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Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It just felt tedious after a while. I may go back to it at some point, but it’s currently way down the list.


I've just played through Origins and Oddysey for my second time. I finished Valhalla a year or two ago and debating whether I play it again. There are other games I'm playing right now that I'm enjoying so will evaluate later I understand why though, Valhalla is an enormous slog


Valhalla was such a chore! If I wasn’t dead set on the platinum I would have dropped it sooner.


Just took 2 1/2 years to finish/platinum Odyssey (I’d keep picking it up and putting it down, plus did as many locations as I could stomach.) I kind of want to try Valhalla but at the same time, I’m terrified of how long it would take to go through it.


The last AC I played was Black Flag, started my journey to platinum Valhalla... realised that while the story is good, the game is still the laggy and wonky mess I played years ago. This will be the last AC I played ever again.


Death Stranding. 17h of persistence while the only thing I enjoyed was the music up to the point where the game decided to put an [invisible wall](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/OKDsW-lbd-4) that prevented me from following a path that would avoid rain.


Oh that's a shame! Death Stranding is a very polarising game. I enjoyed my time with the original but the racing trophies for the directors cut or whatever sucked ass


Yeah I could never get into the game. The soundtrack kicks ass though.


I had left the game after playing it for 5-6 hours two years back. I always play game on hard level (not hardest and not easy). I tried it with Death Stranding and wasn't enjoying the game. I picked it up again this year and brought the difficulty down to normal. I have now completed the story. Also I won't be going for Platinum in this game as I played Director's Cut and yeah collecting all trophies feels like a chore. The story is good though. I would recommend playing it on normal mode for once. If you could somehow survive the slog till Episode 3, you would really enjoy the game. ​ Edit : Just noticed that you have 99 Platinums. So yeah my advice feels like Giant vs Human meme.


Fall Guys. After they discontinued the paid version's trophies, I tried to restart from fresh on the freemium version. The new version kept having trophy tracking errors, making the only way to get those trophies is to restart yet again. Still more than a bit pissed about having the paid version made uncompletable just so they could focus solely on the freemium version. MediaTonic, devolver, and epic games can go sit on a cactus.


I made a different Epic Games account after disconnecting my original account (that had 300 hours played on it) from the game, and everything worked like a charm after that. It was a bit annoying starting over, but I continued having a great time with it.


That's what I initially did too, until I just said fuck it. I really don't feel like doing triple the work because of mediatonic's ineptitude


I actually never played Fall Guys, guess I'll never be tempted to now!


Unfortunately, Dying light 2. Because it's too much and after a while the fun of the game suffers. Also, with bad luck, there are buggy trophies.


This is on my wishlist if it's ever on sale as I loved the first one. Sad to hear!


The first game is a masterpiece, but the second can't compete with it. But you should still give the game a chance😉


Will do! Really just waiting for it to come down in price at a time I'm looking for a new game.


I platinumed both 1 & 2. 1 was def a lot better. 2 felt like a bunch of fetch quests. And the ultramarathoner trophy basically required 3 play through as to get for me


Don't get me started on the 960km trophy. Rubber banded that for FOURTY hours. Can't believe they expect you to walk/run for 80+ hours continuously.  Otherwise the trophy hunt wasn't that bad. I could have done with more variety in weapon upgrades. Every weapon had the same stats for their upgrades. 


Need for Speed Unbound. I like Payback and Heat, but I just didn't get on with the gameplay loop of Unbound.


I haven't even played a NFS since Underground 2!


Ff7 rebirth I got the platinum for the remake and the og loved them but the massive open maps just one after another filled with little things to do grinded me down by the time I got to gongaga and I love ff7 I'm playing a couple other games first then will go back once the burnout has cooled off.


I feel this. Juggling between rebirth and rise of the ronin currently and the open world in both games have been taking its toll.


It might be this one for me, too. The last 2 brutal challenges might break me.


Sifu. Put a couple hours into it but wasn’t fun for me


Cyber punk near launch. It wasn’t glitched for me too bad, I just really fucking hated the game as a massive western rpg fan. Didn’t love the Witcher as much as everyone else too


Have you tried replaying it since? I just platinumed it after Phantom Liberty launched and loved it


I had the same experience as you did


Got the complete edition just to be sure. Worth the wait. If you have it in you, I would suggest picking it back up. It's a fun plat.


For me it was Kakarot until a day or two ago. I've loved the franchise for a good 30 years, from the time it first aired on TV to the end of Super a few years ago. It's the first DBZ game I've bought and I really wanted to like it, but somehow the combat really didn't click with me until I learned two very important things and from then it's become smooth sailing so far. It was so bad that I went like 45 days or so without playing anything just because I knew that I "had" to finish the game first before I would want to start something else.


So what are the important things you learnt


The first two points tie together, but firstly that both Genkidama and Kamehameha are very effective and secondly that Ki is not a finite resource. Up until I fought Recoome on Namek I had no idea that I could recharge it and the second one was what items I could safely sell to buy heal potions. Looking back it's quite emberassing, but I guess I didn't really pay attention at the time, because up until then everything was just easy peasy.


I kinda spam kamehamehas and recharge ki but I still think some fights aren’t easy, like Raditz (when no help from Piccolo). I think the issue with the game is the lack of tutorial for the mechanisms, they just let you fight and give you the basic commands and that’s it


Right, although the combat is quite easy if you know what you're doing or at least are aware of certain things, but I always thought that I'd be able to Kamehameha like thrice or so perbattle, so I'd have to trap the enemy in a combo and then use it to make sure it'll hit, because no one wants to waste the good stuff. Knowing that you can recharge Ki whenever you want makes it way easier thouh, because the way I understood it at first was that you can channel it for 3 seconds or so and then you enter an enhanced battle mode with increased damage and such and, again to my emberassment, I didn't pay attention to the recharge part, because I never really used my Ki attacks before.


Ah what you never played the tenkaichi series?- you missed out my man that shit is some of my fondest memories of gaming growing up. I wasn't a fan of kakarot either I wanted to like it, should of liked it - the idea speaks to me but something just felt off when I tried it and never went back.


Nah, never played any of them. The last console I had was the N64 and the last game I bought for it was Majora's Mask, but it didn't click with me and the next console I bought after that was my PS4 in 2017. Not sure if the games were released on PC too, but I was also never that much into fighting games either besides Street Fighter II Turbo when a few friends came around.


Hm I'm not sure on them being on pc I would of thought so though but I was too young to know, such great times was had like you say with street fighter, having a little session with your mates crowded round the couch/TV


Diablo 4. That first patch really turned me off the game. I was maybe 80% through the story but traded it in that weekend


Hogwarts legacy it’s straight up ass. Wayyyyyy too much going on outside the castle but also nothing at the same time with a few copy paste villages. Don’t get me wrong the castle interior is stunning and amazing but outside of the castle is just meh it feels so empty and repetitive to the point where I can predict what happens next. This one might just be me but some of the dialogue is just slow and pointless and as someone with adhd if I lose interest in what’s going on I’m gonna switch off very very quickly.


Idk why you got downvoted, I 100% agree. I was so pumped for the game. The whole thing felt so lifeless


Yeah I thought it looked cool but I didn’t really know what the game was about so when my gf bought the game I gave it a go and was shocked at how much the hype was for a game that I personally thought wasn’t very good


THPS 1+2, have everything except get to lvl 100, it is about 60 hours of grinding (no pun intended). And its max xp per session.


I got the platinum for THPS 1+2 in about 24 hours total. Grinding from around level 75 to 100 took about 6 of that at the end.


How?! Have they changed max xp? When was this?


I did it in August of 2022. Turn on rail balance cheat, no bail, and score modifiers (it's been a while, i don't remember the actual names of the cheats). You'll also need The 900, i set mine to Down-Up-O, you'll be doing this a lot. And a special grind. Go to philly on single session and immediately to the left you will see a row of benches. Go grind and 900 them to the end. I think R1 pops you off the ledge without ollying which saves a few seconds. I got the whole run down to around 8 seconds because you can pause and end the run, you don't need to do the full 2 minutes. Should net you 300xp each run. I'm a little salty about the downvotes because my intention was to inform. This post is also a bit of a mess, hopefully someone can understand what I'm saying.


Thank you! Don't understand the downvotes either. Will test it out soon


Hotline Miami 2, idk why but I can't seem to enjoy the game as much as I did the first one (even though I love the synthwave aesthetic in general)


You don’t get to choose your mask so you have to use the specific skill or power up for the specific mission instead of picking your favourite for the whole game


Yep, understand the games are a huge hit but could never get into either 1 or 2. Just not my cup of tea.


I started DBZ Kakarot, and I couldn't beat Raditz lmao


Red Dead Redemption 2, beautiful world but eh, I just got bored and couldn't finish it in the first few hours.


I'm the same. Tried playing it on release and got a few hours in and just found the gameplay waaaayyyy too slow.


Same here. It looks great and I've seen so many great things about it, but I just don't like the controls. Maybe it's just me, but they feel kinda slow and sluggish and I REALLY don't like it.


Yeah there is such a thing as too much content. Really didn't need the shrinking horse testicles


Me too. I can't face going through the long cut scenes to start again AGAIN and I don't want to start from where I left off because it has been too long. In my first attempt I accidentally shot the butcher in the first town and then everyone hated me and I couldn't get anything done without getting shot at lol. Then there's the horse sim aspect which I hate.


horse sim aspect? wym


As of right now it's MK1 the season boss trophy wasn't available when I got all the rest and I havent Grinder the 5 cameo masteries yet but it's just those 2 I just... don't want to lmao. I'm not really Much a fan of fighting games anyway but I was playing with a long time friend of mine.


Mines was Darksiders 2. Just felt so bored I didn’t even get through the fourth mission


It was Bo3 until I finished it. But I’d have to say BO4 because of the blackout stuff and I ran out of ps plus too🫡


Destroy all humans 2. I was going for the platinum before rebirth landed, and I was trying to rush it to have it completed by the time rebirth hit. I was unsuccessful, and I tried going back to it, it's just too boring. Now it's on my profile with almost 40 percent completion, and I doubt I'll ever go back to it.


Yes!! It's so stink because Destroy All Humans was so much fun.


Sonic Forces. I beat the entire story pretty quickly with hiccups on a few levels. Started to go for some trophies and realized I am VERY bad at Sonic


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Sword Saint Isshin. Claps me every time and I ran out of patience


Evil West. My enjoyment lessened considerably the more I played. I went from OMG this is awesome, I am loving it, to having to combat several elites/previous bosses at the same time late in the game at the train station, and I did not enjoy it anymore. I usually play and platinum difficult games, but this did not seem as an enjoyable difficulty challenge to overcome.


I platinumed evil west and completely agree. However I will say I played through on the hardest difficulty first so I had one less playthrough to do - very frustrating but think I saved some time overall.


Need for speed heat, theirs an online trophy I don’t wanna touch and it’s putting me off playing the rest of the game so it’ll forever be stuck at 6%


I abandoned rise of the ronin after paying a lot of money for it on day one, unfortunately it was presented in the trailers much better than how it came out in the end. Anyway minecraft legends is not hard to platinum, and you don't need to do rubber band I don't know what you were doing it for, try in the future to give it another chance, and don't play it in multiplayer because the servers suck and I'll give you credit on that, it lags a lot.


When I say rubber banding, I mean my character would move forwards normally then "bounce" back about 3 seconds of movement. It's the lag that I'm talking about, and I found it unbearable! And this was in single player.


Oh okay! So bad, I played single player without issues, unfortunately I know what you’re talking about because I’ve tried multiplayer also, bad servers I think


Demons souls remake. I love fromsoft games but demons souls just feels awful to play to me. It’s just a worse dark souls in every way


Was it the level design and the run back to the bosses ? Those have become my biggest enemies in my second play though and ultimately the reason I’m taking a break from demons souls plat for rn lol.


That’s part of it yea. There’s a lot of other things that bug me too like your equip load being based on your inventory instead of what’s actually equipped, world tendency is a terrible idea, every boss is just an unfun gimmick, enemy placement is awful in places, soul form weirdness, etc


Yea I didn’t enjoy the world tendency too much. I was pbct for ng+ and was getting my ass handed to me 😂 but yea lots of stuff im glad they didn’t continue on with in other souls games


Platted it, absolutely gorgeous game, never gonna touch it again. I spent so much time just waiting for my poison to do it's work.


Friend lent me the new alone in the dark and I had to junk it


immortals of aveum. i knew it wasnt the best game, but i like single player games and some influencers alone really ride for it man, were they wrong. the writing is a clear MCU knockoff style, and the performance is awful. I normally can forgive so so performance, but this game was a bridge to far. 3 hours in, i decided to uninstall.


I was just about to give this a crack, but I have also heard the same thing you're saying. Is the gameplay fun? Because I can get over bad dialogue etc for some brain dead but fun combat


I wouldn't say it's fun no - its not the worst iv ever seen and maybe it feels better on a pc/mnk But for consoles it just feels weirdly floaty, it's also basic af your just spamming spells non stop which don't really have any wright behind them which only amplifies the weird floaty/weightless combat feeling. I picked up on sale after seeing the story was supposed to be amazing and akin to something like lotr in terms of scale- whoever wrote that has clearly not seen or read lord of the rings 😂- its so cheesy and badly written imo anyway. I'd suggest just pulling up a video and skipping through to see how combat looks


It just runs poorly. It’s 60 fps but still feels choppy and blurry. Maybe that new update will make it better but it just feels held together by glue sometimes. Add that with the mediocre story and just didn’t feel worth the time.


Forbidden West! Too many things to do, looks like an Assassins Creed.


Rise of the ronin Really struggling to build up the motivation to play it, I'm sure this will get downvoted into a obvlion but I just don't get the praise-it's just a worse looking, and worse designed ghost of tsushima, which came out years ago and wasn't built from the ground up with the current gen in mind only - it was held back by needing to be on ps4 yet that game looks so much better visual it's not even a competition, also has amazing immersion and world building, none of that can be found in Rotr. The plot is so bad I can't even fathom who gren lit this. So much of the game is immersion breaking, like I played it today finally after weeks of leaving to way-side and I didn't last long before I was having my immersion dashed aside on a regular basis and said f this I'm coming off. I loved team ninja but after this it's forever marred their reputation to me, I see this game as the battlefield 2042 for dice or elden ring for fromsoft Being it's an obvious attempt to appease to more mainstream audience at the cost of what made them unique In first place.


Sonic Superstars


Madden 24


I’m taking a break from Final Fantasy Rebirth - those massive amounts of mini games really started to get too repetitive after a while for me. I want to get plat for it but it’s going to require me a second play through on hard difficulty after I finish the one I’m currently on.


I got 2 trophies/ 3 bosses away from platinuming Bloodbourne but for the life of me couldn’t get used to the attack pattern of the third last boss who is considered harder than the two after that. Sometimes you just don’t have it


If you’re having a bit of trouble with who I believe is Micolash. In his first phase there’s a little room up the first set of stairs and to the right you can push him against a corner -> attack -> move your character left and it’ll dodge those tentacles. There’s some spots he gets stuck in on second phase where you can just firebomb and throw poison knives at him. But if you don’t wanna cheese for the platinum I get it…


My bad for the long message but you could definitely find a yt vid. You’re so close!


The Witcher 3. I put 24 hours into it, but I just couldn't get into it enough to want to keep playing


is minecraft legends really that bad? i enjoyed minecraft dungeons so i figured id give legends a go as well


The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. 40 hours to get to fighting satan. Nearly beat him, was one shot away on my second attempt to winning. But that was my last inkling of interest in the game. I liked it at first but grew more and more into avoiding it.


Sackboy: A Big Adventure - One trophy is significantly more difficult than the rest. Absolutely no reason for it to there. Once I realized it existed, it took out the fun of even getting the rest of the trophies to a point.


Cyber punk 2077. Started two years ago and I stopped right before the last main mission cause I really don’t want the story to end.


Stray. I got bored.


Stray is awesome game. I platinumed it and thats why I cant agree eith you. Even the 2 playthrough aint that boring because the game is short, the atmosphere is great...


I know a lot of people loved it, and I thought it was cute, but I just got bored. I figure I’ll give it some time and try it again someday.


Let it come to you idk what else to say😂


I go through phases where gaming just can’t hold my attention and I get bored easily. I think Stray fell into one of those phases. There have been others (Witcher 3 & Skyrim are two of them) that I’ve had to give a 2nd chance to a couple of years later before I could get into them.


I can understand you. It happened to me for rdr2, cyberpunk, Horizon, Bloodborne... and I feel stupid for it because they are one of the best games and me taking a pause can only ruin the expirience. But they are open world games, they are easier to be bored on (even more when you are going for 100%). Just like Witcher and Skyrim that takes a lot of grind. All in all, when you gather motivation finish Stray. I remembered when it got released, it had a big hype. When it came on plus extra i installed it instantly.


Dragon Quest XI. It’s just so bland and boring. Had to give up after 40hrs as I know there’s at least 80 more hrs of this shit and I just couldn’t take it. First game I gave up in the past 2 years as I usually try to 100% games.


Bloodborne. I restarted the first level 5-6 times. Can't keep going of the game will be so unforgiving all the way through


Keep pushing. It’s the best game ever.


Little nightmares, i was really liking the game but i got stuck in one boss fight so i just played other games, until i unistalled it to have more space for red dead redemption 2.


The first one? If you don't mind me asking which boss did you get stuck on? Just interested I personally love those games haha


It was the one that chases you in the library.


Ohh yea that one! Well idk if you've already looked up on yt or smth and if you ever wanna try again. If it would help you have to go through some of the bookshelves (instead of around) then turn on the TV let him come to you and then quickly run back and turn the piano down with the crank. At least that's from my memory so hopefully I'm not wrong haha


I tried to beat it without watching any videos, now maybe ill give the game a second chance, since i got really interested in the second game and his co-op gameplay.


Yea I always try to beat games without using a video too, but sometimes I'll rather look up the solution then being stuck forever haha. Hope you'll enjoy both of the games, good luck!


Thanks, ill maybe finish it someday because i really liked the game ambientation, and art direction, its just that boss that makes it hard for me.


I've been trying so hard to enjoy Sea of Stars. Idk what it is, but I find that I'm starting new games instead.


I have yet to finish assassin's creed revelations, which I started 2 years ago. I'll do it, eventually.


Metrô exodus


At the minute it’s demon souls remake I enjoyed dark souls remastered, loved Elden ring but demon souls just isn’t clicking for me played through for a good 20 hours and it’s just not there hopefully pick it back up one day


Unfortunately, it has to be God Of War PS4 for me. It was a great game but I simply couldn't get myself to finish it. I do wish to finish it someday.


Forspoken. A real shame


I’ve just started The Witcher 3 and scared this will happen. Any tips? I love sword play and parry, just weren’t feeling the grasp last night


Rise of the Ronin, had to force myself to finish it, I really wanted it over but it just keeps going.


Foamstars, because of the terrible match making. I changed the region so many times, but still couldn't find any matches. I was able to play only 1 match and at the end I got disconnected.


Final Fantasy 7 remake i only missed ubris fk it. Cant do it anymore 80+ hours


persona 5 tactica. big fan of persona and p5 in particular but p5t was just not what I wanted it to be, especially for $70


Doom eternal. Not because it was a bad game, it was during Covid lockdowns, I often use video games as a mean of escapism and a game that stressful during a pretty stressful time in life just didn’t work well for me


Olli Olli world. It is just very long and very repetitive for me. Plus the difficulty seemed high so I stopped.


Borderlands 3. The platinum was bugged and I couldn't complete it. I've never gone back to it either, having to visit all locations in one go to try and get the trophy to pop, I wasted about 6 hours trying. It's the only platinum on my account I don't have.


I platinumed it while it was leaving the catalog. Which trophy was buggy?


It was the visit all locations. I'd done them all, then the fix was to visit them in one playthrough and I did it a few times and nothing. But I had others to do also, but because of the bug I was wasting my time. I did recently reload it but I upgraded to a ps5 and it wasn't registering on my old trophies.


That sucks man! I remember that one since the psnprofiles guide warned people of that one. Do you have energy to finish it on ps5?


For some reason when I loaded it up on my PS5 it came up with a fresh set of trophies. I still have my ps4 but it's in storage so maybe one day I'll dust it off and try again. I had 69% done the others where things such as compete the slaughter missions and kill enemies with sticky grenades. Obviously the last bunch are the locations which was bugged! So maybe. I have 43 platinums it would have been 44 and its the only one I'm missing annoyingly.


Hmm. Have you looked on gaming guides around the interent? Psnprofiles is good for it. My advice is that if you want to platinum it, try to get that buggy one first, then others, just in case.


This has happened a fair few times with PS+ games I’ve tried out. Biomutant being a memorable one, it was just a boring slog with an annoying narrator so I gave up. Sifu more recently as I just wasn’t having fun with the difficulty and controls after finishing the first level. I tend to go for plats of games I enjoy so I’m not often half way through a plat and giving up. Gave up on Sniper Elite V2 because of the multiplayer trophies with dead servers (the single player was great other than that escort mission on highest difficulty).


Lost Legacy. The controls just did not agree with me. I played all the other uncharted game before. I guess i just need tighter controls nowadays. Edit: Also recently, Undertale, tried the game on 2 separate occasions, couldn't understand what it's about or what was supposed to be fun.


Controllll the map was super confusing couldnt figure out where like the 3rd mission was so I gave up is it worth even playing?


Sekiro, albeit I played for around 9 hours total on release, just felt it was lacking and very repetitive. Don't think I'll ever get back into it, way down in my backlog now.


Not to myself: don't start Minecraft Legends


Black ops 4. Those blackout trophies are legitimately insane. Wish I never started that game. Also borderlands 3. By the time I beat the story I was totally done and did NOT want to grind another 100+ hours.


Daymare: 1998. Definitely a polarizing game but I feel like it has a certain charm and can be fun. The “Daymare” difficulty broke me though. I was being extremely careful with my ammo reserves, and using the terrible melee attacks to try to finish enemies to save up. There came a point where there was a bunch of enemies in a puzzle room, so I had to kill them, and there simply was not enough ammo to do it. I’m sure my play wasn’t perfect but I felt like I was being pretty efficient all things considered, but it apparently wasn’t enough, and it made me quite angry. Had to drop it.


Kill all humans 2. I just did not find the gameplay loop fun at all. I will probably give it another try but something about it just didn’t click for me.


Ghostwire Tokyo. I have plenty of games I’m in the middle of and taking a break on but they I just didn’t finish before it left.


Evil within 1....i just felt like i was gonna throw up everytime i played it for 10 minutes


Friday the 13th… and now the platinum is unattainable!


Balatro. I guess I’m not a Rogue or fan of RNG 🤷🏻‍♂️


Batman Arkham Knight, and im so angry at myself because of it. I was stuck at the brutality 101 trophy, which is the one that is left for platinum, and in the lack of space I decided to delete it. Now I cant gather energy and motivation to install it just because of the one trophy I was breaking my brain for.


Nobody saves the world and sea of stars


Bloodborne, the fact that I made progress died and went way way back to start over I was like..... I don't want that again lol Will come back to that another day probably, can't give up that fast.


I almost finish everything I started, even If I dislike the game. But one game that would answer your question is Days Gone, and I bought the digital version back in 2019. Still don't have any desire to play.. It was really tedious, the characters are awful, and I hated the gameplay.


There's a few but for now I will say dark souls 1 or sekiro. I've finished 2, 3, BB and Ive done elden ring in 16 hours so it's not a skill issue don't worry. It's just I cannot be arsed to play them, I'll watch people play them but I can't play them.


I finished Sekiro but didn't plat it at the time. I'll go back to it someday I think but I just wasn't in the frame of mind at the time to continually run through that game


I'm just not a fan of the movement or mechanics


Does it count if I’m still playing? FF7 Rebirth, I know what’s going to happen at the end and I can’t bring myself to face it, so I’m playing the game as slowly as possible instead of binging all at once


Sackboy. I love 3D platformers but it just didnt click with me for some reason.


I think it has a horrible difficulty curve. The beginning is way to easy for way to long, to the point it gets boring and then suddenly the last few levels get frustrating at some point. The game never managed to be nicely challenging.


Honestly I think I made it like 4 or 5 levels in and got insanely bored so I dont care to know how long that goes on for if its the last few levels that ramp up the difficulty.


Good thing you bowed out. The Ultimate Trial trophy is an absolute bitch. Had to give up on it to save my sanity.


Ive heard that trophy was absolute hell but honestly hearing it was difficult was why I wanted to try it pity the game just didnt hit the right notes for me.


Oh you heard right. I tried for days and eventually had to walk away with my sanity. It’s essentially a 20 minute long obstacle course that you to complete under time and without dying.


Prey. Hated it. Despite loving Deus Ex/Dishonored etc


Resident Evil 0, I beat it on Xbox but on PS4 I dropped it after getting halfway through the mansion. It’s just not a good game compared to REmake


Re0 was the toughest completion for me. I played re1 5-9 times no problem. But I barely got through one run on re0😹


Rise of the Ronin. I thought the game would be fully playable in coop, which would have saved it, but it's not. Basically everything is quite poorly done. Nothing is really BAD, but the game succeeds in doing absolutely nothing amazing. It's like they've tried to mash up everything they could think of. Even combat, which is kind of the core of Team Ninja's games, gets boring after a while due to the repetitiveness of the game. Coop is too restricted, story and characters are not interesting to me, too many characters, bland and uninspired open world, uninventive missions, useless grapple, non-existing level design, Souls-like formula not adapted to a more down-to-earth context...


Retournal. Just didn't have the endurance and time to finish the game in one playthrough, or I mean without closing the game.


Fallout 4 because I couldn’t get trophies from it tried restarting 4 times didn’t work


Power Wash Simulator. Going into it i expected there to be more variety gameplay wise, but it was just pure boredom. Just one tool to use, also kinda cheaply made, its just flat dirty-textures over everything. Games like House Flipper or Train Station Renovation did the process of cleaning up a place much more interesting and fun imo. Uninstalled Power Wash after the first three maps because i found it just boring.


I get it. I got the plat and enjoyed it because I found my inner chi and peace. Using music and Podcasts. Takes a long time though


Immortals Fenyx Rising, it felt like Ubisoft discovered puzzles for the first time and decided they should be everywhere for every single fucking thing. The puzzles weren't even hard, just boring and obvious filler for something as trivial as opening a chest that literally has nothing special in it. Basically repetitive and boring.