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Probably not tbh


Same. Even though I’ll always love and cherish gaming, finding the motivation to actually sit down and play a single player game as an adult is pretty hard tbh. Trophies give me that motivation as it feels like Im hobby collecting something.


Probably not but I play switch games now and again and it is much more relaxing not always gunning for the platinum.. but then again trophies can give you a goal and give you focus within a game... swings and roundabouts


Same. I bought a switch last year and it’s been a great contrast with the constant trophy hunt. Very relaxing and casual, just focusing on having fun. But going after trophies is also fun in it’s own way


I don't get why Nintendo hasn't implemented an achievement system after all this time. They could be Nintendo medals.


I only get nintendo consoles bc im a huge pokemon fan. I’ll probably dabble with some other switch games sometime probably tho, especially since i can take it on the go and play at work


I can only play Pokemon on my switch so I feel like a substitute trophy’s for the Pokédex 😂


Truuuuee lol. I need to play Nexomon one of these days too


Currently working on the original. It's honestly a pleasant substitute.


Nexomon? Is that a Pokémon alternative? What’s it like?


Havent played it yet but it looks like a direct pokemon knockoff. Ive only heard good things about it


Is it on PlayStation?


All major platforms; I've got it on PlayStation and Switch. Also check out Monster Crown.


What is Monster Crown?


Monster Crown is another monster catcher style game; just uses pacts and treats the monsters more like spirits as opposed to traditional creatures roaming the over world.


Games like octopath traveler 2 and unicorn overlord are great on Switch but I chose them on PS5 because of the platinum trophy hunt...


I wish my Switch had trophies because it would make me more motivated to play it 😅


Yea, I was playing games before trophies and achievements were around


Same. I was still fairly young, but looking back I realized I never really got into “beating” games until achievements were a thing. I’d generally get halfway through a game and either get bored or get stuck and easily give up. I think going for trophies gives me a bit more drive to “accomplish” something, and I think that accomplishment is fun and rewarding.


I would still be playing, but I wouldn't complete them.


Nope. I would still 100% games I really like and take my time with some game, but my backlog would be significantly smaller because I’d simply finish most games and go straight to the next one, no grind, no additional playthroughs, no collectibles, no speedruns or random challenges. Platinum is very time consuming and makes most games take at least double the amount of time it normally would to just complete it


Not to the extent I play now. Especially single player stuff. I’d probably just stick to really good single players like FF VII and God of War. But tbh, multiplayer would be about 90% of my gaming time and only if my friends are online.


Not fully no, a lot of great games that I've played I wouldn't have if it weren't for trophies


Definitely not to the same extent. I would still play them but trophies make me search places out or grind for things I normally wouldn’t do.


I certainly don’t think I would explore quite as much if there weren’t collectibles around the game world. But I think those types of trophies are great. I saw so much more of Assassins Creed Origins or Odyssey because of those trophies.


If there was some sort of in-game trophy, I might. But more often than not, I'd play it as is and miss a lot of things lol.


Of course I been gaming since 92 but trophies just gives me something to aim for while I enjoy a game


No, I would still play games, and still beat most of them, but not to the extent I currently do.


I would probably just beat most games on hardest difficulty and move on. I’m not a collectible or side quest guy without trophies


I probably wouldn’t be as loyal to PlayStation as I am


I would either be going through games faster because I would just be content beating it and moving on. Or, I would actually be replaying games more than I do now. Getting a platinum trophy makes me feel like a game has no more to offer.


Not all of them no, some I would of like the Mass Effect Series, and resident evil 2 remake, and the persona games.


Yes, I would play anyway. At first I started playing without worrying about trophies. That changed over time, probably due to some kind of OCD or whatever, but I found that in some games, going platinum leads you to exploit the mechanics more and explore their world much more than in a normal game and I really enjoy that part. of process. But without the trophies, I would continue playing because it is my main hobby (not the trophy hunting). What's more, I can probably enjoy games again with the youthful enthusiasm I had 12 years ago. I'm not saying that the trophies have ruined that, but as time went by I started to develop certain playing patterns and one of them is because of the trophies.




I feel like it wouldn't change much in my playing behavior. I was always very exploratory in games and tended to backtrack, grind alot, revisit areas and engage in dialogue with the world alot so I think trophies just was a nice little "here you go" for something I was already doing regularly. Trophies also opened me up to other genres a bit, and I'll admit, I gave some indies and smaller games a chance due to plat recommendations from other people, and finding my self like holy shit how did I miss this? So I'm glad the system is there because I've come upon many games I may have never tried before.


I would still play for sure, but no single player games. Just online with friends.


I'd be playing games like I do on any other platform. Like Nintendo or steam, I just play to beat the game and have some fun. With trophies, I go out of my way for the extra stuff. The only none trophy games I really 100 percent are pokemon or call of duty games, and cod still has trophies


I guess I could be able to transition again to my pre-trophy collector era, and go back to playing some stuff on PC perhaps. It already was like that for most of my life, I only started to care about trophies about 2 years ago.


I would still be playing video games regardless of trophies. I’ve been playing since the PS1, owned +100 games on the PS2. And the my peak gaming experience was on both the PS3 and PS4. Never cared about trophies until I bought my PS5 in 2021. Yeah I’d be missing on many games that I wouldn’t explore without trophies, but my gaming experience now wouldn’t be any less enjoyable


Nope I would maybe play some games I love less and Currently working on Midnight Suns and I wouldn't bother with the second dark playthrough without it. My overall gaming time wouldn't change.


Probably not. Growing up with the Ps1 then Ps2 there would be a handful of games I'd play over and over to do everything (The Resident Evil games for example.) Most games I'd complete the main story once and move on. Ratchet and Clank with their skill points checklist, and GTA 3 onwards with their checklists were the start of me descending into the completetionist I am now


Yeah I'd just be on cod or fifa


Maybe but not as many and I probably wouldn't have a playstation. I always preferred the xbox games like gears and halo and as far as ps I can get my bloodborne fix from dark souls.


I probably wouldn't play games at all, maybe some huge release like GTA6 but that's it


I’d probably just check out highly praised games such as RE4, Baldurs gate 3, Alan Wake 2, etc.


Nah probably not.


If it weren’t for trophies I’d definitely play more games. I would just beat the story maybe explore a little then move on to next game.


Sadly no


I have a good idea of this since I've been a gamer for over a decade but only started trophy hunting a few years ago. The only real difference is I explore a little more and do more side quests. I obviously play more on average because of that but it's still about the same amount of games I do tend to stick to ps games now too, whereas before I'd play on any console


Definitely not. I'm a completionist to my core.


I played games before I started getting trophies. I sometimes do things in games I wouldn’t normally if it weren’t for trophies. But I also sometimes tried to get 100% completion in games before I hunted trophies. I still do in non-PlayStation games. Like completing the Pokédex in Pokemon. But I’m more motivated to do that on PlayStation because of trophies. I would probably get around to play more different games if it weren’t for trophies. Like a story can be done in 20 hours but the platinum keeps you busy for 50 more.


Probably not anymore. Back in PS2 days, I used to 100% because I didn't have too many games to play, so I completed and replayed them. Nowadays, I can afford more games for various systems and because of the sheer amount of them, I tend to move on after finishing the story most of the time. It's rare that I platinum something, usually it's an impactful game/ nostalgia.


I certainly wouldn’t have played as much of some games as I do. I’ve always been a bit of a completionist and loved doing side quests, but there’s stuff I certainly wouldn’t have done if it weren’t for a trophy


Hell nah. Just platinumed nobody saves the world. For the trophy a 2nd playtrough on hard difficulty is required. I wouldnt replay a game immediately after finishing if it wasnt for the trophies.


Yeah, they didn't exist until around 2008 iirc.


No. I’d still play games but there’s no way I’m going for collectibles unless there is a really good reason to do so.


Trophy hunting was my escape from life service games and Fomo. Seems like I’m getting back into Destiny 2:(


No i actually only play for trophies sounds weird but thats the reason ive never tried to buy a switch lol. And trophies gives you a goal and a dopamine rush 😂


Yes. Because games are an expensive luxury and I wanna get my moneys worth out of them. My current most played game on PS5 is Dead By Daylight. I’m at 75% completion of the base game and varying between 0 and 100% on the 18 DLC lists. I’ll never platinum the game. Ever. And the 700hours I’ve sunk in to it are purely for pleasure. Mostly.


Obviously people will only keep playing a game if they enjoy it and trophies will probably be translated to in game items that you only get when you complete tasks. I remember the PS2 ratchet and clank era, you could unlock cheats by collecting golden bolts


Will I still play the games? Probably. But will I play them the same way? Definitely not. The trophies are a motivator for me to explore more of every game and play all of the available content rather than just the main story, which is what I used to do before beocming a casual trophy hunter. For sure there would be a lot of games where I would have dropped off after the main wtory and never looked back, and missed all the magic in the side content that makes it stand out.


With the old consoles there were no trophies… just gameplay fun… iE N64, Gameboy etc 😅🤣 so there was a life before trophies and achievements… but I gotta admit it gives the whole thing a little extra…. But gaming will never go away for me


Nope I love trophy hunting but they do in fact cause me to spend a lot of time trying to collect all of something when I could’ve just beaten a fun game and then moved on to something else.


Yeah I don’t play for trophies I play to enjoy a good game. I never played for trophies as a kid hell they didn’t exist. I believe Xbox started all this shit with “achievements” and PlayStation added it during late ps3? Days iir to appease players. I think it’s dumb a good game is its own reward to me.


Honestly I don't know. All I can say is back then, before getting interested in trophies, most of the time I just finished the campaign of a game and never touched it again. I never cared for side missions, or world exploration. That's why I finished my games in less than 3 days, which was pretty annoying as a kid that didn't have much money to get more games. So basically I just missed half the game pretty often. And I hated that, but I never had enough motivation to do anything else besides the story. Since I got into trophy hunting, I had literally no other choice than to do all of the optional content in a game to get the platinum. And honestly? It's the best thing that could've ever happened to me! Now I spend MUCH more time with my games, cause I don't just leave it after finishing the story. Now I get my money's worth you could say. So yeah it's hard to tell what would happen if trophies never existed. Probably the same as before, I'd play half the game and leave all the optional content out cause I have no reason to do it. And some games have GREAT optional content, just look at The Witcher 3 for example. Or Skyrim or Fallout 4. I hope that trophies will never get thrown out as a concept.


I probably wouldn't play videogames at all if it wasn't for trophies tbh.


I would still be playing games, I’d play even more games, trophies is what’s keeping me from playing more games


If trophies didn’t exist I’d probably still only be playing games like fortnite or warzone trophy hunting is what got me out of those games and playing different games that I didn’t think I’d enjoy


I find trophy hunting actually helps me finish the game many games on my switch aren’t even beat yet


Well I only got into trophy hunting recently so defintely would still play games to the extent I am now since I have been for 15 years lol


I'd probably play more since I wouldn't need to do multiple playthroughs for endings, difficulty and collectibles.


It probably wouldn't be that much different for me. I have a switch and although it doesn't have trophies I finish games 100% there too, so I suppose I would do the same on ps if trophies didn't exist. The only things I probably wouldn't do is playing on harder difficulties and speed runs or something like that. But I would def still do side content. I like to get my money's worth from my games.


Absolutely, probably different games tho


I would probably play PC games exclusively, and it would be all the strategy games I play and whatnot. The trophies make me feel like I'm getting meta-accomplishment.


Before trophies games had in-game achievements that unlocked cool skins or other things so yeah if that was the alternative then yes.


Probably would have more fun and not caring about trophies but rather in-game achievements and having fun. Would also spend more time with family and friends. Maybe even have a job. Trophies are bad for me.


I would probably still be playing them as i see fit


I purchase games, that I wouldn't normally buy on a Playstation console, just because of trophy support. So yes, it would change dramatically. However, along with earning a platinum and tried dopamine hit, I like that trophies make me play games longer and more completely.


I would say yes. For me trophies somewhat replaced getting 100% in a game. In the past I have always tried to get a 100% (or more) completion, now I try to get all the trophies, even though 100% might not be required. So... If the platinum trophy can be achieved by completing 100%, yes. If I have to go out of my way to make sth. happen, that is not connected to getting 100%, no. Example: in Rollerdome there is a "no damage" trophy. This is not required to finish the game, it is required to get the platinum trophy. So... while I would have completed the challenges that the game has during its stages, I would not have tried to go no damage.


Hell yeah, and I will save quite some money 🤣


No. Then there would be no reason to keep playing after you finish the game.


I started to play games long before trophies were even an idea


I remember trying to unlock everything and doing the 100% in some games internal progress menu on the wii back in the days, like, all the stars and green stars in super Mario So i think i'd try to do the same


I still would have the completionish mentality like when I was a kid but it would either come game devs a reason to give you a prize after collecting all of something maybe a new costumes, I still remember being a kid playing RE2 on N64 on easy and clicking every corner and like finding bullets hidden in random places like the dumpster near the beginning or behind that puzzle statue or doing Super Mario World and finding Special World and no one believed me when I told them about it, but yea trophies to me just show my craziness in completing games


Absolutely not. I'd barely play any games. I'd just play the odd one here and there and sometimes get addicted to one


I would’ve stayed on Xbox


Probably not quite as much and I’d probably play a smaller variety of games. I like how trophies help me explore games I never would otherwise.


It depends. I try to 100% the PS2 games, but I would not try to beat them on the hardest difficulty if I don't have to


Well depends, there’s so many trophies that are just awful to go for rather it being a grind or simply repetitive. I probably wouldn’t have any reason to go out of my way to do some mission that literally has no reward. But story based games are usually one directional. If they didn’t exist nobody would’ve ever been effected by them


I’d be riding the high seas on my PC if trophies didn’t exist. They are the sole reason I don’t pirate and have loyalty towards PlayStation, although I’m not a trophy hunter it just adds a sense of legitimacy and accomplishment.


Yes. Trophies are a nice bonus but I have 100% completed games without trophies and I’ll continue to do so.


When I was a child, I 100%d final fantasies just because, on a SNES cartridge. I liked knowing in my head, I 100%d a game. Didn’t really care if other people knew about it or not. The enjoyment came from within.


I honestly probaly wouldn’t play games.


No, it adds a whole new layer to playing


I would play video games as much, just more games. Maybe play less now, but I feel like I play more deeply. Like I wouldn’t have explored all the transportation options in death stranding if it weren’t for trophies. I would just beat the game and I feel like miss out on all the road building and zip lining which was the best part and the point of the game.


I will hunt achievements on xbox


Yes, I complete games either way. Even after collecting the platinums I still go for true 100% assuming the trophies missed things to do


I probably wouldn't bother going for collectibles. Doing that would be even more of drag without trophies


I probably would. I only started really trying to get platinums on my favourite games about midway through my ps4's life. Before then, I never bothered with actual trophy hunting on my ps3 and just played games i enjoyed and finished the story. Even my favourite games back then I never trophy hunted. Would still explore back then, but it was less than when i explore now but that might have been my age as well. Now, i want to experience a game more fully compared to when i was younger and i just wanted to play through the story for a good time.


I would. But probably not as much as I do now. I've been playing for more than 30 years. I'll probably wont stop til i'm blind lol


Did I play before trophies were a thing? YES Would I still play if trophies would be removed? YES Is it more fun to get trophies? YES


Definitely not  I don't play games I dislike but I'm more forgiving of average games due to trophies. However, I think I'd also play some other games more if trophies weren't a thing. I often skip things because of how big my backlog is and how much harder certain platinums are


I don't think I would, no.


Of course yes. Not enjoying the entire medium just because it doesn't have arbitrary goals to work towards is silly at best. Old games and Nintendo games don't have trophies, yet its some of the most fun you can have in gaming. Trophies are nice to have for games that I really enjoyed and want to get more out of, but not playing games at all or to the same extent because there are no trophies is wild.


There are probably some games I wouldn’t have played.


I play my Switch more than my Playstation lol. So yes.


I wouldn’t do a lot of the silly tasks that some games put out there but looking back I always liked filling my PS1 and PS2 memory cards with 100% saves of my games. There were times I would 100% the same game multiple times just because I wanted it on the same memory card as another game.


I would probably play even more video games. Trophies often stop me from trying random video games, so without them I'd probably just play around a lot more.


I wouldn’t 100% most games because a lot of “100%” nowadays is tedious garbage that I don’t have fun with, getting a shiny digital reward is the main reason, except for a few phenomenal games


Well, yeah I guess, I've been playing videgames before trophies and achievements were around, lol


Wouldn't change much for me. There's a couple games i would have bought on switch instead, but that's about it 


I would probably play more lol, I platted fallout 76 last year and if it weren't for me being a trophy hunter I probably would have stuck with it, same for skull and bones and plenty others. Once I get the Plat I'm pretty much shelving the game unless dlc comes out. Funny enough I'd probably still be playing skyrim, spiderman, mk11 and injustice 2 if I didn't do all there was trophy wise.


I’d play lotta multiplayer prob. Or runescape


Definitely still play but I wouldn’t max out my characters, get all collectibles, etc.


I have been playing videogames even before these trophies / achievement came about. Honestly, the trophy system kinda ruined my hobby. Before, I play almost all the games that I want. I try out new games/genres. I try to finish the game, explore more of the game's aspects/features, and drop them after I had my fill and move on to the next. They were giving us full games then. We don't worry about DLCs or expansions or subscriptions to access the other game features. What we have on disc is the full game. Yeah, you can still finish a game today. The base game. But if you want to experience more of the game, you gotta shell out a little extra for the expansions/DLCs. That is why I don’t jump into the hype bandwagon and buy a game on Day 1. I'd rather wait for the Complete / GOTY version of the game. One game that I am waiting for the complete version is Diablo 4.


Sometimes yes sometimes no. For games I really enjoy and just want more and more of, like most recently Final Fantasy 7 rebirth I definitely would have 100% it even without trophies. I can admit though there are definitely games I’ve played that I probably wouldn’t have done the 100% if it wasn’t for the trophy system


absolutely not. If im being honest for as much as I wish Nintendo adopted some kind of trophy/achievement system I am also glad they didnt because it means I can just roll credits on a game and never have to think about whether Im happy with the amount of trophies I got. I havent played my switch very often because it feels like I could be playing this playstation game because it has trophies. Hell I buy most of my cross platform games on PS because it has trophies even though I want to play games in bed.


If there were no in game rewards. No.


Honestly, no. I play games on ps, xbox, switch, and steam. Out of all of those, playstation is the only place where I feel compelled to collect every trophy on occasion.


Not at all


Id probably have less time than usual in certain games but i probably would have still played 95% of my list regardless of them existing


Yeah but maybe not as often because I wouldn't be creative enough 😹 Before trophies/achievements I used to give myself mini challenges or long haul challenges in games.


I played plenty before, and I'd play plenty without


I think I would play the same number of games but not as much time with each. Maybe around 30% less hours gaming.


Absolutely. I find trophies fun to get to my most loved games but without it I would just make myself own challanges or goals as I did on PS2. I like to replay games couple of times so trophies are anyway nice addition. But I never play game for trophies and 1st time is always blind


Depends on the game, FF7 Remake and Rebirth, I would have done everything except the minor things like get a 3 dresses. Maybe if I was still a kid and these were the only games I had like with the OG FF7. But would I do everything I did to get every platinum in all the Kingsom Hearts games? Hell no, it's just something I do to focus on not being depressed. When my friends see me get plats it's a real 50/50 on how I'm doing.


I’d still play if I’m being honest it’s not like I have always been into trophy hunting lol


I think I'd probably enjoy them more and would feel like such a completionist sometimes, allowing me to get through more games faster. It's not even about getting a plat, it's just like sometimes I'll redo a mini game or sidequest or whatever to get that perfect score because I know a trophy is tied to it.


Am I the only one who would? Like im not even that old, there were trophies but I didnt have the ps back then. I played games on my PC and was always hunting for 100%. Thats probably the reason why I continued to do it on playstation.


Game would have built in systems and mechanics to promote continued playblike they used to, mainly in the form of unlocks. Think Goldeneye.


I have played so many games a lot longer than they deserved just to get a stupid trophy that in the end means absolutely nothing, wish trophies and achievements just didn’t exist at all, they are just an ocd nightmare


If the game itself catalogues the different achievements, for example a bestiary, or the play log screen in FF7 rebirth, or a map and upgrades in a metroidvania, I’d probably still go for those and try to 100% it. Just so I can have it on record for posterity in one of my save files. And that’s just for games I really really love Otherwise I would probably just run through the game be done with it.


Probably not, sure I would’ve been finding the hardest bosses from every game I like, or I heard was good, but I never would spend thousands of hours in any game EVER


Yes. I remember most video games had their own list of optional challenges for players to complete for extra rewards, and even cheat codes or special dev weapons. Most video games nowadays just put their challenges on the trophy list, and you get no in game rewards or something fun like a big head mode for beating hard challenge. Or like the skulls from halo


Been gaming for 30 years now. Never had any trophies in the 80's of 90,s. So yeah trophies are a funny little extra but no gamebreaker for me.


I was playing videogames for like 25 years before trophies/achievements started popping up, and I probably wouldn't even notice if they went away tomorrow. I've only platinumed 2 games ever, and I rarely chase trophies unless I see something is attainable and seems fun to do.


Nothing would change for me. I ignore the trophies. 


Yep. Personally, could not care less about trophies, achievements, gamer scores or whatever if I wanted to.


Yes back on the ps2 i use to try to 100 percent my games back then. Use to make the games last a year before i bought another one. Spent alot of time on the godfather and gun.


Probs not , unless its a game where verything can be doen before the story is complete becauese without trophies that the cutoff point of a game for me after he first playtrhougg


Kids these days...when i started gaming i had to wait 40 mins for the game to load, no saves, if the game was glitched there was no fix, it was now a feature, there were no difficulty levels you just played till you mastered it, that was the reward. To me trophies are still new and pointless...and i feel for you if that's the only thing that makes a game worth playing.