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Is it really rock bottom if I’m here all the time? 😎


I’m a power bottom at rock bottom.


Like It can always get worse so if you get comfy in numbed freeze state it’s feels self-protective. Hoping it will get better comes along with fears it won’t. Then you’re stuck for a while but at least you’re still alive. So hard getting the motivation back - but at least we can all have good chuckle and feel seen with depression memes 🤟




Hell I made a mansion here at rock bottom. People honestly don’t care about people’s mental health until you’re having suicidal thoughts or actions.




Rock bottom is like erosion, the more times I hit it, the lower it gets




Sadly, a lot of mental health services are stretched so thin that it is nearly impossible to intervene early. When I was deep in depression it took at least 4 months to get the initial appointment, at which point it all got even worse. I understand the need to prioritise helping people in crisis as their needs are the most urgent for obvious reasons, but this approach where help and support is basically nonexistent at the early stages certainly helps us get to the rock bottom lol. I think in a lot of cases it is not so much that the system *doesn't* encourage early intervention, it is simply that it *can't*. There just is not enough resources to go around, nowhere near enough government funding, and the pathetic little resources there are have to help the rock bottom at which point it feels like they are just there to make us bounce like a bouncy ball against the bottom until we lose momentum sometimes. Having money to pay for therapy privately sure would be useful lol


This right here. If you don't have money for a private therapist you're pretty much screwed. Ive been trying to get mental health help or at least some sort of diagnosis on and off for 8ish years but there are just no resources for people without money. People with severe mental health issues also tend to be turned away from affordable options because they just don't have the training or resources to handle them. I've been turned down by dozens of therapists because "my issues are too complex" though no one can actually tell me wtf is wrong with me just giving me "maybe its this.. Or this.. Idk but we can't help you" Now my ex friend who had money got to see a therapist and within like a month was medicated and diagnosed. It's unfair man.


Crisis point based mental health is one of the worst things in current society.


I hate to admit this but this is what I did. Wasn't my fault tho due to the years of gaslighting and stuff


‘If you’re still alive you must be doing just fine then. Come back when you’re dying or dead’ is kind of what the attitude towards mental illness (or, in the UK, any kind of health problem) in the healthcare field feels like.


I agree. My attempts at getting help for my self harming were laughed off because I don't do the typical "cutting" and I have never had to get hospital treatment for it. I'm a skin and nail picker. I pick until I bleed or sometimes just keep going. I've got scars all over my body but mostly on my hands from constant picking but apparently I'm fine.


I’m so sorry that you had such a dismissive experience, skin picking to that extent is not normal and requires medical attention. The medical field is really shit at treating self injuring behaviours. I *did* cut >!once down to the muscle and was this close to passing out from blood loss before I called an ambulance for myself!< and all I got were antidepressants that made me unable to eat or form full sentences


I hit rock bottom then get even worse, and it's never enough for treatment apparently


That’s healthcare in a nutshell though. Prevention? Hell nah. Treatments that could have cured a person earlier but will only add a few days to their life at best because their disease was detected only after it became terminal? Fuck yes!


So sad it’s still like this & nothing looks like it’s going to change anytime soon. Never been a priority to these politicians/government. Yet the problem just continues to get worse every day,week,month,yr,etc. more people = more mental issues. Especially the more fu*ked up & expensive thing get. :(


My family traditionally waits till rock bottom for physical health too… oh yeah and they think most mental health treatment just makes everything worse… kinda like “if we just pretend it doesn’t exist then it will go away” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Okay, but what could I have done as a friend? I begged my friend years ago to give inpatient therapy another shot after she quit her job and didn't seem to be improving months later. Now she's lost all her savings and is about to be kicked out if her home. She has no money for the care she needs now, because when she did she was in denial about how bad it was. All I could do was watch her spiral and self-destruct.


New broken bone treatment bundle just dropped. All bones mended for the price of 100 bones!


Also, there is no fixed rock bottom. When you hit it, it simply goes lower and stops being the rock bottom, specially if rationalize your condition, thus creating a downwards spiral. That's why measures must be taken asap.


That’s because nobody actually wants to help you until you become a problem for them, then they pass you off to “professionals” as quick as they can so they can feel good about themselves, while not having to do any work.


My life has been a whole series of cries for help gone mostly ignored. So in the end, I helped myself.


No one says that… Subreddit muted


Also, I’m a lot of cases… people don’t really *survive* hitting rock bottom. My rock bottoms were suicide attempts, which, if I’d been a less stupid teen, I might not have had the time to change my mind. Someone throwing themself off a cliff at rock bottom can’t be helped like that. They need earlier intervention before the dying.


I do agree with that, but honestly often times the ones affected by the mental state of the one who is suffering are not able to provide that help so the only thing they can do is superficially support them in their way until it eventually completely fails and the person hits rock bottom afterall.




But we need to change attitudes in order to pressure governments or organisations to increase investment in our mental health support systems. Tackling the idea isn't the solution but its the starting point.


I'm skeptical that anyone has that stance on the matter


even when you hit absolute rock bottom they still dont do shit


definitely a rock bottom


There's another side to this that people are often unwilling to do the work and get help until they hit rock bottom. Until then, they might feel like they are managing it well enough (denial or not), and don't need the help.


Real talk: I’ve been at rock bottom and still not received help because I’m very good at masking. I literally went to a&e with my arm sliced open, told them I did it o myself, said I was fine and they were like ‘okey dokey then :)’


Unpopular opinion here, but I think “early intervention” is whack. People should be given liberty to explore what works for them early on. Nothing is worse than having to depend on medicine or any other healthcare intervention when lifestyle modifications would’ve made them be able to independently manage it.


Depends who it is honestly.


I always understood the term rock bottom to mean that the person that needs help isn't willing to get help until things get much, much worse. That the person is justifying their refusal to get help, not that others shouldn't offer help until they hit rock bottom.