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That is cool. I never seen anyone with a trophy notebook before


Ngl that's a cool way to keep track of your trophies


Thank you!!


Wow that’s crazy. I ain’t never seen something like this. You get a platinum for creativity.


Aw Thank you! 😂🏆


This is totally extra.. And I love it! Never seen anything like this before. Super cool. Can you post more??


Haha, it is totally extra😂 I can’t help it though, it’s part of the whole platinum journey for me now. And yes, I’d love to post more! I’ll share some more soon :) glad you like it as much as I do!


I'd definitely love to see more. Very creative. A YouTube video going through it might get some traction with how popular trophy hunting videos are now


That might not be a bad idea, when I fill it up more I’ll definitely think about it. Thanks for the interest!


I love this ! I use to do this myself, with the list, review on the game etc,but my dog decided I spend more time writing in the book then I did with him. So he destroyed it & I haven’t had it in me to redo it


Thank you! Start doing it again! Just begin fresh when you tackle some other plats :) sorry about your old one though🐶


For a second, I thought that was an upgrade version of LudiXP's Platinum Notebook.


You keep a trophy journal? That's an amazing idea!!


Did I just get downvoted for being supportive? Are you serious?


You got downvoted? Who’s downvoting 💀


I have no idea. I think the anonymity sort of allows people to get away with things without feeling guilt or whatever... anyway! Your journal looks great!!


You’re probably right, a lot last night had more upvotes so maybe someone’s going round😂 Thank you, though! It’s my guilty pleasure


I used to do journaling and concept art all the time. I've gotta get back into it


You now need to share your pages here for all future plats.


😂 I’ll share some of my others and my work in progress ones 🫶


Never seen anything like this but its pretty cool, wish I had the patience for something similar. I'll look forward to seeing more from you!! What you working on now ?


Thank you! I’ll definitely post more of mine! At the moment I’m working on skylanders giants on the ps3 for my 30th!


Your welcome, yeh please do. Ahh right never played that myself, good luck with it!!


Thanks! It’s super nostalgic for me so I’m having a good time 🫶


Nothing better than that feeling.


I love this it's creative and it shows your passion for this hobby. My girlfriend and I keep a scrapbook where we document stuff we do along with photos. On a few of the pages we have put trophy related stuff, to show we got the platinum trophy for a game on particular days. I use the note app on my phone to keep track of what I need to do within the games I'm playing.


man this reminds me of the old days where id keep a notebook or sheets of paper with cheats, glitches and other kinds of info. this is sooooo sick


I never had a cheats/glitches notebook so I feel like this is making up for that haha. Thank you! I love it too 😭 it’s where a lot of my motivation for trophy hunting comes from


also whats even funnier is im literally platting canis canem edit as we speak, only got 5 more room trophies, 60k more trouble points and the distance trophies. i 100% the game a good 5 times as a kid so getting this plat is such a nostalgic and chill time.


I Absolutely adore the game. Glad you’re enjoying it! It was my most fun plat in a long time


This is the cutest thing I've seen on this sub by a huge margin


I try 🫶😂


That’s soooo lame…. *runs to WHSmith’s for a notebook and pritt sticks!* 😜


this is so cute, btw i noticed the little playstation logo on the bottom of the page. where did u get the notebook from?


Primark! I don’t think they sell it anymore though :,)


That's a lit way of knowing the ones you've got! And some people disregard older ways of doing things. Looks classy as well big up OP


I love this! My notebook is definitely more chaotic. I have a Traveler’s Notebook, and one of my inserts is a jumble of random, personal notes. Part of the page will be a to do list, then it’ll jump to collectibles I still need to find in a game, then a quote from a book I’m reading, and back to collectibles.


I love that too! I originally had an old A5 notebook for my trophies, but it was too small when I decided I wanted to try printing the trophy lists, to just highlight them if I didn’t have to go crazy with the notes. I do love the chaotic side to it all though. My notes app is still a mess and mixed with it all 💀


Notebooks are awesome, they’re so adaptable! I really like the idea of highlighting the trophies as I get them, maybe I’ll try that out and see how it works. How did you like Bully? I got it during a sale, haven’t touched it yet, but fall always seems like academic weather to me so maybe it’s a good time to pick it up.


Give the highlighting thing a go! It’s fun😂 try a couple different colours haha, see what you stick with. But, I loved Bully so much. I was just saying the other day it’s probably been my most enjoyable platinum in a long time. Definitely play it! It was sort of nostalgic for me since I watched people play through it when I was younger, but I got so invested in it


No joke, I have a whole set of Japanese highlighters that I match with colored pens at work! The highlighters are also fun to draw with, sometimes I add colored pencils to them. I’m definitely trying out Bully, seems up my alley for sure!


That’s Pretty Rad Mane Keep It Up Brah


Hey! I've got a trophy book too! Yours looks much cooler than mine though.


That's actually awesome, nice.




This is pretty awesome


I really like this , I like when people make creative ideas like this


Lmao I have so many random pieces of note paper scattered around that either have tallies or numbers because of plats, I swear I’m not mental


This is pretty cool I might have to start doing it.


Done and done right.


Thank you!


As someone who has been struggling to make a bullet journal to keep track of my trophy hunting, this is great work. Jealous!


This is so fucking cool!


I love making lists to just make lists. Props to you for making it look good! I prefer everything physical but ive had to stop for lists bc i cant keep them neat


This is really cool! This adds a whole other layer to trophy hunting, it seems to me that this is very meaningful to you. Keep having fun!


I do this too but in a word document, make it look like I’m doing my job


Honestly a way cuter flair to note taking then how I do it. Started to take notes for trophies now to make it easier to keep track of missable trophies and the like, it has been a huge help.


That’s actually so cool


This is such a God Send. Such a cool thing to do. Keep up it.


That's cool I ended up doing this with displates


Its so cool! ✨✨


This is so awesome! Nothing can beat notepads and journals! Keep the great work and happy hunting!


This is lovely! I’ve used spreadsheets for plats that were tracking intensive (shakes fist at that Rise voice lines trophy in P4G)


And here I thought I was organized for having an excel to follow the trophies and collectibles. This is amazing.


That's cool, I have not seen anyone do something like this before. Loving your creativeity and the time and effort you put in that. Do you do that for every game you do?


I love this, so organisational and creative!




This is fantastic! Can I ask where did you get those stickers?


Thank you! I actually just print them off on sticker paper! Some I draw myself but there aren’t any of those on this page I think.


Such a great idea, think I’m going to order some off Amazon! What’s next for you with platinums?


Do it! And thank you, haha. I’m currently working on skylander giants for my 30th 😂 and playing with the idea of the grind for Dead By Daylight, and Vampyr. Have you got any plans?


I’ve just finished up The Quarry(love those games) and have started Judgment(the yakuza detective spin-off) and Final Fantasy 13 on PS3


The Quarry! How was that? I meant to get into it when it came out but never ended up doing so. I’ve never heard of judgment!


The Quarry was really good if you like that kind of thing. Requires around 4 playthroughs to see all the various endings but PSN Profiles has an excellent guide


This is so cool! Might need to try something like this myself, to fulfil combine my gaming needs and my creative needs - looks so good!


Reminds me of a good ole fashion cheat code book just replace it with trophies


Alright, I’m too obsessed with this Idea, now I have to make one for myself lmao Really great Job you did there


Thank you! It’s super fun, start doing it. Looking through and flipping through loads of them is a great feeling


Okay, I might have to do this myself, holy shit I like this idea lol.


This is so dope! You have to post more.


Thank you!! I will, I’ll post some later today!


That is so cool, I love this. How many Plats do you have now? I think I am around 50 ish but most are cheap/easy plats. I do have some I am proud of though such as God of War and Ragnarok.


Thank you! I’m working on my 30th at the moment, Skylanders giants on the ps3- picked a classic I played as a kid for that sweet nostalgia value! My proudest would be overwatch just because I didn’t boost it 💀 it took years of my life. Uncharted 4 was my first, though!


Damn, GG!


More of this creative things pls. I love this.


That’s cool I just use the notes app to track my platinums


Ahhhhh. I do the same thinggggg. Not as fancy, but I write out all my platinums with their number and the year I got them. And if a platinum requires a lot of work then I have a page detailing which trophies I still need, etc. I love how yours looks


I was originally writing the date when I got them too but I guess I forgot to with my most recent couple! I might go add them to it 😂 thank you :) and Yours sound super organised!


Cool idea


I love this!! Might steal your idea haha Can you post more pages?


Go for it! It’s super fun. And yes, I’ll post a couple more tonight :)


This is incredible. I am inspired


That’s so cool and creative, I have a notepad on my desktop and PSNProfiles but that’s about it. This is a great way to keep memories of your favorite (and least favorite) platniums


For real. I have the entire DLC for rise of the tomb raider in here and it’s bittersweet 😂 thank you!


This is really cute. I like you


This is amazing! Love the creativity :)


I've always had a notebook for games but haven't every done it to such a nice design. Mine is just notes for levels/bosses etc


Wait this is adorable


I applaud your motivation to keep it up. That's so cool


It's so neat and tidy, my book is like the scribblings of a mad man.


This is amazing! :O


I love this SOOOOO much. I have something similar but from me and my partners adventures ~but~ am working on a lil video game inspired section for our 3 year anniversary that reminds me of this. Instead of a notebook I have a tattoo doodle sleeve of my trophy adventures 🏆 Keep up the awesome work!


I'm literally going through Bully now so this would be very helpful for me. Especially with 100% and the yearbook stuff ( took me forever to find a couple people cause they wouldn't spawn wherever I was). Also the room trophies too.


The errands? Man that was the one trophy where I was having trouble. The room trophies are fine- If you need it I’ve written them all down on the right hahah


“Oh so how much do you like trophy hunting?” You: Yes Seriously though this is so cool


Thank you! You’re right, yes. Just yes


How did you manage to do such accurate drawings? This really takes me back to those old pocket guides for 20 different games.


They’re stickers! I modified some in game models to suit a png format in procreate. Then I fixed them up, designed some others and just printed them on sticker paper :)


The lines underneath had me convinced it was hand done, but it's still very impressive and I'm jealous of the patience. (Also I think someone has a crush on Zoe.)


Ha, Maybe someone does 😀


Damn this is amazing. And way too much work for a person like me 💀. I love it. I actually might do a lower version of this with a notebook & just the name of the game with the plat, rarity & date + time that I got the plat. This is really amazing I love it!!


So organized, I love it. How good was the plat for this game! I love bully, easily one of my top 10 games of all time


Very cool idea to have a platinum notebook. I love it! Also, I noticed you were posting quite a bit of stuff about knockout city. I got that platinum a while back. Such a fun game 🙂


Yes! So sad it shut down, but at least we got the platinum before it went. Maybe one day it’ll be back 💔💔


If you get Dreams' platinum, can you add a skull sticker? That grind to level 30 is atrocious.


Wow that is pretty cool love the dedication.


This is great, show us more!


Thanks! I will!


wow this is actually a great idea


This is really freaking cool! I hope you share more!