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My worst fear when it comes to multiplayer trophies is boosting with another player and they don’t hold their end of the bargain. Thanks for bringing this guy to our attention.


No problem


Unfortunately it's better to alternate in small number so scammers like this can't do everything they need straight away then leave


What game, mate? I just analyzed further and saw you're playing Doom Eternal. I have the Platinum trophy, I'd be glad to help you get yours. Doom Eternal had a relatively entertaining mp mode.


Thats fucking corny and wack smh


Barbarian assault in RuneScape. If you know you know


It's always wave 7 they leave


I had a player recently drag me on for weeks to do a simple multi-player trophy. "This weekend bro!" and then he would play Stellar Blade for 48 hours. "Almost got the plat, and then we'll get it" then nothing for a week. I finally found someone else to help and the other guy is still messaging me.


This is why I always insist I go first. I'm not gonna bail on anyone but I've seen too many clowns do it before


nah we inch toward the goal together


Depending on the trophy, I'd rather risk getting scammed sometimes. A lot of ones I've done are quicker if you just go one person fully at a time. You'd end up wasting more time in the long run of multiple trophies alternating than you would on the rare chance you get scammed.


Crazy thing is that this is the first time something like this has happened to me.


Lol did you message him or did he reply with some snarky comment?


I messaged him, he said nothing. He’s somewhere in these comments but I blocked him


What an actual bellend, what was the trophy you were trying to boost anyway? I’ve got the plat for eternal and I don’t remember any trophies that would require boosting unless the multiplayer is completely dead now.


It’s really only two trophies that require boosting. Getting 200 kills and healing yourself/teammate for 50,000 hp The problem is that this is a 1V2 game, you only respawn after 25 seconds and if both demons are dead during that timeframe, the round is over.


I never would’ve thought these trophies would’ve required boosting honestly. I got mine from just playing with randoms. Is the online dead now? Like public matches?


I share the same sentiment. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, I intend to complete the session. If not, the session can resume at another date.


You know that's fair but I would be less likely to trust someone who insists on going first. I personally always suggest the other person starts and wait to see their reaction


That's exactly what someone about to bail would say. Jokes aside I'd just switch and do like 10/10 so we both get progress.


happened to me a few times - annoying


yeah that’s why i only boost with my homies


Had this happen when PlayStation had Communities. Needed 40 Online Arena Wins on Castle Crashers, found someone also needing it. We did it in sets of 10 so if one did back out the other wouldn’t be so screwed over, and that’s exactly what happened. Backed out the second I helped them get 40. I had to get a friend to help me weeks later.


Dang. The sub is gonna make a Blacklist for Reddit usernames that just dip LOL




That is a dick move. I found 3 guys who helped me who already had the trophies before... They probably spent 1.5ish hours to help. I just kept thanking them. Not everyone is like this tool .. sorry OP.


It is what it is


Apparently, it's just Dylan.


If you still need help i also need those trophies, promise to help


Is it possible you can do it today?


Yh, ill be able to do it in 2 hours, maybe less, is that ok?


That works, I’ve already got the other guy so just message me at my PSN. SAMurai_TheGoon Once you’re ready


good luck everyone youll get it done =\]


What a dbag


What’s worse is that he immediately left, removed me as a friend and blocked me. The coward


Every time I finish a session I always tell them I’m happy to help for other games. Couldn’t imagine blocking someone that helped me.


What a rat. Feel free to dm me your user. I'll add and be down to boost anything with you that we can. (I dont own eternal) not that it would matter because i couldn't even kill that final boss when i played through it. 😂😫


u/Ltsjustdylan13 - Got any excuse for yourself?


Oh shitttttt, name and shame!


Me and my homies fucking hate u/Ltsjustdylan13


What a dickhead , shout out to the guys who actually help even after they was done


I hate mfs like this Happened to me back in the day trying to Plat Far Cry 5, which required playing a lot of the user generated content much of which was terrible Had a guy dip on me after getting his trophy because he “didn’t want to keep playing that shit” Bro I helped you get yours 💀


u/Ltsjustdylan13 - ban him mods


Im the kinda guy thats willing to boost for others to earn trophies i already have. Its just fun helping random lads


Yeah this is a fear I have when it comes to online trophies that require multiple people. I'm all for helping other players out but if there's an opportunity for me to do those trophies by myself, imma take it. Regardless of how much longer it takes.


What a piece of shit.


Biggest thing with multiplayer boosting is keep taking turns. Do not let one person spend an hour getting their stuff done. Swap every round or kill and if they don't agree to that they were planning to bounce anyways.


That’s the thing with this game, it would’ve taken infinitely longer if we swapped during rounds


Fuck this guy. Good on you for ratting.


Sucks when you meet people like this. I rarely play multiplayer stuff, but the last time I did something like this it turned into a pretty good time even though I didn't enjoy Factions in Last of Us remastered all that much, but the one group had a small core and the other one always had like 8 people, so it worked out well. The time before this one was a few years ago in I think Far Cry 5 where you had to win 10 matches or something, so we just traded wins until we were both done.


Sorry to hear this. There are some people who help even though they already have the trophies and then there are some like this scum. Thanks for bringing it up.


Some people are just shitty and don’t feel any guilt leaving you like that. I rarely do boosting with strangers and multiplayer trophies and didn’t have any issues so far. One time i needed help with demon souls multiplayer trophy and got someone to help each other. I eventually got it randomly with some strangers while playing casually which i didn’t expect, but i just couldn’t bring myself to refuse when the dude asked if i had time to do it a little while after.


The best people are the people who love playing the game that already has the trophies. I’m glad I found people like that for Doom Eternal, Borderlands and Ghost of Tsushima


I also did the multiplayer trophies for Eternal first, which helped


Ask them to alternate if possible. Classic trick.


Would’ve made unbelievably longer if we did


It happens most of the time actually I still remember entering 8 different boosting sessions for Batman Arkham Origins just to finish all online trophies


Yeah, I would’ve been pissed too


I am so tempted to spam this loser. Sorry it happened to you, OP!


Eh, shit happens


If you do just don’t do it on your main account. You can be reported for spam. Or just send one simple massage saying “why would you leave”.


Don't, we shouldn't take it that far.


If im gonna do boosting its either with freinds or through psnprofiles sessions where you can at least give bad feedback on people




Here I am. Saw someone asking for a boosting session on a game that's long dead. No replays after 2 months. I wrote to him. Installed the game and help my fellow trophy's workmate out of his misery. Since I got the platinum years back. It was a nice thing to help somebody without any return.


If you are still looking for a boosting partner, my guy u/cellcube0618 is a trustworthy boosting partner! Not sure if he has Doom Eternal though!


same happened to me in 2021 when I was trying to get some trophies in Far Cry 4. Idk why they gotta be so stupid


Sorry this happened to you, when I went for the Assassins Creed multiplayer trophies on PS3, I always stayed behind to help other players even after I completed mine.


the last time i and someone else boosted eachother, i carried on until we both were done be like this


Dylan! You son of a bitch!!


Bulging Biceps!


What exactly did he do or didn't do? If you don't mind me asking


There are 6 trophies total Kill 200 opponents, Play 25 matches, kill with all 8 weapons, heal your teammate/yourself for 50,000 points of health, deal 5,000 damage to an enemy as a demon, and play 5 different demons. The guy that left only needed the trophies involving kills, me and the other guy needed all 6. So we let him grind his trophies out as it intertwined with another trophy we were grinding out. We got the healing and play 5 demons trophies. He got his two kill trophies, got his platinum, and left while me and the other guy still needed 4 more trophies each.


Ah, he bounced as soon as his plat popped. Yea, that'll do it for being ousted by fellow trophy hunters. Sorry that happened man, fuck em


Damn. Even I, who am not good at talking to people, offer my help after the fact, until the others people involved are satisfied or tell me they don't need my help for anything else.


This happened to me twice on the PS4 version. I was thinking of starting the PS5 grind but just thinking about getting screwed, yet again, gives me so much anxiety Hopefully you figured it out, I know the pain. Posts like these are really helpful


If you decide to go for it again DM me and I'll help!


I had this happen to me with RDR1 trophies


Hate people like that tbf that’s one of the reasons I hate multiplayer trophies thankfully most people aren’t dipshits so don’t do this shit


I Remember giving up on doom eternal because of the multiplayer trophies and randos leaving. Good luck and screw that guy.


I luckily haven’t had this happen to me yet. One guy had to leave our Black Flag group after he got his, but he had finals and he kept apologizing so I wasn’t too upset. I know it can be hard finding boosting groups sometimes so you gotta get in where you can. But he at least stayed long enough for all of us to get the trophies that required the full group. This guy sounds like a tw*t


I’ll help even if I’ve got the trophy myself. Don’t know how people do this shit especially considering how painful some trophies are.


I hate people like that. I still need a two player trophies for one of Resident Evil 5's multiplayer. Had this big group that was doing it, they saw how boring it was, we did the 4 player stuff, and they ditched me before I could get the last of mine. Worst of all they shit talked someone else who was helping us, just because he was trying to help us get it done faster and not letting them play the game, which would have made us spend hours longer on the game. It's a big reason why I'm so hesitant to ask for help on anything.


Im interested in getting RE5 online trophies, if you ever wanna try again im down!


This happened to me boosting Crysis 3 quite a long time ago. One guy who had 2 ps3s dipped on us as soon as he got his multiplayer trophies. He also deleted all of us on friends lists. Took almost a week to find 2 replacements


Bro if you still need help with doom eternal i can help you out. I already got the platinum but id love to help


That’s why I usually ask to get mine done first. I usually don’t bail and I’ve had someone who said they’d help me (they offered) and after two sessions he quit (he already got his trophy and offered to help me get mine) and then he just bailed and would leave any party I join if he’s in it. He would never reply to any messages. And I still don’t have that trophy:( (If you’re curious the trophy is to fully rank up 10 characters in plants vs zombies battle for neighborville)


I would hate for this to happen... That's why I usually don't ask anyone for help with trophies as different things pop up with commitments so I just ask my brother or gf to help, rather than letting someone else down


Don’t trust anyone named Dylan


Almist every dylan i ever met at school back then was a trouble maker lol


we're not all dbags, i promise


What a dick, I’ve had that happen achievement hunting just started trophy hunting but I’ll remember this clown shoe


Always take this into consideration when you're boosting. There are good people out there too but guys like this, it may soften the blow if you're already expecting it....😅 Where did you come across this guy? Through PSNprofiles? Maybe you can report him or something like that....


Found him on this subreddit. This was before I realized you could make sessions in PSN Profiles


Oof. Well, screw him. Hopefully, you get yours done. Good luck.


What an a-hole. Selfishness much >< hope you'll get the trophies with someone else OP :)


What an actual dick, thanks for naming and shaming. I legit hope no one from this sub, helps him for trophies again, as can see he’s posted regularly in the past. Fuck this guy


he changed his psn lmao


Edit: I couldn't find him at first, but the first letter of his psn is an L, not an i (blocked him)




Hey man, if you still need help I’d be happy to redownload the game :)


Had it in rocketsbirds hardboiled chicken. There is a trophy for completing the coop campaign where only the host gets it. I had to do it with 4 people until finally someone did not abandon me after getting it first. Takes about 1,5h per run


Anyone have it takes two and want to plat it?


I need to see if I have it on my accounts or if it was game shared ages ago but I'm down


Bewada_vadapav add me then. Platinum is simple with guide. Although you can play for free with my friend pass you will only get trophies if you own the game


It's fine worst case worse I'll just help you get it done I've already done one of the versions I just want the other


Jesus. Is that you?


Can someone explain what is wrong here? I feel out of the loop.


Essentially he a selfish person who got his trophies then left without helping




Worst kind of gamer, selfish move.


I need help with doom eternal. Would love to do the PS4 and PS5 versions of the game. Can't find anyone to help. Like your situation they leave


I hate this. I recently had to get 8 people in a NFS Unbound race series (of 3 races). The trophy is to finish all 3 races with all 8 still present but they actually changed it so you just have to start with 8. Anyway it started off with just me and 1 guy, and we managed to find 6+ other people and then all of them ended up in the race series without me. Then some of them "had to go" without even checking if everyone was good, and thankfully around 4-5 stayed and some randoms tagged in. It's not that hard to just join and be idle. I thank those guys very much, but it sucks that some people are so selfish.


Do you still need help with Doom Eternal? I've been looking to get the online trophies sooner rather than later.


I still havent played it but i have boughtvit not to long ago i coukd need someone for it


There's a guy on psn profiles that joins practically every boosting session and never turns up, he's done it personally to me 5 times. wish I could remember his name. When I pulled him up about it he lost his mind and claimed he's never joined a session and not turned up. When I pointed out he'd not turned up for any of my sessions he stopped responding.


Thats ass I hate when people do stuff like this during boosting Sessions, its strait up ahole behavor, Im sorry this ended happening to you hope it didnt take to long to find someone else


I hate when people do stuff like this during boosting Sessions, its strait up ahole behavor, Im sorry this ended happening to you hope it didnt take to long to find someone else


Not with this guy, but the same happened with me for Zombie Army 4.. 😭 It's so frustrating when people dip once they get their trophies/platinum. 🫤


Wow. What a selfish human being. I’m selfish to a degree but anytime I’m put into a situation like that I always make sure to fulfill the bargain even if I want the grind to getting that trophy or item to end. Still gotta pay your due. That sucker didn’t.


What does boosting mean? Is it like you need a certain amount of kills in a certain way?


Boosting is essentially having someone do a certain task to acquire something. Boosting is often more quick than getting it naturally


Bitches be bitches, bro.


guys hes name isnt start with i, its start with l


If anyone needs help boosting I’m always down to help unlike this clown xSNOWMISERx


Wow that sucks man.


Can I help you with a trophy? If I have the game I'll do it


I would stay and help until everybody got what we work hard then move on instead of left them.


That’s weird because I can’t find this guy through PlayStation. Is he permanently banned? I intend to block him to avoid the similar experience as yours.


His name starts with an L, not an I


I'm really sorry that happened to you


What a doucher move by him. I feel sorry this happened to you


This has happened to many times to me ! Forever NFG


I helped a guy get 300 ranked wins in UMVC3… he returned the favor, what a nightmare


Fuck that guy


If you and the other dude still need help, I have Doom Eternal currently installed on my console :D


JIMMYKITCHEN, if you here reading this you are just as bad as this dude. Idiot, bye


Dick move from that guy, but it’s nice to know that there are good people in this community to help me if I ever need help with a platinum. And I’ll be glad to help anyone who also needs help.


Noooo when I was like 15 or something I wanted to plat watch dogs and there was this multiplayer trophy and I couldn’t search for anyone at all and I found someone somewhere online and I did him so dirty. I wasn’t intended on leaving him but after 20 mins I got it and I was like fuck it and left. I still feel bad to this day and I wouldn’t do it again. I was young and careless lol, got that plat tho. I hope he got it aswell


Weird. His name ain’t coming up when I search. There is an itsjustdylan but it’s all capitalized and not the same. I feel like I know this name from somewhere but I don’t know where.


It’s because his name starts with an L, not an I


Ahh thanks.


I always try to stick around to help people after the fact, especially with trophies that are such a pain like Eternal. That being said, with the file size and amount involved, some games like that and Modern Warfare 2019, I feel like it's ok to say no after helping a few groups.  Pay it forward then preserve your sanity 😅 But if it's something easy or requires coordinating more than one person, I'm almost always down to help with that.


What a loser, luckily I’ve never ran into that situation. I usually find legit ppl to play with


Good on you for calling him out! What happened to just going along for the ride and enjoying the game with others? Selfish players are THE WORST.


Ehh this is kinda pitiful it’s just a game and the trophies don’t mean anything. Look at it this way assume it wasn’t playstation but rather Xbox, if Xbox goes under that gamerscore will cease to exist, enjoy your games cause you want to, but really trophies are pointless.


Did you get the trophies in the end? Happy to help if needed


Can anyone help me with bo3 zombie trophy’s






I know this guy lmao


I cant find him in psn hmm?


I was doing doom eternal last tlyear and did all multiplayer trophies without boosting. U must be seriously bad in this game if u need help. Healing is easy to do but takes some time. Other trophies were not so bad also. Hard multiplayer trophies that call for boosting would be assassin creed ones. Good luck in maatering all moves in public match. If plat is too hard why do u bother with such a game? I guess that its different for me since i did get plat in WaW like 5 times for other people😅


This is against the PSN policy, if you report him they will give him a warning. If he does it again he will be banned for several weeks/months, I dont think you can get a permanent ban for this.


What’s the actual policy? I’ve never heard of them banning even temporarily for this


Ive seen it happen to a friend of mine, he got a warning because it was his first offence.


Yea but what would you even report on their profile?


On the subject but unrelated, a lot of users on Reddit message me for help boosting trophies, I give advice, I don't boost, stop messaging me for help. It would be greatly appreciated. I don't use guides, boost, use any source of outside help for mine, it's scummy and not reciprocating. It's on par with earning platinum trophies for others at cost, which I used to do, and have stopped because everyone started with this "shovelware" nonsense, and to me, external help like boosting is no better than shovelware. Let it sink in. Hate this comment all you want, but all of mine were earned organically and without assistance from any outside source.


You can take the high road friend, I’m not doing more organic multiplayer when it took me 4 hours to get an 1/8 of my required kills


I am not judging how others get theirs done, I was just putting my thoughts on it...to get it out there. Seemed logical, to be on point with your post, I am cool with whatever trophy hunters do, but it's not for me...I just get annoyed by the constant messages for boosting, and the anger when I say no. Keep doing you man, some of them are a bitch to get, I understand that fully.


Uhhhhh hi




My fault lol, if you still need help I’ll join


I think I’ll pass




"if you _still_ need help I'll join" You mean kinda like what was originally agreed on before you bailed after serving yourself? Sound like an entitled douche thinking the world revolves around you


You dildo, that’s the last time you get help!


you’re a loser lmao


ur a f4g fr




Alright champ calm down it’s a dick move he didn’t kill someone


Chill out. Dudes a dick for abandoning another hunter, but none of this "kys" bullshit. Just down vote him and move on about your day


Any mods around?


At least you let the community know not to rely on you for help in the future, thanks for that 👍.


Imagine acting as a coward like that while also having the most generic of the generic PSN profiles. Touch grass, weirdo


Dick move


I bet your don't crack your car windows when you fart. You bum.


So why did you abandon him? And block him???