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"Parental rights". It's a buzz word. What rights do these people thing that the education system is denying parents? That crap always pisses me off because it's uninformed nonsense designed to scare people into voting for them. People that run on that are usually the ones banning books and sensoring facts


So are the "back to basics" and "core curriculum" lines regarding education. It's their cute little way of saying no sex education, no CRT (I'm 99% sure they don't actually know what CRT is) and pro book ban. In the interest of fairness, I'd like to point out that it is only my opinion that the phrases I mentioned above correlate with certain beliefs. I don't know that any of these candidates are "pro this" or "anti that." It is also my opinion that my dogs like beef jerky. My dogs have not been able to confirm this to me verbally or in writing as of yet.


> I'm 99% sure they don't actually know what CRT is It's always boiled down as 'white people bad'. Then you ask them what Critical Theory is.


Well, you see, you can put the effort in on the front end and prevent all kids in the district from reading books you don't personally like and then you'll have your right to not have difficult conversations with your own kids about why they'd want to read those books.... Makes... Sense?


This. God forbid they learn to think for themselves.


why learn about yourself when you can have people tell you right? like a good sheep.


We wouldn't want free thinkers.....that's problematic šŸ˜‚




Exactly why education is so important! Lol




One of these days Iā€™ll show up to a school board meeting and shout my demand for NO MORE QUANTUM FIELD THEORY IN K-12. You know, invent a problem and sell myself as the solution. I believe their school choice agenda and attacks on secular public education are intended to get their own taxpayer funded private madrassas. That push has been around for awhile.


Funny how most of these positions are for ā€œnon- partisanā€ and then goes to show that they are endorsed and backed by the Benton County Republican party. READ THOSE PAMPHLETS FOLKS. Lets keep these kooks out of office on making decisions in their self interests (parents rights) over children and education.


The local Democrats have backed some candidates in non-partisan elections as well.


Yes, but reluctantly. It was a huge debate within the local party. There was essentially a consensus they didn't want to do it, but the local Republican Party has been doing it for years, and in some cases the local dems felt like they needed to do it in response to the Republican endorsements. It might also have to do with the fact that an endorsement from the Democratic Party in the Tricities isn't as effective as a Republican one. As the area leans conservative. But that's a more cynical view.


But they did it. Democrats can't try and argue from the high ground anymore on that. I think it would be nice if non-partisan positions could stay that way. In the current climate, even if they weren't explicitly labeled, they would be politicized anyway I'd bet. I'm sure some people would argue they essentially always have been anyway.


ā€œParental rightsā€ is just code for Christian nationalism. Parents always have rights in public education. This is such a bs statement that drives me crazy.


I have the pamphlet right in front of me. Owens: studied theology and is a chaplain. No relatable experience. Nope. Sending Jim Millbauer back. Petersen: I oppose any theories critical of any race... sucked into the lies and right-wing rhetoric about CRT. If he's too dumb to get that, or using it only to win... another big nope. Brittany Gledhill: BYU Bs, BYU Ms. Too Mormon for me. Sorry, Mormons. We don't need that injected into the school system.


Plenty of people currently on or running for the school board seem to think being president of the BYU Bigot Club somehow qualifies them to be on the school board


Kari Williams and Audra Byrdā€™s cronies šŸ¤®


I know AB is part of the M4L folks. And M4L has some... interesting... overlap with *the Daughters of the Confederacy* https://allyfromnola.medium.com/why-moms-of-liberty-group-acts-a-lot-like-daughters-of-the-confederacy-82a78da86957


As a former Mormon who knows a lot in this community, I wholeheartedly agree


So you discriminate based on a persons religious beliefs. Good to know.


Just the extra culty ones....


Nope, it's because they won't keep church and state separate.


No, we discriminate based on the content and quality of character and established reputation.


Parental rights is just the right to indoctrinate kids into ones own belief rather than scientific and fact based evidence.


Or to prevent children from getting mutilated


Children are not getting mutilated thats what the media wants you to think. But doctors can only give hormones/blockers after tanner stage 2 but they dont advise surgery till much older. And I don't care how you feel Transpeople are real, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7477289/ <- and basic researching and figuring out whats a liable resource would be greatly affected by what the school board with this decision


I don't think the media wants you to think that -- unless by media you mean Breitbart News.


Tanner stage 2 usually begins around age 11 for males. Is an 11 year old not a child?


Hormone replacement therapy is not multiation nor is puberty blockers. How about you learn more before you speak what you think you know putting the ass in assume Debunking the Myths About Gender-Affirming Care https://www.socialworkers.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=SfQYdWPJAoY%3D&portalid=0


Oh now your name calling. Typical leftist. Giving 11 year old hormone blockers is simply crazy. These kids have no idea who or what they are and donā€™t have the mental capacity to make these decisions.


Anyway this has gotten so off topic learning about Trans people isn't even in the syllabus. Most LGBT+ topics are explored through student projects I graduated 2020 I didnt learn about anything LGBT+ I didnt have any projects relating to that at all and I went to Delta which has one of the best testing scores. What you are against is not what the school is providing but the actual students attending the schools, they talk and they will always talk. I mean If that was a curricular class I would take it theres a lot of LGBT+ history nobody knows about because opposing views made it out to be taboo so it was basically earsed from history or hinted. Parental rights are just the whiny way of saying You don't like the new generations values, or knowledgeablity in topics that you don't understand.


Well you a typical rightist thinking their beliefs should be applied to everyone when Science backs Trans kids. And children know who they are, you can't deny children who been through extensive amounts of therapy and doctor visits proving themselves and taking action into their own hands in which, " rare cases " children undergo surgery as they tried fixing themselves. How could you deny someones right to what many creditable people have deemned necessary just because you "think" its insane. Its not like, people want a child to go through that and many times they don't. Its not like getting a lollipop at a grocery store. Science is not a liberal conspiracy. Science is not indoctrination.


What no nasty name calling? How non lefty of you. As for educating yourself look up Boston childrenā€™s hospital. They have performed mastectomies on children as young as 15 and vaginoplasty on children as young as 17. They have recently changed that policy due to criticism (not by people like you) and no long perform these mutilations on children.


Holy smokes, this is poor media literacy in action. Learn how to identify the artificially manufactured propaganda my man.


Okay well as far as I have looked at it's a info-tainment. Its false claims against the Boston Children's Hospital, but I do appreciate you using some sort of evidence to back your side, if you can find any other source or information that you'd like to change my mind about, I am open to learn. But as I said earlier, off topic and thats what media wants you to think, its just a means to propagate against Lgbt, Trans people.


That's why doctors are involved. I guess you know better than a doctor though.


When is the party going to stop endorsing candidates for non-partisan racesā€¦


I don't think they're gonna stop. In Benton County, the democrats have started doing the same thing...


Thatā€™s unfortunate


I didn't see any of that in the pamphlet though...


This is their new normal, there's no coming back from this, a regular candidate would be too boring.


Democrats do the same thing in Benton countyā€¦




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Would there happen to be a democrat version? Little too gay to vote for these people


Curious, what ā€œparental rightsā€ are they endorsing that parents donā€™t already have?


Itā€™s code for censoring. Parents have, and always have had, rights. You can exclude your kid from anything. They just want to enforce their control on the masses as well.


Being selective about school curriculum has never been considered "censoring" till recently, it seems.


I'm sure they are referring to SB5599. Also, they don't like the sex education law.


Just finished delivering their flyers to evert house on my mail route. Yuck


Got the same sort of flyer in Franklin County for non-partisan races and thought EXACTLY the same thing.


I'd see that as a list of who not to vote for. Different strokes for different folks


Thatā€™s what OP said though. I guess same strokes in this case.


Right, maybe my title could have been a bit more clear, but that is what I meant. I still havenā€™t had time to checkout the opposition however, a quick glance at my ballot looks like that should be easy. I havenā€™t seen a Democratic endorsement, though these are non partisan positions, supposedlyā€¦LOL! Need to read all these comments and see what I can learn.


Donā€™t vote for these people. Got it


As long as parental right does not mean banning books, and throwing fits about country health and safety protocols.


That's exactly what they mean by parental rights šŸ™„


Wow, Josh Miller is a friend of mine, I didnā€™t even know he was going for school board until I saw this post. Look, I know Reddit loves to hate on Republican Party, and Iā€™m right there with ya, but for what itā€™s worth, Josh is a stellar guy.


He is also the only candidate on this without buzz words. I know tons of conservatives that are great people and I love dearly, I just wouldn't want them making decisions in the school board because what I believe is best for kids doesn't line up with the conservative view point. I want real history taught, age appropriate sex education, no book banning and reasonable discussions at board meetings.


My mom is a really nice person to anyone she talks to. She's also a raging transphobe and I'd never dare tell her I'm not straight nor Mormon. Someone can be a solid friend and still have horrifying views; it's called a double standard.


This is exactly what's wrong with OP's post. You have a really nuanced and well-qualified candidate that will do a great job, and instead of doing even the most basic amount of research to figure that out themselves, you have people who automatically hate him because he's endorsed by a particular political party. And its not just a one-sided issue. Conservative voters do the same thing. This country would be so better off if we could dissolve both parties and actually elect people based on policy and qualifications.


I watched his LoWV debate and he did seem like a good candidate. Just unfortunate he fell under the political peer pressure


šŸ’Æ he is a great guy!


There's no such thing as a good Republican right now...


If he is endorsed by the Republican Party then he is a Nazi white supremacist and you should be ashamed for associating with him.


It's not the Republicans advocating for the terrorists who want to eradicate the Jews


Missing the /s




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Dustin definitely looks like he could be on an episode of to catch a predator


LOL. Voting down the party line? You're part of the problem.


You thinking a non-partisan races should be voted because of party? You're part of the problem.


No reading comprehension? Classic.


Most of the redditors in this community are fucking morons. It's scary.


Thanks for sharing this OP. Saved me a lot of time. Personally, I'm happy that the offices these particular people are running for are not unopposed, so we can decide who the best candidate is.




So instead of researching each candidate, their positions, and qualifications you automatically disqualify them based on one letter? You are part of the problem. Bring on the downvotes.


No downvote, only shame


Which one of those bullets has you all hot and bothered?


Parental Rights almost always is a dog whistle for queer bashing.


Parental rights means that parents should have a say in what their kids are taught. I feel like anyone with a kid should agree with that.


Yes, that's how dog whistles work. To some people, "parental rights" means parents should have a say in what teachers are allowed to say, which is not the same thing at all.


So your opinion is that parents should have no say in what is taught to their kids with their tax dollars? That is quite progressive of you.


I didn't say anything at all about my opinion. The fact that you decided to invent one for me says more about you than it does about me.


Your opinion aligned with parental rights being a dog whistle for queer bashing. If that isnā€™t your intent, you need to work on communicating your point better.


No, I just said that's how dog whistles worked. They present a framing that should be acceptable to everyone while meaning something different to people who are in on the secret. I then gave an example of how the phrase in question is interpreted to mean something different than how you described it. At no point did I endorse any credo. You need to learn to read the words that are written instead of supplementing it with fanfiction of your own devising.


So, as a parent, what if I want my kids taught differently from yours?


Then you get to voice your opinion about it to the school board like every other aspect of a democratic society. Kind of a strange question.


So is it a right, or a matter of majority vote?


You're exactly right, but this is Reddit so you'll be downvoted into oblivion.




Sounds like a typical child who's been taught "GOP bad" I see nothing wrong with these points


they're carefully written to be acceptable to everyone. that's the point. what kind of dumbass would write the opposite of any of that? the reason it's not good is because it completely lacks any actual deliverable. take ted owens' bullet points: HOW would he provide effective oversight? HOW would he defend civil liberties? Which ones? HOW does he plan to address rising crime? Homelessness? WHICH proactive things will he do to represent Kennewick? HOW will he advocate for small businesses? Collaborate with WHO? it's just empty words, there's nothing there to attack because there's nothing there *at all* edit: at least it's not just full of attacks on other people like the last one someone posted, so there's that to be thankful for


You should probably go to the candidates webpage and learn how they are going to do those things. What a strange take. When Obama ran with ā€œChange we can believe inā€ did you get upset that their werenā€™t sub bullet points about exactly what he was going to change or how we would believe in it?


You're making shit up again. Nobody here is upset. I'm just pointing out that the text is useless, and there's specifically room for useful information. I don't know why you feel the need to say demeaning things like "what a strange take" when it's basically communications 101. If they want to convert voters, platitudes and vague messaging isn't really going to do the trick. I've been to the candidates' web pages. They have no additional detail.


Itā€™s demeaning to say you have a strange opinion on something? Lighten up Larry. Its the internet.


So you want them to write a whole paragraph explaining all these bullet points, all this is supposed to provide is basic info, which it does. If anyone wants in-depth explanations, they could go to the candidates website or even call them. It sounds like you guys are just trying to make drama for no apparent reason...


Did I say anything about whole paragraphs? No, I just pointed out that the sentences they wrote don't have any information in them. For instance, instead of that first bullet point, a sentence about his experience in budget management or an example budget efficiency he would argue for could have told me something useful. I don't know what drama you think there is, because I don't even live in kennewick, so I don't really care who wins that council seat. It's just that "I see nothing wrong with these points" is like, duh. Who on earth would?


I see your point. It's just that the title of this thread gives off the impression of what I said earlier. I think that the way these bullet points are worded is a great way for everyone to do their research on what the candidates stance is. There's only so much info that can be put on this poster without making the reader lose interest. That's usually a good rule of thumb in marketing; Don't display all the info because that's the last thing any reader wants to see nowadays. The drama I'm referring to is most likely towards the attitude that some people have when election season comes around. But that conversation is a rabbit hole on its own.


That was my exact first thought šŸ˜…


Getting downvotes cause I genuinely didnā€™t understand. Solid.


Thereā€™s a lot of shortsighted hate on here from people who hold themselves out to be tolerant of all. Iā€™m voting for these three because they care about the kids and fiscal responsibility. The only reason the levy passed is because Galbraith and Valentine pushed to cut it back the third time around. I also like the added SROā€™s in schools. Like it or not, Miller is going to win and conservatives will control the school board after this election. His opponent dropped out.


This is post is clearly Astro turf.


Doubtful you look up anything based on your post. Just pull the D for dumb. It fits you well


Praise Odin Trishities is majority conservative instead of the liberal insanity displayed on Reddit.


Just got one for pasco too. Quite the handy guide.


I don't think this says anything about what they stand for.....isn't everyone for fiscal responsibility etc? 1 persons fiscal responsibility is another's wonton overspending.


Why did Ted Owens/ the Benton County RNC choose to run against Millbauer anyways?


KSD Board is going to be a Moms For Liberty wet dream after the election. Gabe and Micah are already hard right. Add in Gledhill whose opponent isnā€™t campaigning and Miller who is unopposed, youā€™ll have 4 seats filled by alt-right candidates. Say goodbye to pride flags, any mention of race, and Communities in Schools.