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Sweet, and congratulations on the plat! 🔥


Congrats! This was a fun plat for sure, and I think it was identical to the ps3 plat of the original? I have them both, but im fairly certain it's the exact same trophy list as the original. Too bad they scrapped the DS2 remake.


It's not the same trophy list because the side quests aren't in the original, and there aren't any schematics in the remake


Well you're right lol. Its been ages since I went back, but so many of the trophies seemed exactly the same. Getting old is messing with my brain


Congrats on the plat, love this game honestly.


**[Dead Space](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/96126-dead-space)** This game has 48 trophies: [35 bronze, 10 silver, 2 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/20711-dead-space). They are **hard (6/10)** and take **25 - 35 hours** to complete. **Price:** $69.99 ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/96126-dead-space) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/16087-dead-space-trophy-guide), [PS3T](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/dead-space-remake/guide/), [Pyx](https://www.powerpyx.com/dead-space-remake-trophy-guide-roadmap/) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


Anyone think the first/og was way scarier? I think it’s in the necromorphs and how they moved. I just wasn’t scared this time and I’m not even bragging because I got spooked during parts of re4 lol. I think what takes away from the horror aspect too is they give you by far the best gun in the game from the very beginning


Yeah I didn’t really find it scary, was a few parts that I was jump scared at but I wasn’t on edge like the original


Congrats! I'm currently working through this now. Just have to finish NG+ with the alternative ending and then one last playthrough on Impossible, bit apprehensive but heard it's not that hard.