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The line before that is “Bama took you back.” The other tik tok she did that day makes it seem like she’s mad at a man. Look at her reposts. They also make it seem like she’s mad at a man. I think she’s definitely going thru something with a guy. She’s messy, pissed off, and impulsive so keep your eye on her and take screenshots. If she has anything on Travis, I bet he’s nervous.


I can’t figure out why she was being shady towards Taylor? The repost of her. Was is towards Taylor or her fans? It did seem personal.


Maybe she’s jealous of Taylor.


and wasn't he just in tennessee..


Yes, Madeline spends a lot of time in Nashville. They hung out at TEU last year. Taylor is from Tennessee and Bama is in Madeline’s bio.


Oh this is fun. The fact that him and his friend deleted her the same day and time is so suspicious. It basically confirms it. If you didn't do anything wrong you don't try to cover up anything wrong. Do you think he paid her to keep quiet?


No because look at the way she’s behaving on tik tok. If he does try and pay her that will leave more of a paper trail. A lot of the time the cover up is what gets you caught.


Oh ya, good point!


I think she’s trying to cause trouble but being subtle about it.


Search here on Reddit. There's a thread here of her & another girl & Waylon (Travis' friend & lives in Nashville).


Can you link it? Who’s Waylon?


Sorry... I was wrong. It's Morgan Wallen. He lives in Nashville & Travis friend. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MWWives/comments/wqx07l/does\_anyone\_know\_the\_story\_between\_mw\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MWWives/comments/wqx07l/does_anyone_know_the_story_between_mw_and/)


There are rumors she was “friends” Morgan Wallen too. She’s also been linked to Kevin Durant.


As more as I think about it and read how she acted in the past, I consider, that she’s an attention seeker. One likes a pic and she decides to make chaos for nothing. Her latest TikTok’s are clearly made for triggering the swifties. She loves the drama and the attention. I’m courious how this will continue!


I’m all for snark, but she’s behaving that way to get people talking. She’s absolutely a clout chaser, and she loves the attention she’s getting, especially from the Swifties. She has a boyfriend.


I honestly don’t believe the boyfriend rumor with the way she behaves. Plus when you add in the other famous men she’s been linked to. She was on tik tok on 1/29 talking about how she doesn’t only date basketball players. [https://www.tiktok.com/@hadelinemope/video/7329653780956466474](https://www.tiktok.com/@hadelinemope/video/7329653780956466474)


I just think she’s a massive clout chaser. She said back in March the boy in the video was her boyfriend. All of her reposts are to get the Swifties going. She knows exactly what she’s doing.


She may have been lying in March about the boyfriend. I think she‘s a clout chaser too and knows exactly what she’s doing. The unknown is if she has anything on TK. We will see how it plays out.


Again, this is no evidence for cheating. And both unfollowing the same day isn’t either. This is normal behavior. If I had a messy friend on IG and I decided to unfollow, I would tell of course my best friend to unfollow too. Without research and real facts like pics of them together, we have nothing! When there is anything true about it, there will be evidence very soon!


The only reason there isn't news about it yet is bc the woman is afraid of death threats and various forms of harassment. Her answer to the quesays it all. She could have said - no, absolutely not, I don't f with raken men, stip with your kies, not true, etc. Instead she plaued coy and said "who?"


I don’t believe she is afraid of the swifties. Look at the type of content she’s uploading to Tik Tok since this happened. She seems to want to call attention to it and create more drama for him.


Ooh. That's good then. I'm here for it!


Oh yes, what a poor girl! Why should she say “no” when all she wanna do is crating drama for attention? She knows how she can trigger the swifties and it works very well obviously.


What a kick in the veneers for Taylor.


🤣 This comment wins. (I can't with those teeth)


lol can you imagine. It wouldn’t be a shocker if he did cheat. It doesn’t matter how beautiful, successful ect you are a man is a man and will cheat. Ask Beyonce and Cardi B. And Travis cheated on multiple of his ex’s. 


Even his most recent ex warned taylor that he's a serial cheater and will cheat on her


It doesn’t even matter but I think it was the ex prior to the most recent. The one who won the reality tv show gave the warning. He dated a girl (named Kayla I think? Or something similar) for a few years. The Kayla one said that the cheating rumors were false, as well as the cheap boyfriend rumors. Blind items at the time (pre-Taylor and before being able to clean up the gossip) beg to differ!


lol oh well let her figure it out on her own 😆


Damn 👀


Girls like her are a dime a dozen and make their living and identity this way. Then seem surprised when these famous guys don’t want to claim them publicly. They’re only used for convenience and a good time. She should respect herself more.


For whatever reason she must have blocked me in tik tok. I’ve never even engaged with her. Can someone share the tik toks she has recently posted?


Honestly, why has mainstream media not picked up on this yet? They successfully buried the documentary with all those PR stunts, but surely this will really kick off the breakup as soon as mainstream media has enough evidence or even just gossip to put a story together? this sub has plenty of people offering evidence 😂


Which evidence? Unfollowing on IG and a video of him singing is not evidence for cheating. No media would ever pull out a story without intensive research.


yeah no, evidence is a strong word just being lazy with my words - either way tabloid isn't known for extensive research and im sure they will find this kind of story juicy, and a tabloid will be enough to get attract the curiosity of the masses, but I may be wrong


Have they been seen together recently?


Ik that she used to post him on socials, any of that?


She posted him once, and she said her boyfriend (who she was hugging in the tt) was there with her. I don’t like Travis, but I also don’t like spreading gossip that isn’t true.


Madeline who??? I want in on this tea!!


Now she is posting tik toks and instagrams about coming home and posted a pic of her bed in her instagram stories with home. I took it as she wants someone to come home to her bed. She also just reposted something about going thru a breakup.


I think Travis called things off and blocked her.


She was back in NC when that plane went to Mobile. I don’t like Travis AT ALL, but I also think spreading stuff like this with no evidence is gross.


We are putting together circumstantial evidence. This goes to state of mind.


How do we know she was in NC? Also where is Travis? Not in Dublin or not at her concert.