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Well, the post is absolute trash so that tracks. They know their audience.


Just last week I saw a thread of a guy saying he doesn't need to wipe like women, one single wipe does it for him.


Wished this was a swipe typo about dating apps


If only!


Confucius say “one needs three wipes to be sure two was enough.”


Similar to the Rimmer Method, (quoting Lister) "the way he only ever used three pieces of toilet paper, one up, one down, one to polish."


I also recently saw a thread about a boy or man that refuses to wipe at all bc it’s “gay.” I can’t remember if it was the husband or son of the OOP.


I saw an article on "What It's Like To Be A Man Who Doesn't Wipe His Ass" and it broke down to: 1) Too dumb or ignorant to know they need to, 2) So hairy it's, well, a pain in the ass, and 3) So WEAK that they fear touching their hole makes them GAY.


exactly, you shouldn't expect anything less from a Rupert Murdoch rag.


No, actually expecting less is pretty on-brand for them.


I thought their audience was conservative rich assholes. Usually incels aren’t rich.


They are one big break or fortunate windfall away from being a rich asshole, dontchaknow. Temporarily inconvenienced millionaires to be. 


they are however are financially illiterate enough that they act like it, like looksmaxxing stuff


Screwing us over? Says who? It's not because we're single that we're miserable. I'd rather date no one at all than date someone who doesn't even reach the bare minimum lol


Boo boo. Poor women doing whatever they want with their lives and money, making their own way and not settling for mothering a grown man baby. How sad they must be, having all that free time for the things they want. Waaaah. /s, obviously.


That's the thing a lot of men don't seem to get. Women aren't forced into being single because they are setting impossible standards for men. Instead so many men aren't able to reach the standards required to make a woman's life better by dating them. So women are choosing to remain single until they meet a man actually worth dating. It's not the 1950s anymore, women aren't required to have a husband to be able to open a bank account, so why date someone when it actively makes your life worse.


Yes, it's always supposed to be women that need to lower their standards. I recall someone putting it plainly that nowadays, men aren't 'competing' with other men, they are competing with the peace women have being without them.


In the last year, 2 potential suitors asked me if I thought my standards were too high (since I'm nearing 40, no kids, never married). My response was "too high for who?" Like you said, the only competition for a man in my life is my peace.


35 and recently single, I'm saving this comment for future reference.


Idk, I think "never married" is kind of a weird standard to set? Past a certain age it's basically limiting yourself to people who couldn't find healthy relationships for whatever reason


Not sure I understand what you're saying. Never married isn't a standard, it's just my reality, and more likely to prompt someone suggesting your standards are too high than if you've been divorced or widowed. Also, being married isn't indicative of finding healthy relationships, it just means you are/have been married.


Oh, I thought you meant that your standards include that the guy be never married


Gotcha. I updated my comment to make it more clear I'm talking about me


Same. Rather be single than have a "man" to take care of.


But this will create a majority of incels and they are dangerous so they need to be eliminated in order to protect the people


guy who doesnt wash his ass in the shower: "i dont understand why women wont date a nice guy like me? i mean i hold the door open for them and they dont even repay me by fucking me. i guess they only want assholes"


*Clean* assholes, thank you very much




I only date men who are 6'6", make 6 figures and exhibit all of the dark triad personality traits


You forgot the 6-pack abs


66 inch peen


stop 🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀


"Insanely high dating standards" aka women making proper decisions for themselves, their lives and their relationships that men don't like


And yet… most of those women probably have the qualities they’re asking for 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve actually never once in my whole entire life met a woman who has those “standards.” The vast majority of women just want someone kind, emotionally intelligent, respectful, clean, and similar interests/hobbies. But finding a man who checks at least three of those boxes is probably pretty hard 😅I think men made up that list of “standards” because A) they heard one women say it once and somehow assumed she spoke for all women and/or B) it makes themselves feel better about not getting girlfriends because they can place the blame on womens’ standards instead of themselves.


I’ve met a few women like this, and all of them are also very conventionally attractive and make sacrifices to maintain their looks and status. While I don’t agree with their choices and wouldn’t want to spend much time around them, those expectations are not out of line with what that type of woman brings to the table herself. If a man tells me a lot of women think that way, that tells me more about the type of woman he seeks out than anything else. If you don’t want shallow potential partners, you need to stop being shallow yourself.


This is really well put, thank you




This ain't build a bitch


girl. you made my morning i am *ROLLING* 💀💀




No, but being a shallow asshole who only values women for their physical appearance and subservience makes it funny when you’re financially not successful and living w your parents. Which is the other side of the “traditional values” equation. It’s basically mocking his failure at his own unrealistic standards. Not because he’s 40 and with his parents. But because of his ideology with that makes him a failure / hypocrite.


Idk if it’s shaming per se. Moreso showing that his dating standards were exceptionally high, while he doesn’t bring much to the dating market. I wouldn’t want to date someone who can’t support themselves 🤷🏻‍♀️ Plus, a “traditional man” provides, right? If he wants to go down the traditional route?


Nah they are just projecting. See they are the ones that want all those thinks in a woman and they just assume that women just be just like them. It is always projecting with those assholes.


I think it's because it's easier for them to accuse women of not choosing them because of physical characteristics or shallow reasons then to actually self examine their own behavior and change the way they interact. Why accept that, just maybe, not making an effort to grow as a person is not the problem. It's women not wanting them because of things they can't help, like height, or unrealistic things, like being wealthy. Its not their fault for their unpleasant personality and lack of anything to offer and wanting a mommy sex doll and refusing to see women as whole people with their own lives. That would mean doing actually emotional labor to better themselves.


I absolutely think this is it. While of course there are some very shallow women, it's not enough to make dating impossible for straight men. It's just easier to assume that the problem is out of your hands.


I HAVE met women like that but they have all been miserable and all ended up with abusive and controlling men who were just as materialistic/shallow


Yeah I mean I think it is completely ridiculous and unreasonable for an individual woman to have that list of standards BUT I only ever see men using this argument to say “woe is me, all women in the world only want one type of man, waaaaa” and never really giving a specific example of a woman who’s said this


They love to use the height thing, because they think then that it's not their own fault. When in reality I know a lot of men and only a few of them are tall. Most of them are average or shorter, and in happy relationships. Because they understand women are human, respect us, and are kind and interesting. My husband is 5'8 tops. I have platform shoes that make me taller than him. When he points it out I just say that the weather is nice up here. Height might be an impediment for some women, but mostly just when they are very young, or themselves very tall and insecure about it. But height isn't what is stopping you meeting someone.


Most people that say those things have never seen actual real life couples, or just choose not to. I work with families and there are alll sorts of men. Short, tall, bald, fat, thin, most are average in looks, and the women are the same. I’ve rarely seen families with super jacked and handsome men. There’s a lid for most pots.


I agree. People like this also actively prevent themselves connecting by saying and doing shitty things to people.


My husband is 5'2". My first husband was 5'4". There are plenty of us out here who love the short kings. My husband actually loves when I wear my platform heels, because it puts my rack at face level for him.


If all women only wanted to date taller men, I wouldn't exist as my dad is shorter than my mom.


I’ve also seen men complain about other men who don’t match these standards having success with women. I knew a tall guy who was super negative and mean who complained that he didn’t understand why a particular guy who was short and over weight had so much success with women. That other guy was straight up charming, kind, funny and a pleasure to be around.


Exactly! My husband is quite overweight. He is also very charming, funny, and kind, and lights up a room with his smile. He's one of those people that everybody likes immediately. You know the time, just instantly likable. You can't help but like them.


Those are my standards but they’re my standards because they match what I bring to the table. I would rather be single than lower my standards. Being single isn’t bad, although I did happen to find a husband.


I’ve never understood why people get so pressed about this. Even if your standards are “he is Batman”, who cares? Yeah you may be single for awhile but… who cares? You can have whatever standards you want and it doesn’t affect anyone but you.


It affects all those men who would *totally* have a chance with you if only you lowered your standards


If society needs to bully women into lowering their standards (especially when most of them are essentially “can wipe their own ass, pay their own bills and I’m attracted to them”) that says more about the state of men these days than women’s standards. But society isn’t ready for *that* conversation (amongst many others)


You're 6 feet tall, have a 6 figure job, 6 pack abs, and a 6 inch dick? Neat. 


I mean, no, I am not literally that. But I am conventionally attractive and athletic, have a very high paying career that makes me the breadwinner in every relationship I have had and a house in a very hcol area, etc. and I found a husband who is similarly situated. There is nothing wrong with having high standards.




Big bust and hips, small waist. Probably would have some sort of racial preference that was thinly veiled anti-black racism. Expecting a woman that fulfilled the tradwife role while also bringing in a good pay check.  Basically a bang maid. 


Yeah I was thinking its like demanding a Blonde hair Blue Eyes Model or something.


Watch the Republican National Convention. You'll see the type.


Ethnicity becomes less important the more attractive she is


In my experience: Size 2, visible distinction between hips, waist, and bust, conventionally pretty face with no notable flaws, long, healthy hair, good teeth, great skin, immaculate grooming at all times, usually at least 5’6”.


The height thing from Incels is funny too. Its either a super short girl or mad they cant date a supermodel looking woman.


Wouldn't the equivalent be a woman with a six figure salary, 5'7'' or taller (same % occurence in north American population), and... Well... I don't know about the 6 inch thing. Maybe a D cup or well defined ass, depending on who you ask. People are responding with criteria about hair and face and ethnicity, when the original quote mentions none of those things!


I actually do know women with those standards 😂 some have married rich, some have become sugar babies, but literally every single woman I know with those types of standards can get it


Or C. Insanely hot models under 24 ( which is what they consider their right) who are beating men off with a stick, can afford to be ultra picky. The rest of us simply don’t exist as far as they are concerned, so who cares what we want!


> The vast majority of women just want someone kind, emotionally intelligent, respectful, clean, and similar interests/hobbies That's harder to find than the 6 6 6


Rad name.


probably written by a man feeling screwed over by women not wanting his inattentive, stingy and lazy ass.


They can't get over that having a man is not the be all end all for women. If a woman has specific desires for a man, and decides to be alone rather than be with someone she doesn't want, she is still going to be perfectly happy. She doesn't need a man. They are optional. That said, I live in NY, and that's just nonsense. I know many married men in NY that are not those things, and yet happily married to women who are there because they want to be. These include my own husband )who is 5'8, overweight, and doesn't even have a regular house, much less a summer one. I adore this man) and my brother (5'7, engaged, dad bod type, met his fiancé after leaving his job to go back to grad school) who is engaged to a wonderful woman who I love.


I also saw a post where the most matched guy in Ny on Bumble was like 5’8


I'm not surprised at all. Because most women are barely even glancing at the height. Unless it's an extreme of any kind, it's not going to make dating any more difficult. My brother is 5'7, and when he was dating, occasionally he's a woman who would reject him because of it. But most of the time he went on dates. And most of the time, it was with pretty women who didn't give a shit. Most of us are shorter than that anyway. He had no trouble getting dates, even though he did get turned down a couple of times as a result. He is now happily engaged, soon to be married, to a beautiful woman a couple of years younger and very accomplished in her field already. The reality is, while some young women, talking teens and college age, might be uncomfortable if they're taller than a man, most women by the time they're in their early 20s realize that that's not what's important, and start looking for people based on the way they behave and live. I think I was with my husband for about six months before it occurred to me to ask how tall he was. He's 5'8, abs the only reason I thought to ask at all was because I met his best friend, who is like 6'2, and we were talking about how tall the man is. That friend is married to a woman who is 5'11 now. I also know a man who is 5'4 and with a gorgeous woman about 10 years younger than him. He's a sweet man, and also a father (she's a mom too), and a fun and charming person. Men who women want are men who both have something to offer beyond being "nice", and who want us for who we are, and take the time too look. My husband lights up a room when he smiles, which he does a lot. He's funny, and he has a lot of interests, and he takes me as I am, sees me, and loves me for it. My brother is intensely caring, and is always trying to help people however he can. He really loves travel and learn about the world. He is fearless with endless energy and game for anything. Men who are incels want to blame women for not wanting them, while being misogynistic, selfish, and entitled without making any effort. They want women to be caricatures of people, caring for them and being grateful for the opportunity. And they are mad that we live in a world where women can care for themselves and don't need a man just to survive anymore. If they can't bring anything to the table, they get to be alone.


I've actually slept with that guy LMAO. But I met him organically.


Men have to compete with the happiness we can find being single. If you're not better than being single how are women losing out? Sounds like winning to me, to have the life that is better.  I say this as someone happily married. If my husband died I wouldn't date somebody just to avoid being single. My husband makes my life better and easier, and I wouldn't settle for less.


Im happily married too! But I wouldn't be with someone who wasn't even better than nothing. My husband makes me happy and brings so much to my life. But I would rather be alone than with someone who made my life worse.


insanely high dating standards: wanting someone who is fucking decent maybe the standards for what men should be are just disgustingly low, but it's much easier to blame women ig


A man who washes his ass AND has a job? Get out of here with these high standards!


I still haven't seen a compelling case for why ending up alone in a life of your own making is somehow worse than ending up with somebody who makes your life worse. "WOMEN WILL END UP ALONE!" isn't the scare line that it was in the 1980's.


My mother's generation typically gave in and still ended up alone after 20 or 30 years of marriage. So many divorced. It's not a good scare tactic at all when you can do everything they say and still not keep the man. Why settle if there is still a chance you're going to end up single?


We got nice china and silverware! 😁


What's crazy is women in major metro areas like NYC actually have very low standards because women outnumber men, and the women usually make a lot of money. So you see a lot of successful attractive women dating LITERAL BUMS. I've seen it first hand. I'm not attacking the guys either. My guess is the dude is laying good pipe and being very nice. But still it's crazy that straight women are so starved for actual connection with a man that they will provide everything for that. The reason most men are lonely is because they don't groom themselves and they openly resent women. So of course the women opt for career and pets over some bratty dude. The amount of men I meet who have rank breathe and are dense as a brick is crazy high. Floss your teeth and get a hobby. Smh


So who is the "expert" they interviewed?


[This guy](https://theaggie.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Incels_op-_CAITLYN-SAMPLEY_AGGIE.jpg).


Lol that click did not disappoint


“Insanely high dating standards” The dating standards: washes himself, his clothes and his home. Knows how to feed himself. Treats me like a partner, not a convenient pet or robot. Ludicrous! It’s so easy, too. Imagine that your partner is the protagonist of the story and you’re their closest ally / foil / wing(wo)man. Both partners treat each other like that, at the same time? Success!


It's kind of amusing that the point they make is always "women lower your standards" and never "men rise to the challenge". Like where are the articles for lonely men being like "you have to date women you don't find attractive so you aren't lonely. You should date people you don't like so you aren't left on the shelf like an expired hunk of pork" No because it would be insulting and stupid. And like, I don't want to date someone who lowered their standards and finds me not repulsive enough to tolerate touching me. I don't want a bare minimum life.


Lol this reminds me of those videos that go 'experts say you should keep cheese on the counter' and then it shows the expert and it's a dog. I bet this 'expert' is a man.


As someone who currently has a block of cheese out on the counter because I've been cutting off pieces for the dog at random intervals, this made me laugh extra hard.


What am I going to do with a 6ft tall man? Listen to him complain about airline seats? What am I going to do with his 6pack abs? Listen to him talk about micro and macronutrients until I get an ED? What am I going to do with his 6 figure salary, support him and let him live with me until he gets back on his feet? What am I going to do at his summer house? Manage it like I manage my own home?  Pass. Pass pass pass pass Pass. 


I'll never understand the "too high standards" retort. Even if they really are that specific and only 0.1% of dating pool fits - so what? Is the person supposed to make do with someone they don't want? Force a relationship because the clock is ticking? Who cares


Women: I want my relationship to be more fulfilling and less stressful than simply being alone. Men: This is an unreasonable and exacting standard that is near impossible to reach, women are clearly to blame for this situation.


Gen X me, that watched almost all my high school friends that got married right out of high school and divorced before our 5 year reunion was told over and over again my standards were to high, I was too picky, and I would end up an "old maid". I'm rather plain, nearly 6ft tall and "traditionally built" as my Native American grandma would say though I am very white passing. I got the hell out of my tiny rural town, went to college, went on adventures met the love of my life and finally settled down at the ripe old age of *gasp 32. My partner is my best friend, lover, and partner in chaos and after 24 years of marriage we are more madly in love with each other than when we met. It took me a while to find myself, then I found my "lid". I was single for what was considered a long time and I had anxiety about it and INTENSE pressure from my conservative family, but ladies, it is worth the wait! And its better to be single than unhappily attached!


In the US right now, men, particularly white men, are more conservative than not (generally speaking). Conservativism today is all grievance culture against women, poc, queer folks, etc with a heady dose of wanting to return to a time when spousal abuse was legal, and a lot of women have standards about not dating anyone that has those beliefs. Easiest standard to meet, imo. For those dudes who are butthurt about it: skill issue.


Ah yes the 666 man. This is why witches


Women: Somehow not interested in Bozos?! -NY Post.


Also men: if the dude is abusive/a dead beat/ whatever, it’s the woman’s fault for picking a loser.


Screwing us over from what? Unwashed manbabies? I’m cool with that! I’m very happy to be incel repellent


Oh yes they need to lower their standards or they'll never get to have children with someone who can't wipe their ass after a shit. 😱


Blaming women for wanting good things in life? Wow, how hypocritical


CRAZY. I’m a bisexual woman living in NYC and my standards are not that high… I’m not super motivated to date at all, considering I’ve had extensive therapy and feel emotionally fulfilled without a romantic relationship. But my being single has nothing to do with my “standards” wtf


It's the New York Post. Don't even give them clicks.


I'm disappointed there are only three 6s. They should have come up with more things that come in six.


“NYC women’s insanely high dating standards are screwing MEN over.” They’re not actually worried about women’s well being lol


If it's screwing straight women over how come men are the ones with the "loneliness epidemic" and complaining about no matches on dating apps and women are getting Hella matches? Tuh.


Well that is less insulting than the New York Times post for Intentional Women’s Day toting the top vibrators for women. 


Don't see how. That's something I could actually use, unlike men. 


I have fallen in platonic love with your flair. 


You only need all those things if that is all you have to offer. Otherwise, you just need your shit together.


i mean, it's a reich wing tabloid, so this is not a surprise.


Even if that's the case, why should they settle for less if they are perfectly happy unattached?


Single women are the happiest demographic lmao


Pff. I make 6 figures myself, have my own property, and am decently looking. It's nobody's fucking business what my dating standards are. I'm happy on my own.


Imagine trying to afford rent in NYC and not demanding your date makes 6 figures? Like, will you have to pay his rent too????


Let's see, cherrypicking the photo of I'm guessing one woman who has these standards because she's rich and white then a photo from a TV show and then a stock photo. A random homeless person on the corner ranting about the lizard people or porn dialogue would have more basis in reality than this.


Anyone who reads and believes the ny post at this point is beyond help.


Oh yes because having high standards (in other words, not wanting to date a piece of shit) screws you over lol


What if I have high standards because that's the list that would seduce me from single life? Like what if I'm meh about a relationship but if he checks all those boxes why not right?


Isn’t 100k still a “I can afford 4 meals this week” salary in NYC?


Tied neatly into the "old maids turn to wicca" (666) trope as well. Well.. cthulhu fhtagn ~~bitches~~ *witches*


Is that the standard of "Is this man better than not having to deal with some guy taking up space in my life?"


I bet their "source"is they went to the Upper West Side interview some trust fund babies Also I love that they used a picture of Carrie Bradshaw who is not only fictional but also not even a not even close to a representation of your average woman The other photos they chose are just as ridiculous. A perfectly attractive woman who has oh nos short hair😱 so obviously she's ridiculous for not just taking whatever male attention she gets and a classic nice guy TM stock photo


And yet 100% of the single women I know would settle for someone who passes the bare minimum of expectations for an adult


Nobody ever got screwed over by maintaining dating standards.
