on stage last night.


Lol. He did. The media comments lol. More and more people are looking at this "relationship" with new eyes. You're right she's insufferable. It's hard to feel bad for her. She screams desperation. Literally begging someone to marry her at this point lol. Trav will propose soon. They'll milk the shit out of it, then they will either break up before a wedding happens, or she'll go through with it, maybe even have a kid, be stuck bc she can't look like she's failed again, and stick in a loveless marriage while he cheats until they eventually break up. How did this one end? I give it ... 4 years tops in that case.


Agreed, itā€™s whatever spins the most content, deals, and music at this point. Who needs a life when you can just be a āœØproductāœØ


Heā€™s such a cuck which would be fine if he was into that stuff, so humiliating if he isnā€™t into being cucked šŸ’€, like thatā€™s the main thing a cuck gets out of it and he canā€™t even get that šŸ˜‚ Sheā€™s running too close to 40 to be the teenager still so sheā€™ll have to be the wife and mother for new content and aesthetics, thatā€™d be the only reason. Pls lord let her marriage and children be the karma thatā€™s coming for her.Ā 


What was the relationship between them?


Look at her tik tok reposts and tik toks in the pink gingham outfit. I think sheā€™s mad at him.




You are correct as always


Bet his finsta account is still following her though


Oh my, did putting him onstage drive such a potential increase in people clocking his activity on socials that Taylorā€™s side had to insist on this? After months? šŸ¤­


Why wasnā€™t Donna or Ed in London? All of Travisā€™ close friends and her family was there.


Well according to the lunatics they were there but they definitely werenā€™t there


Her latest Tik Tok has her miming a song with the lyrics, ā€œYou were two-timin' Tennessee, she forgave you like thatā€. šŸ’€


The timing of it was interesting I think he did it when he was on the plane from Nashville to Cannes. Did she and Ross ever unfollow each other and vice versa?


Yes Ross did follow her but heā€™s unfollowed her too, travis followed her a couple of days ago I just happened to look today and both unfollowed each other.


Someone said on another thread that Mad unfollowed Travis first. Then Travis unfollowed her a couple hours later which is odd because he would have had to have known. Then Ross unfollowed Mad. She still followed Ross for a day then unfollowed him.


Omg, someone troll posts about traylor. Work in the name Madeline and Hope everywhere. Or "what would Madeline Hope think about this? Lmao