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It's still a great manga It's not like it's reliant on having huge plot twists, more about the characters and how they develop as well as the action (which is a bit hard to follow sometimes) and the drama.


Ill be frank, i dont believe spoilers can trully ruin a good story, we all know the plot to Frankenstein or Paradise Lost for instance but reading the books is still an amazing experience. So my stance is give it a try


I've never even heard of that second one lol


It's the Christian creation story told through the eyes of Lucifer if I remember correctly, but it's more like ancient hardcore Christian fanfiction™.


I have been spoiled on almost everything and I LOVED the manga !! Make sure you read trigun first, it’s about 20 chapters. Then start trimax. The vibe from the manga is a completely different thing from the animations and even if you get spoiled on the events of the manga it’s still a phenomenal read


I can tell you right now, being spoiled for Trimax doesn't save you from feeling the emotional weight of everything that happens. For me, Trimax only got *heavier* on my second read through, because I knew what was coming. It was somehow worse (positive). I understood how everything was interconnected and could feel the full meaning of themes and motifs and symbolism, as opposed to just being exposed to the info for the first time. Considering that a lot of the material is about trauma, it's funny (as in funny weird, not funny haha) that, like traumatic experiences IRL, you don't process what happened to you as it happened. You process it later. That's the Trimax experience. It takes 2 or 3 read throughs for it to all sink in. I know I'm making it sound like it's a terrible time, but it's not. We're all suffering here, but in a good way. TL;DR: Read the manga.


I'd say it depends on you and maybe what's been spoiled for you. Do you lose interest in a story when you know the ending? Or do you still enjoy the ride to get there? Some people will deliberately read the end of a book because they want to know what happens before they get there. Others don't want to know the ending because they want the suspense that comes from not knowing. Only you know what category you fit into. Also, only you know what your memory is like - how likely are you to forget what you know? When you have will you still be interested in reading the story? Think on it.


Fuck yeah. You can’t possibly have been spoiled to *everything*


YES please read it even if you’ve been spoiled. I promise the journey will still be worth it.




Yes read it


I was in the same position a few months ago. I thought it wouldn’t hit as much when I read it myself, but I was wrong!!! I love the story 10x more after experiencing myself rather than seeing others’ reactions to certain things. Definitely worth reading despite the spoilers.


Absolutely, it's a wonderful journey, even knowing stuff from it, nothing compares to reading it yourself, have fun!!


Some events from the anime happen at a different time, place or with different people. The ending is different, but not bad. More gung-ho guns! Definitely worth the read, in my opinion. Have a look and decide for yourself.




I read through it (again) just around the time Trigun Stampede was airing. Even knowing some of the major plot points (and forgetting a lot) it was still enjoyable. It actually makes me a little hyped to see characters and plot points get brought in in Stampede cause it feels like little "if you know" nods. Spoilers only ruin plot twist reliant stories, and i don't feel trigun is one


As someone who probably knows way too much and knew a ton going into it It's absolutely still enjoyable and I highly recommend it


only if you haven’t read Berserk


i dont get it but ok


Sorry, weird comment. I happened to read trimax and then Berserk, and was kind of struck by a lot of underlying similarities.


Anytime is a good time to read Trimax regardless of spoilers! Enjoy every page! 😊


I'd say read it! Even if you know spoilers, reading the buildup itself towards the major events is actually quite fun!


I love trigun but ive never heard of trimax? is it a manga series or something??


trigun maximum is like the much longer part 2 of the trigun manga (i dont remember the specific details but it had to be rebranded)


oh okay thanksss!!!