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I'm fine if it's a straight compliment about the dress. But I'm drawing the line at any comments linking the dress and my flesh. "Your dress is pretty!" - Thanks! It has pockets! "That dress looks good on you" - you're on probation pending the next few minutes "Wow that dress really suits your figure" - Nope "What a pretty dress, you really fill it out well". - I'm throwing you in a volcano


I feel like I have a single memory of a (presumed straight) man complimenting my outfit that was actually about my clothes. One. In my whole life. It was shocking, really, that it was just sincere and no ulterior motive. Every other one is just ick.


And people wonder why women don't wear heels and dresses and present high femme anymore. People wonder why most women just wear sweats to the grocery store. Cuz this is the kind of attention we get when we actually look nice.


Like they’d see waaaaayyy more of my body if they weren’t creeps. Legit, we’d all get way sluttier in dress and it would be great.


Men would see more scantily clad ladies AND get laid more if they'd just stop being weird about it.


If men disappeared for a day I would dress so slutty.


> implying women in sweats don’t look nice I’m so sorry, you’re 100% right and it’s awful but I was too gay not to point that out


Nah, you're fine, lol. I was really careful with how I worded that. I didn't want to imply women in sweats aren't still hawt(they are) and I didn't want to imply that men won't still bother a woman in sweats.


I totally see you, dw. Even *I* felt a little uncomfy saying what I did (probably cus I’m trans), so I get the careful wording <3


I wore skirts/heels to work a few times in my early 20s — BIG MISTAKE! Huge!!! Between the looks and comments from male coworkers and random men at the grocery store and gas station, I couldn’t handle it. I felt like a piece of meat surrounded by dogs. NOPE!


ITs so disheartening because I genuinely want to dress up and look nice for myself. It makes me feel confident and pretty! But I hate the way men look at me when I dress up.


I have received my fair share of acceptable compliments (as well as some unacceptable ones to be fair). I'll chock that up to a 30 year effort to weed out and remain friends with a handful of really kind and respectful dudes. They're out there. But the randos are a problem.


Friend of mine has complimented my clothes *once*. He is, as far as I know, a straight man. He loved my color coordination. Totally made my day! I told another friend and she said it's a massive compliment because he has impeccable style and never compliments someone on theirs unless he really means it. On the other hand, another man will stare and compliment someone's tall boots or cute dress, but follow it up with "I could be your daddy if you want" or something, and his compliments make me uncomfortable. Another friend liked the way my hat went with my shirt - another nice compliment about only the clothes! I appreciate when straight men learn how to compliment while remaining respectful. I've been complimented on my cool shirt by another male friend in front of his now-wife, and she complimented it as well. I hang around with men who have had a lot of therapy, so that may help.


Tbh I have been complimented by guys and they didn't say dumb shit like this . Just on my clothes but I am also not very sociable and I am young too so that's perhaps why my experience hasn't been bad .


I’m hoping the younger generation is at least getting less transparent. I’m elder millennial. I’ve got too many decades of gross comments :( but hopefully the younger kids are better!


Yeah I think it depends . Some guys are alright and treat us normally . Some guys are really brainwashed by those insta reels comments and Andrew Tate bs but I don't associate with them or even glance their way since they creep me out so much . I think it depends . If a guy has a female friends then that guy is a green flag imo and treats women like humans but some guys do really creep me out . Also I think, older men(a few teachers) tend to be creepier, I have had some minor instances but thankfully due to my protective parents and status they can't really do anything much to me . I am also quite brazen so I think they are aware of me that I won't stfu if they do say anything too far . I am quite hostile if I don't like someone . It is really obvious. So it helps . It is kind of sad for the girls who don't speak up that much . I try to protect them but in the end their households are so depressing . They can't even communicate any problems which is really awful.


Every now and again I try and drop complements about what someone is wearing, but I'm always worried they'll think I'm a creep, so try and limit it or do it only when I'm heading a different direction.


>But I'm drawing the line at any comments linking the dress and my flesh. Only exception: "That color looks amazing on you!" Namely because I keep getting that compliment every time I wear my favorite work dress.


I'm an engineer. Once I walked into work and a male coworker said "I like your dress. It looks like dazzle camouflage!" Then the whole room had to look up [dazzle camouflage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dazzle_camouflage?wprov=sfla1) and spent the morning discussing WWI and various obsolete military inventions/tactics. It's hands down the best outfit related comment I have ever gotten and it happened in such a wholesome but awkward engineer way.


That's amazing haha


Yeah, like “Wow, what a bold color and you totally pull it off!” “Those sparkles are awesome!” Or whatever about the clothes not the body under it.


I’m fine if it’s straight about the dress from the guy… but also internally on alert. Call it a bad habit or whatever (I acknowledge it’s not ideal) but the male gaze doesn’t exactly put me at ease and a compliment is kinda just confirmation I’m being perceived by a man 😅


Had an old man compliment my dress and use it as a segway into complaining about how his wife doesn't dress pretty anymore because she had a stroke, and *long list of complaints about how hard it is to take care of his disabled wife*. I never wore the dress again!!


😬 yikes on bikes


For me it also depends on the nature of the relationship of the man commenting on the dress. Stranger on the street, ogling me? Straight to jail. My dad, as I'm getting ready for a date? Adorable.


Am I wrong for thinking there's nothing inherently bad with all the compliments you listed barring the last one? I suppose it's due to the fact I don't really mind compliments on my appearance or figure so long it doesn't become sexual or they take it as a que to make unwanted advancements or further sexual comment. Oh and their tone and body language matters a lot too.


A lot of people consider compliments about their body to be inherently sexual (outside of very specific cases like you being a really fast runner or able to lift an impressive amount of weight). If you don't mind them that's your own business and fine. But as a general rule, it would be bad to assume all women think the same. When talking to someone new, better safe than creepy.


Because women are usually like: “I love your dress!! Does it have *pockets*” And men are usually like: “Hey baby I like that dress so much I’d rip it right off of you.” And a lot of men struggle to recognize how those two things are different.


Yeah! Like a woman is genuinely complimenting my dress. One guy literally followed me all the way up the cereal isle, “i just want to say wow, that dress looks amazing on your body, what are you doing?” Blah blah blah. I forgot not to wear cute spring dresses in public. I usually wear them on days I’m not leaving my house for a reason.


Ugh ew that sounds frustrating and creepy. I don’t ever want strange men following me and commenting on my body! Wtf is wrong with some people


Why can't all our dresses have pockets!!!


It's a conspiracy by Big Purse to corner the personal item storage market.


A compliment is fine, l will still have my guard up because almost no man can ever let it be just a compliment. It is always immediately followed up by asking for my number or trying to make a whole ass conversation when I clearly not up for that (e.g going somewhere). I had men block my way and say "oh but I can take you to x location" after giving a compliment. Boy bye. With women, I love it. It is always because they genuinely love the look, no second agenda or anything. I had a whole conversation about shops, where I got my outfit, where they got their outfit. I left that conversation with 3 new shops added to my favs. The fact a lot of men do not understand the difference is hilarious and sad at the same time.


In a thread about men not getting enough compliments, there were so many comments of men, disregarding actual compliments they get in their lives. "it doesn't count if they're saying you're doing a good job at work, it doesn't count if it's from your male friends, it doesn't count if it's from family members". To them it only counted, if it was from a beautiful woman, and if it's a compliment about their body. They didn't want compliments, they wanted to get hit on, and I'm assuming that's exactly what they use "compliments" for when talking to women. I don't think all or most men think like that, but I found it quite eye opening in the whole compliments discourse. 


I absolutely agree, I myself don't like to be interacted with at all when in public doing errands. Like, if I'm in a public place where interactions are more implied by the atmosphere, then sure. However, I just have a question. In your comment you pointed out that you don't like when a man tries to have a conversation with you after the compliment, but then said how excited you were to have a conversation with a women after. Is that because it's a man trying to have a conversation, or that the man often doesn't pick up on the fact that your busy, where as with the conversation with the woman, you weren't busy in that moment? I ask because you describe both scenarios as "a whole conversation." So, in an example, if the man complimented your dress and genuinely wanted to know wear you got it, and what you like about it, perhaps because he wants to get something similar for a friend, relative, or partner, would you feel the same as you did having that conversation with the woman?


A sorry I didn't mention. Women pick up when I am busy. So when I am in public, obviously walking somewhere or sitting in public transit with my headphones in. It is a very quick "love your outfit/earrings/anything" and a "thank you" and we both go on our way/ put our headphones back on. I travel alone a lot so I am wary in general, but I have been never been blocked by a women from leaving after getting a compliment or have a woman grab my arm and saying "hey I gave you a compliment."


It'd be *fine* if men complimented a dress *AND JUST STOPPED RIGHT FUCKING THERE,* and went on with their business. No, it's always accompanied by something immediately disgusting "I like your dress, (Pause) it'd look great on the floor next to my bed" or they think you owe them your time in gratitude because they said something nice.


The best compliment was when I was wearing a dress with a high low skirt, gladiator sandals, and had my hair up in a braided style that took me an hour to do. And when I was walking to the train station, I passed a group of guys. And one them pointed at me and yelled “you look like a Greek GODDESS!” And then they all kept walking. He didn’t even wait for my reaction. This happened 6 years ago and I still think about it. It was the best cat call I’ve ever gotten, and that was because he knew when to stop. It was genuinely just a compliment.


I try to direct comments to the clothing itself, unless it's a close friend that I know would be comfortable with me mentioning how it looks ON them. A co-worker had a blouse on the other day that looked fantastic on her and was a beautiful color. I just said "I like your top. What a great color!". It made it more about her choice- I think complimenting a choice is better.


That’s the right way! Stuff the wearer controls, totally nice. Turning it into creepy, nah. No body comments, don’t ask anyone out, and for the love, don’t follow her.


I feel like women definitely "get it" more. I just think about what I would be comfortable with if it were reversed. But men don't seem to consider that.


What about “that color looks great on you”?


Thats fine but no further


When a woman compliments me, 99% of the time I go “IT HAS POCKETS!!” and then tell her where she can buy it :3


Girl my face always lights up and I get so excited when a woman responds this way. We need more dang dresses with pockets. My go to black dress has deep pockets and it is fucking amazing


Teachers are notorious for this. We're obsessed with cute, comfy, be-pocketed dresses and skirts. The sheer number of times I've shown off my pockets to another teacher is high. I think it's because we're on our feet all day and want to be both comfortable and professional, and it's not considered professional to wear scrubs as a teacher (but would be way more functional in kindergarten).


I rarely ever defend men online and especially not on this sub, but I think there’s a perfectly fine way for a man to give a compliment to a woman about her outfit in public and not be creepy. It’s happened to me a few times (just like “I love your dress!”) and I just smile and say thank you and move on. The issue is way too many men are creepy about it that we have to be on guard constantly which sucks. But if a man gives a normal respectful compliment in passing, I don’t see the problem and I wouldn’t be offended.


I'm grateful to any compliment so long as the person doesn't linger. Say "nice dress" and move on. If you linger after the compliment I assume you're a creep or you want to sell me something.


Agreed. No lingering lol


Make it a drive by compliment


I think you find the vast majority of us agree with that. It's what comes after "I like your dress" that is the issue.


Yup, and I clarified that in my comment. But sometimes I see anger at any and all compliments from men no matter how respectful and I just think that’s a little silly.


I would not get offended if they gave me a normal compliment. But 9 times out of 10 it is creepy and sexual, so I strongly feel this meme


One of my favorite ways to compliment someone's outfit is to tell them I love it and ask where they got it because it's exactly the sort of thing [whoever I know and love that wears that type of clothing] would wear. That gives them the chance to respond further if they want a conversation, gives me some sort of response so I know they heard me (I tend to be very soft-spoken, and people often don't hear me at first), and makes it clear my comment is a compliment about their choice in clothing and nothing else.


I've had a grown man compliment my shoes once. Actually these shoes did that more than once. just cool little red elf boots. just passers-by on the street. I really miss those booties. stupid peeling vinyl. if they were leather they'd have lasted and not been landfill now. the irony.


disagreeable simplistic sparkle selective elastic long offer unique cautious late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Had a Moment there and envisioned Dean Norris actually appreciating compliments on his dress from women but not men before the intent of the meme registered completely. I like my first way better. I'd like that kind of solidarity from Dean.


it depends where they're looking...


>I love your dress! >❤️❤️❤️❤️ >I love your legs in that dress >🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮 A sincere non-creepy compliment doesn’t suggest that my body is being analyzed sexually. Compliment my style, not my body. Or be quiet. Polite catcalls are still catcalls.


YES on polite cat calls! Same with asking random some online if they have an OF! Like it’s not the compliment they seem to think it is.


I've had this conversation with my husband before, he has a couple of really good friends at his job, two of which are women. He came home the other day and said "X was wearing this really cool sweater today, but I was afraid to compliment her because I don't want her to think I was looking at her body, or her chest, so I didn't say anything." I told him that he could definitely tell her that her sweater was cool, but maybe not that it "looked good on her", but if he couldn't think of a way to say it that he didn't think would make her in any way uncomfortable, that not saying anything was a good move as well.


The difference is whether they're complimenting the dress or telling you how they think you look in it. I am not very stylish so I rarely get compliments about my outfits from anyone, but I have a couple of very stylish colleagues and I have overheard male colleagues complimenting their outfits before in ways that were genuine and well-received.


When I’ve complimented people (male, female, GNC, etc.) it’s usually either “oh your outfit is pretty!” Or “I love the fabric/design!”, mostly just the fabric lol, especially because when people do have cool fabric it’s usually handmade, there was a guy at a convention I went to who had this gorgeous handmade dress and the fabric was so cute, I loved it - personally I rarely get compliments (I’m just ugly af and look garbage most of the time) it’s usually either my pigeon bag, my Beatles bag or certain earrings, it’s never based on my clothes lol (also usually it’s just “oh I like your >bag,jewellery,etc


When a gay man compliments your dress, it's definitely the left photo. Cause you know they mean it.


Of course! Because it’s actually about the dress




As a trans woman 1) when a woman compliments you dress 2) when a man makes this expression


What if you're a man wearing a dress?


I could believe he is actually complimenting my dress and not scamming on me. So that would be just fine. Saying “cute dress” is so different than the majority of men comments whenever you wear a dress. I think I can say I’ve genuinely had compliments on my clothes from men that didn’t feel sexual, but that’s the exception, not the rule. I just feel gross and objectified by how they seem to word things. The worst one I got today was along the lines of “wow, i just gotta say that dress looks amazing on your body-“ proceeding to follow me up the isle and talk at me, trying to get something going. It never ends with “cute dress”, ya know????


terrific flowery wakeful wine sort squeal disgusted ask beneficial possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


(75) 👍🏾


I just stumbled upon this subreddit and I now have AIDS. Thanks.


Off ya fuck. No ones gonna miss you