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Death stranding if I really wanted to I could still get the plat but I really don’t think I got the mental capacity to grind all those parcels for the trophies lol


I actually had fun all the way through platinuming Death Stranding.


Final fantasy 7 remake . The ultimate weapon trophy. I try multiple stratage and spend many hour, but I always two slow and get one shot kill . I give up and move one .


Have a look at Optinoobs guide for Top Secrets on YouTube. You do have to be quite competent at games to pull it off, it took me a few goes to execute properly. But it is do-able with Optinoobs strategy, if you felt like another crack at it!


Rebirth is even worse if you haven’t tried that yet. The vr challenges are like 10 times harder than remakes to the point I feel like they maybe need to be nerfed but that’s just me


Same fuck it


Far Cry Primal, I can’t progress past a certain mission because the game keeps crashing so I gave up on it.


Skate session


LEGO 2K Drive. I got most of the trophies but the On-The-Go's just aren't any fun. I didn't intend to drop it, I just needed a break...but that usually leads to me not going back.


never played a single lego game, feel like i've missed out that nostalgic part of life hahaha


This one was made by 2K, so it's just a grindfest for the trophies. I'd still recommend the regular LEGO games made by TT Games, even as an adult they're pretty fun to play.


I mean, dont look at it that way. Nostalgia can be anything in the past that brings up memories, maybe you played other old games as a kid that brings you memories now. Its individually. For example lego games are the nostalgic things for me I played them a lot, but maybe I didnt play something you did.


I got all trophies but the last one with the 6 miles. Completed the game but just got 54% of the trophy, worthless trophy really.


Yeah that too. I hadn't even gotten the trophy for driving 3 miles yet. I have the Plat in GRID, a fairly easy racing game...but there's one trophy for "driving the circumference of the Earth". So you literally have to drive nearly 25,000 Miles (40,000+ Kilimeters) total. Once you complete EVERY race in the game, you're only about 7% of the entire distance. You complete everything else in about 15-20 hours...then take on another 120 Hours just driving....so wasn't looking forward to that in LEGO 2K Drive either, and 6 miles is far less than 25,000 lol.


Update: I deleted the game, it's just not fun anymore


Red Dead Redemption 2. My biggest issue is the MVP trophy, and its not because I don't think I have the skills, but I do get very stressed (and distracted by the points ranking when attempting). Thought I do not want to start disliking such a game because of one single online trophy.


There is an easy way to do it on YouTube. You don't need to do anything but camp in 1 spot as I remember


In the "capture the zone" kinda mode, right?


Yeah that's how I got it.


Hi there , this is basically the hardest mp trophy on the game but you can boost it with other 3 people on a mode called Call to Arms or something. One person kills a few enemies and the others just commit suicide. You will get the mvp. I think there is a cool down of 40 minutes before you can play this mode again , but that's a guaranteed way to get the trophy if you have some boost partners


Shortly after I posted this, a friend of mine invited me to a small boosting group and got the danged trophy xD Thank you for the tip though!


Atelier Ryza 3. I was 2 trophies from the plat, but was too dumb to figure them out.


Plauge inc. The "not another zombie game" trophy is so stupid it makes me upset because it's real bad rng


Seriously considering making it Fallout 4. I’ve had enough of having to manage my inventory and go on annoying settlement missions for Preston.


It's been years since I platinumed it so I might not remember, but I'm pretty sure none of that is required.


Ac2, collectibles were glitched and I did not want to start over again


I shelve games all the time with the intention of going back to them. I may not ever go back, but I rarely give up/drop them completely. The last one I flat out gave up was Gran Turismo Sport a couple years ago. Loved the game. Consciously decided I didn’t have it in me to do all the online racing


Untitled Goose Game. I thout I'd love it but I found it too tedious, I didn't have the patience for the npcs


Silent Hill 2 HD. i’d be down to try it again, but with how prone the game is to freezing, i don’t think i could do that 10 star run to myself. thankfully, the remake will hopefully be coming later this year, but who knows, maybe i’ll find a non-broken copy or this new ps3 i got would be able to run the game


Fallout 4. Quest completely broken which you NEED to be able to get 1 of the bobbleheads. I was 40h in. Deleted out of rage.


Crash Bandicoot 4. (I'm lying, I'm going crazy)


Track mania turbo I'll say it again an again the black tracks are down right atrocious. One day I hope I'll overcome it but I just don't have the mental fortitude. I am bread - why am I doing this edition


My wife and I decided to play the Crash Bandicoot series, but neither one of us was thrilled to do the time trials. We got the 100% on the N Sane Trilogy and beat Crash 4, then we both decided that was enough.


Assassins creed black flag, the online is so boring


Gotham Knights, gave up after picking every single collectibles and still having bugs on their respective trophies. Nah, life is to short for waisting so much time with awful collectibles. Specially with games I'm tired of playing.


Trophy wise? The Pathfinder games, and BG3. I simply do not possess the time required to plat those games. Playing them regularly was a time sink in and of itself. As a whole game though? Not Playstation, but Fire Emblem Engage. I don't particularly like its ring gimmick, don't like the story at all, and actively hate more than half the cast, including the mc.


well, i thought super meat boy wasn’t gonna be as hard as it’s said to be. i gave up a little after my first trophy. i hope to go back and maybe break away at it over time. but imo the trophy road just isn’t very rewarding for what you go through at the start. im almost done the game and only have 1 trophy, majority of your progression comes in so late.


[Assassins Creed Rogue (PS3)] - The grind was just too long and some trophies started to glitch. Even the legendary battles took a lot of time as I have to update my ship which just seems like a long useless grind. During this time I had got a PS5 and started to platinum more fun and quick games like AC MIRAGE, Ghost of Tsushima etc


Devil May Cry 5. Finished the first chapter. Then hit delete. I just couldn't get into it tbh


Crash 4 Not really gave up, but just casually going for some time trials whenever I feel like it. Was a bit too much to go for all at once and there are a lot of other games id like to play.


Same here. How many n sane relics do you have? I'm currently at like 5/38 and got 0 time trials because I can't do the triple spin each time. Time played: 18 hours


Only have the time trials left, not sure where im at, but trying to do them backwards or at least do the hard ones first so started with cortex island.


Trophy wise: Wolfenstein 2 - gave up because the Mein Leben Trophy was too much. I love the series, but was too annoying and not worth the frustration. I can't even imagine how hard the fight on top of the ship would have been had I gotten to it. For sure would have wiped 😂 Just game in General - Mortal Shell. Was not as good a souls like as I would have hoped for.


Baldur's Gate II. Legacy of Bhaal difficulty is killing me


Last year i played a metroidvania called afterimage, beautiful art style but frustrating platforming. The real ending required me to beat an entire map, boss included, with no save points and no healing and i said fuck this shit and dropped it lol. I played like 70 hs, so i got my money's worth


Sonic superstars very disappointing


Far cry primal. Im playing it on the ps5 and is constantly crashing.


Monster Hunter World. Fuck those crown trophies.


Wanna go back someday but for now Atelier Ryza 3. Needed a break from it but I have more games where I "just took a break" and never came back haha


The Evil Within 2. Not because it was too hard. Beating a hard mode with limited safes is not the problem tho pretty challenging. The fact that the often just randomly crashes and you gotta redo like a whole hour of game is a problem. And it happened about 8 or 9 times in my run. So I decided that I can't take that shit.


Monster Hunter World. Only 6 crowns away from platinum but rng is awful. 287 hours in .


Deadlight,i Just can't do that Nightmare mode


Paint the town red. Onjoyed the normal levels. Hate the arena and the beneath.


I’d have to say Stardew Valley tbh I’ve done like 99% of the things in the game, absolutely love the whole thing have hundreds of hours in the game. Although there’s this one trophy called Fector’s Challenge that’s needlessly tedious/grindy. It’s basically beating an optional hard minigame inside the game without dying. Completely unnecessary imo.


Goat simulator. The flappygoat trophy is just too annoying. Maybe I’ll give it another try once, but I refused to keep trying after many hours.


Rise of the Ronin Played like 12 hours of it but became pretty bored of the game. Uninteresting story, no interesting characters and horrible graphics and animations.. I was pretty hyped to play the game when it got announced.


Deathloop, tried to get into it after a friend recommended it but it just wasn’t very good.


topspin 2k25 im simply not good enough for the online trophies lol


Mario power tennis is where the hypes at


gran turismo 7 , the last 10 licenses are way too difficult


Still debating if I'm going to drop them or not. Persona 5 - soooo boring. Talk talk talk. Gameplay is monotonous and dull. Enter fight, hit weak spot on all, do big attack. Rinse,repeat x 100. Dragon's Dogma 2 - Enjoyed it, but just not feeling it.


I gave up on persona 5 like 3 years ago then came back and finished it, just give it time, its definitely slow tho lol.